Treatment of Clerics
Today I wanted to do a BH69 run on my alt and was looking for a barb for our squad.
I got a pm from one and he asked how much was the wine split.
Here is how the convo went:
What this doesn't show was his last line which said: "i come if i get free run".
Seriously wtf?0 -
The reason there, is thanks to the lack of barbs, a few squads get so desperate they've started a "need barb for BH, free wine!".
There are several problems with this. One is frequently the rest of the party gets lumped with the extra expense. I was in one such squad and the barb got the "free treatment". When asked wine costs we got told "82k". 3 of us left right there. We had two clerics, I could have tanked it myself. Also funnily enough, the "free wine" shout got immediate and instant response, like the barb had been waiting for us to get desperate enough.
Second problem is it breeds greedy barbs, like this, who believe they're so rare and badly needed they should be exempt from fees in exchange for their presence. I've tanked several fb69's myself successfully. While barbs are amazing and the best tank there is, a message to you greedy guys..... you aren't needed.0 -
WaffleChan - Sanctuary wrote: »I really hate barbs that think they need to lead the party and take aggro on every little last thing, and then tell me off when I easily do their job. Its like they think every other class is defenseless and they have to be some great hero and hold everything for you like a 'supertank.' Ive had many of these in my BHs where barbs magically think theyre in charge, and that idiotic 'I must tank everything' attitude gets them killed so often Then they blame the party for whatever BS reason they can make up. and get everyone riled up.
Last night was especially fun when the dumb barb thought I couldnt lure, (maxed range arrow shot luring people?)and told me I should just keep my stupid arrows off monsters until 'he' got them. He ended up dying on Calcid, and I tanked it for the party, just to prove him wrong :P.
Barbs, you aren't last action heros. You have limitations, and some other classes can peform your job too on some bosses. And to you good ones out there, cheers for you.
b:cute But thats what barbs are their job is to take aggro of every single thing in sight thats what they are suppose to do thats why they have aoe aggro attacks its their job to make sure noone else but them takes damage no ifs ands or buts. You may be able to tank it but its the barbs job to tank it and unless he is really stupid about it you shouldn't argue. I myself love to play aggro tag with barbs and archers and everything being a pure magic veno I find it fun to see that I can tank so many things being so dam squishy. But as a barb when I play one every aggro point must be mine.
b:surrender btw wolf you realize how many bars of mana a veno goes thru when constantly amping back before I had my sage spark to replenish my mana I went thru 7 bars of mana on every single boss because fox form really eats that mana out. I have played a cleric I have played a veno the only way a cleric uses more mana then a cleric is if they BB everything and have no mp regen items. Sure venos have those wonderful skills to replenish our mana but thats precisely why we have them because if we didn't we wouldn't have any mana whatsoever. Venos not amping occasionally is not fine but johnny on the spot venos with all their amping would end up sitting thru half the boss cause clerics don't heal soul transfusioned venos x_X Bet you this put a MP charm on a veno they will go thru a full one or more in a single TT run.(applies to johnny on the spot venos)
b:sad one thing I hate about clerics is they think they are the only one with costs 7/10 sometimes they think about the barb's repair bill. But never the BM's repair bill which is comparable the wizards charm ticks the archers charm ticks and arrow cost the venos hp charm and pet food (that **** ain't exactly cheap) All these things end up just as much in the long run with the exception of venos cause we are so awesome unless the veno sucks and then it costs as much as a cleric. In fact a cleric doesn't even need a charm so I don't know why they complain about it some of the best clerics I know don't use a charm except on the biggest of bosses with things like mana drain.(charm **** X_x) And they BB on EVERYTHING they have no issues throwing it up they have no issues with not using charms one little bit those nice little event pots make up for it and get the job done better then charms and are much cheaper their price doesn't fluctuate as much. Aka the reason you don't hear a veno complaining about mana much.
The other thing I want to point out is a wizard uses more mana then a cleric and you don't hear wizards complaining about charms either do you only the high and mighty cleric will ever complain about how much mana charm they use.
b:bye Oh right listen to Ewings don't go rambo too much and for gods sake make sure the cleric doesn't die w/e you do even if you have to die in the process clerics don't get reses YOU do.
