Mystics vs Venos

theheck0 Posts: 40 Arc User
edited November 2011 in Venomancer
Plz dont try to save venos just see the comparision



Now How much bosses ingame do selfbuff themselves? and plz amp? Be honest, How much of you like putting a debuff and be there doing NOTHING else? pet debuffs? useless. And be switching between fox and human to throw amp and ironwood. unavailable to heal other ppl. Otherwhise lending hand and bramble shield are good.

Now the godly mystics b:dirty:

The invaluable ress buff to clerics
The plants that can debuff AoE, sleeps effects, Knockbacks, seal,freezes, and DECENT heals Salvation shields, the godly Cragglord and the cutest looking :)

Now, If you have a squad with: Bm,Sin,Archer,Cleric,barb.

there is 1 spot left who would you invite: mystic or veno
Post edited by theheck0 on


  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    That would depend on what the squad was doing. If it was for BH, I wouldn't care. In RB, I'd choose a mystic because their plants and aoeing pets are perfect for it. In any instance with ? bosses though, I'd choose a veno. Amp DOES make a difference, much more than the lame 20% debuff that mystics have. Sage soul degen is also good too if it can be used on the boss. However, if it was something that might require some extra healing then obviously what a mystic has to offer is greater than what a veno could bring. Basically, it's very situational and you can't just flat out say that mystics are better than venos, when in many cases it's the other way around.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • theheck0
    theheck0 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    That would depend on what the squad was doing. If it was for BH, I wouldn't care. In RB, I'd choose a mystic because their plants and aoeing pets are perfect for it. In any instance with ? bosses though, I'd choose a veno. Amp DOES make a difference, much more than the lame 20% debuff that mystics have. Sage soul degen is also good too if it can be used on the boss. However, if it was something that might require some extra healing then obviously what a mystic has to offer is greater than what a veno could bring. Basically, it's very situational and you can't just flat out say that mystics are better than venos, when in many cases it's the other way around.

    I didn't said that sapamming amp is useless I just said that serving that role is BORING as hell Being veno in a squad doesn't bring any challenge :/ Our (Mystics) debuff is 40% Attack Rate and 20% defense reduction and really, you got to see closely to skills if you low the defense actually you are doing it to increase damage so amp and our debuff is ALMOST the same. Creeper spam it AND IS AOE
  • mecatl33
    mecatl33 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I guess being a veno in squad is boring to you lol! I'd choose veno over mystic and I'm a mystic lol!. Not only am I a mystic I'm a light armor mystic and even with way lower MP I'm a better cleric then some clerics/wannabe clerics playing as mystics lol! I didn't pick mystic for the auto res. Hell my first choice was seeker and I didn't like the class so I tried mystic and loved it ever since. Mystics are fun because we can support heal and support DD. We are not clerics or tankers but depending on the player and build some toons can be pretty dam good healers and even tank some bosses. Yes the mystic...awesome stuff. b:bye
  • Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear
    Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    theheck0 wrote: »
    I didn't said that sapamming amp is useless I just said that serving that role is BORING as hell Being veno in a squad doesn't bring any challenge :/ Our (Mystics) debuff is 40% Attack Rate and 20% defense reduction and really, you got to see closely to skills if you low the defense actually you are doing it to increase damage so amp and our debuff is ALMOST the same. Creeper spam it AND IS AOE

    I'll agree that being a veno can be boring. But I find mystics to be equally as boring (except for in RB.) Since most people can get along just fine with cleric heals, assuming there's a cleric in squad, all we're left to do is skill spam just like a veno. Also, venos have a pdef debuff skill as well as amp, and their percentage (40% at level 11, demon has a chance to reduce pdef to 0) is a lot better than ours. Sins also can reduce attack speed by 50%. So really, befuddling isn't that great against bosses because all other classes have debuffs better than ours. Befuddling is great for RB or any instance that involves a lot of AOE, but not so much versus one target.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary
    Hazumi_chan - Sanctuary Posts: 1,264 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    theheck0 wrote: »
    Plz dont try to save venos just see the comparision



    Now How much bosses ingame do selfbuff themselves? and plz amp? Be honest, How much of you like putting a debuff and be there doing NOTHING else? pet debuffs? useless. And be switching between fox and human to throw amp and ironwood. unavailable to heal other ppl. Otherwhise lending hand and bramble shield are good.

