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  • I really like the idea. Art assets for external -- for good or interesting looking stuff going on in system -- and different types of interiors would be quite fun.
  • Thinking about how once projects are completed -- until more pop up next season or whenever -- fleet credits dry up, it seems like something such as "Fleet guesting" could use an implementation. Essentially permitting people to stay with a primary Fleet, but also take on a role in a secondary Fleet in order to pour into…
  • The ship's size has always suggested to me a smaller crew -- in fact in Voyager these ships often seemed to have small "packs" of Hirogen on them anyway. Perhaps the Alpha quadrant captains who have picked them up prefer to stuff crew in like sardines because the technology is too alien for one damage control crew?
  • I know that I've gotten stuck in a parking lot with the Scimitar a time-or-two and after trying to fly out (with varying values of success) got a PM from one of the ships I bounced off filled with laughter. The wings make moving in sector space extremely unwieldy. However, the bird is gigantic and it is a dreadnought so…
  • The innate stealth is interesting, but it certainly fits the whole "long range" motif (i.e. it's not an up-close cloak.) I am amused still that it has something of an effect in PvP to give a tiny bit of a surprise factor. I don't PvP enough to speak to that culture; but in PvE it's more or less not much of a change.…
  • This will only get weirder before it ... No, not sure where I was going with that one.
  • I have not heard of any ... yet. Although, I do get my carrier fix in by owning an Atrox, a Tholian Recluse, and the Obelisk carrier. I've ended up keeping to the Recluse because it's just pretty -- but it would be interesting to see where a carrier would go on the Fed side without having to borrow/steal it from aliens.
  • Happy new year, rushnor.
  • I rather enjoy the idea of reputation-line ships. It would definitely put something that is a very important piece of equipment for most players into the reputation (grind or no). I certainly enjoy the game for ships. Although, the problem that I see arising is that the end of any one reputation line may only unlock one…
  • I am there with szerontzur; this doesn't feel right and it doesn't fit Cryptic or PWE's marketing strategies in the past. The antagonism makes sense in character, however, but this just doesn't quite make the grade.
  • Fishing would be a very nice touch for Risa -- and a reason to return there when there's no event going on. Many MMOs have some sort of a fishing mechanic to give people who are looking for a casual way to experience the game (and explore for the case of WoW.) STO could certainly do with some sort of fishing on Risa.
  • MOAR Gravity Well aftershocks! No, I'm kidding, I haven't yet picked anything that makes me feel good about slotting that yet. I'm sure something or someone who does more things for me when I trigger an Emergency Power will be my best bet. I am constantly needing some extra boost or something to clear up status effects.…
  • Well, at least I guess it looks neat.
  • On the subject of other planets. A rotating skybox would be an amazing feature -- but I don't know how easily that can be implemented with the current game engine. Noting that certain planets will spin at different rates (some faster some slower) and have different star configurations--red stars, binary stars. It would…
  • I agree, a cloak is really not Federation style. (...and then there's the pesky treaty.) I think that something like a toggled holographic displacement is more likely along the lines of what Federation does. Look like a small fleet and force the enemy to choose a ship to fire on. Energy signature masking to not show up on…
  • I suspect that the Federation's capability with holo-technology would be good for this. A "cloak" that just makes the ship difficult-impossible to target while projecting multiple holo images of the ship. The images can be targeted, cannot be destroyed, but also don't shoot.
  • That is surprisingly cool.
  • The idea of a revamped Academy that has night and day would be very nice. Especially if it could be used to produce different scripted events that had people come onto, or exit from, the grounds -- gather in the front rooms, move around as if they're going to classes, etc.
  • Kudos on that reference. I loved Riker paraphrasing that and the would-be power of that console is hilarious.
  • The whole flanking mechanic does make the Plesh Brek feel like the assassination rogue of the escort bunch -- although it does mean running around people with wide berths and letting teammates take the brunt of an engagement. I can see it working out extremely well with good communication and competent teammates. I haven't…
  • Been a good week for submissions, going to keep collecting up until the end of the winter event. So if you'd like to talk about your experience, please come along and tell me about it! :)
  • I keep hearing that we might expect the ship "classes" to get a little more unique, and that science ships might just get a second deflector slot. In fact, I realized, I haven't noticed that they have a second deflector. Do you have a quick example?
  • I loved my Atrox, but I haven't flown her in a very long time. I wouldn't say that cat carriers are all that bad, but for the first carrier I got to actually use in the game, I rather enjoyed the experience. In truth, as a science-based carrier it felt more like a work in progress examining how to build something with a…
  • I am pretty certain the new (old?) adage, "WoW will kill itself," is really the only way this title is going to go away. It's had so much inertia for so long it's going to be difficult for any new game to pry it from the cold, withered hands of its fanbase.
  • I am so close to that being my ground crew as well. It should look like a terrifying menagerie of "tamed" Star Trek foes.
  • The scary face-spiders, I think, is one of the better things about the addition of the Elachi. I haven't seen them much in ground combat, but that, I think, caught me off guard the first time. I am also extremely amused by this gets-bored-walks away AI bug.