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attizz Arc User



  • Log out? My teammembers would be very pleased I think... Today I really tried not to stealth away with a pug-team. We managed to get 2 sabs, some of the other guys didn't even know where to find them, 2 not listening to the chat. I don't see how that could help someone more then the over way.
  • Lol, i hope i will pug with you sometime. You will scream your head down :D. I usually use stealth with my tac and go clockwise. With two tacs teaming up together it is no bis deal to take out all of the sabs. And I never heard somebody complaining that I did the job, especially after seeing groups fighting enemies without…
  • I think the major problem is the BoP, because when you come from Fed you are not trained to use that kind of a ship. Most of the Fed-Escorts can stand an enemy long enough to kill him, the BoP is different.
  • :D, nice work! I just was attacked with my Klingon main on a fed-ship by the transporter guy.
  • Ok, I understand Borg and Tholian, but Undine? Is there a mission I did not found? I just know the fake DS9 mission as endgame and there is not really much to get out of it. Ground Borg sounds amazing, can you ask your friend for the name of the doff please?
  • Don't forget the cadetmission. One of our fleetmembers stood infront of a nearly naked orion and there was nothing wrong with her dress...
  • Very good guide. Just one thing I didn't heard in the video: In every pack you have two ships, which can't be distracted from attacking the freighter. All others will attack the player. So concentrating fire and abilities on these two enemies will save the freighter. Great work!!
  • One week gone and still no fix. You guys worked on the academies, but the bug was not included. I hope you will do it before the next special project is started, because my dilithium is very low now.
  • It's just not working. There is no requirement or anything else and it is just a rare mission. I have 4 or 5 open now and my med went to rank 4 but i could not find 2/2 of all these mission. Found 2 very rare borg drone-missions in that time.
  • Yeah, the best is that these thing was not something new for them. It really should show up in the feature list of season 6.
  • Huh? But because the DPS of my escort is higher, my "DPE" will be higher then others too? ??? Of course they did, its their job to kill the big babies ??? Higher DPS (or DPE how you want to call it) means faster destruction of the big enemies with the big weapons. Other ships with lower DPS are better in attacking smaller…
  • Nobody can, it is a feature of season 6 :D
    in Hello Comment by attizz July 2012
  • No I don't think it is so clever to just wait for a reply. We didn't get one in both posts. Oh and I want my 900-something dilithium, which i could not get the last two days. If necessary i post the whole forum full till this bug is fixed!
  • Surprise its not working :D
  • Same problem here, some exchange consoles are not working too, but only on kdf.
  • The server is up, it just don't let you in :D
  • I think the Dev's are playing alone now, not realizing that our normal gameplay is affected :rolleyes:
  • Very funny: STO site is down for maintance, normal gameplay should no be affected. I try to log in: STO is closed for maintance at this time.
  • I was speaking about the series :D. What do you mean with a traditional pirate?
    in Piracy? Comment by attizz July 2012
  • Orion Pirates? There are some Orion doing this, but not all of them. That is true for the Nausicaan too like in ENT. So i don't get your point. They are both not members of the federation.
    in Piracy? Comment by attizz July 2012
  • I don't know if you can get green or blue form Stass, but on military you can get a purple Klingon female officer.
  • Yeah one of my top 10 failures in this game :D I' am totally surprised when I hit SECURITY escort and get 8 of my commanding officers beamed to the ground instead of yellow-shirt security officers. Ok the Redshirt-joke is funny, but thats too much.
  • Most of the time it where the normal gamma quadrant races: Cardassians, Paradans, Karemma... I got one very rare Jem'Hadar and I'am sure that Vorta are possible too.
  • A federation pirate? A really useful idea and totally Star Trek :rolleyes:. Next the Klingons will withdraw from battles because they fear the enemy. The Ferengi will donate all their Latinum and build a communistic society. Vulcans will become famous party beasts... If you want to have such features don't play STO. It…
    in Piracy? Comment by attizz July 2012
  • You are right, I'am sorry :). In episode 1 and 2 of season 3 (DS9) it gets clear that the Klingon space is not far away from Bajor.
  • Hm, the Romulans and the Klingons have a direct border in the game. From Omega you have to flight to Pi Canis and then directly to Psi Velorum. And speaking of borders in space is a little bit difficult, because it is endless in all directions. How do you secure such a border? Here is a map:…
  • You can still buy it on exchange.