    You forgot soul degeneration as Dyskrasia mentioned, but also myriad rainbow which can give an armorbreak and/or mindbreak.
    Our pets can tank a lot of bosses (especially if you have a herc) and our mp use is low.
    In instances as TT you will see how valuable purge is. Few bosses buff themselves, but when they do you will want them purged since it makes a significant change.

    theheck0 wrote: »
    Now the godly mystics b:dirty:

    The invaluable ress buff to clerics
    The plants that can debuff AoE, sleeps effects, Knockbacks, seal,freezes, and DECENT heals Salvation shields, the godly Cragglord and the cutest looking :)

    Well... since you were nagging on the purge being like.. how much bosses buff themselves.
    Have fun trying to sleep a boss, knock back a boss...
    Sleep is over as soon as the mob is hit, so the only times that would be usefull is when you're either solo, or are squadding with someone trying to set up a skill with long channeling time.
    Knockbacks are... annoying in most instances. Seal makes certain mobs run(which is also annoying btw)
    Salvation and heals are nice on bosses that have aoe's when you have casters or when the tank is pulling a group of mobs.
    theheck0 wrote: »
    Now, If you have a squad with: Bm,Sin,Archer,Cleric,barb.

    there is 1 spot left who would you invite: mystic or veno

    Depends on what instance and how capable the squad is.
  • Conalll - Archosaur
    Conalll - Archosaur Posts: 80 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    I'm with most of the others. I'd take either. I've seen Venos and Mystics both that were invaluable for any squad. Yes the res buff is REALLY nice, I don't deny that. But beyond that, the only thing Mystics have that is better are the couple of defense buffs they have. Makes the long pulls in FC a bit safer than before.

    That's it really. I'll take either depending on mission and team. Even then, I might not care.
    "Impatience walks with disaster." My own phrase.

    "Let the winds of winter come. I fear not famine, nor blizzard, nor an army of predators. For I am wolf. My power is matched by the many that stand beside me. Come what may. I have faced it before, and it has yet to touch me." *The Alpha's Warning*
  • theheck0
    theheck0 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    You forgot soul degeneration as Dyskrasia mentioned, but also myriad rainbow which can give an armorbreak and/or mindbreak.
    Our pets can tank a lot of bosses (especially if you have a herc) and our mp use is low.
    In instances as TT you will see how valuable purge is. Few bosses buff themselves, but when they do you will want them purged since it makes a significant change.

    Well... since you were nagging on the purge being like.. how much bosses buff themselves.
    Have fun trying to sleep a boss, knock back a boss...
    Sleep is over as soon as the mob is hit, so the only times that would be usefull is when you're either solo, or are squadding with someone trying to set up a skill with long channeling time.
    Knockbacks are... annoying in most instances. Seal makes certain mobs run(which is also annoying btw)
    Salvation and heals are nice on bosses that have aoe's when you have casters or when the tank is pulling a group of mobs.

    Depends on what instance and how capable the squad is.

    Ok I know you can be angry by my unbalance on describing the classes sorry :P But I'm not talking about the things that veno can do to themselves im talking to things that a veno can do to enemys (not only bosses) and teammates. In that point I think mystics completely pwn them. About mp consume yes thats a HUGE adventage on venos but meanwhile the squad doesn't being affected by it I dont think mystics can be rejected on squads. You may think that I am hating this class and saying that no-one should invite them to party I AM NOT saying that Im just claiming justice cuz I USED to love this class. :(
  • zbzkda
    zbzkda Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Just don't reply to this thread. It's really stupid overall.
    I seriously wonder: people who don't RPK, if you play the board game "Sorry!" and you roll the dice so that you land on an opponents piece and send it back to the beginning, do you sincerely apologize and ask everyone if you can have a do-over roll so you can give your victim another chance? It's a god damn game..

  • Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear
    Phoenix_Eye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,681 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Both Classes are good and bad. mystics arent great debuffers cause other classes reduce defences by far more (yes even venos with ironwood Myriads or Howl pet skill) and Ribstrike is the ultimate attack speed reduction skill (there will be always a sin in the squad) Also Fof Myriad is a AoE Lottery Debuff skill and Demon Nova is also Amplify to all the silenced mobs.

    Whether i would choose a veno or mystic over the other it depends on which class i would play.

    If im Cleric = i want Mystic , salvation buff on me while im in BB is nice + im stressed less when healing.
    If im Archer = Venomancer , cause Amplify along with my insane crits from Demon spark and Tangling Mire Poison combo gets me some nice 40k numbers at times and im only lvl 90.
    If im Sin = I want some1 who can cover my back in case things go wrong.
    and as a Veno i really like another veno companion.

    But no need for all this arguement , if ur squad had an emty spot , it will be most likely replaced with a another Sin Fist BM or seeker.
    <--- MALE Veno ..... Moved to G W 2 or maybe not completely , don't know ...... PW addiction
    {That TT xbow chain is one that describes someone's bowel movements after having too much spicy food. A loud **** (Thundercrack), then a burning sensation (Flash Fire), followed by an explosion of multi-colored poo-confetti (Blinding Radiance). Excellent...} By Quilue
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    zbzkda wrote: »
    Just don't reply to this thread. It's really stupid overall.

    This b:surrender

    I've played both classes. I got a Mystic up to lvl90. I very much loved and enjoy that class. I still love Venomancer the most though.

    And like it has been mentioned, whether Mystic or Venomancer is more useful, that depends on the instance, squad set up, squad capability to do said instance etc. etc. etc.

    PS. The MP consumpion disadvantage can affect the squad. Yes it can, when the Mystic is not capable of managing their own MP and ends up being unable to heal even when they're the main/only healer in squad. I've seen this many times b:surrender They go ahead DDing like mad without keeping MP for heals.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • mecatl33
    mecatl33 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Any class can be boring when you think about it. When I'm in squad I'll DD with a summon and keep an eye out in case a heal is needed. I don't skill spam every skill because I have them. It's nice to have the summons, heals, plants and my own attacks but I don't have to use them all. If I'm with a good squad nobody should have to waste MP on skills unless they have to. I see you got a sin and archer in that squad. No wonder you want a mystic in there lol! I'll still take a veno instead of a mystic and I'll replace the sin with a veteran non-powered leveled wizard! b:victory
  • theheck0
    theheck0 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    zbzkda wrote: »
    Just don't reply to this thread. It's really stupid overall.

    Ok ...
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    But no need for all this arguement , if ur squad had an emty spot , it will be most likely replaced with a another Sin Fist BM or seeker.
    This is the case in most situations. People never truly learnt what Venomancers can do, all they ever knew/know was Hercules -tank tank tank- and Phoenix -pew pew pew-. Well, and a little more than that.

    Though there are still some people out there who will accept Venomancers, or Mystics, or simply put; any class unless a specific class is needed for a specific job.

    For me..Everyone's welcome to my squads. Although, I don't hide the fact that I have asked for APS DDs for Nirvana squads but that's when I'm 'forced' to b:surrender
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • ScarletStorm - Harshlands
    ScarletStorm - Harshlands Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    theheck0 wrote: »
    Ok I know that the thread at the start IS stupid (Im the author) but did you read my another reply Im not hating venomancers I AM CLAIMING justice cuz believe or not venos were outshined by mystics IN SQUAD. Dont bring the solo capacity here plz. Venos were loved by their pets cuz YOU said that other classes have better debuffs so the only thing that venomancers had were the lure capacity with pets (already discarded by genies <.<) so what do venos have amp which is a GREAT skill Lending hand and bramble shield. I dont really want to mention what mystics have again. What I want? More relationship with the pet. Be able to give the pet buffs. And not the pet selfbuffing him I want the buffs more stronger. But this is not gonna happen do you know why? Cause of the awful hercs that give money to the company that is why it wont happen. Aha relationship **** and? Metabolic boost perfomance is AWFUL there are venos out there that cant affor nice gear and we need a skill for survive even if that cost the remove of soul transfusion. There is two things that I want cuz the gameplay of the veno is not really awesome....

