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  • I really want this to get fixed, it's hell to play with this if it's more than 1 TR in a team!
  • Its not about the SMOKE itself, I can see smoke ,its about the RED AOE that is delayed. If you do premades its ALWAYS a lot going on.... so can't really dodge it even if you wanted to. So it's a glitch that should be fixed. I've asked many people and even those who have great PC and use high graphics they also have this…
  • Bump. Noone knows?
  • Can someone (preferably a main toon DC) post screenshots of feats/boons etc of this build? So can do more testing
  • Yes awesome news! But I'm guessing someone got their money from companions and now they can be removed ^.^ Still great news, thanks!
  • http://forum.arcgames.com/neverwinter/profile/strumslinger 5th comment from top.
  • http://forum.arcgames.com/neverwinter/profile/strumslinger 5th comment from top. REMOVE COMPANIONS.
  • Don't worry MOST of BiS PvP players stopped playing already. They either sold their accounts or just stopped coming online. 90% of the best PvP guilds in this game are dead. PvP is DEAD.
  • They probably had no idea about this bug... Strum told them and Dev's were like "Oh,companion's active bonus work on PvP? That means more money for us...ok let's tell them it's intended, just so they don't know we want more money plus we have no damn idea how to fix this bug". Have fun.
  • Capping system is not a bug...its intended. And its actually more fun.
  • Yeah noobs buy companions they waste 20-30million AD and then what? This get fixed :D
  • Who HAMSTER cares dude? Its a bug that companions work in PvP. And all the HAMSTER wasting all the AD for pretty much nothing, because this WILL get fixed. And pig IS bugged, healing depression doesn't work on it.
  • Yes. And plenty of HAMSTER running around with 3-5 rooting companions... and an epic pig that is bugged in PvP and heals all the time for more than should! FIX IT!
  • Can any dev reply to this topic? If this change is intentional? o.O
  • I truly hope its a bug... if it's intended - I'm so done with this game :|
  • And btw by this topic I didnt want people to explain how cool and needed AP Gain build is ,I simply asked if anyone actually TESTED it with ACT, to see if Gift of Haste works properly atm. Anyone?
  • Errmmmm nope. Companions were never allowed in Dom and shouldn't be. PvP players never invested in them, and now what? We are supposed to put millions of AD just to get epic companions? I'm guessing that's what Cryptic want's, dont you dev's? It looks like 90% of your bugs are pretty tought through...just to milk $ out of…
  • Right now PvP will be even more lame than just with glyphs, we love u dev's :neutral:
  • Yes.... not only SH Siege, Dom too :) Cant summon them,but active bonus works, GG!
  • I didnt say CW with OF are OP... I said when they have ap gain DC around, so they can spam it all the time. And yes it is important and I love the idea of Gift of Haste,actually. I just think it gives WAY too much Action Points, more than should :)
  • I never run anything else than HP in PvE, I have about 35-40k HP and I'm fine. Usually we don't even have an OP in a party, just GF, and it's totally doable
  • Yes but what I meant is that daily for yourself every 5 or less seconds is not that bad, but when you spam HoTs and give those dailies to your team all the time (I still believe it's not working as it should combined with gift of haste) it looks just bugged. Do you PvP? Have you seen teams with 2 CWs who spam oppressive…
  • Problem is that its a huge advantage on PvP. You cant use altar in combat right? So people without VIP (or VIP below 5) still have cooldowns like 6-10 seconds on each skill, where people with VIP 5 and above can switch their skills all the time as they wish without cooldowns (skills that are NOT on cd,like u said). So in…
  • But it will trigger the feat only when used on basic, without using TAB? Or if I use it in empowered mode it will also trigger the feat? thats my general problem ^^
  • Really noone knows? :o
  • I dont get players and their way of thinking. Why we (BiS players) cant have something for ourselves? Why cant we have some "oh so impossible to do" dungeon/raid? Why you all want everything to be as easy as possible? Come on, every MMO needs some really hard dungeons or so... and we need too, for players with really good…
  • Yes thats true putzboy78, but the thing is that if someone plays only PvP or PvE they get only 2 sets to choose from, and I wont really get a piece of set from PvP with tenacity even tho it has some better stats for me than upgraded (bugged) PvE set, simply because of tenacity + I would have to grind PvP... So they should…