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I can no longer afford to play



  • rswfiredotcomrswfiredotcom Member Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited October 2014

    /10 characters
    reyan01 wrote: »
    As peetapipmac said; 'and'?

    What difference does either make. Shout "I'm leaving". Slip quietly out of the door. The end result is exactly the same.

    Because his message wasn't, "I'm quitting." He expressed the reasons for his dissatisfaction. He is not unique; others will share the same dissatisfaction as him. It's called feedback, and that's generally useful to have in a company. AND that is the point. I really do not care at all whether you like it or not. He's entitled to his opinion and to voicing it.
  • catjarrettcatjarrett Member Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Because his message wasn't, "I'm quitting." He expressed the reasons for his dissatisfaction. He is not unique; others will share the same dissatisfaction as him. It's called feedback, and that's generally useful to have in a company. AND that is the point. I really do not care at all whether you like it or not. He's entitled to his opinion and to voicing it.

    And they're much more likely to listen to someone who was spending on the game than someone who says they can't afford it, they've never spent a penny, and they never intend to.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    syberghost wrote: »
    And 110 more who join up.

    90 of whom never make it past the tutorial

    10 of whom leave before 50

    9 more who dont spend anything

    1 who does spend a lot and then has their gear obsoleted by moneygrab
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    cryptic is so out of touch with the player base.... I know one grind that the players would enjoy doing... and that is grinding cryptic to a pulp!!!!

    It is no wonder cryptic has an "F" rating with the BBB!

  • ashlotteashlotte Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    >.> *Bought the Lifetime sub... bought the Delta Ops pack... and some outfits.... lots of outfits... and a c-store ship...*

    I... I honestly am not a good example for this thread. LOL :D:)
  • glassguitarglassguitar Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I know pulserazor quite well in game. He is one of the most enjoyable people to team with and fight against. I have to agree with him and those of you who criticize might benefit from understanding something. I feel the same way because before this update I had finished building ships and loadout for ten characters.

    By finished I mean:

    Every single item of equipment for both ships and bridge officers was Mk XII and either very rare or ultra rare depending on which was the highest grade available for that item. 9 of my characters are one ship captains, built to fly a certain ship. My fed tac captain on the other hand has a dozen ships, each with completely different loadouts. I was a massive grind to get there but it gave the capability to enjoy the game the way I like to. Free from worrying about item gathering, I could log on, join a team of friends for PvP or PvE and jump into the best ships to fit the team needs.

    Now with the huge dilithium requirement to use upgrade kits, I have had to back-burner all but one character. Bear in mind, I have enough energy credits saved up that there is literally nothing I can't afford to buy four of. Sadly though, even as I can afford to buy enough tech upgrades from the exchange to easily upgrade all my stuff to MK XIV Epic grade, I can use them because even if I cycle through all ten characters and get max dilithium refined per day, that 80K will upgrade perhaps two weapons.

    Now let's get to the elephant in the room, PvP. Maybe 90% of the people who play this game couldn't care less about it, but for those of us that do, it is likely the only reason we log in.

    Unlike PvE, PvP enemies can think for themselves and adapt. The simple fact is that if player A and player B are equally skilled, the better gear wins the day. Before the expansion and the launch of upgrade system being max geared was simply a matter of putting in some time to get some marks and a reasonable amount of dilithium to buy EXACTLY THE ITEM YOU WANT to outfit your ship or ground gear. No player was edged out because of the size of their wallet. This is no longer the case.

    With a conservative estimate of 500K dilithium to upgrade a ship loadout to Mk XIV without rarity upgrades, the average player is looking at either a months long grind for dilithium or a credit card swipe of $40 - $50 to become competitive. Add another 40-50 dollars worth of dilithium to get to epic and be on even ground with the players that can afford it.

    The great thing about STO for me personally has always been that it was not pay2win like most of PWE's games. Now sadly it is. So before you comment, realize that for players like myself and pulse, playing the game our way means standing toe to toe with the best of the best and letting skill decide the outcome. If you think that Very Rare Mk XIII gear with sometimes flawed modifiers due to the RNG nature of upgrade system will stand up to MK XIV Epic with perfect mods gained through the ability to swipe a credit card, you are dead wrong.

