Dueling Etiquette??



  • Hisuna - Sanctuary
    Hisuna - Sanctuary Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Written by ElMieda:First off, why would you want to waste your supplies on a DUEL? Second of all, if you must use supplies to have an advantage, you probably aren't really good.

    That is such a general statement that does not makes sense. What you are really doing is childish trash talking.

    I could say to someone, if you use that 3 star armour blah blah blah to protect you from my **** slappin, than you suck. You have to use normal armour to make it fair. b:cry

    People can try all they want but will not come up with anything that makes sense about how fighting a certain way makes you better than others and/or fair b:victory

    I'm in relative agreement about the no-potions thing, however, when it comes to me personally, I say if you want to use a pot, go for it, odds are pretty slim it's going to save you from someone that knows what they're doing.
    The family is a haven in a heartless world.
    Once a Guardian, Always a Guardian. Element: Fire.
  • ElMieda - Heavens Tear
    ElMieda - Heavens Tear Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Written by ElMieda:First off, why would you want to waste your supplies on a DUEL? Second of all, if you must use supplies to have an advantage, you probably aren't really good.

    That is such a general statement that does not makes sense. What you are really doing is childish trash talking.

    I could say to someone, if you use that 3 star armour blah blah blah to protect you from my **** slappin, than you suck. You have to use normal armour to make it fair. b:cry

    People can try all they want but will not come up with anything that makes sense about how fighting a certain way makes you better than others and/or fair b:victory

    When I'm talking about supplies, I'm talking about pots. I could care less about gear.

    Think about it. Does it really make sense to use pots in a fight which bears absolutely no consequence?

    EDIT: And please, tell me how I'm just resorting to "childish trash talking".
  • Zenpachi - Heavens Tear
    Zenpachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    What's the point of duels again?

    As far as I can tell, there are only three reasons to duel - epeen, gambling ("Bet you 50k I can beat you!"), and goofing off. I don't see that it matters in any of those situations whether people use pots or not.

    Personally, I've never heard of this "unspoken rule" before. I've only dueled a few times (the "goofing off" reason), and I used a healing potion now and then. They didn't complain, and I didn't see any problem with it other than wasting a pot for a silly duel.

    Seriously, where is the etiquette problem here? Everyone can use pots, so it's not exactly 'cheating.' Someone using a bug, ridiculously powerful items (such as the phoenix), or flying away when they're about to lose to melee should be considered 'cheating,' but not using pots. And I'm on the fence about using powerful items (including phoenix).
  • XxTORMENTAxx - Heavens Tear
    XxTORMENTAxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Second of all, if you must use supplies to have an advantage, you probably aren't really good.
    See above..Surprised you did not see that what you said was trash talking. b:thanks
  • ElMieda - Heavens Tear
    ElMieda - Heavens Tear Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    See above..Surprised you did not see that what you said was trash talking. b:thanks

    LMAO I didn't even realize I wrote that!
  • Sir_walter - Heavens Tear
    Sir_walter - Heavens Tear Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I think some of you are confusing pots , powders , and other stuff from apoth (consumables) and armor , weapons , belts , etc. (equipment).
    You don't equip pots and powder you consume them. Using pots and powders against a phoenix will not help you enough to win. And whining that someone has better equipment is making it unfair you have every option to buy better equipment also.
    To me dueling is a way to compare classes and builds using pots during a duel defeats this.
    If you really care that much about fighting others go into pk mode see how tough you really are!
  • XAsch - Sanctuary
    XAsch - Sanctuary Posts: 855 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    What makes it fair if so called "No potion in a fight Barb" has uberliscious suped up armour/weapons and is dueling someone who does not happen to spend time and/or real cash to get so strong so only has normal non- enhanced armour/weapon. You have to be kidding me if any of you think that is fair......

    Uhm, If we have uber armor, or weapons, through spending lots of money, or working hard for it, and they don't, for whatever reasoning, then how ISN'T it fair? We both spend as much time -as we can-; and we both have our own ways of going about things.

    So what, if they spend less time, or they can't afford -the best- equipment(s) for their level. If they challenge someone who obviously has better equipment (and yes, you can check their equipment before dueling), then it's their own damn fault. If they POT, the uber's should be able to POT, also, which would amount to what? ....... 10mins later "Hold on a sec, I'm outta POTs, lemme run to the Apo to get some more." - Uh, right.

    POTs are mostly used to beat people you couldn't have beaten, otherwise, so if those people, who otherwise, could not have been beaten, use POTs also, then it becomes a vicious cycle of nothingness, and unprogressiveness. b:thanks
  • Zenpachi - Heavens Tear
    Zenpachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    To me dueling is a way to compare classes and builds using pots during a duel defeats this.
    How? Maybe you could clarify this a little more. I mean, any other time we would use pots, be it PvP or PvE, so if you were trying to "compare classes and builds," wouldn't you want the most realistic circumstances (barring the non-functionality of the guardian and spirit charms)? IOW: We use pots in all other areas of the game. If you don't use them for duels only, how is that a good comparison of classes/builds?

