Goldymarg - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • If you read the post and the other responses then it would have been made obvious that the thread was referring to people which are leaders in those other factions who are bidding to change the war situations and nothing more. (fake bid and such) I'm in multiple factions myself, not that they're active in TW but the point…
  • If I remember correctly we already made a push for Radiance their base and managed to tick your crystal a few times before we made our final push. Before that moment Radiance didn't have the ability to get close enough to our crystal to inflict any major damage. Naturally I wasn't in the base when these things were…
  • WOOOOOOOOOO, awesome job Tao! b:laugh
  • I think it basically comes down to how many people show up for either guild, from my past experiences there are hardly people on during the 14:00 war, kind of ironic considering they are there for the 9 AM wars. xD Either be the case, I'm wishing both Tao and Radiance good luck. Let's see who the server #2 is.
  • Are there even people above lvl 80 that haven't been a cashshopper? Do they exist? O__o
  • How about putting your money in better gear instead? You can still level fast enough with quests.
  • Considering everything that's been mentioned I think it will be interesting how both Tao and Radiance do. Though Radiance has two other TW's at the same time.
  • Technically it falls under all 3 of these portions of the TOS( # (k) Cheat or utilize unauthorized exploits in connection with the Games or the Service; # (l) Using or exploiting any bugs, errors, or design flaws to obtain unauthorized access to the Service or to gain an unfair…
  • I'm looking forward to the Radiance war tomorrow. b:laugh
  • Things don't always go as you plan them to go. ;]
  • If you didn't read my post, I am not discussing the fact that people can put their alts in other factions. I am talking about the fact that people are using their alts that ARE in different factions to gangrape and make it harder on one particular faction, which goes against the ToS. Either please read my post or don't…
  • Yeah, the number of Demon/Sage cleric threads is getting quite annoying. -__-;
  • Next to that, you can also compensate for the loss of physical defense by getting protection ornaments like necklaces, belts, headgear, ect. You also have shards that can up your physical defense. From personal experience I prefer the AA because when going LA you have too much reduction in your magic points. You can hardly…
  • When you have your res skill maxed you also have the option to further improve it once you reach level 89 and go either Sage or Demon. Both have a 0% EXP loss, the Sage version has a increased distance while the Demon one cuts the casting time in half.
  • 1) Get some HP and MP charms 2) Get a squad of 6 people that vary from 90-95 3) Get started on FF runs 4) PROFIT!!!111 Next to that Lunar is also an option, or the RB.
  • Agreed, you can get a lot of more vit by just refining your armor, as a cleric and DD'er you will serve a better role if you have more magic points, it will strengthen both your heals and your attacks.
  • Why is it that every single day when I sign on I see a new thread debating whether or not to get compensation for a res, if people made the right choice being a cleric or if they are doing things correctly. Guys, the fun begins when you're above 60 and find the miracle that is called TT, RB, FF, ect, ect. In any case, I…
  • It's annoying that people take jokes like these so seriously, not only do you have no proof to back up these claims but it sounds more like you're acting as trollbait now. I haven't heard anything judging Scarlett her posts that she "preys" on young boys, nor do I appreciate people joking on these issues when there is a…
  • I agree, I'm doing the same thing with my build where I am buying protective ornaments to increase my physical defense. Personally in TW when you're dealing with wizards and venos it's in my opinion not the best idea to sacrifice magical defense for physical defense, next to that we also have the psychics now which pack a…
  • [QUOTE=/ gellus - Heavens Tear;7421462]^^^ WRONG Reply to topic: >.> I find playing a cleric fun. The debate whether clerics are needed or not, can be replaced, etc is always gonna go on. True, there are plenty of things you can buy that can replace a cleric's skills for you. Why buy all that though when you can get it for…
  • Those are the wonders of a pvp server though, if you're standing outside of a SZ there and someone acts like that you can actually Tempest their ****, sometimes I'm slightly sad I didn't join a pvp server for those reasons, although with that come the frustrations of everyone killing or attempting to kill you. I'm…
  • Bacon indeed! b:victory
  • You can also make the random Cleric skill books with tokens from the packs, unless it's demon Blessing of the Purehearted it should be worth it to make a random skill book. I bought one for 375K and got my sage res, so honestly I think it's worth it.
  • I agree with Cleo, I know you're joking but this is also setting off a wrong impression to lower level clerics that actually might think this is a good idea. Believe it or not, I have seen a increase in LA clerics and FA clerics which kind of upsets me. -___-;
  • Why are you asking this in the CLERIC forum? XD b:beatup
  • There isn't a difference between the Demon and Sage res, Demon says it gives a chance but both don't have any sort of experience loss when used.
  • Unless the Cleric has Absolute domain, Expel, Plume shell, Wings of Protection and Guardian light. Genie skills only go so far, as a cleric you can continue DD'ing if you increase your own survivability. Next to that, magic attacks hurt BM's and Barbs like crazy.
  • It honestly depends on how you play your cleric, I've refined my TT 90 gold, put a lot of perfect and garnet gems in there and I have 8K physical defense. When fighting a Barb or a BM that is sufficient to survive, unless you also get a archer on you.
  • b:infuriated Sounds like you're FAC material. b:infuriated I levelled my res to lvl 11 by taking the Sage version of it, it was a ***** to get but when you're a support class like a cleric it's good enough for me when I can help out my squad.
  • You should level everything to 10 except your res, keep that at lvl 1. Also don't forget to de-equip your weapon when you're healing someone so you can be a full attack cleric everyone so much enjoys. Seriously though, you'd best be trolling or imma slap you. b:bye