theheck0 Arc User


  • MOAR MOAR vids b:dirty
  • Thank you guys. It's just that I've always played casters and Im going to try out an archer. I thought using claws would gimp your dex a lot, I thought it was like building an HA sin. But now I see that you can still do a lot of damage with your bow. Im going R9 btw...b:dirty
  • MEANIES YOU ARE MEANIE MYSTICS b:angry I bet that if some random mystic posts about a cleric dont lettin her heal or how she solo healed a BH there would be like 9000000 pages on that thread. Stupid PVE >.> BUMPS
  • They created their cleric to heal...THEY ARE the ones that should feel insulted not you...If I have 2 clerics in my squad I focus on DD and mystics are pretty good on that plus healing is boring. #NOTOTHECLERICCOMPLAININGONMYSTICFORUM. And the OP's story is too fake for my taste its clear that the clerics didn't say all…
    in insulted Comment by theheck0 July 2012
  • Ty. I will start doing that when Im the one attacking first. Its just that sometimes Im being attacked, and out of desperation to stop them I try to sleep them with listless, and right after I summon it I have to heal myself because Im about to die, and there comes my problem because Im not paying attention to the opponent…
  • I use listless a lot, but I hate it when I summon it and it just sleeps the char with the non-lyzed sleeps and when you lyze the plant while that sleep is on you take the first sleep out and get no sleep from lyzing q.q. I mean you overwrite it.
  • *bumps* pro PvPers come here b:angry Dont turn this into a discussion on occult ice, no don't get it you're arcane. Now where are your experiences voItaire >.>
  • Let the thread die slowly b:cry
  • Ok I was just suggesting something and giving out my opinion you dont have to call me a bad mystic for that. It always turns out into insults and BS here in the forums. If you dont agree with me then fine but that doesnt make me a bad mystic. Many venos want bramble to be back in open PvP, Does that make them bad venos?…
  • Bella got maaad b:laughb:laughb:laugh
  • The thing is we're not comparing venos to mystics here. Yeah I do have a veno she's R9 and she's my main. I know that venos go thru a harder time when it comes to all that you said. But that doesn't mean that mystics are OP. We are balanced. Every class should be like mystics are because they got what they needed and no…
  • We aren't OP at all just think about how long a mistress or a cragglord lives in a PvP situation (leave alone PvE) to be a potential AoE. Cragglord dies in no time bye a sin and mistress...The thing is that we do need more attack skills. Are we getting them? No, but don't say we don't need them >.> And yeah I know gale…
  • Demon is not better than sage stupid.
  • Venomancers debuffs cant stack because they can only be used one at a time. It doesn't count ._. b:bye
  • I feel very sorry for this troll thread. I have never trolled on forums and I hate trolls >.>. So could you please delete or close this thread. At least for this necro :P Understand that mystics were new to me and fresh meat to me a veno-fanboy. Despite this thread I deleted my mystic I prefer to have one veno and one…
  • I didn't wanted to necro this but I just couldn't believe what I am seeing. I hate to burst the bubble to you but THIS IS A GAME. And I totally take the place of Res even in the world chat thing. The behavior (or behaviour w/e) of the cleric was completely and all the way wrong. She commited a mistake and then ragequit the…
    in Fail Comment by theheck0 November 2011
  • NECROOOOO But I just had to say this this guy was defending the cash shop and talking about things with no effort at the same time!!! The world have to end right nao b:shocked PS: Necrolock b:victory
  • There is one of the reason to quit: The community. Rude Comments Selfish. And Totally CHILDISH PS. DONT lie to URSELF you miss no-one in this game meanwhile you get your SELFISH gear.
  • In fact you could blame as much as you can the OP. But looking deeply on how the game works there's more than one reason to quit which I wont mention now. However TO ME the reasons for stay always surpass the other ones to quit. That is why I wont quit in a while. Anyway to say one thing that bothers me is that you think…
  • Id say NO I know you ppl are really shocked by sins 'overpowereness' I am too b:surrender but you got to understand that **** them its NOT the solution they are an unique class that deserves the opornity to shine even if it includes being overpowered the solution is on making the other classes equal or at least comparable…
  • THE BEST IDEA I'VE EVER SEEN!!!! ^This will finally allow AA venos to be a real HYBRID class Plz watch this DEVS.b:dirtyb:bye
  • No you dont >.> cuz it happens to me too.b:bye It IS a low drop rate MORON it is supposed to be 14-17% of drop rate
  • I will be not playing till the next expansion (we are on genesis atm) if they say they will fix ALL unbalance (not just aps) then I return to playing I know you dont care but IJS b:pleased and this doesn't hurt to me there's a lot of mmorpg's there If I got to leave this I will with no problem b:bye
  • If you dont want me to necro then close it b:cute. This was when were only the 3 MAIN raices (good times b:sad) But now with the damn EG and TB plz consider this skills for our insane dmg class devs.
  • Well looking at the poll results right now venos are for effective but if there is something that I hate is slowness :P so i still undecisive.
  • I love my mystic (she's my main b:cute) and I know that they can heal as well as the cleric in most cases but some mystics (like me b:victory) are just too lazy to do the job. I know they CAN solo heal but it requires a little more job than the cleric and that is why we make our job more easy and let the cleric do her job…
  • Ok I forgot that :P I have no money for herc so read this and then vote plz
  • Ok ...
  • Ok I know you can be angry by my unbalance on describing the classes sorry :P But I'm not talking about the things that veno can do to themselves im talking to things that a veno can do to enemys (not only bosses) and teammates. In that point I think mystics completely pwn them. About mp consume yes thats a HUGE adventage…