Omega Force Frigate
-Any faction
-Rank Vice Admiral / Lieutenant General / Subadmiral 3
-Available at tier V Omega Reputation
-Weapon slots: 4 fore, 2 aft
-Hull Strength: 24,750
-Shield Modifier: 0.9
-Crew count of 100
-Device slots: 3
-Base Turn Rate: 20
-Impulse Modifier: 0.2
-Bonus power: +10 weapons, +10 shields
-O.F.S. (
Ship) prefix name option
-Can load dual cannons
-Advanced comm array commands "Weapon System Efficiency" and "Strategic Maneuvering"
-Sensor Analysis
-Exclusive bridge
-BOFF Stations:
Lieutenant Tactical,
Lieutenant Engineering,
Lieutenant Science,
Ensign Universal,
Commander Universal
-Cost: 5,000 Omega marks, 20 Borg neural processors, 60,000 dilithium, 300,000 energy credits
Republic Alliance Warbird
-Any faction
-Rank Vice Admiral / Lieutenant General / Subadmiral 3
-Available at tier V Romulus Reputation
-Weapon slots: 4 fore, 3 aft
-Hull Strength: 27,000
-Shield Modifier: 1.1
-Crew count of 700
-Device slots: 2
-Base Turn Rate: 16
-Impulse Modifier: 0.2
-Bonus power: +10 weapons, +5 engines
-R.A.W. (
Warbird) prefix name option
-Can load dual cannons
-All 5 singularity abilities
-Exclusive bridge
-BOFF Stations:
Ensign Tactical,
Commander Tactical,
Lieutenant Engineering,
Lieutenant Science,
Lieutenant Commander Universal
-Cost: 5,000 Romulan marks, 20 Romulan honor medals(idk?), 60,000 dilithium, 300,000 energy credits
Nukara Strike Force Support Ship
-Any faction
-Rank Vice Admiral / Lieutenant General / Subadmiral 3
-Available at tier V Nukara Reputation
-Weapon slots: 3 fore, 3 aft
-Hull Strength: 31,500
-Shield Modifier: 1.5
-Crew count of 250
-Device slots: 3
-Base Turn Rate: 14
-Impulse Modifier: 0.15
-Bonus power: +15 auxiliary
-S.F.S. (
Ship) prefix name option
-Subsystem targeting
-Sensor Analysis
-Exclusive bridge
-BOFF Stations:
Lieutenant Tactical,
Lieutenant Engineering,
Ensign Science,
Commander Science,
Lieutenant Commander Universal
-Cost: 5,000 Nukara marks, 20 Tholian artifacts(idk?), 60,000 dilithium, 300,000 energy credits
Dyson Joint Command Cruiser
-Any faction
-Rank Vice Admiral / Lieutenant General / Subadmiral 3
-Available at tier V Dyson Reputation
-Weapon slots: 4 fore, 4 aft
-Hull Strength: 40,000
-Shield Modifier: 1.1
-Crew count of 2,500
-Device slots: 4
-Base Turn Rate: 9
-Impulse Modifier: 0.15
-Bonus power: +5 all subsystems
-J.C.S. (
Ship) prefix name option
-Advanced comm array commands "Weapon System Efficiency", "Shield Frequency Modulation", "Strategic Maneuvering", and "Attract Fire"
-Exclusive bridge
-BOFF Stations:
Lieutenant Tactical,
Ensign Engineering,
Commander Engineering,
Lieutenant Science,
Lieutenant Commander Universal
-Cost: 5,000 Dyson marks, 20 Voth cybernetic implants, 60,000 dilithium, 300,000 energy credits
My older suggestion threads (dead threads; do not post in them!)
Orangie's Suggestions - Brandon and the U.S.S. Avenger NCC-97500Orangie's Suggestions - Crewman SystemOrangie's Suggestions - ChameloidOrangie's Suggestions - Sub-FactionsOrangie's Suggestions - Fleet HoldingOrangie's Suggestions - Zen Store GiftsOrangie's Suggestions - Non-Combat GameplayOrangie's Suggestions - Celestial & Envoy Saucer SeparationOrangie's Suggestions - Cardassian FactionOrangie's Suggestions - Klingon Blood ColorOrangie's Suggestions - Mission Pod Slot
However, you've glossed over one very important issue - why would Cryptic make these available through the Rep System when they can stick them in the C-Store and make money off selling them?