    Red Lines: Zeal genies have a max range, venos can still lure beyond that. I've seen noobs lure with genie and get multiple mobs or an entire room aggro'd off that genie pull cause they didn't pay attention to range. Noobs are noobs no matter what the lvl especially if they haven't bothered to really learn/understand their char and how to play and to utilize that char to max. Then again I've seen a veno, halt her tank pet work her way about/around a group of mobs pull the exact mob she wants using Zeal, then go back to pet as mob nears pet, pet attacks while veno escapes w/o a scratch.

    Magenta Lines: There's more to a veno than amp, lending hand, and bramble. Personally I find it amusing to be in squad starting play my veno like I always have and then have one or more people in squad go, omg you're an old school veno, and add me to FL cause I know how to play my char to the max.

    Purple Lines: Talk about Pet buffs...start a veno, start farming Dragon Temple and get the buffs that herc/nix have from the chests there...provided you can actually survive the PVP there and put them on whatever pet you want. Or make the coin and buy them in the auction house, from those that do farm Dragon Temple.

    As other players have mentioned, it depends on the squad make up and the instance. While I don't have a mystic nor will I ever (basically I have a veno I don't want another char w/pets), I've run with them in squad. They (mystics/venos) can build on each other. TBH if there's one spot left in a squad that's not going into Rebirth, most are probably gonna be clammering for another aps char, and that's just a fact of life.

    Amusing thing to me is personally I think the most boring as hell char would be a 5aps demon BM or Sin. Why cause all they do is spark auto attack, spark auto attack....oh gee wiz I'm soooo pro. Oh and if it's a BM, they might occasionally remember a Heaven's Flame. b:shutup

    Debuff wise, Clerics can have a 35% pdef or mdef debuff...which can be overrode by the veno's Ironwood and/or myriad rainbows at a higher %.

    People prefer different chars for different reasons. If you know how to play your char well and utilize to the max I'll build the squad anyway I see fit. Even if it's a BH Warsong run for Snakefist and we run with 2 bms (one 5 aps, one below 4), 3 barbs (non-aps), a veno, and cleric. That ran it w/o breaking a sweat and taking the boss down as a team. You don't need to have a sin for every squad, you don't need to have a mystic, you don't need to have a psy, you don't need .... whatever. I've run instances w/o venos, w/o clerics, w/o barbs, and can go on and on.

    If you say any specific char isn't that "awesome" then you're not playing the char correctly. I also include aps chars that think sparking and auto attacking is the correct and only way to play an aps char is fail and not playing the char correctly.
  • thumbs
    thumbs Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Biggest problem with Venomancers is them under performing in general and making for themselves a negative stereotype. Most are too lazy to amp. Many are too ignorant to have a legendary pet or even use a pet (Warsong Metal is an exception where the pet is more hassle than help if veno has good atk). Squads I'm in on Cleric sometimes have 2 venos and I end up using Dimensional Seal because they're even too lazy to lift their fat heavy finger off the Venomous button to hit Ironwood once in a while.
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    thumbs wrote: »
    Biggest problem with Venomancers is them under performing in general and making for themselves a negative stereotype.
    This right here.

    Overall, I think every class is useful in their own way. Certain situations will require certain classes. Heck, like Scarlet said, you don't even need a Cleric sometimes.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    theheck0 wrote: »
    Plz dont try to save venos just see the comparision



    Now How much bosses ingame do selfbuff themselves? and plz amp? Be honest, How much of you like putting a debuff and be there doing NOTHING else? pet debuffs? useless. And be switching between fox and human to throw amp and ironwood. unavailable to heal other ppl. Otherwhise lending hand and bramble shield are good.

    Now the godly mystics b:dirty:

    The invaluable ress buff to clerics
    The plants that can debuff AoE, sleeps effects, Knockbacks, seal,freezes, and DECENT heals Salvation shields, the godly Cragglord and the cutest looking :)

    Now, If you have a squad with: Bm,Sin,Archer,Cleric,barb.

    there is 1 spot left who would you invite: mystic or veno
    Here's an answer to the very end -- veno. They get world chats too specifically for them for amp, the thing you unintelligently try to downplay. Combine that with demon IW or demon myriad armor break procs, and you have one hell of a damage spree if you're a bm sin archer or barb.

