david12345 Arc User


  • Yes, but you give yourself a chance to get a rare item don't you? If you use that 28m to get packs, in the end you would end up with your starting 50m + rare + tokens. You could either pay the 28m from your pocket, keep the rare and tokens or sell the rare and end up with your starting money, tokens and left overs from the…
  • This contest would only be fully transparent if mods would check server logs to confirm that that particular 28m came from players who sent the coin by mail/traded directly. Otherwise the 28m could have come from anywhere, including from the anni investment plan I detailed last page. The thing is no one is scammed (so…
  • Its quite easy to understand. In no way did I troll; I simply implied my amazement that this was allowed to happen.
  • Start with a reasonable sum of money, one which you know you are safe with whatever happens... say 50m. These days not rare for players to have such coinage. Wait for "event" to catch on, get 28m from said "event". Invest 28m in gold, at 450k/gold thats 62 gold. Buy 62 anniversery packs. Open said packs. Worse case…
  • That icon means the mob takes a reduction in damage from players. Pets bypass this reduction. I think its 75%. Lvl [?] means the drops from the mob are always the same, no matter what the player's level who kills it.
  • I really don't see why people get so uptight about this. I've never seen it done but I suppose the person doing it is just trying to save you and everyone else some time. And you repay them by being an ****.
  • The bushy tail looks horrific.
  • They all say that. See you back in 2 weeks time.
  • How do you take a survey of any given population? Someone here must be into statistics. I'm sure as hell you do not go and ask over half the population to get an answer. It seems this thread must have over half of the playerbase for it to be effective. Which is impossible; meaning that this thread was void right from the…
  • You would placate the community a lot more if you actually confirmed if there was any real effect that this 100+ page thread has made. How long do you want players to discuss this situation for? Hasn't it been discussed long enough and the majority's answer made quite clear? Also, side question: why does this forum allow…
  • Today I wanted to do a BH69 run on my alt and was looking for a barb for our squad. I got a pm from one and he asked how much was the wine split. Here is how the convo went: What this doesn't show was his last line which said: "i come if i get free run". Seriously wtf?
  • What my 8x alt got: Hello david, First and foremost, we want to congratulate you on your current progress within Perfect World International. We here at PWE want to take this opportunity to inform you about content around your level as well as content just over the horizon! Did you know that the primary instance for…
  • Yes it seems some people get 10+ items in the space of 5 minutes, sometimes they get even more. I have seen someone get both lunar insigs and a warsong badge in a space of a minute. However I have gotten some items back to back and I have never charged zhen, so I guess some people are just that lucky.
  • Keep the drum, its for the sender's benefit. Maybe they will learn a lesson and not send something a lot more expensive to the wrong person in the future.
  • Maybe they should be permanent items? Maybe they should make sales on them? So like its 50 silver for a pack for a week? How about a christmas give away where everyone gets 50 packs free as a present in their post box? And maybe we can add a small, say 0.01% chance of a pack containing a warsoul weapon? PWI team you heard…
  • I would have taken those packs faster then you can say roast bunny.
  • I remember one time this guy at Lost City, clearly a botter since he had like tons upon tons of iron was competing with me for a spot near the blacksmith, selling mats. His prices were lower then mine, so I lowered my prices and went AFK. I came back 1 hour later to find he had lowered his prices too, so he was selling for…
  • I don't know what it was exactly; the cleric did not comment. True, maybe he lagged - but this too is one of his responsibilities; if you are prone to lag then you must inform your party members so that they have a chance to plan ahead and around that issue, or get a second cleric to back you up. Its common sense, yet so…
  • I was refering to the biggest current issue. But if 100 pages don't so much as produce a single official response (read: not just a 2 line comment from a random mod, but an action), then 1000 pages won't either.
  • Inb4lock. There is a 100+ page topic on this and nothing is being changed.
  • Quite a few barbs I meet at random have severly overblown egos, mostly due to the fact that they think they are a tiny minority and therefore feel they should be treated like royalty. Any **** ups are never their fault, ever. It was lag, or the boss did 5 times its supposed damage, or the cleric is ****. It pisses me off…
  • Get a rich veno friend :p
  • 1) The original link you provided is to pwdatabase EU; in PWI he is called Strong. 2) This is Strong: 3) He is a mirage bag. 4) Easy to kill for high levels and therefor he gets owned pretty much as soon as he spawns (explains why its rare to meet him).
  • Venos need more AoE skills.
  • I was once in Etherblade and some guy asked me for 700 coins... I checked his char and he was over lvl30. Naturally I told him to go kill a few mobs and get it himself and stop being lazy. He retorted that he was doing a survey to see how greedy high level people are in PWI, and like everyone he has asked before me, I…
  • Assassin will get a stealth fighter. Albeit a very slow one.
  • Who are you? /idc option.
  • Does fb69 guarnob have a similar AOE setup? He sometimes hits me for 2.2k... his other aoe does like 600-700 damage.
  • Seems anni packs not going anywhere... no matter how big this thread gets. Anyway, can't wait till christmas event.