Clearing air about PandaPest

PandaPest - Heavens Tear
PandaPest - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
edited January 2009 in General Discussion

Recently I just came over from (another game) to a place where I heard it was fun. I tried to bring my sense of humor along and just finnaly be able to play a game and relax without any problems.

Recently, within 2 weeks, a friend of mine "Hans" (not his nickname) left to go on holiday and asked me to run his faction.

I declined because I didn't want to be in charge of anything except light hearted humor, telling jokes, and singing songs in faction chat. (out of key of course)

I run all sorts of jokes, songs, funny nonsense ads which arent supposed to make sense. I talk smack to mobs I'm fighting and otherwise act like.. well a pest.

I get more fun out of being in a party against some hard to beat creature and then yelling at it or throwing "fake rocks" at it simply to amuse the other party members.

Out of the 1000's of jokes Ive already told since joining around Novemeber...

I sometimes run a little prank on fellow faction (guild) members that goes something like this...

When I see a member is online, talking, and fighting somewhere outside of town I go to town and say one of the following ...

"-nickname- is giving away free gold.. type /-nickname- Hey where's my gold? to get your free gold.
" Hey everyone msg -nickname- for a good time"
" -nickname- is feeling sad today.. everyone type /-nickname- aw here's a hug"

Now I admit the second one may be a little bit eye raising but truly its funnier if done on another male. ;)

The *EXPECTED* result is that suddenly the guildie (faction member) gets a few strange msgs.
The IDEA is to sit back and talk to him normally and wait for him to acknowledge he just got some strange messages at which point I tend to whistle innocently indicating "Yeah it was me"

Now this little prank worked on about 10 faction members including Hans one fine day.. and then I picked a person at total "random" and ran the same joke on.

I got a pretty bad response from the "husband" of the person I ran it on. I honestly at the time did not know she was a she or that she was married to another faction member.

This "prank" isn't supposed to be a sexual prank at all but simply get the above mentioned expectation and then a laugh. -- THATS IT

The reaction I saw or remember seeing didn't seem to me to be anything but a mention. In fact it really wasn't memorable to me at all and didn't stick in my head as a "warning" (as later will come out)

I should mention that when I made another "joke" about the interim faction leader's pet spider being beaten.. I got scolded for that. Imagine getting scolded for talking about someone beating their imaginary pet tarantulax. b:puzzled

But that's another story.. I guess a logical person should have realized right then and there that this is a place to which some people's idea of humor is another person's idea of an insult.

But I guess Im not like that.. Im silly.. full of nonsense.. trying not to take things serious AT ALL.. but rather try and get people to laugh even at me if possible.

I think I made more jokes about myself from November to January than I did anything else. People did laugh at those.. and they all seemed to get along with me.

I helped out my fellow guildies... often making them 3 Star weapons for free and even at cost to myself.

Then comes last week.. last Thursday or even Wednesday... Heck it might have been New Year's.. or a day or two after.. I honestly dont remember the exact date.

I come online and am bored and no one is chatting in the faction and so I run a very old joke I've used on (another game) before as d0nKeY or as Pest (my rogue on Sarissa)

It runs like this...

In guild chat I say.. "You all are a bunch of beetle ticklers"

*looks around for today's "especially victim"...." (usually I add a number... like especially victim #409, to indicate "hey I do this a lot and to a lot of people and today you got chosen", guess I should have maybe added the number)

" especially.. -nickname- , yes -nickname is a panda tickler fer dang sure"
(whereas -nickname is literaly a "RANDOMLY" chosen person in the guild who I havent seen chat in a long time and this gag is designed to get them to at least type "LOL")

Now , on that day I did substitute the word beetle with Panda.. i.e Panda tickler

To my knowledge.. (and Im not a kid contrary to popular belief, cough) I know for a fact that "tickling" is not a sexual reference at all.
Tickling is the act of touching a part of the body, so as to cause involuntary twitching movements or laughter
Source link:

To throw something wild in there like "beetle tickling" or as I've done on (another game).. "Goblin Tickling" (goblins dont really exist ya know) is done to enhance the idea and to make it seem even more impossible and even more silly and harmless.


The abovementioned "husband" of the abovementioned "wife" went ballistic.

I'm talking.. all caps.. "You were warned" lines multiple times.. He demoted me and then in his blind rage.. kicked himself from the faction while possibly aiming at me.

This was quickly remedied when his "alleged wife" (I still think its the same person with two pc's going ;) ) banished me from the guild.