And david thats not just barbs thats venos and wizards and clerics and BMs and archers too there are lots of people that don't want to pay for a wine and just want to do unwined.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Kagusa - Sanctuary wrote: »Hi , sorry for the title I meant to write ''treat''.
I'm just saying that I think from now on you guys should start treating clerics and barbs better because some little bird told me that squads are having troubles finding them.
That means don't think your gods when there is a cleric , do whatever you want , abuse and blame the cleric for everything when it's your fault.
Also be nice to barbs and don't blame them for doing a mistake because they are there taking hits saving your arses so both classes pretty much saves you.
The reason I'm saying this since you all know new classes assasins and psychics are coming there will be a decrease in the number of every class but since clerics and barbs are really hard to find already they will be like a glass of water in the middle of a desert.
So you guys should start practicing on how not to abuse them.
I was a bit sarcastic if you wanna ask.......kinda
Lol only ppl that treats clerics like shiet is barbs. But i agree barbs should stop being **** bags to the clerics in the party that keeps them alive...but they wont cuz they really don't have to. There is a never ending supply of poor abused clerics, while finding active barbs 90+ is pretty much impossible.
Barbs will always demand most of the drops, will always bish and be rude to the clerics if charm ticks, will always QQ at rest of the party and most of the time...they will afk in Archo west anyway cuz they're terribly lazy. It just comes with the class, most pandas/tiger/lions prefer to take 3 hour naps between short sessions of pvp - anything that requires effort, like tanking an instance, will make them type in a fake afk message.
I would say there are several exceptions but the majority of barbs are as described above.
There is really no way barbs can be treated any better than they already are - ppl kiss their furry butt since they're desperate for a tank ^.^
Im so happy i don't really need barbs anymore, both my herc and my archer have a lot of hp and can tank pretty much all bosses i need b:surrender Still luv the furrballs i might add, even tho they kinda drive me crazy.0 -
I've done plenty of tuns with neither a cleric or barb and just had a good squad that knew their limits and how to play their classes.
You don't NEED a batb to tank most monsters as long as you have decent gear, some pots, a charm (optional but always handy for when the barb charges into an AoE he can't handle without heas while having no pots and you have to drag the boss away from the barb... and into a group of monsters that can normally be ignored just to make sure him and the rest of squad survive), and enough skill to play yur class well. Same goes to clerics. They're not really a NEED depending on how you do things.
That said, if a good barb comes along and saves me on repairs by tanking the boss and keeping aggro off of me, awesome. If a goo cleric comes along and saves me charm ticks/pots by healing me so I don't need to use any or only need an infrequent use, great. If not, oh well. Clerics and barbs don't deserve special treatment for playing their class properly. I don't see archers posting threads about people not thanking them for how well they DD. I don't see BMs complaining about how no one thanks them for grabbing wandering mobs and acting as a secondary tank/DD/cleanup crew.
You guys aren't special. Suck it up. The ones who treat you worst would do it regardless of what your class was. The ones who praise and rely on you mostly don't know how to play well enough to survive without you around. The rest of us will treat you with the respect you deserve for playing your roles as you should and no more. If you're an exceptional cleric/barb, we'll probably be more vocal but otherwise, don't expect showers of praises. We'll thank you for the random buffs if you don't overwrite our powders and aren't in a squad with us. Once we're in a squad, you guys doing well is for your own benifit as well, so don't expect praise.0 -
b:surrender People need to learn to read the ENTIRE thread and not just comment on the first post.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Pressa - Heavens Tear wrote: »b:surrender btw wolf you realize how many bars of mana a veno goes thru when constantly amping back before I had my sage spark to replenish my mana I went thru 7 bars of mana on every single boss because fox form really eats that mana out. I have played a cleric I have played a veno the only way a cleric uses more mana then a cleric is if they BB everything and have no mp regen items. Sure venos have those wonderful skills to replenish our mana but thats precisely why we have them because if we didn't we wouldn't have any mana whatsoever. Venos not amping occasionally is not fine but johnny on the spot venos with all their amping would end up sitting thru half the boss cause clerics don't heal soul transfusioned venos x_X Bet you this put a MP charm on a veno they will go thru a full one or more in a single TT run.(applies to johnny on the spot venos)
Whenever I see a veno soul transfuse I always throw a heal or two on them. Seeing a squad member's HP get so low so fast scares most clerics I know as it is.
