Mentaz - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I agree - just thinking though that the devs probably aren't keen on modifying every quest out there. So what about adding 'Bonus' quests instead - anytime you cash in a quest, there's a chance you'll be offered a new Bonus quest. Just have you kill some more mobs (level based on either your level, or level of the quest…
  • Not sure what the point is when you can't play it ... but if you really need to know, you could just go here Only real reason I could see for that is to check if you've been outbid on something ... and personally I'd rather they introduced proxy bidding to the AH. Usually happens once a week ... and just can't see creating…
  • ^ This ... from your screenshot, looks like you're in Dragonfang Village - there's an NPC there that does teach skills, but only 'starter skills' or something like that. You need to find an actual Assassin trainer - there's one near the Teleporter in City of the Raging Tides, or in the NE or SW corners of Arch.
  • Archer's certainly can be Pure Dex, and I'd think most are - they just require 1 STR/level for Armour, same as Sins
  • lol ... that describes both archer and sin ... At low levels, I'd say Archer is easier to solo. Both classes really rely on crits to kill quickly, but it takes awhile before your crit rate gets to a decent level. However, Archer at least attacks at range, which gives them an advantage. Later on, Sins get a lot of special…
  • Actually, that brings up a good point - herbs tend to be grouped together (exception being the new Tideborn areas - still grouped I guess, but over a wider area). So lowest herbs will grow together, low herbs together, mid herbs etc. So if you see Ageratum (which most people don't bother harvesting, since it's not worth…
  • I've never done them either, but AFAIK they're strictly optional and just give you rep. Personally I'd rather do the one-man army quests if I really needed some rep.
  • Salvia - as mentioned, it's all over. Note that once harvested by someone, it disappears, then about 10min later it reappears in roughly the same location (same with all mats). So if you went through an area and didn't see any - it could be that someone else harvested it within the past 10min. There's also no real rush - I…
  • Cleric's IMO are actually one of the easiest classes to solo (though none come close to Veno's in that regard). With decent attacks and ability to heal yourself (plus of course buffs), only real issue is mana.
  • The problem isn't the time it takes to do it - it's remembering to do it (and undo it). And the 5min was just an example - the OP was actually asking for ability to set that as well. I agree it would be nice, and while not a big deal, it also shouldn't be hard to implement.
  • pwdatabase (link above) can show you exactly where they are, but they're pretty much scattered around that area. Note though that they're flying mobs, which may be why you're having trouble finding them.
  • Socketing gear at this point really isn't worth it - especially adding sockets. Just harvest some Nectar and Golden Herb and make yourself some Life Powder - then you shouldn't have any problem handling those mobs.
  • I'm all for reducing the AH fees - 10-20% of NPC price + 5% of sale price is crazy, especially for items (like DQ) that have a high NPC price. Makes no sense really to even base it on NPC price, when that's usually way off the real value - I'd think starting price would make more sense (and encourage lower starting prices…
  • Yes and no ... there's no hard limit, but you have limited SP to spend. So you're not going to be able to max every skill, but need to prioritize. Normally though, you always want to get at least lvl 1 of every skill, since they're often prerequisites for other skills (check your skill tree)
  • Problem is the risk is to the DD's, not you b:laugh but anyway, it was just a thought - I'd certainly agree just displaying the target of target info is more important.
  • I'd agree - especially on point 3 Some other interface changes I'd like to see: 4) Pressing M twice opens the main map zoomed into your current location 5) Tooltips for buffs (NOT debuffs/DoT affects) include the amount and remaining duration 6) Tooltips for skills include the actual damage (or heal) range with current…
  • You don't actually need help - they fly pretty low. With just a bit of luck, you can stand on top of a hill and be in range to catch one.
  • Cash shop of course b:chuckle Utility->Storage->Shop License
  • I wouldn't worry about it right now - always keep it equiped though, and it'll automatically gain some XP as you do (it doesn't take anything away from your own XP). Personally, I'd wait until lvl 30 - when you have access to Crazy Stone quests - to start feeding it XP (and until much later, you should ONLY be feeding it…
  • You have that backwards ... to get rid of (or at least reduce) the catshops, they need to fix the AH. As for there being nothing wrong with the AH ... Ever tried selling DQ items in the AH? The fees make it pointless for most of them. What about selling Genies? Can't be done. Want to buy a Wheel of Fate? Just checked, and…
  • It's a spark ... or rather an empty one. 1 spark = 100 chi, so once your chi bar fills up, the spark will light (and you'll be able to use skills that require a spark).
  • It doesn't sound like the OP is asking for the ability to attack - just some info. Yes, you can ask in squad chat ... but that takes time to ask and time for someone to reply - time away from what they're supposed to be doing. But even though the OP wasn't talking about attacking, I think having skills go against your…
  • The one thing you need to watch out for (and I really wish they would fix ...) is the HP/MP regen buff will wipeout any Life/Focus/etc Powder the person is using ... going from +50/s to +1/s is not nice! b:shocked
  • Should try the Cleric forum ... but basically: 1 STR / 6 MAG every two levels for equipment remaining 3 points either VIT (for more HP) or MAG (for more damage) - whichever you prefer.
  • Probably some friendly Cleric just decided to buff you on their way by ...
  • If you're just looking at it as a substitute for the mail, then yah - it's expensive ... at current Gold prices, you're looking at about 10,000 message before you break even ... However, I also see it as a subsititute for bank/inventory expansion. Think about it - first four slots in my account stash are celestone framents…
  • It's under Craft->Socket
  • Slots? I'm guessing Sockets - and what you want are Socket Stones
  • Default camera control is hold right-mouse and drag, so you can use that to move the camera up (giving you that view from above). You may also want to use the scroll wheel to zoom out a bit (to see what's in front and behind). Another option you might be interested is to go under game options and select the 'A,D keys'…
  • Note that if you're more than 2 levels above the mobs you're killing, the drop rate gets reduced ... check here for other mobs that drop Grease