What do you think? Do you think calling people "panda ticklers" is an offensive joke?

I was honestly surprised at the action taken.

I really didn't know how to react myself... I couldn't believe what I just saw happen to me in an online video game.

I tried to explain to both person's involved but the "guy" was too hell bent for leather that I had committed the most unspeakable act on the planet.

Talk about taking something serious...

What do you think? Do you think that guy went a little haywire?

Anyhow to make a long story short, there was no reasoning with the guy or his wife or another guildie who was the ONLY other witness to what was said.

Four people total including myself saw what took place. The other 3 guildies were all afk in cat stores and the "interim" guild leader wasn't even online.

2 days go by.....

I'm out of the guild. I'm having fun ---by myself. Minding my own business.... walking through town.

Suddenly.. and out of the blue some guy shouts in world chat some sort of challenge and calls me out by name.
I had to read it three times before it sank in that someone I didn't even know used my name just then.

Never seen the name before...

I didn't respond or say anything at all, but rather stood there in Archasaur near Santa scratching the fur on my Panda head.

Then came the flood of private messages from the "husband" (name being withheld)
Here is a guy I thought.. that is not only taking this game so seriously that he went out and talked someone (higher level) into siding with him, but he was gonna make quote.. "dang sure I dont level again" with this new guy's faction ks'ing me at every turn.

He demanded to know where I was right then and there.. (I said far far north)
Then this new guy or as I call him.. "big shot", messages me with all sorts of name calling, insults, claims that I'm a "kid" and claims he'll hunt me down in real life and rip my head off" (death threat from a complete stranger)

Naturally, I'm still a bit confused at this time and I also didn't see the "shout" go off from them claiming I'm some sort of pedofile" ( I would have ss'd that instantly had I seen it)

Later I was told of that development by someone who I've since added to my friend list and she claims to have that ss)

All this... I was thinking.. over a "tickle joke" period.

This conversation went on for a couple hours in which it ended in some blacklisting against them by me (something I dont normally do)

I eventually took those blacklists off thinking I probably would miss more slanderous shouts coming from them after learned of one particular one which I didn't see. In fact I think it happened when I did have them on blacklist.

I also remembered that I'm da d0nKeY .. and I dont take threats, BS, or lip off of anyone reguardless of their level or social standing in a game.

I didn't take that off of anyone on (another game) and I ain't taking it here.

Still, everyday I've logged on since Sunday of this past weekend.. I've gotten 100's of pm's from people I don't even know or have never met who claim they are "so and so's" bestest buddy and they all want to see me die...etc...etc.

I'm thinking two things here.

1. These people have no real lives of their own and they are so high strung into the social fabric of their own faction that they sincerely believe if they msg someone whom they don't even know about something they didn't even witness that somehow they'll get enough brownie points to cover their entire face and hide just how brown their nose really is ;)

2. I need to either fight back, ignore and report, or come on these forums and let the TRUTH out about what happened so some people if they are of "reasonable mind" might.. JUST might second guess the source (the irrate husband) see through the lies that were in fact told to enhance me into the villain that more than 20 people apparently believe I am.

So I chose all three actions.

I'm fighting back... (trading insult for insult)
I've reported two tickets already including screenshots
And Im telling it like it is on these forums.

I should stress that since I was removed from my faction (name withheld) I joined a fun group of guys in AirRiders .. only to learn that the "big shot" was such a powerful influence he msg'd the leader.. and either intimidated him or whatever..
I got scolded for pm'ing the guy. So I LEFT that faction.

The "big shot" likes to think I was kicked and bragged about this fact saying quote:
I got you kicked blah blah.. I can get you kicked from any guild I want

Well... here is the lovely ss of me being kicked ;)


Those guys were at least fun, sad to see pressure from a "higher level snob" break things up.

Point is.. I'm not gonna "conform" to one higher lvl player's wishes simply because he's the best player in Perfect World.

I didn't take any lip off of WaXXorian from (another game) and I aint taking no lip off of anyone here.

I came here to play, have fun, and tell my silly mind numbing jokes and sing as many songs while fighting as I can.. no matter who is annoyed.

If in the end this guy 0wnz the GM's here as much as he 0wnz my most recent faction than fine.. I'll end up back where I came from.

Dare he show up there...