    For a strictly PvE player, yes, the game can still be enjoyable as you spend the next year trying to refine enough dilithium to finish upgrading those ships that were already max geared before DR. If you want to go against the best of the best and succeed you will be waiting til that process is complete. Before DR that wait was maybe a month. Now it is at least 6 without p2w.

    Pulse, I hope they fix this, losing you in game would be a blow to a lot of us who look forward to playing on or against your team.

    Have fun, kill bad guys, Live Long and Prosper!
  • ashlotteashlotte Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    90 of whom never make it past the tutorial

    10 of whom leave before 50

    9 more who dont spend anything

    1 who does spend a lot and then has their gear obsoleted by moneygrab

    And the forgotten -10 who spends a lot, has their gear obsoleted by money grabbing, and still keeps on kicking~

    *Insert well-thought out, heartfelt thread post here*

    Have fun, kill bad guys, Live Long and Prosper!

    That's one of the reasons I refuse to pvp in this game.
  • blakes7tvseriesblakes7tvseries Member Posts: 704 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pulserazor wrote: »
    A lot of fleet talk and frined talk here, idk maybe that is the problem.

    I have been in a few fleets and am in a couple now full of friendly people. I dont want to abandon them but the truth is, I am not getting much out of being with them, all they do is complain about the game, none of them seem to be able to do advanced content much less elite.

    Do you really think that if I got in a fleet of people serious about gear progression and social enough to use teamspeak that I would find the game within my budget?

    I do our fleet XO sold enough dilithium to buy the Delta Pack.
    The KDF Fleet Leader ran Dyson ground enough to buy A JHAS.
    We have a bunch of people crafting making millions.
    The fleet have several people with all upgraded gear.

    The fact is TeamSpeak is not the all, it's the people willing to help and share.
    We changed our fleet years ago from a DPS "out to beat each other" to a teaching fleet.
    It makes a difference when people are helping each other to make millions.

  • johnthomas00johnthomas00 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pulserazor wrote: »
    STO has become far too much money to play the way I want to play on my meager budget of $100-$200 per month.

    The crafting system is a barrier that I just cannot overcome. The resources that will be required of me are so great that achieving the quality of gear that will be required to participate in endgame content are too great for me to get a single ship to that level, on a single character, to say nothing about alternate ships and characters, and weapon loadouts.

    The materials required to craft the items I will need are only available in the content I am aiming toward, even if I were to increase my budget to $300 a month, it would not be enough.

    Before DR, I was satisfied playing 5 characters and gearing them with a variety of ships and weapons, I was content to share the knowledge I had of the game from my investment in it with social fleets, and participate in social activities in sto.

    It seems now that I simply can not afford these luxuries.

    It was fun while it lasted.

    In 1 week with 5 characters capping dilli in the dyson spehere BZ I converted enough dilli to zen to make 1,850 zen. That was just 1 week and an investment of only a few hours and ZERO dollars. If it was refined dilli you need for rep gear.. well 5 characters times 8k refined a day = 40k refined a day and using the exchange you can alter the price to be so low no one will buy you dilli, quickly change to another chacter and cancel the sale and withdraw it and then you have it on the character you want it on (note I do this all the time myself).

    Yes I would gladly get a LTS if I could afford for the benifits and to support the game, but buy zen to change to dilli? Nah... I can get it at a reasonable rate already.
  • ashlotteashlotte Member Posts: 316 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pulserazor wrote: »
    how convenient that you have decided to join the discussion claiming things that you can not prove.

    I am not concerned with your mk 13 gear, thats ez. I want to see your mk 14 epics, or even your mk 14 ultra's and hear you say that they were free.

    Ans I want to see more then one character outfitted this way, I want to see more then one ship per character fully capeable of handling all STO content.

    Yeah, he can prove it easily enough in game...