    Let's get it clear really quickly that it's widely known veno isn't one of the more "fun" classes to play. They are rather boring spamming the same skills over and over, constantly healing a pet soloing ****, and whatnot, it's true, but this class is the most versatile the game has to offer.

    I say this as a person who of late enjoys playing mystic more than veno (two high level veno's) and cleric (two high level clerics) combined.

    The main things mystics can do over a veno is 1) heal/rez players, 2) purify (sage break/demon comfort), 3) give constant varieties of debuffs that veno's cannot, and 4) dramatically reduce someone's damage taken (warp shield, aegis, martyr), and 5) have a damage spell that ignores both defences and debuffs (absorb soul -- not including nature's debuff specifically for it), 6) have an aoe damage pet (storm mistress/crag), and so on, but we can also make a list of things a veno can do that a mystic cannot.

    I really think someone else should make a decent comparison for those who truly are considering playing one or the other. They both have such distinct advantages it's disingenuous for a mystic fanboy to post troll nonsense.
  • ScarletStorm - Harshlands
    ScarletStorm - Harshlands Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    thumbs wrote: »
    Biggest problem with Venomancers is them under performing in general and making for themselves a negative stereotype. Most are too lazy to amp. Many are too ignorant to have a legendary pet or even use a pet (Warsong Metal is an exception where the pet is more hassle than help if veno has good atk). Squads I'm in on Cleric sometimes have 2 venos and I end up using Dimensional Seal because they're even too lazy to lift their fat heavy finger off the Venomous button to hit Ironwood once in a while.
    This right here.

    Overall, I think every class is useful in their own way. Certain situations will require certain classes. Heck, like Scarlet said, you don't even need a Cleric sometimes.

    These...which is why I referred to people calling me an "old school" veno in my original post. I'm sage therefore the only time I'll spam venomous is if I'm in dire need of chi, due to the sage version giving additional chi, allowing me to get built up faster. Even then I'm sending Ironword the minute the icon wears off. I'd rather have me spamming the Ironwood and a cleric the elemental seal in tandem. TBH when I'm on my alts I've been saddened by the ones that are creating the negative sterotype. I hate having to ask for bramble when I'm on a melee char but I find that I end up having to do it too frequently for my tastes.

    Pretty sad when you see a request for DDs for 90+ Frostlands run (FC or FF depending on your server) and you're told after a few mins that 98 is too high for the group. b:sad Just goes to show you how badly some of the venos are performing. Yeah should have seen the comments from my faction when I posted that. b:angry
  • Nine_Lives - Raging Tide
    Nine_Lives - Raging Tide Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    This right here.

    Overall, I think every class is useful in their own way. Certain situations will require certain classes. Heck, like Scarlet said, you don't even need a Cleric sometimes.

    i just survived without a cleric in our bh79. though we had a psy, she was more of the dd type. It just warms my heart when the tanker told me after the quest that they could not have it any easier thanks to my help....

    Whadya know...amp bramble and lending hand
    was what I mostly did, throw in the occasional ironwood and the threaten debuff in my pet walkerb:pleased

    Let's just hope that myst can pass that spark on time though b:shutup
  • Desdi - Sanctuary
    Desdi - Sanctuary Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    Let's just hope that myst can pass that spark on time though b:shutup

    I do BH79 for my faction often, shouting specificaly for a healer (we're a bit short on Clerics at the moment) sometimes takes too much time. People then go like "what?? no Cleric??". Well duh, just be careful and you won't die. They usually don't listen, die and complain b:chuckle