My Pest rogue has an attitude and I play it like no other character. ;)
Post edited by PandaPest - Heavens Tear on


  • Aerieath - Heavens Tear
    Aerieath - Heavens Tear Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Oh wow, this is one loooong post b:laugh
    Quote: Too many freaks, not enough circuses. b:scorn
  • Zenpachi - Heavens Tear
    Zenpachi - Heavens Tear Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Us Pandonians do find "panda tickler" to be somewhat insulting. The fact that you don't know that probably means you're not a real Panda, or you're from some other country. I'm guessing Pandica or Pandasia. The way you type suggests you are a Panderican or Pandapean.

    Also, never call a Panda's tiny tail a "dingleberry." I mean, I've pk'd for less...
  • MilkyX - Sanctuary
    MilkyX - Sanctuary Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ah yes,drama ^^
  • alexxeros
    alexxeros Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Unfortunately, grinding is boring, I came across this post, and read the whole thing. I regret doing so.

    From what I gather, considering your very long diatribe, you might be extremely annoying. I get that you want to be funny and you want to get other people to laugh, and in turn brighten their day. However, you seem to be doing it in the most D-baggy way possible. I'm sure you think that spamming up faction chat with battle songs is funny, and it might be funny to the lower echelon of mouth-breathing mongoloids. The rest of us think you're being a pest.

    Also, I can understand your faction's objection to you **** around with your fellow members. There's nothing wrong with joking around, but when you're getting random strangers to pile on an unsuspecting team member, you can't really blame anyone other than yourself when that team member isn't pleased about it. That kind of behavior is exploitative.
    I came here to play, have fun, and tell my silly mind numbing jokes and sing as many songs while fighting as I can.. no matter who is annoyed.

    Right there is where your mistake is. This isn't the PandaPest show. You need to learn how to function in a community. Instead of trying to paint certain people as unreasonable (though sometimes, they can be), you need to be responsible for your own actions.

    If you want to learn how to be funny, research some stand-up. Read humor books and funny websites. Harassing random teammates and "beetle tickles" is not going to help you achieve your goal.

    - Zyfou, Mysticals Marshal, Heaven's Tear Server
  • Orda - Sanctuary
    Orda - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    After reading the entire opening post, maybe, next time, you can try not being an annoying ****? Really, i have no patience for this kind of stuff.
    I mean, if it was actually funny then yeah, no biggie, but it would and does get really, really annoying.
  • Hisuna - Sanctuary
    Hisuna - Sanctuary Posts: 1,071 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ah yes,drama ^^

    100% Faction Drama. *nods* It is what it is...although I'm a little ashamed of myself for reading that entire thing when I'm not even on HT.

    P.S. Zenpachi...that was one of the most amusing things I have ever read on this forum, way to go with the extremely random flow.
    The family is a haven in a heartless world.
    Once a Guardian, Always a Guardian. Element: Fire.
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    My Take on this. People who take a game way too seriously, running around with a stick up their asses and unable to see, think or consider that the seriousness they take in the game is idiotic. They forgot it's a FRICKING GAME where people come to have fun, BS, Joke around, and relax.

    My take.. those people spreading rumours your a pedophile or what not, have them Man up and show some screenshots to back up their mouth otherwise the HARRASSMENT (and thats what it is) should stop, and if it doesn't. I'd start dropping Harrassment reports to GM's with screenshots.

    Personally, they should just go /wrist for taking the game so serious they have to make threats of real life violence and have engaged in a campaign of idiocy.

    When your friend gets back from vacation... You should have a talk with him, sounds like this "couple" of butt bashers is ruining his faction and need to be kicked out on their arses.

    Other than that, tell them all to collectively suck a nut.


    edit. This is also one reason I keep Fraps running. I LOVE collecting evidence to bury people with when they think they are being oh soooooo smart and "big evil tough gaming guy". Dumbasses.
  • Faustinna - Heavens Tear
    Faustinna - Heavens Tear Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    wow...just wow...

    I get being kicked out of someones guild because they don't like you, but then hounded afterwards by strangers day in day out? Just wow's a videogame. use /ignore and move on b:bye
  • XxTORMENTAxx - Heavens Tear
    XxTORMENTAxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I must admit that I am not 100% sure what Panda Ticklers and any other sort of tickling animals names might be out there. It sure sounds like the people who got you out of the guild you need to take that pinapple stuck up their butts and relax a bit and have some fun.

    If I were you I would talk to your friend (the vacationing leader??) but also would not go back to this guild anyways even if he boots the two idiots out. There are so many guilds out there and you will find a good one that fits your taste and joking around.

