Yeah, gone for me too. Another bug for the ever growing bug list... :mad: It is amazing how they are incapable of performing even the most basic tests before applying a new patch.
Bugs, bugs, bugs..... it's been getting worse lately. At least I'm not the only one that can click, have a cup of coffee and come back to get the results on the gateway :mad:
Until they allow people to come with pre-formed groups and/or raise the minimum GS, there is no point in donating, since 99.99% of the encounters result in failure.
The problem is that most of the people have very low gear and thus don't have the required DPS, even if it was possible to coordinate 25 random people (which is not). Besides, most are complete clueless that can't even avoid the red zones and keep dying all the time. So, until they make it possible to go with pre-formed…
The problem is that they set the gear requirement far too low. For instance we almost killed our head in the 1st phase during a run while the others had almost no damage at all. The minimum gear requirement should have been set at least to 16K.
You are completely wrong. A GF can increase party DPS by 30% which is way more than any CW or GWF in the party. Regarding enhancements, as I wrote before Lifedrinker is useless for all classes, specially GF. If you are in need of healing use Fighter's Recovery which would get your health back to full after one rotation.
QFT. Lifedrinker is really HAMSTER. The only weapon enhancements useful for a GF are Plague Fire, Terror and Bronzewood. I'd say PF is the best one, but Bronzewood is a cheap and effective way to increase your damage.
SoT chests are not bugged at all. The problem is the drop rate is very bad, so you'll get a rank 5 most of the time. LoL Arcane chest may have a bug, but theoretically it happens if more than one player opens the chest at the same time. I always wait until everybody opens it and leave before I open the Arcane chest and…
The above tips are in general very good, but they miss an important detail: get ArP on you DC - it helps a lot. You should aim for 20%, but that is hard to get, so try to have at least around 16%. I usually solo with my stone, but any purple companion can be used to (I prefer the stone so I get more ArP and power, which…
A good HR can easily outdps a CW in all dungeons, except CN and (maybe) MC. The problem is most HRs are bad-average players and since HR is the most difficult class to play...
^^^This is exactly how things work. The only reason well geared players are willing to run dungeons is for profit. So, be thankfully you are being carried by more experienced and better geared players and that you'll eventually be able to get you gear from the chest. The other option would be running dungeons with fresh…
Radiant has a belt slot, which has always a defense slot (except some old blue belts, no longer available), but has a better active bonus (considering Deflection and Life steal are important for a specific class). I particularly use an upgraded Radiance stone on my GF and DC because I like to have more Life Steal and Regen…
I'm sorry to say, but the GFs from your guild don't seem very experienced or well speced or geared. I played eSoT with my GF many times and I've never had to use the stone of health. I don't even have to use fighter's recovery either and I have only slightly over 3K defense with the full draconic armor/weapon set. ESoT is…
The chest was OK for me all the times I chose to get the rewards (5 times, I think). I guess the problem happens when more than one person loots the chest at the same time (devs said that too). I always wait for everybody to check the chest before I open it so it has never bugged for me.
Bronzewood doesn't increase you dailies damage and that's one of the reason they are way cheaper than PF and Vorpal. OP, regarding your question 6M for a P. Vorpal is very, very cheap, considering you need 15 coal wards and 10 greater marks to make one (plus RP). I have no idea why they are being sold so cheap. Also, a P.…
I've never seen a a dragon egg from a node, ever. Considering I play regularly since beta, I'm sure the chance is too small to even be considered as such.
Just think for a while: you'd better selling the ID scrolls than using them to id green HAMSTER that would give you 100 points. You need 1 bazilliion of them to refine your artifact weapon. So stop anoying people who is unfortunate enough to play with you.
I hate when a HAMSTER is looting every green garbage he founds during a SoT or LoL run as if it would add any significant number of points to this artifact weapon.