I don't have much sympathy for venos honestly. I went on an HH run a few days ago and the other cleric and I were debating whether we really needed BB for a boss, and if we can do it without wasting pots on BB. The veno said "Just do BB, it's easier and we can start already!" I told her "You're not the one that has to use the pots for it though. Some other ways might be more MP effective." She said "....well QQ." as if our pot cost didn't matter and lured the boss.b:sad one thing I hate about clerics is they think they are the only one with costs 7/10 sometimes they think about the barb's repair bill. But never the BM's repair bill which is comparable the wizards charm ticks the archers charm ticks and arrow cost the venos hp charm and pet food (that **** ain't exactly cheap) All these things end up just as much in the long run with the exception of venos cause we are so awesome unless the veno sucks and then it costs as much as a cleric. In fact a cleric doesn't even need a charm so I don't know why they complain about it some of the best clerics I know don't use a charm except on the biggest of bosses with things like mana drain.(charm **** X_x) And they BB on EVERYTHING they have no issues throwing it up they have no issues with not using charms one little bit those nice little event pots make up for it and get the job done better then charms and are much cheaper their price doesn't fluctuate as much. Aka the reason you don't hear a veno complaining about mana much
The other thing I want to point out is a wizard uses more mana then a cleric and you don't hear wizards complaining about charms either do you only the high and mighty cleric will ever complain about how much mana charm they use.
The reason a wizard doesn't complain is because, if a tank's charm ticks, the wizard doesn't get blamed. I've heard tanks groaning as their charm ticks once, without realizing how many pots the cleric has gone through (or how many charm ticks) in order to save them many more charm ticks.b:bye Oh right listen to Ewings don't go rambo too much and for gods sake make sure the cleric doesn't die w/e you do even if you have to die in the process clerics don't get reses YOU do.
Agreed +1[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
"aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
"We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
"You live for forums. Like seriously."0 -
Well as I say to all the prospective venos who ask me how to solo TT ......USE CONCENTRATION POTS b:dirty they are beautiful wonderful gifts from the creators believe me I use the things all the time they take the edge off BB pet healing IHing.
Also think of the barbs thing like this the good ones won't complain at 4-5 ticks in fact most bad ones don't complain at that point its after 6 ticks or so that they start to get miffed you have to think a barb only gets so many ticks out of that charm they go thru them fast if they are ticking all the time again much faster then a cleric could go thru a mp charm thats whats the cause of the complaints you don't die if you run out of mp charm he does if he runs out of HP charm.
btw for the concentration orbs even at 3k a herb for the herbs you need you can make 50 of them yes I said 50 of them for 200k. Quite a wonderful deal I would say also barbs should be using life powders they also cut charm costs insanely. Its amazing what that extra 25 a second in combat will do for you put on gears that amplify your mana recharge rate and you won't hardly tick for BB its 500 mana every 5 seconds with just 25 extra from the pots you took out 125 mana out of the tick add 25 cause of regular regen that takes out 250 of the mana and just cut your costs in half. Add regen gear and you have anywhere from 300-400 mana depending on your leetness just try and running out of mana with that much regen.
Ah but I rant point of the matter is don't complain about charm usage your the one that doesn't have an alternative like your neighborhood Wizard.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I'm sorry for misspelling / mistyping and grammar b:surrender
102 - Archer - Heartz0 -
XHappyBunnyx - Sanctuary wrote: »cheers!
seriously, this is a stupid thread. Everyone is not nice to everyone at some point in time, no matter what class they are. Get over it, move on, find someone else to play with, and dont bring your drama here. gtfo
Don't like it don't comment simple as that ... and it's not drama if you noticed I'm not complaining or blaming anyone0 -
Pressa - Heavens Tear wrote: »Well as I say to all the prospective venos who ask me how to solo TT ......USE CONCENTRATION POTS b:dirty they are beautiful wonderful gifts from the creators believe me I use the things all the time they take the edge off BB pet healing IHing.
