nqeib Arc User


  • Let me remind you that you can buy clothes with both your own and in-game money. In the middle/higher levels, most players I see have clothes of some kind. You don't really need to stare at heavy armor/robes if you don't wish to.
  • People like heals and buffs - most of the time. Sometimes they may be testing something or killing themselves on purpose, though, and they don't welcome any clerical help there. This isn't very common, and there's no need to take his words to heart. Personally, I think it's okay to buff if the person has no buffs…
  • I did the quest at level 17 or 18 on my veno (I think, it's been a long time). I had a crystalline magmite, and it was able to tank very well if there was only one wolf hitting it. This is where luring or selecting wolves that are alone come in. I think I pretty much spam healed, though.
  • TY for the video. I found it helpful. b:cute
  • You buy one, but they're expensive. A few charms come with the supply box, also. Charms can be bought from the cash shop or players.
  • Either your level or stats don't meet the requirements of the bow. (your dexterity might not be high enough, for example) You get 5 stat points per level, they can be distributed to vitality, strength, magic and dexterity. To upgrade stats, press C in game. If you have free stats, you'll see arrows beside each attribute,…
  • If you want to tank bosses, invest in that herc. TT bosses, for example, are something no other pet can live through (as far as I know). Also, a herc would likely speed up grinding, but you'll be okay with a puppy/golem as well.
    in Herc VS Puppy Comment by nqeib May 2009
  • I've heard mages get an insanely low amount of hit points per vitality point. Like 4? Dump your vit into magic, and add hp shards to your gear, at later levels also refine your gear. More expensive maybe, but you get way more hp that way.
    in How do i Kite? Comment by nqeib May 2009
  • I used the sinister shooter (+2) through levels 46-60, that was before the supply boxes were in. I then started using a swiftwind crossbow +3, but there was very little difference damage-wise. The SS had lower damage, but way more attacks per second, so mobs took around the same amount of hits to kill. I don't see why you…
  • Ultimate substance. Crafted from 5 fine lumber, anthracite, rubstone powder and refined steel. It's used to get extra bosses into TT, and for making TT equipment.
  • Bug with the friendship quest. The lady in white/ dancer girl isn't there. I lost 15k exp because of this.
  • I don't have a problem with cash shop clothes. Run around in a bikini if it makes you happy, I don't mind. What I do have a problem with is the armors in game. If you pick a female character, your armor actually shows more skin than covers it, and I don't think that's what an armor should do. Worse, you're forced to wear…
  • I must say you're the first archer I see who *doesn't* want all the crit they can get! If one class got the "short straw", it's someone like clerics, who shouldn't crit because of stealing aggro. (Archers do that already, so they don't count) If you think the blessing is useless, sell it for a lot of $$ in a month or two.
  • I like the highlighted questions. Good work.
  • Because someone might benefit from the answer.
  • I was indeed.
  • I think the titanial bondmaids are the lowest level mob that drops element essence (you could always check from the pwi database). I suggest you either buy the element essence from other players (dq 61 item) or level up a bit.
  • I find being an "increased life" archer helpful in some situations. Leave the vit as it is, you won't have to level it for a while. Buy a restat scroll for the magic, though, and add all that to dex.
    in Weak Archer Comment by nqeib March 2009
  • Seriously, girl fashion is a problem. I looked over the stuff in the cash shop and found nothing I could even consider wearing. I wish there were jeans...
  • Hello, while hunting felingar minions near Sumor camp I noticed what I think is a bug. If a felingar minion and bowman both take aggro on me, and I use wingspan on them, the bowman leaves the fight as if it saw nothing going on. I tried this three times, and it happened each time. My char is a lvl 44 archer.
  • I stopped teleporting and cut down flying when I realized how much crafting mats you can gather while running somewhere. Sure, getting anywhere takes a lot more time, but I can always teleport if I need to be somewhere fast.
  • A thousand thanks Tawarwaith :). At least the healing part worked exactly as you said.
    in Pet heal Comment by nqeib January 2009