Aleckane - Sanctuary Arc User


  • "Wallet Thief." It's a catch phrase of mine in-game, a long running joke. "Gimmie yo wallet." Alot of people say it and usually think of me whenever it's said.
  • Haha, Zindane? Where you been bro? Thinking of coming back in here for the 3rd time? Good luck mang. Crazy as hell in here now.
  • It's not fair to judge all Because of the actions of few. Every faction has bad eggs.
  • Best PKers list based on Wallet ^ Fixed. Skill? Ain't no skill here. It's all about who's gonna waste the most money in this game. Skill left when the Anniversary packs appeared.
  • Oh yes, ANY day back in the days of Dramablade, where some lame would come in acting tough and get that behind whooped. Then they'd try to troll and get humiliated and sent running toward the teleporter with tears in their eyes. Good memories. Nowdays, Ether is empty most of the time, the drama spots are Plume and West…
  • Coming back in here, Lust? I donno... you pretty much get ignored if you're not all ranked out/cashed out/+12 5.0 4 sockets with the gems and the jades. Too many elitists in here now, yo. You gotta link your weapon basically to Fb 19. All sorts of c0cky assassins in here too, hiding in stealth and popping out in front of…
  • Seeing a squad (Barb, cleric, 2 bm's, archer, veno) try to take Krimson and squad wipe, then dropping in myself to kill it solo. (2 years ago) Hitting a 100k critical with axes refined 3 times. (2 years ago) Beating Wizzeled 7 times in a row and watching him rage. (Over 2 years ago) Killing Polearm with no cleric. (a year…
  • The level 100 BM skill Flash is actually pretty awesome. It's not very effective on heavies, but in the right circumstance it will 1 shot LA and arcanes. I learned it and I like it...
  • I sign onto here maybe once or twice a day, long enough to do a bounty hunter, or to crack jokes with the few friends I have who still play... And getting on a squad is like signing a job application, having to post your attack speed and linking your weapon... If you know where to find it, there's still some fun to be had,…
  • Drama. Keyboard warriors. Idiots still mad or jealous from a year and a half ago because they came at me wrong and got punked, or spanked in a duel. Online tough guys more interested in fighting other players in a PvE server.( Still trying to figure that one out. ) Friends who were once friends turning shady, power high.…
  • Massive (30 till about 40 or so, till it died.) Leader's name was Draco_Lust. INC (40 something till late 50's?) Died. I was Leader. OMERTA (Late 50's until around 65.) Can't remember the Leader's name. The faction was full of shady folks and they only recruited for numbers. Malkavian (65 - until the mid 70's.) The wife…
  • Why do I still play... To see the results of 2 years of hard work... To help my wife Destiny... To chat with and help the friends i've made... Or when there's nothing else to do, to stand in Etherblade swiping wallets.
  • Most helpful Sanctuary poster: Donno. Most useless Sanctuary poster: Donno. Favorite Sanctuary forum troll: Don't care. Best non-Sanctuary based poster that regularly posts in the RT forums anyways: Donno That poster that should post more: AlecKane. Best Sanctuary poster sig: Seen alot of good ones. Too many to name. Best…
  • I saw those vids on youtube. Why are they glorifying that like they did something so big? Anyways, if I haven't said so already, welcome back and don't sweat the haters. They make you famous...
  • Lawl. I didn't think anyone was actually paying attention. HeRa knows not to get into it with me anymore anyway, one more ban and he's gone for good...
  • What I speak on are based on my observations, what I saw personally. I ain't riding the dude's sack, and I ain't trying to start an argument here either.
  • I still use swords, and I still hurt with em. Why lol at swords? Because Fists and Decide claws and 5.0 attack speed is the new "in?" Sorry but some of us don't follow along with the monkey-see, monkey-do crowd. Some of us don't care to waste all that money to get that fast either. I once hit a critical for over 150k with…
  • Lolwut? Lolyeah. Back in my day, Vert had folks scared to come out of the safe zone.
  • Who do I appretiate. Hmm.... My brother Zevrath/Shin_Akuma_/Mako, for showing me this game. My wife Destiny, for healing me, buffing me, bringing me back to life when I died, and always having my back when no one else does. Dias_Flac, For making me want to be a Blademaster. Zindane_ , for showing me how to be a…
  • Dias_Flac = Made me want to be a BM Zindane_ = OMNOMNOMNOM Lu$t = Crazy death wish "Charles Bronson" archer PELZ = Awesome Barb, good friend and first person I saw solo Krimson Sarunya = Known her forever, can't remember how we met Wizzeled = No explanation necessary HatedSoul = West Arch Tele nonsense Verticoli = Everyone…
  • I'm down for killin Harpy. Folks who want to go for it need to make sure they have an asston of GA's, or their EXP is at 0.0, because from what i've read the DD's will die ALOT. Oh well though. Lemme know when we're gonna do this thing. Hope it's after i'm 99 at least.
  • Anyway, back on topic, when's the next FFA? Consider a contest for the duelers?
  • When Mr keyboard warrior failbarb failcanthar decided to re-open old wounds. All I was doing was giving Wizzeled props. WitchBurner cracked a harmless joke, then He-Man there decided to be an ****. I won't say nothing else on this subject. Come see me in Etherblade.
  • Bottom line You got involved in something that didn't involve you. You challenged someone that was way weaker than you, and had to use an increased defense move because you were getting your **** kicked. You are still raging over something that happened last summer, and are trying to play it off by saying that you were…
  • Ever notice how a topic begins as one thing and turns into something totally different?
  • I yawn at you once more child, especially for making a big deal of a DUEL THAT HAPPENED LAST YEAR. If you're still hung up over an old situation, why don't you rage quit again. I'm done going back and fourth with some c0cky e-kid with a point to prove in pixelated fights on video games. I got beat in a duel, whooptie damn…
  • -Yawns.- Whatever dude, you are the definition of a keyboard warrior, one of those cyber bullies who roam around picking on those lower than you are. You got more than you could handle when it came to me, so you had to hide behind your little turtle shell. Like I said before, the fact that you had to sunder against me - In…
  • Hmmkay. I've been over this subject several times but some of you are mentally challenged it seems, so lemme break it down for you kindergarten style. 1.) I spend alot of time in Etherblade, yes. Alot of time but not ALL of my time. You children should seriously start paying more attention. I do my BH, CS, WQ, and OHT…
  • Everybody needs help at some point. Everybody has to start off somewhere. There isn't one person in this entire game that can say they soloed their way to wherever they are right now, unless it's to like, level 19. The game basically forces you to make friends and find help, but some of these kids fall victim to what I…