Also think of the barbs thing like this the good ones won't complain at 4-5 ticks in fact most bad ones don't complain at that point its after 6 ticks or so that they start to get miffed you have to think a barb only gets so many ticks out of that charm they go thru them fast if they are ticking all the time again much faster then a cleric could go thru a mp charm thats whats the cause of the complaints you don't die if you run out of mp charm he does if he runs out of HP charm.
btw for the concentration orbs even at 3k a herb for the herbs you need you can make 50 of them yes I said 50 of them for 200k. Quite a wonderful deal I would say also barbs should be using life powders they also cut charm costs insanely. Its amazing what that extra 25 a second in combat will do for you put on gears that amplify your mana recharge rate and you won't hardly tick for BB its 500 mana every 5 seconds with just 25 extra from the pots you took out 125 mana out of the tick add 25 cause of regular regen that takes out 250 of the mana and just cut your costs in half. Add regen gear and you have anywhere from 300-400 mana depending on your leetness just try and running out of mana with that much regen.
Ah but I rant point of the matter is don't complain about charm usage your the one that doesn't have an alternative like your neighborhood Wizard.
Without coming off as a snob cleric or w/e, I respectfully disagree. The job of a cleric is to prevent a barb's charm from ticking through heals, which means even the worst clerics, if they are healing, are still making that charm tick less. Now there's no way to heal someone's mana, and I think most people would agree that a cleric's will tick far more on any given run.
Now my solution--for now, don't use those charms, stick with the wonderful event stuff on sale. Cuts down on cost considerably.
Venos--unfortunately, not everyone thinks like you; many venos I have squadded with never use foxform or never continuously amp a boss. They also can take advantage of the mp pots too--and boom we have lowered expenses for both classes. As for soul transfusion, an empty health bar really screams "heal me" to the cleric. I'm not quite sure who you've been partying with who doesn't take the 2 seconds to fire off a wellspring on you. Little known fact as well: spamming IH continuously takes more mana than BB. Same with chromatic healing beam when it is leveled properly.
About the difference between clerics and wizzies: If a cleric stops consuming mana [stops healing] the party is probably going to die. If a wizard stops consuming mana, the boss wiill take longer to kill. Any DDer can afford not to use charms and probably won't be called out if they run out of mana; people just don't seem to find this a huge offense. A cleric who runs out of mana on the other hand is [and rightly so] yelled at.0 -
I've done plenty of tuns with neither a cleric or barb and just had a good squad that knew their limits and how to play their classes.
You don't NEED a batb to tank most monsters as long as you have decent gear, some pots, a charm (optional but always handy for when the barb charges into an AoE he can't handle without heas while having no pots and you have to drag the boss away from the barb... and into a group of monsters that can normally be ignored just to make sure him and the rest of squad survive), and enough skill to play yur class well. Same goes to clerics. They're not really a NEED depending on how you do things.
That said, if a good barb comes along and saves me on repairs by tanking the boss and keeping aggro off of me, awesome. If a goo cleric comes along and saves me charm ticks/pots by healing me so I don't need to use any or only need an infrequent use, great. If not, oh well. Clerics and barbs don't deserve special treatment for playing their class properly. I don't see archers posting threads about people not thanking them for how well they DD. I don't see BMs complaining about how no one thanks them for grabbing wandering mobs and acting as a secondary tank/DD/cleanup crew.
You guys aren't special. Suck it up. The ones who treat you worst would do it regardless of what your class was. The ones who praise and rely on you mostly don't know how to play well enough to survive without you around. The rest of us will treat you with the respect you deserve for playing your roles as you should and no more. If you're an exceptional cleric/barb, we'll probably be more vocal but otherwise, don't expect showers of praises. We'll thank you for the random buffs if you don't overwrite our powders and aren't in a squad with us. Once we're in a squad, you guys doing well is for your own benifit as well, so don't expect praise.
apparently you didn't read the thread oh well , I wasn't saying special treatment , read again0 -
lmao, It's so funny when a veno uses soul transfusion and doesn't mention to cleric.
