amradio Arc User


  • I'm not that lame...I am Shonindayo, but good idea...I'll keep it in mind. If you don't believe me PM me in game.
  • This logic fails extremely hard. If we apply it for lulz, the only ones winning anything are the classes with the highest dmg output. That means archers/mages are best class and everyone else sux at pvp. And venos with pets are for noobs too I guess. Mages cant use mages must wand to death to be good at…
  • Lol, My oh my! I'm not really terrified, sorry. I say 60+ because then I can at least fight back with a good lot of ppl that try to pwn me. Obviously the 90+ will still be impossible for me, but oh well. Skill/Gear > levels. I still say Bring it On b:victory. KOS for Shonindayo, hey you can tell your guilds too in case…
  • Angry?? Naw! I find getting one-shotted pretty entertaining after all, and i love trying to survive. And I swear this isn't reverse psychology. I just realize that most of you will leave lowbie white named players alone, which is great, but now I am declaring myself open season with no complaints. Shall we?
  • I'm sorry but if anyone is from the PvE servers and they are complaining...just stop. If you don't wanna be pked by higher levels then, "deedeedeeeee", turn off pk mode. Wow that was difficult. And if you wanna be stubborn and stay in pk mode, well thats what you get. You honestly have nothing to whine about. Moving on. If…
  • Well for poles, you're skills aer mostly dmg+bleed skills. Combined with maximizing your range and timing your stuns, no one will be doing much of anything but bleeding to death. Its very difficult of course, but thats the idea. Poles also get leaps that allow them to go back or forward great distances. Played correctly,…
  • Oh god hahaha. FSweet pwned me had in Secret Passage. Me and the friend I was with were laughing SO hard. We were getting ready to leave after a quest, so we're talking and gaterhing by the door (in the room with the demonfires). Then out of NOWHERE this WB sprints round the corner and one-shots both of us at once, sprints…
  • Vor won the thread, good job my man. Lol at cowardly for potting. I call it stupid, because after al, no one dies and its just a waste of money. Who really cares? Pvp definitely has no rules. Unspoken rules are only there to give the creator some inherent advantage or lack of disadvantage. Its all about survival as said…
  • Word up! I find ppl very nice on Lost City though, seriously. I've yet to meet a legit jerkoff, and most everyone is very helpful. Not to mention if you shut down the pvp server, all the jerkoffs would just go to HT and harrass you all. Now why would you do that? You already get enough grief on the forums haha.
  • I actually consider this game fairly balanced, and Polearms own (because I am one)! Archers are by far the most annoying, no offense guys, but seriously it sucks having to run up to a mob to hit it while it gets downed 2 ft in front of you. Darn you all :P, I will have my REVENGE!
    in Classes Comment by amradio January 2009
  • Woot another pole!! I'm a pole, and I love it. Pole is very very good, and I consider it to be very balanced. Its like the mid point between axes and swords. Very flexible in terms of stats, as you can add more Dex. For stuns, I know there's 1 or two stuns unique to pole...and a couple more from the general tree. Pole is…
  • No, just no one has been smart enough to figure out how to make it work. Regardless if you build yourself to take out certain classes then you WILL take out certain classes. Don't listen to tards.
  • Not to mention ive had numerous high levels do my secret passage quests for me. Thats the only way I got them done without a full party. I have clue what you're talking about.
  • That's because character transfer is not allowed between servers. The reason being is that someone could get uber gear in the pve server, then come to the pk server and **** everyone. Its unfair to those who actually have to fight for their levels. Ya kno? Not to mention it would be a logistical nightmare to those keeping…
  • At least we all agree on one thing :D! School of Hard Knocks FTW b:victory!! And i'd rather have a creative server name for once. Naming servers after cities is weird. Heavens Tear is pretty good though. The other two, not so much.
  • Hang the code, use what you want. The only rules are the rules made beforehand. If no rules are made beforehand, then guess what, its anything goes. **** unspoken etiquette. No one loses anything except pride, and if your epeen is so important that you waste pots and money on duels, then by all means go for it. I wouldn't…
  • Ahh gotcha, thanks for that. Just a personal preference, but I'd rather come up and dominate in a well established server. Idk, I get more satisfaction from that. No point in being king of the desert ya kno?
  • LC probably has one of the best communities of the 3 servers. A lot of ppl that PK you are actually nice, and I've made friends with quite a few of them. As long as you don't take PK personally, you will find many ppl to be very enjoyable. I had my reservations about rolling LC, but once I started I nvr looked back to HT.
  • I fail to understand why ppl are so anxious for a new server. I, for one, don't find it exciting in the least. This game is hardly filled up, therefore I dont kno what everyone is chomping at the bit about? Someone care to explain? Is it trendy or something?
  • But, you guys are missing the HUGE difference. In HT you have a choice. That means if I don't want to get pked until I get uber gear, I wont if im in Heavens Tear. I can just go blue name and get stacked with stuff, then go white. Not the same. Yeah, you WILL get pked if you are white named, but chances are you will be…
  • Am I the only one who doesn't think he's an ****? I actually find him funny and wish he was on Lost City. I find that ppl take this game WAY too seriously most of the time. First off, its not real, you can't really pwn anything, and you sure as heck dont have that much reputation. So, plz, remember that there is a real…
  • I'd argue that Lost City is the best out of the 3, except I haven't played on Sanctuary yet so I can't pass judgement on it. In fact, I've gotten far more help from high levels in Lost City than I have in Heavens Tear. Guess its not as bad as ppl say. Getting Pked really isn't that terrible if you're white named. The…
  • Fail, 20 pages ftw!! Woot! Anyway I fail to see why ppl need to diss Lost City so much. I'm tired of all the "punish PKers" and "no lost city" ****. Reroll, and don't play on lost city. And if you spent so much money and don't want to reroll, then, suck it up. It honestly takes an idiot to not figure out there's a…
  • Says the person who hasn't played lost city since CB. Thats funny because I was ive been frequenting secret passage the past couple days. Guess what, generally ppl let you pass if you ask, and even then they're only there to kill other pkers. In fact, most pkers only hunt for red names anyway. Your sweeping generalizations…
  • I've been PKed a good 5 times from lvl 30-33. Then again, I hang out around places I shouldn't, and dangerously close to ppl I shouldn't. Namely Secret Passage and RQ. Once I started meditating right next to Panda because I wanted a "safe place to heal". He said sorry and one-shotted my ****. It was funny, his wife rezzed…
  • By playing on a PK server you have agreed to kill and be killed at any time, regardless. And for some reason you are under the impression that PK is a mutual thing. It is not, and it shouldn't be. Players simply take the role of mobs, albeit more dangerous. I said it before, the same rules apply. While I don't agree with…
  • Pixie Pix..if I may. Your resolve is admirable, however, I find sitting there like a duck to be, well, not so admirable. You do not have to fight back, but you would do well to learn how to survive as best you can. No point in healing and protecting others when you can do no good for yourself. So I am asking you to…
  • You are incorrect. Let me ask you this...what are the factors of a PvE environment? Do you and the mobs have contests of strength to see who is stronger? Are mobs not allowed to attack you while you are fighting something else? Of course they are. And funny, I've never heard anyone seriously complain about monsters trying…