    And it's perfectly capable of handling more than one ship per character on multiple characters with MK XIV Epics provided that you're willing to take an assload of time doing it.

    You just want your cake and your presents now, birthday boy.

    PerfeCryptic World is the mean fat kid that farts on the cake and steals your gifts :O
  • uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Wow. I spent $50 a few weeks ago during a sale and combined with my dilithium I'm sitting on over 26,000 zen. I didn't even have to spend the $50 and I would have had over 20,000.

    Why would anyone spend $100/month on any game? Even subscription games are at most $15/month and usually $10-12 for multiple months.
  • rswfiredotcomrswfiredotcom Member Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Wow. I spent $50 a few weeks ago during a sale and combined with my dilithium I'm sitting on over 26,000 zen. I didn't even have to spend the $50 and I would have had over 20,000.

    Why would anyone spend $100/month on any game? Even subscription games are at most $15/month and usually $10-12 for multiple months.

    Be grateful we do. It funds these games.
  • uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Be grateful we do. It funds these games.

    I'm not grateful. Rather amused actually. Spend your money however you want. A fool and his money are soon parted. I learned my lesson aboutspending money on free to play games years ago and now I'll spend little to nothing on them, and the little is only for the games I genuinely enjoy like STO.

    Maybe next year I'll spend a little more, if they have another sale. Maybe. I certainly don't feel obligated to.
  • rswfiredotcomrswfiredotcom Member Posts: 262 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I'm not grateful. Rather amused actually. Spend your money however you want. A fool and his money are soon parted. I learned my lesson aboutspending money on free to play games years ago and now I'll spend little to nothing on them, and the little is only for the games I genuinely enjoy like STO.

    Maybe next year I'll spend a little more, if they have another sale. Maybe. I certainly don't feel obligated to.

    I mostly invest in EVE. I only recently returned to STO. But I did make some investments in my characters when I decided I actually liked STO enough to stick around. I think it is rather impolite to call anyone a fool because they spend money on the things they enjoy...especially if they can afford to do so.
  • syberghostsyberghost Member Posts: 1,711 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    1 who does spend a lot and then has their gear obsoleted by moneygrab

    You're advertising in your sig for a game that sells $600 ships, during alpha. :)
    Former moderator of these forums. Lifetime sub since before launch. Been here since before public betas. Foundry author of "Franklin Drake Must Die".
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    syberghost wrote: »
    You're advertising in your sig for a game that sells $600 ships, during alpha. :)

    Voluntary isnt the same thing as obsoleting against your will

    Mechwarrior has $500 golden mechs for whales to feel good about supporting the game, and those mechs are no different from the mechs that you can buy with in-game currency, except that they have a golden material. Not stronger or faster or better anything. That is the same basic way that Star Citizen is doing with their $600 ships, its a way to support the game, a status symbol at most. And none of them are going to come out with Golden II that obsoletes the early mechs/ships.

    Meanwhile STO sells powercreep that explicitly obsoletes everything that came before it. Trying to support STO means you get screwed over next time Geko wants some $$ infusion.

    So good job there on trying to make a point
  • misthollowmisthollow Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pulserazor wrote: »
    You all speak of single characters and ships that you have outfitted, and none of you will provide a gateway link to prove your sucess. I appreciate your encourageing words, but I can not believe they are genuine.

    As I said, I have one character well on the way to the Mk 14 epic I will need to compete and guide friends and fleetmates through content, but a single ship gets boring after a while. I cant play the way I used to play on such a modest budget, and the time gate to do it in is a bit too long, when it will take considerable energy credits and 8000 dilithium per day to merely attempt to get a single piece of gear updated on my way to endgame.

    First, we don't have to prove anything. Second, all it takes is a little time. I know someone that has 34 toons he uses his stipend and dil for zen, every one of his toons has at the very least has rare mk xii gear and he spends no real money

    It can be done!
  • pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Few things:

    This wasnt intended to ba an I quit thread, I find them as pointless as anyone else does.