I love how some people complain; why do veno's have hp and mp heal? Cleric's should have them :P imo, I think that would make cleric's a bit overpowering? .__.0 -
Kagusa - Sanctuary wrote: »apparently you didn't read the thread oh well , I wasn't saying special treatment , read againThe ones who treat you worst would do it regardless of what your class was. The ones who praise and rely on you mostly don't know how to play well enough to survive without you around. The rest of us will treat you with the respect you deserve for playing your roles as you should and no more
kthx0 -
Ewings - Heavens Tear wrote: »Part 2- Guess whu goes to town/uses rez scroll every time they die? oh wait its the cleric.... others can **** up and simply get a rez.... so most of time..we clerics r more scared of squad/themselves dieing than any one else...and dont even start the "you shud have angel" joke.....especially when 80percent of the server relies on rez to save their exp.
My viewpoint is probably pretty uncommon among players, I see res simply as a tool to get you back to the squad and kill stuff quicker. If you get exp back from it, it's a bonus. If it would be faster for me to run back than to wait on a res (or in some other way beneficial to the squad), I should just hit go to town and run back. Anyone who expects a cleric to run back should be perfectly willing to run back themselves on each and every death for the squads benefit if necessary. A good example of this would be Oceania Master in frost, if the cleric and a few dd's die on an ae those dd's should either get the hell out of the squad, hit go to town and run back, or use a res scroll to get back, if the cleric had to go to town (or is possibly too busy to res you).
But like I said, most players don't have that viewpoint, they would rather be selfish to the short term detriment of their squad, and the long term detriment of their character. Oh, and I don't use GA's, it's just exp.Pressa - Heavens Tear wrote: »b:surrender btw wolf you realize how many bars of mana a veno goes thru when constantly amping back before I had my sage spark to replenish my mana I went thru 7 bars of mana on every single boss because fox form really eats that mana out. I have played a cleric I have played a veno the only way a cleric uses more mana then a cleric is if they BB everything and have no mp regen items. Sure venos have those wonderful skills to replenish our mana but thats precisely why we have them because if we didn't we wouldn't have any mana whatsoever. Venos not amping occasionally is not fine but johnny on the spot venos with all their amping would end up sitting thru half the boss cause clerics don't heal soul transfusioned venos x_X Bet you this put a MP charm on a veno they will go thru a full one or more in a single TT run.(applies to johnny on the spot venos)
Less than a full TT run. Myriad is a wonderful evil mana sucking black hole and used heavily can account for about 2/3 of our total mana usage. Without that, 1 run... with it... 2 bosses. And yes, I've raced clerics to see who can empty an mp charm quicker (that's with using regen skills), the one that did was me. MP food is wonderful.The other thing I want to point out is a wizard uses more mana then a cleric and you don't hear wizards complaining about charms either do you only the high and mighty cleric will ever complain about how much mana charm they use.
They don't complain because no one takes them to TT. Then they might realize loot methods are blatantly unfair. Being a class that's in small numbers at high levels doesn't help wizards case either since they can't collectively complain (though at the same time, it means the small handful can demand people don't **** them over).
And david thats not just barbs thats venos and wizards and clerics and BMs and archers too there are lots of people that don't want to pay for a wine and just want to do unwined.[/QUOTE]Rillien - Heavens Tear wrote: »Without coming off as a snob cleric or w/e, I respectfully disagree. The job of a cleric is to prevent a barb's charm from ticking through heals, which means even the worst clerics, if they are healing, are still making that charm tick less. Now there's no way to heal someone's mana, and I think most people would agree that a cleric's will tick far more on any given run.
Take one cleric, fill the other spot with more dps. Faster kills=less time for charms to tick. Hold dps accountable, expect them to eat mp food/charm ticks to kill something as well. Split loot in a method that's actually fair so everyones costs are covered. The end result is costs become a bit more spread out, and the squads overall costs decrease.0 -
Note rillien I didn't say barbs charms would tick more I said barbs charms are whats keeping them alive and if a barb is ticking he is coming closer and closer to death a 5-7k tick each time it ticks if it ticks alot I promise you will use more on the charm then a cleric would. And that was precisely the point of the post I made to say you don't have to have the charm its unnecessary helpful yes but necessary no.
b:shocked Oh god yah I wasn't even counting myriad cause at the time I didn't have it. If I were to try to empty my bar I could do so faster then a cleric unless that cleric is using that stream of rejuvenation demon that really eats thru mana.
and I totally agree with you on the damage thing brael the faster the thing is done the less charm the cleric uses the less repair it causes and overall better for everyone. b:angry so get off those damage macros people.