    I personnally get so bored sometimes and would find it entertaining if people wanted to talk to me even if they thought I was giving out free money. b:chuckle

    Top notch keeping up the joking. If it were not for people like you to balance the stuborn boring cacti pawns husband/wife duo that booted you then PW would be one lame place.
  • BobbyQ - Heavens Tear
    BobbyQ - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Wow someone really put on a KOS list, on the PvE server? Now thats a mental giant.

    Its a game for FFS. In my faction we are all making sexual jokes all the time. Thats why we wont let children in our faction.

    If I was you PandaPest, I'd just continue playing. Ignore the tight-a** and have a good time. I'm sure you'll find a faction soon enough. As far as the KOS and not going to let you level anymore, well it is a PvE server. Nuff said there. If they really want to waste thier time and follow you around a KS everything you kill, let them. I'd love to be in control of people playing a game. Heck I'd take them all over the world fight absolutly goofy stuff.
  • Leolf - Heavens Tear
    Leolf - Heavens Tear Posts: 380 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    lol all those jokes sound like something I would do. IDK why these people would call you annoying. If you want a guild, I'm in a really friendly one I could get you in to, and I'm sure everyone would believe your story. But, about the husband, I can see his point of view, since I can see how those comments could be taken sexually. However, he overreacted, and should've heard you out. The only thing I would recommend would be ignore him, maybe make a new character if you're willing to, and/or try to avoid jokes that could be taken sexualy. And PM me in game, Leolf, if you want to join the guild.
  • imnotachick
    imnotachick Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    If i was faction leader i would have kicked you on the first day and ignored,theres a difference between being funny and fun to be around and just being a plain **** that people can't tolerate.
  • amradio
    amradio Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Am I the only one who doesn't think he's an ****? I actually find him funny and wish he was on Lost City. I find that ppl take this game WAY too seriously most of the time. First off, its not real, you can't really pwn anything, and you sure as heck dont have that much reputation. So, plz, remember that there is a real world out there. Everything he's doing is 100% harmless fun that should keep ppl laughing and have them relaxed. But, still, there are ppl who have given up on actual life to play this game, and therefore treat it as reality. It is not. Being called a "panda tickler" of all things and being upset just sounds plain silly. Honestly I think even a 6 yr old would find it funny. Grow up and stop getting so bent out of shape over a frickin video game. That or get a dang life. Apparently some of you need to get some sunshine.
  • Ormenelle - Heavens Tear
    Ormenelle - Heavens Tear Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I'd rather tickle cats myself, it's more fun to see them giggle and jump all over the place in search of a safe haven.

    Welcome to the Internets, Mr PandaPest. 80% of internauts have a broomstick deep up their asses and think it's actually serious business. You're playing on the PvE, so, Let the dogs ( or in this particular case, the ***** ) bark. They can't do anything against you, and that alone will **** them off to no ends. Savor. ^^
  • Nomaad - Heavens Tear
    Nomaad - Heavens Tear Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ignore the ****heads, have fun however YOU want to...PM me in-game if you wanna join a fun faction where jokin' around in faction chat is actually encouraged...(unless you already found one)b:victory
  • aryannamage
    aryannamage Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    The OP has not broken any forumrules but please, for all the others posting here, stop the namecalling. Whether to the OP or not.
  • XxTORMENTAxx - Heavens Tear
    XxTORMENTAxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    PandaPest: Let me know if you want some help with some trash talking. Having to kill 50 of so many types of mobs gets boring. A little hair raising b:angry excitement would make for some fun. LOL

    Feel good about yourself Panda because from what I see on your posting, the majority so far thinks they totally over-reacted to you. People really need to take a hiadiss from the game for a good year if they over react like this in a game.

  • Jandor - Heavens Tear
    Jandor - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Hey PandaPest, don't worry about it. This stuff happens all the time in all on-line games. Don't let it ruin your fun. You will meet some great people in this game, but you may have to sort through many that have the personality of a rock or the IQ of an ice cube.

    Good luck with your adventures.
    I've gone out in search of myself.
    If I should return before I get back,
    please keep me here.
  • Angelle - Heavens Tear
    Angelle - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    b:cute You can join Transcendent. xD We're small but don't mind silliness and giggles and I for one do not take any BS from ANYONE. <3333 Anywho, g'job with the reporting because that's what you needed to do if someone's harassing you.
    Former Leader of 卓越的 {Transcendent}
    -- DoIl - Venomancer - 6X

    ;D You can call me Minny.
  • Aerasha - Heavens Tear
    Aerasha - Heavens Tear Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Ah the joy of faction drama. Well My take on this is it has been blown completely out of proportion. You thought you was doing nothing more than having a life, but unfortunately remember everyone is different and therefore there personalities may not match. Hence causing this problem whilst you found it amusing and harmless they saw it as harrassment. I cannot understand the "husband" though i mean i am married in game to my fiance in RL and some of the chat we have with friends and guildies is so much worse than what you did. I guess it depends on the people around you..