    'Playing' the game to me meant more then just having one ship and one weapon loadout, and competing with people. I have several characters each with different 'themes' and most of them have a few different ships, each with different loadouts.

    What I enjoy the most is joining a pug group and seeing casual players who probably only play a fraction of the time I do, and know very little about the game, and helping them complete the run. Its a great bit of satisfaction for me knowing that I helped these people, and showing them that things can get done without a Faw Scimitar, etc. Sometimes, I even make friends.

    I enjoy playing ships the way I feel they were designed to play, without min maxing them to death and reducing the game to a series of 1's and 0's. Sure, Chroniton torpedos are a poor choice, and Tetryons are frowned upon, but if I am using a temporal ship, or a tholian ship, I prefer to have it outfitted accordingly.

    That is how I play. That is why I pay to play. I like to run unique setups, canon setups, and make them viable at the same time.

    Now with DR, I feel like I have to commit to one Captain, one ship, and one loadout in order to enjoy gear progression at rate that I find satisfying, that I am used to, that I have been comfortable supporting this game with. I need materials for crafting, materials only available at the highest level of gameplay, but in order to get to that level, I have to commit to one avenue, and I am gonna get bored of playing one ship and one build over and over again. I will have to roll with the dps league people, because they are the only ones right now with the ability to acually complete the runs, and if I see another FAW Scimitar ill probably puke.

    Seems like DR is rewarding the f2p player base who will only play one ship because it is the best, and I am not even sure the peopel making money from people like me realize it.

    I guess the way I play and the way I choose to spend on the game doesnt put me in the target market, Gecko has said as much. They are aiming at the peopel who will come in, drop a 50 sheet, play for a couple monts, and never return.

    I cant afford to play the way I played before, and I am suprised after paying into the game as much as I have that I feel like I am being punished, while I am surrounded by people who boast about paying nothing, and are having a great time. You can call it entitlement if you want. Just dont call it entitlement with the same breath you use to boast about never paying anything to play the game, because you wouldnt be playing the game at all if no one paid to play it.

    I didnt anticipate this. Its my fault.

    I didnt say I was quitting.

    But I did imply that I wasnt going to pay, since the reward isnt there anymore.
  • notapwefannotapwefan Member Posts: 1,138 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    100 - 200 USD on game / month?

    You are rich man..awfully rich.
    Someone give his address to IRS or ask FATCA/FBAR guys to check him :D
    Grinding for MkIV epic gear?
    Ain't Nobody Got Time for That

  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    For me any kind of reasonable investments (time/money) into a game are justified for as long as I get the stuff out of it as I subjectively see fit.

    Unfortunately Cryptic patched that out as well less than 2 weeks ago.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • uryenserellonturyenserellont Member Posts: 858 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    I mostly invest in EVE. I only recently returned to STO. But I did make some investments in my characters when I decided I actually liked STO enough to stick around. I think it is rather impolite to call anyone a fool because they spend money on the things they enjoy...especially if they can afford to do so.

    Of course it's impolite. Some people think we should be grateful that they waste tons money on videogames. I'm not talking the occasional purchase, I'm talking like $100 per month or some other crazy amount on what is essentially a childish pursuit. I find that amusing.

    I'm not totally free. I've spent some money on this game, maybe $150. I may not spend any more with the direction they're taking. They're trying to encourage people to spend money by introducing massive dilithium sinks and reducing the rewards of our favorite queues. For someone like me that has the opposite effect.
  • knockyknocky Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pulserazor wrote: »

    I didnt say I was quitting.

    But I did imply that I wasnt going to pay, since the reward isnt there anymore.

    I am not implying anything. I hope that PWE enjoyed that thousand they got from me, they will not be seeing another dollar without a serious mea maxima culpa from them.

    Hell, I am not even one of those people that got rolled back. I am still lvl 58 on the one (and only one now that they punish having alts with that R&D BS) toon (yes...toon ;)). I am pissed what they did to others for simply following human nature down the path of least resistance.

    Labeling longtime existing gameplay as an exploit is complete and utter BS.
  • jacknm1jacknm1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Jeryn buddy, all I can say is me too....

