Some suggestions about the interface

Asheera - Raging Tide
Asheera - Raging Tide Posts: 830 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Suggestion Box
I don't quite understand why there are some hidden things from us in this game, only to make it more frustrating? It's not like having to guess makes it more of a challenge, it's harder yes but in the frustrating department, not challenging. I'm talking of course about:

1) Aggro meter. Seriously why we have to guess the aggro on a specific mob instead of seeing a list of aggro generated, so you can control it better instead of trying to guess and either failing sometimes or gimping your DPS too much because you're 'afraid'? This becomes a problem especially when non-barbs are tanking of course.

Please add an aggro meter, that is a list of people that generated aggro on a specific mob you selected (your current target), and how much aggro they have.

2) Add a small cast bar below the target's menu up there in middle-top. Would be same as your own cast bar on the middle-bottom, but you see the target's castings instead. This can help in PvE a lot as you can see bosses channeling their spells instead of trying to guess when they cast - sure some have animations and effects but it's kinda hard to notice at times, with so many effects from the party members too. And in PvP it would also help, you will see what skills your opponent uses so you can counter their actions with your own if you're smart. I think this is actually one of the most fun things but if people disagree with it then just disable it in PvP but PLEASE make it available in PvE b:beg

3) Seeing yourself on maps in dungeons. I find it rather silly that you can see yourself outside but not in dungeons. Yeah it's not too hard to guess where you are after you explore and learn the dungeon and put the map 'pieces' in your head together, but I don't get why you have to do this guessing in the first place. If they didn't want us to know the dungeon easily by looking at the map, then they shouldn't have put a map at all, no?

Those ideas again, will not make the game less of a challenge. Will be easier because it will be less frustrating and guessing, but not easier in the form of enjoying a challenge.

Any input would be greatly appreciated :)
First 103 on Raging Tide 30 Oct 2010
Post edited by Asheera - Raging Tide on


  • Fruakomi - Heavens Tear
    Fruakomi - Heavens Tear Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yup aggro meter is good idea I posted about that already in "Can we stop the bh's" post. The other stuff is nice aswell. I also think that seeing myself in the dungeon maps should be a must!
  • Mentaz - Sanctuary
    Mentaz - Sanctuary Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'd agree - especially on point 3

    Some other interface changes I'd like to see:

    4) Pressing M twice opens the main map zoomed into your current location

    5) Tooltips for buffs (NOT debuffs/DoT affects) include the amount and remaining duration

    6) Tooltips for skills include the actual damage (or heal) range with current stats/equipment (make it easier to compare skills).
  • Krisnda - Lost City
    Krisnda - Lost City Posts: 1,465 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I don't quite understand why there are some hidden things from us in this game, only to make it more frustrating? It's not like having to guess makes it more of a challenge, it's harder yes but in the frustrating department, not challenging. I'm talking of course about:

    1) Aggro meter. Seriously why we have to guess the aggro on a specific mob instead of seeing a list of aggro generated, so you can control it better instead of trying to guess and either failing sometimes or gimping your DPS too much because you're 'afraid'? This becomes a problem especially when non-barbs are tanking of course.

    Please add an aggro meter, that is a list of people that generated aggro on a specific mob you selected (your current target), and how much aggro they have.

    i like this idea, maybe under the HP bar, theres maybe a red, yellow, and green light (red-aggro, yellow-you almost have aggro, green-no aggro) that would be intresting, because saying they have a "aggro radius" of like 15 meters, doesnt really say anything, especally if your in the water or the air.

    2) Add a small cast bar below the target's menu up there in middle-top. Would be same as your own cast bar on the middle-bottom, but you see the target's castings instead. This can help in PvE a lot as you can see bosses channeling their spells instead of trying to guess when they cast - sure some have animations and effects but it's kinda hard to notice at times, with so many effects from the party members too. And in PvP it would also help, you will see what skills your opponent uses so you can counter their actions with your own if you're smart. I think this is actually one of the most fun things but if people disagree with it then just disable it in PvP but PLEASE make it available in PvE b:beg

    i'm going to disagree with this one, only because it takes some of the fun/challenge out of the game, thats all im saying.b:surrender i do get what you are saying though, so that you or the squad could know when to interrupt the mobs channeling.

    3) Seeing yourself on maps in dungeons. I find it rather silly that you can see yourself outside but not in dungeons. Yeah it's not too hard to guess where you are after you explore and learn the dungeon and put the map 'pieces' in your head together, but I don't get why you have to do this guessing in the first place. If they didn't want us to know the dungeon easily by looking at the map, then they shouldn't have put a map at all, no?

    i think i can agree with this statement, because (especally in the long instinses like 79 or TT) i would like to know where i am on the big map to know where im going. the first time i was in fb79, i got lost and my guild had to lead me out of the thingb:cry lol.

    Those ideas again, will not make the game less of a challenge. Will be easier because it will be less frustrating and guessing, but not easier in the form of enjoying a challenge.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated :)

    some of your ideas are very good, and i too would like to see some changes done to PWI. b:victory
    A good moderator should:
    - Have the computer skills necessary to handle forum-related tasks (Web skills, basic programming)
    - Be patient to handle all sorts of requests
    - Be level-headed to keep discussions and some petty squabbles in check.b:cool
  • Aedrian - Lost City
    Aedrian - Lost City Posts: 750 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Like the ideas, the agro metter, has been suggested before, but then again, not implemented yet, so *bump*
    <"shameless self-bump :D" Alexenokin - Lost City>
    -102% channeling self buffed wizzie, ready to shoot ^.^ (And -107% on Demon Spark, **** refines, I got turbo)

    *WTB: -12~-18% chan stuff, pm me in here or in game for details*