    In future it may be best to not say things like that again unless you really know the faction members really well. learn from this mistake, take SS of everything they say and then send it in, chances are the gms will arrange a meeting between you and them and sort it out.

    My guild had a slight problem due to a scamming player, when we found out we booted him but due to that he joined other guilds, pulled the same stunt and then whined to them. The other reason it got sorted was because i approached the guilds who were causing problems and man-ned up [even though im a female :P]. After a hour of talking to them they were shocked to find our stories matched and that he had done the same thing to them. Now me and that faction are sister guilds and are good friends lol. ^_^

    sometimes you have to step up and approach people to sort out the matters. Ill tell you one thing though.. you wouldnt be booted by my guild just because someone told me too :) not every guild is like that.

    happy playing.

    Aerasha - HT
  • Sajra - Lost City
    Sajra - Lost City Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    looks like your screwed.
    Well, i think that you might have wanted to er... think before saying that, as there is a time and place for jokes but it may not be always.
    I'm not sure what consoling thing to say right now, i really cant think of any b:lipcurl.
    Anyway, whatever stalker freak has been doing that is a guy with no life. Still, i don't get why those hundreds of players are pming you, i might get mad and yell a little, and then go offline for about an hour and then come back on and not be angry anymore. but thats a most.

    Anyway, i like joking around, my guild likes joking around, and so do my friends. but not everybody does =/, my advice would be to go to one of the guilds on page 2 where people won't yell and scream at you for having fun, or join another guild like it.
    Forsaken Sigs

    Sajra - Level 31 - Hell Archer.
  • LostInfo - Sanctuary
    LostInfo - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I honestly think that all those involved in this sorry affair should be banned from the game.

    There is no excuse for making a nuisance of yourself and arguing that it is just your sense of humour and otehr people should understand that (and "get over it").

    There is also no justification for death threats or salnderous comments being made in game.

    The GMs should kick everyone involved and leave this game to the people who want to enjoy playing it.
  • XxTORMENTAxx - Heavens Tear
    XxTORMENTAxx - Heavens Tear Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I honestly think that all those involved in this sorry affair should be banned from the game.

    There is no excuse for making a nuisance of yourself and arguing that it is just your sense of humour and otehr people should understand that (and "get over it").

    There is also no justification for death threats or salnderous comments being made in game.

    The GMs should kick everyone involved and leave this game to the people who want to enjoy playing it.

    I am really glad that you are not in charge of dealing out penalties and punishments. There would be noone left on any server the way you see things. I guess the bonus would be Arch Westside would be quiet. b:chuckle
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I am really glad that you are not in charge of dealing out penalties and punishments. There would be noone left on any server the way you see things. I guess the bonus would be Arch Westside would be quiet. b:chuckle
    rofl.. you should be glad I'M not a GM... I'd ban EVERYONE permanently so i'd be the only one in PWI and could have the world to myself w/o being subjected to the idiocy of the average teenaged wanna be tough internet gaming know it all nubblet.

    And you REALLY wouldn't want me in control of Thermo-nuclear weaponry. b:laugh

  • Gonzu - Heavens Tear
    Gonzu - Heavens Tear Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Making jokes on other peoples expense is not good humour but the guy overreacted and the other ones that gave you death threats are just mentally unstable.
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    Bah never mind the little too serious ppl am gussing since *big shot* is a high lvl in the game means this game is his life so just let these death threats and unreasonable acts of BSing fly by better yet come join EqualiZeR in Heavn's tear where ppl like you are by the dozens and we love each and every sigle one of them b:victory
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • Sajra - Lost City
    Sajra - Lost City Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited January 2009
    I honestly think that all those involved in this sorry affair should be banned from the game.

    There is no excuse for making a nuisance of yourself and arguing that it is just your sense of humour and otehr people should understand that (and "get over it").

    There is also no justification for death threats or salnderous comments being made in game.

    The GMs should kick everyone involved and leave this game to the people who want to enjoy playing it.

    Perfect world the way you seem to want it:

    LostInfo: Where'd everyone go?

    Forsaken Sigs

    Sajra - Level 31 - Hell Archer.