    For all these people saying oh I can do this and that for free, its so easy...blah blah blah

    Yea of course, but its gnna take a lot of time and then some more time, me and pulserazor and others were big parts of the pvp community, most of you berate us, call us whiners or that we are so small we dont matter....you know the usual.

    Me and pulserazor have been playing this game a long time and we know the ins and outs of this game, resource grinding, all the PvE content, playing the exchange....and as pvp'ers we probably know a little more than the majority of the player base due to how we look at the game mechanics, stats, buffs, etc... (I did say majority not all before people get on their high horse...)

    Look at my sig, you can see how active I was and I know I need 3 or 4 toons to compete in PvP effectively and to fulfil any role my team needs be it damage healer, debuffer or a mix. Which means I need to at minimum upgrade 2 toons simultaneously or forget about being a multi-role player and they need the best gear or near best to be competitive against other pvp fleets. Not to mention I've got nearly every ship in the game and they'll all need upgraded if I plan to play em.

    PvE content in this game is dull and boring, even at elite level, it always has been for me at least, and PvP gets no incentive which is why most of you probably don't play it and now for me it's simply not feasible to play pvp unless you spend a lot of cash or spend 8 hours a day on it to grind and thanks but I got a job already...

    I'm taking a break from this game now because I don't have the money to spend any more nor the time to invest in grinding. I've got a LTS and probably spent in the region of £2500 Total - £70 ($3200 - $110) a week on this game (not every week). For all of you who think I had too much money your probably right....but the players like myself keep the servers going (to which there is no denial....but I have nothing against f2p players as thats how I started out).

    Id grind for dili and equipment if it was worth it and if it was at least fun (<- Thats my key point, its not fun doing the same missions over and over again for months and months only to get good gear and carry on doing the same old TRIBBLE), but after Christmas there will be new stuff, and Fleet T6 ships, so you guys will have to start grinding for them soon before you've even got your gear up to scratch, and by then there will probably be some new gear for you to start grinding for. The power creep with this game never ends and the Dev's thought adding a new level cap would solve it....lol these dev's clearly went to a business college and not game design.

    So after all the money I've put in I either need to fork out 2000 Zen to upgrade my ships I've already paid for in cash or buy a T6 Ship (yes grinding dili for me is possible, mining claims on 8 toons so thats 64K Dili Per day).
    ^^ this is just a little Pet-Peeve of mine, like I'm a wet towel full of money to ringed out, not really to do with why I'm taking a break.

    It saddens me at how the game has turned out, I'm gnna take the money as a loss and move on (did so a few months ago to be honest due to the lack of Dev support for PvP and utter disregard for the game mechanics, PWE shaking the hell outta my wallet was just the final straw).

    Interpret this as you will, I haven't and I'm still not making a big song and dance about me taking a break or "quitting", But I had to stick my 2 cents in and stick up for my buddy :).

    As for the Door hitting me on the way out, I'll have no problem with that, PWE want another 2500 Zen to put a door there in the first place which I haven't done.
    Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
    PvP Boot Camp Coach
    STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
    /channel_join OrganizedPvP
  • aureleusaureleus Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    pulserazor wrote: »
    gateway link please

    I've also have not spent a single cent on this game and I have managed to become one of the strongest members of my fleet. So Griping about not being able to *Afford* to play STO any longer is just a sad attempt at trolling, Seriously.

    I have gotten Several C-Store ship packs, which include, the Andorian ship pack, Scimitar pack and recently the DR Operations Pack. Ya sure it took me a long time to get enough Dil to trade it in for Zen but I was Patient and got want I wanted, so there is no reason you couldn't do the same.

    You want a Link to my Gateway ? Here ya GO!

    If the Link for some reason doesn't work let me know :D.
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    when somebody says he can't "afford" a f2p game anymore because of a patch, you just know something is definately wrong with the guy, no matter the explanation.

    gambling addiction at it's finest, get your life together, don't blame a game for YOUR problems
    Go pro or go home
This discussion has been closed.