Not to mention it's asking quite a lot for these ships. Exclusive bridges? Most C-Store ships don't get those these days. Frankly, i'd prefer they do what they did with the Voth Rep - add an exclusive Boff to T5 Rewards. For the Romulan Rep, it could be a Rom/Reman with faction-specific allied-costume options. Borg could be a Tactical Borg Drone.
Nukara...Tholian Boff, anyone?
Well, why shouldn't kdf and fed have access to a romulan ship? Romulan characters have access to fed and kdf ships.
Not top-tier ships. Max Level Roms can only use their own T5 ships, not those belonging to their allies.
On top of that, it's a bad idea to start giving one faction access to another's (or ships that are like) T5 ships. Then the factions blur into one and it's going to be pointless to roll anything but a Fed. Warbirds are part of what makes the Rom faction unique.
Besides, what other kind of ship would be offered by New Romulus? It's not like they have the manpower to create the tech.
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The fact that Cryptic have set a precedent for this kind of caper does not make it any less of a bad idea. Using the Plesh Brek to "fine tune" the Raider mechanic is a poor excuse, and that sort of testing should be done on the Tribble Servers and then added to KDF ships once that testing was complete, and the Brek should simply be a nice free Xmas frigate.
That being said, just because they did that, does not mean we should go around suggesting they do it again. Two wrongs not making a right, and whatnot.
Bear in mind that the Tal Shiar Adapted ships are cross faction Romulan(ish) designs that don't use singularity cores, and subsequently don't benefit from Singularity Powers. So there's plenty of room to do this without sacrificing the integrity of the Romulan faction.
As I say though, my point about the C-Store still stands.
What's your suggestion then? Just remove the sing core and swap it with a matter-antimatter one?
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Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
This. A hundred times this.
Why is the Omega Ship not a T5 like the others? The way you have presented it it looks more like a T4.5 ship.
The Romulan ship would have all 5 singularity powers as long as you maintin it has a Singularity and not a Warp Core ike the Tal Shiar ships.
Listed ship categories: Omega - Destroyer, New Romulas - Warbird, Nakura - Science/Support, Dyson - Cruiser?
Overall good concept but why not use Scorpion Fighters instead of 20 Romulan honor medals like is done with many other Rep tasks? Similar could be used with Nukara.
Frigate, not destroyer. Assuming "Frigate" becomes a playable ship class in addition to a pet or NPC type.
Scorpion fighters are Romulan currency? Since when? :eek:
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Look at what playable ships are called frigates when appearing as NPCs. The Miranda-class, B'rel-class, and now the Plesh Brek-class. (I'm skipping the T'varo because warbird classifications are weird.) The first is considered a light cruiser, the other two are "raiders" (which amounts to an escort skewed even more towards the glass cannon end than usual). They'll probably call it one of those.
Also, as a counterpoint, I present someone else's vision of a cross-faction Omega ship: The Valentine-class. (However, I would prefer a cruiser/science ship for that.)
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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Typoville. Population: Me.
I don't think what NPCs are called is a good indicator of what player ships will be called. An NPC Vo'Quv is a dreadnought. A player Vo'Quv is a carrier. An NPC Nebula is a cruiser. A player Nebula is a science vessel. But both dreadnoughts and cruisers are playable... just not of those classes(yet)
No rhyme or reason other than what enemy needs to be placed against the player that certain time.
Sounds kinda pimp, though I'd contest that remark that the Borg doesn't use cloaking devices by pointing out Donatra.
And honestly, I could picture my stat idea used for the Valentine-class, more or less...
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It also traded in a LTC BOff! Traded off LTC BOff, Hull a console and a weapon slot for Dual Cannon option, 2 Cruiser commands and a sensor analysis. I would never want to spend the requirements on this even with a Uni Com.