    And again, I don't see the etiquette problem, here.
  • Sir_walter - Heavens Tear
    Sir_walter - Heavens Tear Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    How? Maybe you could clarify this a little more. I mean, any other time we would use pots, be it PvP or PvE, so if you were trying to "compare classes and builds," wouldn't you want the most realistic circumstances (barring the non-functionality of the guardian and spirit charms)? IOW: We use pots in all other areas of the game. If you don't use them for duels only, how is that a good comparison of classes/builds?

    And again, I don't see the etiquette problem, here.

    You can compare damage output and resistance to other or same class attacks, normally people of the same level range duel to see where their characters strengths or weaknesses are. If you wanted real comparison you would go into PK mode where charms work and pots are needed to survive. in a duel no one really looses as in dies and possibly looses items. A Duel is more of a practice and is pointless to waste coin on pots, at least to me it is. If you want to use pots you should tell the person your going to duel I'm betting 90% of people will decline because it's a waste.
  • silverkitty
    silverkitty Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If you want to use pots you should tell the person your going to duel I'm betting 90% of people will decline because it's a waste.

    Or maybe they wouldn't decline, they'd just not use potions themselves, because they don't want to waste 'em, and then paste the pot user anyway. If you have to rely on pots in a duel, you're going to lose even after you use the pot. So waste away :) The duel will be typically be over in 3 hits either way - the pot user will be wasting time using a pot while the non-user will score the killing blow. Yawn.
  • Zenpachi - Heavens Tear
    Zenpachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    You can compare damage output and resistance to other or same class attacks, normally people of the same level range duel to see where their characters strengths or weaknesses are. If you wanted real comparison you would go into PK mode where charms work and pots are needed to survive. in a duel no one really looses as in dies and possibly looses items. A Duel is more of a practice and is pointless to waste coin on pots, at least to me it is.
    That's fine, and I can see what you're saying about testing damage output and the like. But then, what does it matter who wins/loses? You can clearly see your damage numbers and see how effective either of your attacks/skills are. Pots wouldn't change that, only prolong the fight. The only argument I can see for this is a practical one - i.e. don't waste your pots on a duel because it is simply practice. Still no argument for etiquette or "fairness" or anything like that.
    If you want to use pots you should tell the person your going to duel I'm betting 90% of people will decline because it's a waste.
    But why? What would they care? As silverkitty says, they just wouldn't use them, and maybe even laugh at the individual for wasting pots on a practice fight.
  • Tawarwaith - Sanctuary
    Tawarwaith - Sanctuary Posts: 391 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Just a question for those who are informed of the "duel code": Life powders manufactured at an apothecary, are they allowed or not?
  • amradio
    amradio Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hang the code, use what you want. The only rules are the rules made beforehand. If no rules are made beforehand, then guess what, its anything goes. **** unspoken etiquette. No one loses anything except pride, and if your epeen is so important that you waste pots and money on duels, then by all means go for it. I wouldn't use pots in a duel because its a waste of gold and I dont care. If I lose, I lose...oh well. I can still see where my character is lacking.
  • Teseanna - Heavens Tear
    Teseanna - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,021 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The exact kind of person that I was inadvertadly attempting to attract, and it worked, so now i can go on with the discussion.

    Would it not be more effective to use whatever recources you have avilable, if it results in you standing over the other player's corpse? A win is a win, no matter how you go about it, and it even comes with an announcement message.
    I understand both points, but not everyone will play by the same rules...
  • turonga
    turonga Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Fair fights I believe are the best way to go, because even if you win or lose you still fought and didn't use an advantage. I wonder if people ever say gf in this game, it stands for good fight even if you win or lose both people say it.

    If they both use pots then that fight will be pretty long, if they both don't it will be quick, although going with both not using it would be the best way. A money saviour, a pot saviour, and a time saviour- all rolled into one dueling style.
  • valdore
    valdore Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hi everyone!

    I don't usually write in forums much (this also being my first post), and I have only been playing for 3 days, so I am as new to the thing as one can be. To be honest I don't even know how to duel in the game. However, I do remember back in the time I played Diablo II online. The PvP was also a component and obviously this type of argument usually would come up. In my opinion, the only "rules" that ever apply are the ones beforehand, as some of you said. If there is no discussion of what should or should not be allowed, then even throwing sand at the eyes (if it were possible to do) would be fair. Saying that someone can not use a HP potion is the same as saying that an archer can not use a bow. It's part of the game, it can and should be used IF (this is the paramount part of the sentence) the person thinks it's necessary. It doesn't matter if there is a point about winning or not, or if it's a waste of potions. That's up to the person to decide.
    Obviously that I agree that it shouldn't be used, because to me the function of a duel would be to compare a build with another build as well as the player's capacity to use it. Therefore, regenerating life would serve no purpose. But that's me! Different people different opinions. Besides, if you are really good, your opponent can use as much potions as he/she wants that will not make a difference.
  • jemima
    jemima Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The pots prolong the fight.
    Take two fairly evenly matched people, or some fight which won't be over in a couple of hits. Instead of fighting, and the person who does more damage/has more health wins, both people are using potions, the fight drags on forever, until someone runs out of potions, at which point it was just a test of who had the most potions.