Yes I have heard that IH uses more MP then BB over all some clerics agree some disagree. Dunno don't care the tip still remains. >.<
b:shutup although I don't know what you are talking about I am in a party with 90+ wizards everyday there are lots of them comparative to clerics probably not but sometimes I prefer a wizard then a cleric cause some of the wizards are better at healing then some of the lame clerics I have met.
b:surrender yah as it turns out despite when someone get low life from it clerics I know tend to not want to heal self damage like zerks but thats okay cause I don't expect them to.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
You guys can argue all you want...
you won't get far.
so i'ma sit at the sidelines with the barb and have
some cookies and a nice cup of milk.
maybe even have a sexy veno clean my feathers... -.-[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Roriror - Lost City wrote: »maybe even have a sexy veno clean my feathers... -.-
From the mouth of her Phoenix, after she is done snacking on you....Too often we loose sight of life's simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown, BUT, it only takes 4 muscles to extend your arm and slap that mother#$@%#^! upside the head.0 -
well now... i guess you're out...
heart... you can have this one..
i'll settle with my gf.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Today searching a BH squad, I got the "gimme free wine treatment" from several barbs.
One response was "fine, gl doing it without a barb. PM me when you give up". Arrogant stuck up jerk -.- I made a mental note never to squad with the guy again. If I was a cleric I'd bring him to bh and purposely town tele mid boss.
Second response was "I don't usually pay because of repairs, i'm poor". ****...The guy is wearing full TT and legendary. As I said I've tanked Pole and Guar a few times myself and my repair bill was 12k. I'm pretty sure I made more than that in junk drops and picked up coin.
Seriously, those guys give barbs a bad name. I have no respect for those types whatsoever. In the end I skipped the BH entirely. A few % less exp is no biggie, better than fueling silly greed-barbs ego's.0 -
yeah there seem to be a lot of people like that around.
we just someone new in fact. as soon as she joined
she came to me three others asking for 300k each...
people are rediculous.
i say we set them ablaze.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Honestly, I get tired of people complaining to me for not doing BB against mobs like wyvern when i tell them that I don't have an mp regen item. (I'd run out in middle and well... No MP, in the middle of an AOE, not good....)
I usually say before the party starts that if they want me to BB, they should give me some herbs to make MP regen items or to bring me some MP regen items and that I CANNOT use ONLY pots for BB due to potion cooldown time. If they won't give me an MP regen item, I'm not going to BB (yet most parties expect me to BB anyways).
Even if it costs less than IH spamming, there is the issue that you really can't afford to stop BB while you could afford to stop spamming IH and recover your MP really fast via adv sparks and sitting for example. However, if you stop BB, you need 2 sparks to start it again.
Honestly, how hard is it that if you want the cleric to BB, to give a MP regen item like focus powder (50 MP/s which is half of what the cleric needs so that the cleric only needs to pot 50 per second instead of 100. (pots also can get pretty expensive. I use, on average, 5-20 pots to BB wyvern even with a focus powder. That is in addition to repair costs). (It isn't worth wasting gold to BB, especially if you don't need wyvern, but instead were simply asked to help the party). 5-20 at 820 gold each is 4-16k already with powder. In order to pot wyvern like a lot of parties have asked me to do, I'd have to spam higher pots and that would be 10-50 at 1.2k so 12-60k for wyvern alone. (I know because one time I was at about 150 Medium mystery potions and 50 large before the run and by then end of the run, I had about 130 medium and 9 large. And I know I only use medium before wyvern. (the large were not hotkeyed))
"We died because you didn't BB" (after party wipe at Wyvern)
"It is all your fault. Go back to town and res us." (another Wyvern party wipe)
"Why aren't you healing me?" (while I was sitting down to regen mp and the tank ran into the middle of like 5 mobs)
Hurry the [stars] up and heal me [stars]" (while I was busy trying to heal myself since I had like 4+ mobs on me from TRYING to heal the tank)
"Why the [stars] didn't you heal me?" (After dying from healing tank, I was told to wait and I waited until the tank told me to heal. Tank died before I could heal).