So what is the Frigate classification?
Scorpions and other actual Items are used to get Hanger Ships and whatnot could be viewed similar rather than introduce a new item to aquire.
Exactly. Especially on the KDF and Romulan portions, but that's a topic for another hundred threads.
Technically a LtCmdr is also traded, but it's actually downgraded to a third Lt station. Keep in mind though, a commander universal(and the ensign universal) makes the ship amazingly flexible. Though if you have an idea to make it what you think is on par with other fleet-level ships while still retaining its versatility, I'm all ears.
My vision of a playable frigate classification is a ship that is weaker than others of the same tier, but is versatile enough to be a tactical ship, an engineering ship, or a science ship in any given session.
I'd rather introduce the new item. If handled similar to Voth implants, a daily run of the rep content in question would provide you with more than enough for the rep gear and plenty left over to convert to dilithium. Of course, it would also require implimenting a battlezone for Romulan rep, at least to be interesting enough to play daily...
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Weaker yet versatile enough to fill any role? It sounds contradictory to me, but believe you mean weaker in the role yet able to adapt to any role. Why not offer 4 BOff slots all Universal? That way the ship truely can be whatever you want it to be but still be limited it what it really is. You have the Manuverability of a Escort, Cruiser and Science ship abilities and you can set your BOffs to fill any role. So you would have a Commander, LtCmdr and 2 Lts. I would make the weapons 4 fore, 3 aft and maintian the 3x each consoles.
Additionally I would suggest to add Onboar Amenities based on the group that grants the ship.
Comparing it to raiders, it seems kinda overpowered. An extra aft weapon and 2 comm commands seems like it outweighs a mere flanking bonus... maybe.
Maybe a standard innate cloaking device for alpha strikes...?
That's not a bad idea, actually. For the ship's sake though. Making that ship ability so widely-available would kill the Tuffli/Marauder/Cellship market, I'd imagine.
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Raiders have the advantage of cloak which this does not.
With the last part if you gear the interior to the Rep offering it and the fact that these are functional ships they could differ enough from the cell, tuffli and dakora that the other ships could be desirable for what they have to offer internally. Additionally unlike the others you can't switch from these ships to any ship like you could with the reward ships.
I'm not sure what you mean by that last sentence.
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Although, the problem that I see arising is that the end of any one reputation line may only unlock one ship and that could get weird for people who fly escort, cruiser, sci-ship, carrier, etc. to end up unlocking a ship they don't want at the end of any given line.
Well, being honest, there's no reason a "multi-faction available" Warbird, would have access to singularity powers or cloaking, either. In return, it could have more "normal" power levels. And maybe some other gimmick to it, to make it a fun ship. Just hope it wouldna be a huge monstrousity, much rather have a small to mid-sized, sleek look to it.
But honestly, if they ever made "rep ships", I would hope they would make more than one, so you could pick between escort/raider type, cruiser/battlecruiser, or sci or carrier or utility carrier ship. Because, in my opinion, at least, pigeon-holing a type of ship, to a particular rep, would be kind of a bad idea, with maybe the exception, again, of the Warbird, as that would more or less have tendencies, but it's overall class is "Warbird", lol. Maybe make 3 variants of it, where one has seating appropriate to an engineer, one for tac, and a third for sci?
butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
Temperance Brennan, "A building"
Also, the Tholian Tarantula would be a better ship for Nukara, we already have a tholian science ship, don't need another.
Sorry I don't recall seeing you suggest a cloak on it, but I don't like the idea of an Omega rep ship with a cloak. With the Cell and Tuffli you can go to the ship selection on the bridge of these ships and select to activate any ship in your docks. If you are in a command ship and go to your transporter room to the small ship selector you can select the Cell and Tuffli even though they are not small ships. You wouldn't be able to do that in these rep ships.
IMO using the Fleet Modules makes it a bought ship not a reputation ship. Earning the rep with a group should allow you to access a "free" ship.