it should be one proc total only, at rank 12 you get 95% of the stats plus whatever abilities the companion has. augments should be the only companion that have 100% or augments are worthless.
because everything else is replaced with something better the bag was the best item till they come out with runic bag I now have full runic bags, the only thing I still use from the dragonborn legend pack is the wings of bahamut as a transmute and the helmet.
I agree with spelltrap it needs to be auto loot or people will keep taking the alum and leaving the junk for people who don't know any better to take, I think that's why people think it has a low drop rate they don't understand that people are only taking the alum and leaving the junk for others to take.
oh I just thought of how they could do it, make it take a dragonflight ring and a personalized gemmed ring and like 5 or 10 unified elements to make a personalized dragonflight ring.
I am a GWF a few times when I have been out soloing and I have been able to use my daily up to 3 times before it drained my ap, at first I thought it was lag or something but the damage done to mobs is real from what I can tell. no other players around me so don't know why its happening.
I think he is talking about the competitions that happen there. I thought it was just a open world pvp area also till I happen to be there when one of the competitions happened.
167 power = 1% damage aow = 2621 power for a total of 15.69% damage increase DT with glyph = 1823 power total 10.91% add in the 4 piece bonus when armor pen capped 15.91% damage increase so I was wrong the damage is 0.22% in DT's favor and also DT has a lot less ramp up time as your first hit can proc the glyph and every…
The draconic templar 4 piece set is a debuff, that means when your armor pen capped it allows for negative resistance so another way it could be read is 5% damage increase that's equal to 834 power. add in a greater white dragon glyph and the advantage AOW has in damage comes down to 0.08% not a bad trade off for all the…
I am not seeing how you have 61% critical chance by my math you have 44.5% critical, weapon mastery + artifact is 7.5%, and vicious advantage is 5%, for a total of 57% I have gone over your post a few times but I cant see where the other 4% is coming from to give 61%.
I know they updated them I was letting you know. thanks for the info on one of the slots being for armor kit. with the overload slots this set looks it maybe the best option for GWF even in pve.
I just looked at them in gateway and they show overload slots in the tooltip also the image for the gear shows 3 slots for all the gear but the boots they show 2 slots.
It is just bad luck I think. I had almost 2 weeks running normal 3 times a day and it had the same thing every time, than I got 2 dragon gems a helm and 2 swords all in the same day.
they should include a rage drake mount in the $75 pack, the standard version not the imperial. $75 is way over priced now for what amounts to a artifact and a bag everything else is either junk or can be obtained in the game with a small bit of work.
I got the same problem was 4/5 in zhentarim claimed my reward and it locked. thought I would be playing with my new artifact sword in the next 2 days :(