They aren't the only one in danger. The cleric is in pretty bad danger if they are swarmed cus the person they are healing can't hold aggro AND rushed. Yet people seem to expect the cleric to willingly sacrifice their lives to try to save others that will die anyways (knowing this from MANY boss attempts where I healed the party as per their instructions and DIED).
Still, my "favorite" criticism was:
"Hey [stars], use your [stars] pots and heal me instead of sitting around recovering your [stars] mp. I'm in a hurry here." (This was when I had told the party that I'd be willing to help them do a dungeon as long as i could rest when i needed to (It was for BH 39 and I was level 62 (BH51 and 59)). Needless to say, I ran away in the middle of a boss battle when the BM pissed me off again.0 -
People who do that more than likely will do that to anyone be they barb, cleric, or any other class. You shouldn't expect a person like that to treat you nicely because you are a particular class and they are requesting something only your class can do and honestly you shouldn't care.
People treat clerics and barbs the same way we treat everyone else. Well I do anyway. If im just about to die and they do a wellspring i say nice healing, and the dungeon run goes on.
If a stupid cleric does something stupid we treat him/her the same as a stupid barb, veno, archer, wiz or BM.
An archers/wizards/BM job in a party is to DD, barb is to tank, Veno is to lure/DD and a clerics job is to heal/rez. If a DD steals aggro & causes a party wipe or is a waste of space, then they get treated badly. If a barb cant tank, they get treated badly. if a veno cant lure, they get treated badly and if a cleric cant heal then they get treated badly.
More people just **** up as a cleric/barb and they are important to the party which is why people get annoyed more often.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
|Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
|Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
|Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|0 -
I will tell you this as playing another healing class in another attitudes like will never change.It is only 20% of the playerbase who reads forums not every player who plays PWI will be reading this.It depends on how mature they are and know how to play their own class properly.It is those in your own lvl range who may give clerics or whatever class a hard time.
I find the higher lvls will not do this seeing as how they are veterans and all.The classes in at your own lvl are unsure of themselves I can tell as in the behavior of the char.This is something I picked up on playing that other game and it did work to my advantage.I find it a little different in this game though as we didn't have to lvl our skills.Honestly, I get tired of people complaining to me for not doing BB against mobs like wyvern when i tell them that I don't have an mp regen item. (I'd run out in middle and well... No MP, in the middle of an AOE, not good....)
I usually say before the party starts that if they want me to BB, they should give me some herbs to make MP regen items or to bring me some MP regen items and that I CANNOT use ONLY pots for BB due to potion cooldown time. If they won't give me an MP regen item, I'm not going to BB (yet most parties expect me to BB anyways).Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.0 -
My cleric went through a lot of abuse too, because people feel like they are a sacrificial lamb. Too many times you have people go in and aoe everything in sight. At my level of cleric i can only keep heals on one person. Bm's who think they are godly and go on some suicide mission to prove to someone how well they DD and tank. Not just them but barbs at times do this too, not even being considerate of the clerics that when we spam heal you the mobs that you so claimed to be able to tank come flying to us. You aren't godly hun if you need a cleric to heal you. You're dependent. When a cleric finally get's wise to the noob and decides they aren't a sacrifice anymore, all the sudden they are a dumb noob who should just quit and remake a character.
First of a good player from any class would know how to effectively play with all of the party members. Meaning they can adjust from the different type of levels and know they're groups limitations. To many times you have people wanting to show off and out dd the tank. To many times you have some low level barb or bm who went on an fb with a level 80 cleric and now expects every cleric to perform like a god. This too, everyone knows a cleric runs slow yet no one waits for them to be able to keep up and get to the same spot as them. I like when a mob all the sudden one shots me out of a corner and the party is like way ahead of me, because they want to rush through every instance instead of killing potential agro. My favorite is the one person who cannot follow directions and decides to solo mobs, ends up dead, and wants to curse you out cause they died.
