arkaria Arc User


  • Genius, thank you
  • What she said is 100% correct ^
  • Clerics are meant to use magic weapons. There are so many things wrong with a cleric using a bow, it would probably take me half an hour to list them all here. If you prefer a bow, I suggest you make an elf archer.
  • Putting heavy armor on a cleric is like putting magic robes on a barb. You can get fantastic phys def without making yourself useless by adding physical stones, refining your armors, and getting pdef adorns and accessories.
  • A Cleric always has to be ready to tank. The question isn't really how much Vit you have, but how much HP you have. I'm not really sure exactly what you're asking. If you mean you were going to restat to have just 5 vit, I'm going to tell you right now that's a horrible idea unless all your armor is +12 with G8+ HP stones.…
  • 3.5/5 Kingdom Hearts is awesome. Simple, has a dark feel to it. btw, this is supposed to be my sig, but for some reason it wont show up on the forum..
  • You guys are lucky that mat prices are lower. In the other version of this game that I play on, the gold mat that drops from the last boss in 2-3 is worth 90-100million gold.
  • You could in theory skip TT70 armor and use NPC gear if you're looking to save money. Getting any gold 7x armor is a huge waste. So is the sword. I recommend all green armor and this "Griefs Breath - TT70" ^^
  • Almost every thread that I've looked at pertaining to cleric builds seems to be implying that a cleric shouldn't have more than 50-70vit.
  • Don't mind me popping into this thread. I'm noticing a trend in this version of PW, in the form of people thinking that a cleric with over 50 vit is a bad thing. In a different version of this game, I have a base vitality of 124, int of 294, dex 5, and strength 52. That's at lvl 92 and not including what my gear adds. With…
  • For lvl 7x, I recommend the HH70(I think it's called TT70 here?) green armor with HP stones. At 9x I've found it's better to switch over to physical def stones in your armor. As far as weapon goes, if you can afford it, or can get your hands on it, I would get the lvl 70 gold magic sword mold/crafted weapon. That's only if…
  • Arkaria Are-care-ee-uh or Ark-air-ee-a
  • So anyone have any idea what server NJ should go to :confused: I'm usually on from late afternoon to 1am or so. So what times would the TWs and stuff be taking place? I would assume east would be good for me but not entirely sure. Any help?
  • 0.1% because I'm attempting to squeeze it on a laptop(with the MY EN version) with a wireless connection and I just started the download about 10 seconds ago :D
  • My schedule will be simple. - Go to school for a few hours because I have to - **** homework - Spend time with friends so im not antisocial - any time that would have been used for eating, sleeping, or anything else is replaced with PW :D
  • ROFL!? Were you wasted when you wrote that? xD
  • Actually the only server we can go on without getting banned for speaking english if (again if I'm not mistaken) the MY EN server. Any other server has an IP block, or bans you for speaking english and not chinese/japanese. Thats what I've heard anyway. So english players couldn't ask for help or anything on the quests…
  • Not to be argumentive, but I beg to differ. Unless you're swimming in a sea of multimillions I'm pretty sure it would bother you to spend 5k supporting a game just to have them say "**** you, you have your own version now you're lvl 8x and we just dont care. *hits big red ban button* Just saying :P
  • Like everyone else keeps saying, an IP block mid game would cause a lot of problems. I know people in game who have spent nearly 5k USD on things for their character in MY EN. There would deffidently be some legal issues as far as taking peoples money goes. Thats basically stealing =\
  • I'm going to use whatever abbreviations I damn well please. The new names are stupid. Everyone keeps saying it, everyone keeps hoping they'll change them. There were threads on this on the MY EN forum. Nobody likes most of the new names. Venomancer? Wtf IS that?! P.S. I think we should adopt Barguy's idea for Snuggle Runs.…
  • Right there with ya. Honestly since I'm going to play both MY and INT PWs It's going to be really irritating to have to remember abbreviations for each different version :( Lets see... BladeMaster: BM Wizard: WZ Barbarian: BR Venomancer: VC Archer: AR Cleric: CL ..............?
    in Class Names Comment by arkaria July 2008
  • I'm pretty happy about it actually. It's necessary. This version of the game is intended for us. Not Malaysia, China, or Japan. I hope Europe isn't blocked though =\ South america has their own server if I'm not mistaken, so they shouldn't have a reason to come here...not to be racist or anything.
  • I'm more than likely going to stick with EP. Of course I might make a WF to support my EP. But my EP is going to be my main again.
  • Whats this I hear? Allied coming to the International server? I've got friends in Allied on MY_EN. You more than likely know me from Lateralus :P <-- Captain. If Allied is moving I want in. Lat is staying on MY_EN because half our guild would be lost due to the IP block. This leaves me with no roots in Int. I wanna get in…
  • Oracle Arkaria EP 5x Oracle Atrix WF 5x My characters are still pretty low because I made Ark the first time and screwed her up. So I made Atrix. Got her to lvl 54, then got bored. Deleted her and remade Arkaria and I'm planning on sticking with her.