Lost City Question



  • Mua - Lost City
    Mua - Lost City Posts: 546 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    first, u gave up fending them off so u still are a quitter. People who made it to high lvls didnt let gettign killed stop them. Also, i get what ur saying is the red name means nothing but it does. I've seen npc atk red names before and sure they dotn do it as often as ur game but players atk red names. In my guild, if soemone has a red name then they get killed unless they on our allies or safe list. This is more PvP to me becuase once again, players vs players.

    You guys are probably fighting a losing battle.

    Zoe is my new favourite carebear, she's freaking awesome. She played some MY PVP and like 2 minutes of CB or something and now she's like the world expert on PVP. You should totally listen to her amazing advice, cause she says like The PVP server is so bad and theres killing everywhere and as soon as you step into secret passage the game will get ****, and 9x will come out of the sky and AOE on you and the comets will crash and the mountains will crumble and the seas will dry up and sparks will shoot out of your computer-

    Ok and back to serious mode. The PVP server is a great place to be, HT players talk a lot of ****, and listening to them in any PVP-related thread is the worst thing a newbie could do. Town of Arrivals is mainly full of guild vs guild clashes, and Secret Passage is usually fine, but on the off chance there are pkers there, as long as you're not stupid enough to start trash talking you'll be fine.
    Mua - 8x WF - Conqueror
  • XxTORMENTAxx - Heavens Tear
    XxTORMENTAxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I just reached lvl 34 lsat night which I was so happy about. (I know it is still low level but I do not have so much time to play this game :) so little jumps mean lots to me...Anyways) After reading so many replies to my post here Lost City sounds really cool. I am wishing since I do not have lots of time to play that I joined Lost City instead of Heaven Tear.

    If I remember from what someone said earlier, you do not lose EXP when you get killed by another player so really that just makes the game more interesting. Who cares then if you get killed that should make you more knowledgable in the end because you will be looking for ways to finish your quest some other way. The excitement of not know who might be lurking around a tree that wants to drop your dead a$$ during your quest. I think the game in Lost City how it is designed is more like a book with no words written in it and the players decide how it will be and can change at any time.

    I am really enjoying friends I have made in HT but am quite torn about stopping my Wiz and joining LC for some real excitement. For the most part it sounds like HT for the regular Joes (lvl 30-50) is like a 3D messaging serive and to have a bit of adventure but you can have full control. LC mind you can have the personal interactions with someone but you have the so called spider sense tingling all the time knowing something bad is about to happen to me while travelling from Plume City to Etherblade.

    Damn, if I was not at work I would be starting a LC character right now. LOL....
  • Fleuri - Sanctuary
    Fleuri - Sanctuary Posts: 1,763 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    jemima wrote: »
    I think the point Zoe is trying to make is that, while LC has a lot more pk'ing going on, the odds of getting randomly pk'd with a white name on LC are less than the odds of getting randomly pk'd with a white name on HT, because having a white name makes you stand out as a target.

    That makes sense. I agree with you that this seems to be Zoe's point.
  • amradio
    amradio Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    But, you guys are missing the HUGE difference. In HT you have a choice. That means if I don't want to get pked until I get uber gear, I wont if im in Heavens Tear. I can just go blue name and get stacked with stuff, then go white. Not the same. Yeah, you WILL get pked if you are white named, but chances are you will be white named when you are in the mood for pvp. Me...whether I might be in the mood or not, chances are i'll get pwned. I might even drop stuff. I might even get harrassed....not to mention not being able to go through secret passage to do a quest. HT is not that hardcore, sorry.

    And lol at you having more pvp going on at any given time. I really don't think so. That just sounds like a humongous generalization to play up Heavens Tear pvp. I understand you don't like being made fun of with the "tea party" joke, but dont make things up. HT is a PvE server, it will never have more pvp going on than the pvp server because of its very nature.

    Random PK happens in Lost City quite often, just not to lowbies. That is the point everyone was trying to make. High levels generally leave lowbies alone because they dont present a challenge. Yeah guilds like RQ will bang some up on a daily basis, but a single person doesn't generally get picked on unless they start whining. Lost City is a fun place to be, join us!

    The tough talk isn't convincing anyone. I know if you were still in lost city you would be fried multiple times. Period. The best pkers do belong to lost city after all.