+10 to this thread though cause it's so true treat your clerics better. I do feel bad when others die. For a long time when i first started this game I'd end up crying cause some jerk would totally curse me out cause I couldn't keep him alive when he had like 5 mobs on him. I thought my cleric wasn't effective because i was told i sucked. I learned some time later teach people how you wanted to be treated. I'm not your buff slave or your sacrificial lamb so if you go pulling stupid stuff you'll end up dead. Just too bad only 10% or less of the player base actually read forums.0 -
Job one is to keep the cleric alive. If the cleric survives, we all survive.0 -
I have to say, I just love when a cleric puts up a blue bubble, so I can go all out without having to worry about pulling aggro. And then, when I do pull aggro, he takes down his blue bubble.
I really appreciate the "let them die" attitude of some clerics. I really do.
Lol, this.
From this thread im thinking that clerics are much more harsher and meaner than everyone else because when a few people abuse them, the cleric abuses everyone else (ie. nice people)
But seriously, ive seen many clerics take aggro, and then when the Veno/Archer/Wizard takes aggro to stop the cleric dying the cleric blames them for the death and then thinks that the person who "sacrificed" themself was aaggro-berserking crazed archerWhen I was playing, i would let that aggro-berserking crazed archer who thinks they can tank anything in sight just die....and lay there.....and miss the boss kills, while I heal the tank.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
|Active: Coalescence - Lost City, Wizard|
|Inactive: StormHydra - Sanctuary, Archer|
|Call of Duty: Black Ops|League of Legends|Forsaken World|Perfect World International|The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim|0 -
StormHydra - Sanctuary wrote: »Lol, this.
From this thread im thinking that clerics are much more harsher and meaner than everyone else because when a few people abuse them, the cleric abuses everyone else (ie. nice people)
But seriously, ive seen many clerics take aggro, and then when the Veno/Archer/Wizard takes aggro to stop the cleric dying the cleric blames them for the death and then thinks that the person who "sacrificed" themself was a and then lets them die the second time they steal aggro from the cleric cause they think that they have "overblown egos" or something.
Usually thats an accident. Play an archer to see how easy it is to steal aggro.
Once I ran into a weird scene. Usually, during BHs, after Sharpened Tooth Arrow and the barb having the aggro, all I need to do is do normal attacks. Well, this time I went to the kitchen to pour a cup of tea and wrap up a sandwich or so. I got back to a scene where the whole party had died.
I also remember one bothersomely long BH50, where our only cleric was away right from the start. When he finally arrived, the whole party was dead. And his excuse? "I have a real life, I was hungry." Seriously, that was not amusing. And apparently I angred the poor fellow by saying that he could've easily said something about going to grab a sandwich or so.
Another memorable BH was when our barb went away without any notice whatsoever. Interestingly enough, he was just on Rankar's path, so we ended up watching as Rankar had his way with the poor barb and then the party disbanded.
Honestly, I've had quite a few instances where one member of the party, usually a Veno or BM, says something like "Well, if the archer takes aggro, then he tanks it" Great idea, except that archers don't really have too many useful close-range attacks, not to mention really low HP.
It's kinda sad, it seems like people tend to look at DDs as nothing but extras that speed up the run. Of course, that's true, but I don't see how that justifies letting them die or run around with 20% HP for 15 minutes, whereas the same does not seem to apply to BMs, Herc Venos, Barbs or Clerics.If you disregard what I say because of who I am or because of the contents of what I said, you are a fool.
Everyone wants to be different, but when you're different you wish you were normal.0 -
b:surrender looking at this its LC and Sanctuary that are saying most of their barbs and clerics are like that and being mistreated. b:shutup And other servers saying this is how it should be I think there is defiantly a pattern.
and Olba what you just said is why they have that attitude when BM steals aggro he can probably tank it herc venos can too if a cleric is taking aggro then he is not healing b:bye and Pressa hates pure attack clerics you know the ones who decide not to level their healing skills and just attack ones.
_-_ again its been said it hate goes to every class cept maybe wizards noone ever hates on the pretty little wizards.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Clerics and barbs get treated the best in this game out of all the classes way i see it b:shutup0
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