    I ended up hating the Venomancer class the most, being my favourite class and seeing others perform so poorly makes me hate it. I did a Nirvana the other night on my Cleric. The Venomancer didn't use Amplify until I reminded her, was very late with the purges, at the 3rd boss (s)he sent Hercules and used follow which made all the foxes run to her and totally mess up the whole thing (when usually a Blademaster lures them and AoEs them) and didn't use Soul Degeneration on running bosses (considering we we had so many deaths, especially at the tyrant boss that's like runeworlf in FCC, it took forever to kill it). I really wanted to kick her out of squad..not that the rest of the squad was good though.
    ★ Venomancer videos - ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • The_love - Raging Tide
    The_love - Raging Tide Posts: 240 Arc User
    edited July 2011
    venos end of story.
    [SIGPIC]sometimes love hurts and baby i love you A LOT[/SIGPIC]
  • VoItaire - Harshlands
    VoItaire - Harshlands Posts: 1,033 Arc User
    edited August 2011
    Demon BiTC has a chance to give 25 chi to the target b:shutup

    jk ;)
  • theheck0
    theheck0 Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    I feel very sorry for this troll thread. I have never trolled on forums and I hate trolls >.>. So could you please delete or close this thread. At least for this necro :P Understand that mystics were new to me and fresh meat to me a veno-fanboy. Despite this thread I deleted my mystic I prefer to have one veno and one cleric (who's still 78b:surrender).

    My apologize for trolling the forum of a beatiful class :).
  • Vedovis - Lost City
    Vedovis - Lost City Posts: 942 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    theheck0 wrote: »
    I feel very sorry for this troll thread. I have never trolled on forums and I hate trolls >.>. So could you please delete or close this thread. At least for this necro :P Understand that mystics were new to me and fresh meat to me a veno-fanboy. Despite this thread I deleted my mystic I prefer to have one veno and one cleric (who's still 78b:surrender).

    My apologize for trolling the forum of a beatiful class :).

    You sir, have restored some of my faith in the PWI community :'3

    | Signature made by Fishy!~ | Semiretired |
  • IAetius - Dreamweaver
    IAetius - Dreamweaver Posts: 197 Arc User
    edited November 2011
    At the end of the day a Mystic is not a Veno and a Veno is not a Mystic.

    Nor is a Mystic a Cleric, Psy, or Wizzy. There are great perks to being a mystic as there is with being any other class. Look at the class skills and see what you like.

    What I enjoy most about being a Mystic is it wasn't until I got full r9 that I noticed a change in my skills. Our plants + pets are directly effected by our gear. (so those QQing saying their Mystic can't heal because their plants get 2 hit, it's their problem, not the skills)

    Our pets/ plants gains 50% of what our gear gives us plus the base that they get from leveling. To simplify this let me give you an example.

    You put a Immaculate Citrine in your gear. You gain +50 hp. Your Pets/ Plants then gain +25 hp. This applies for anything. Citrine, Amber, Sapphire, Garnet, DoT, DoD, Jades, Refines, and Stat Points even effect your pets.

    For example. My mistress had around 3.5k hp with my old armor. (R8, TT99, and Nirvy mix) When I changed to my R9 set (not yet fully refined and just immac shards for now) it now has 5.2k hp and I still have to do tons of refine. I do not have 1 single armor piece up to +10 which means my pets hp will rapidly increase.

    Now just like psy's with their soul force a Mystic's gear is going to basically make or break how good a Mystic is. Do you need full r9? No. But if you want to make the most out of your Mystic and see what they can do you will 'atleast' need full refined gear.

    As of the moment with my r9 wand up to +10 my storm mistress can deal more damage then my Mystic. This blew my mind away when I first saw it. However, our storm mistress deals 'true' damage, just like a venos pet. This means that our pets damage is consistent and they cannot crit. However, they hit like a ton of bricks with no crits and she can range her magic attack.

    If anyone out there has a full +11 or +12 Mytsic their pets are basically going to be another person. As of the moment everyone is saying how easy a Mystic's pet is to kill but once they have the foundation that pet (if used correctly) is going to be one of the best features about a Mystic.

    Just like a psy no one knew how powerful they were going to be until they refined their gear and got that amazing sf % rate. I believe Mystic's are going to be the same once they finish refining their gear and learning what to do with their pets. :)

    This is what makes a Mystic not a Veno. In the end they are 2 completely different classes. b:chuckle
    TY for my shiney new R9 PWE b:chuckle

    iAetius - Sage- Mystic-