Play for fun?



  • MasamuneXero - Sanctuary
    MasamuneXero - Sanctuary Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well, for me this game is fun cause it takes me away from my RL duties. When i'm at office, or at my (gfs)family. I have to act normal, and civilized. As when i'm in PWI, i can be, however i want to be on that specific moment. Maybe this is also a bad thing, cause i can be rude to ppl in WC, FC, or whatever chat. Don't get me wrong tho. I dont hate a specific person on this game. Ppl i make a fight with are mostly forgotten the day after. with probably too reasons. 1) I dont really mean what i say. 2) Im just a ******.

    One of the things i like the most is being perverd on WC or what so ever. It is not that im a faction hopper, cause i bein in many.. its mostly that ehm, i dont say the things that are appriciated in there >.>

    Also, chasing Lu$t is one of the things that keeps me doing this game. Replyin most as i can from Lu$t. Trying to get lust his char out of clothes, or searchin for him through PWI and thn trying to spam him in NC that i found him. Weird thing is that Lu$t always says : AFK : When he sees me chatting o.o

    Anyhow. If i ever said something rude against you, dont hate me for it. I'm just another fool on the game like you <3..

    Sorry for my english.. its my second language b:surrender
  • Lu$t - Sanctuary
    Lu$t - Sanctuary Posts: 1,005 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Well, for me this game is fun cause it takes me away from my RL duties. When i'm at office, or at my (gfs)family. I have to act normal, and civilized. As when i'm in PWI, i can be, however i want to be on that specific moment. Maybe this is also a bad thing, cause i can be rude to ppl in WC, FC, or whatever chat. Don't get me wrong tho. I dont hate a specific person on this game. Ppl i make a fight with are mostly forgotten the day after. with probably too reasons. 1) I dont really mean what i say. 2) Im just a ******.

    One of the things i like the most is being perverd on WC or what so ever. It is not that im a faction hopper, cause i bein in many.. its mostly that ehm, i dont say the things that are appriciated in there >.>

    Also, chasing Lu$t is one of the things that keeps me doing this game. Replyin most as i can from Lu$t. Trying to get lust his char out of clothes, or searchin for him through PWI and thn trying to spam him in NC that i found him. Weird thing is that Lu$t always says : AFK : When he sees me chatting o.o

    Anyhow. If i ever said something rude against you, dont hate me for it. I'm just another fool on the game like you <3..

    Sorry for my english.. its my second language b:surrender

    id say your english is on par with most english speakers (yea we suck xD) but i knew it was only a matter of time before you found me on the forums b:sweat

    Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero~
  • Aleckane - Sanctuary
    Aleckane - Sanctuary Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    Drama. Keyboard warriors. Idiots still mad or jealous from a year and a half ago because they came at me wrong and got punked, or spanked in a duel. Online tough guys more interested in fighting other players in a PvE server.( Still trying to figure that one out. ) Friends who were once friends turning shady, power high. Users. Faction hoppers. Other idiots feeling superior, thinking people are supposed to bow down to them because mom charged the Visa, and these are the idiots who can barely spell. Attention wh0res. Fun? It all gets boring... unless playing PW is like, the center point of your life.

    This game was fun once, 2 years ago. When it was about individual skill. Now it's mainly about how much money you have, how fast your attack speed is. I'm far from jealous, don't get me wrong. Spend it if you got it to spend. But compared to alot of these cash people, I barely put a dime in here, and I survive longer than they do, that bum Alec Kane who supposedly stands in Etherblade 24/7 ( Yet somehow managed to raise a Lv. 101 Celestial Demon Blademaster, a Lv. 52 Psychic and a Lv. 79 Mystic. Amazing, right?... ) Ask somebody if you don't believe it.

    Play for fun... I did once, now I rarely ever sign in, because I don't see this so-called "Fun" anymore. All drama, perverts, people trying to be seen, and nerds trying to "Own" other people so they can feel better about their miserable lives. I let it all roll off of my shoulders for the longest time, and even laughed at these individuals who thought they were making me mad, because most of the time I was smoked out on weed. But there's only so much of the same old **** one person can take... Not trying to discourage those who still find the game fun, have it if it's there to have, by all means. Kane just don't see it anymore.

    "You ain't gotta like me. You just mad cause I tell it how it is, and you tell it how it might be." -Alec Kane-
  • DestinyKane - Sanctuary
    DestinyKane - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    This game used to be fun, 2 year ago. When friends were friends, and it wasn't about speed and money - it was about skill. People went out to kill bosses for fun. If you said the word "FB" in any sort of context you had mass people speaking up wanting to go. If you said you needed a boss killed it was the work of a moment to get a squad. That used to be what was fun. Always having something to do, and friends to do it with.
    Now people have got shady, those who are supposed to be friends are on some behind the back ****, and you have to pay a million+ coins just to get someone to go kill a simple boss that at this point would take 2-3 hits to kill, or have to blow hundreds of thousands of coins on tele's just to get someone to go do a low level FB for you.
    This game has seriously lost its fun aspect.
    Sign on, can't get FB's done, can hardly get a decent BH squad because 90% of the players don't know how to play their character and are getting squads killed right and left, which are causing charms to tick right and left, which are of course expensive for those who can't/won't put money onto the game and earn their things in-game, and which causes people to be unable to do anything without the risk of a load of EXP lose because they can't keep affording to blow 3+ million on charms each week or more. So, you are stuck just standing around, having to listen to drama llama's, attention seekers, and duel heads calling you 'scared' because you don't want to waste your charm in a duel when the real reason is you don't want to have to replace charms over a pointless duel.
    So yeah, fun? Not anymore. b:surrender
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] There is a fine line between genius and insanity, I have erased that line. b:pleased
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    But a lot of people used to WC to FB because that was one of the only reasonable ways to level and get rep. Aside from that you have grinding. Greed and desire for personal gain has always been in this game, why do you speak as if it's only becoming a problem? Although regarding charging for bosses, I've never heard of anyone I know doing that. I just heard about people charging for ress. I also remembered Catshops around the earlier quest areas charging ludicrous amounts for items someone would need for a quest.

    The reason people see even less value in helping for bosses and quests now is because the quests are so useless considering the time taken to complete them when you look at alternative ways of leveling...Everyone knows this, perhaps except the lowbie wanting help. Another reason is that everyone is high level or rushing to high levels, they no longer have as much contact with lower levels compared to the earlier times. Even before, no one was in a rush to do those bosses. Tell me, did people help you get Eye of Krim done at the level you got it? I think I got it done at mid 7x when I happened to fly past a party already there. Too much trouble for a boss that gives like 10k exp. I think the general populace's level of greed has been the same, however the average competence of a typical high lvl player has dropped a lot, I'll give you that.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Sassaiki - Sanctuary
    Sassaiki - Sanctuary Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited April 2011
    I think the general populace's level of greed has been the same, however the average competence of a typical high lvl player has dropped a lot, I'll give you that.

    I can somewhat agree with this. I think that greed appears to be rising because these days the game is attracting a different kind of new player. The type of gamer that would have originally joined this game, while still around as old timers, doesn't really show up much anymore as a newbie. The amount of greed might be the same, but the breed of player is changing.
    I agree that the average level of competency is dropping, every day frankly. However this is probably also true due to the fact that many good players have left and have been replaced by new people who have only been around for a couple of months. To be honest, I know a few people who have been around for ages now and are still completely incompetent. *cough one two three four five six^^* Which I find much more appalling than a new player not knowing what they are doing, regardless of their level.