zelts Arc User


  • I sent a couple of tickets and all I got back was this ::::: We are aware about the fb89 bosses not dropping the books and about the wings upgrade problem :::: That was it.. not a thing about fixing it.. just.. they know.. So yeah they know.. they just dont _______ .
  • Those 2 books should be dropping in fb89 dungeons by the tons.. But they dont.. it's frustrating as hell .. Already sent tickets and the only reply is . . ''We know about the books not dropping from fb89 bosses and the Flying gear upgrade problem for Tideborn'' that's all I got.. Just that 'they know' .. not a we will fix…
  • - Was a very well tought event, and I enjoyed it Even Tho and AS EVER .. the greed of many ruins .. just ruins the whole universe.. greed greed human nature.. as ever .. as always ..
  • See this?? that my friends is playing for Greed.. Take it as an example of what TW has been meaning for persons like this one here. ---Everyone can say whatever they want but the Fact of the Matter remains :: This change will show who is in it for the Fun of TW'ing and who is in it for the money :: IF you were in it for…
  • There you go!!! .. :D No money for charms then dont use em.. go and actually die in tw for once in your lifes.. lol! Great awesome changes b:victory
  • How about you play without charms and make TW more competitive and fun .. Oh no way cuz you love to just sit on your chair and let your charm and your +11 gear do the work for you Right? Dont listen to these greedy people PW .. Changes are for the Best and the most Fair ..
  • I already posted on the other Thread but .. I'll do it here and my opinion on the changes is just. . +1 PW!! First time I see a change to encourage the Fun .. rather than the Greed of the players.. So I applaud!!b:cute .. Because that's what a game should be all about!
  • -- - WOW OMG. . +1000 on the New changes for TW.. That should teach those greedy greedy disgusting people to play for fun rather than do it to become even richer.. Great one PW!! b:victory
  • Well depends on you Really .. because BM's are for a-holes and Sins are for Dumb a-holes.. so it's up to you.. GL on your choice b:bye
  • How about you help others with their quests, it doesnt have to be always about you and your big lvl 100+ egos..
    in pretty bored Comment by zelts July 2010
  • Well in the List of items Duke shouldn't shout about you forgot to add the damn Perfect Token of Best Luck.. that in fact is the Number 1 Item that should have been Removed from shouts because that's what people are getting the most or at least been shout about the most wich is the source of all anoyment.. so if devs are…
  • We want those Fish Skills Dropping in FB89 NOW Damnit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's unfair every other class has thier Basic 89…
  • Well there are DD's that dont need a stupid cleric to Stay alive , and im one of them, so If I steal agro that means '' everyone step aside this is going too slow i'll take care of fking business'' .. in other words : '' I dont need you... get off my face NOW!
  • So your Saying we poor people shouldnt try to get our crafting mats out of the mobs??? b:sad But that leave us like with nothing... right?
  • Wow RED rose , just because your lvl 100+ with nothing to do that doesnt mean that 3x exp is bad for the whole bunch of players.. Do us all noobs a favor and leave the game you already won SO >> GTFO .. go play something else to give sense to your sad life again. Yes you REAding right.. GTFO you won already.. leave…
    in 3x xp Comment by zelts July 2010
  • Wow SO that's WHY this stupid lvl 65 Psy is getting a ridiculiously high score , while me and my lvl 90+ psy friend are getting owned by him just standing looking pretty .. Total BS!!! b:angry ===================================================== SERIOUSLY HOW MUCH MORE GREEDY CAN AMERICANS GET!!HOW MUCH MORE!! omfg.. I…
  • iM not a Cash-Shopper, my weapon is TT build myself and im lvl 87 And Im always in the first 10 places of my class, a couple of times in the first place. So your obviously either lazy or stupid to play.
  • OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i've been missing this blessing all This time OMG!.. I would have like atk lvl 52 with this damn blessing OMG and it last for freaking 7 days :O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!! Im so getting oneb:cryb:dirtyb:kiss
  • ANybody care to share HOW in the world you get these blessing your talking about?? b:angry