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What is the Arc Client?
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  • lol my response to this post was deleted. GG
  • What i'm saying is they do not replace lost item's regardless of the reason or cause
  • Ive been getting this for 2 weeks now, now i cant even get the play button to show on the launcher, message from console: PatchClientLib: xferrer hanging, 31s now PatchClientLib: xferrer resuming, everything is ok! yay! (total hang time: 44s ) PatchClientLib: xferrer hanging, 31s now PatchClientLib: xferrer hanging, 61s…
  • similar problem, message from console: (ctrl+c) PatchClientLib: xferrer hanging, 31s now PatchClientLib: xferrer resuming, everything is ok! yay! (total hang time: 44s ) PatchClientLib: xferrer hanging, 31s now PatchClientLib: xferrer hanging, 61s now PatchClientLib: xferrer resuming, everything is ok! yay! (total hang…
  • Past few days, almost a week now, i cant even logon anymore, even though i play from south africa, i always have a stable 250 to 300ms ping, and am able to move around instantly. Nowadays, i just rubberband to death with 10k+ ping, for well over 10 minutes, before giving up, and just closing the game. The same applies for…
  • My biggest gripe, is my server in particular (mindflayer) is becoming a ghost-town, a dramatic number of mates and in some cases entire guilds havn't logged on for a little over a month now.
  • Is this partly due to the mass-drop of population as of late.. Who stole all the peoples, bring them back pls :(
  • Love your sig. p enchants are not all from exploits, some of them were legitimately farmed / bought with proceeds from CN farming and the like. still makes me sick :)
  • This behaviour is actually the result of the fixing of an old exploit, whilst i agree that the box should clear if the ward moves, you can cry to all heavens, and summon mephistos himself, and you wont get that enchant replaced. Consider it school fees attributed to poor coding.
  • Alot of these were created through various exploits, whether safe or not to mention, its been fixed, so from what i heard is there was a period where players could combine shards using a coalescant without the coalescant being consumed, indefinately. From just casual play, and some little effort in trading on the AH, ive…
  • I'm not sure if we can chat cross server, but more than happy to share some of my experience and specific advice/tactics for the majority of dungeon encounters, even through PM. The legit methods ofc, i'm not a fan of shortcuts or exploits. I'm on Mindflayer. End of the day it boils down to tactics and specific members or…
  • Hi mate, just thought i'd mention you are able to see last logged in from Gateway guild roster. Also for easier sorting and management, you can pull the data from gateway via the XHR responses, into the likes of Excel/spreadsheet. I found this to be the most efficient means, however you need to do the XHR extract every so…
  • Ideally as many have suggested, is having various difficulty modes or adjusting current & introducing hardcore/nightmare version. All of which with rewards that correspond to the difficulty. And reduce mobs, Neverwinter is the style of game where u want quick fast action, not hours of mindless grinding through constant…
  • WHich server are you on ?
  • Thanks ! worth taking indeed. I wish they'd be clearer on tooltips
  • Thank you so much for this Whistlingdixie. May i please bug you for clarification on where and when you enter the players names manually, is it within the alias file, is it within the game, ie: once off everytime you start a dungeon, or everytime you start your client, or when u bind f1 to to the player1 target, so what im…
  • More fashion & Accessories ! :cool: Or even better, and just dreaming out loud, develop a clothingfashion-apparel designer module within FoundryEditor. Perhaps selected top favourites as voted for by community could have their designs adopted by and sold in the Zen Store. Or allow export/import of existing clothing meshes…
  • Appreciate your responses, and cheers runebane for that link ! I realize it is not something easily done, and even ladymythos puts that argument forward as would PW likely, so.. I got creative, couldn't google his @handle, nick, etc. So managed to coax fraghost out of forwarding details listed for his ventrillo server that…
  • in my personal experience DDO was inferior, i played that for no more than a week. Neverwinter has a fantastic engine.
  • I think you're on the right track ! If it spoils your immersion, delete your friends list and just don't buy it yourself ? *shrug* I really dislike that all my initial ability points roll was all wrong, and i was so excited to get ingame i only noticed much later that I could actually "reroll" and more specically the mouse…
  • I've had a friend who on her CW (and our 300ms~ ping) a while ago, sometimes triggered by fluke a daily while dodging, daily activates yet action points are not consumed. Could it be related, somehow triggering ITC over and over, or it's a positioning thing, where server thinks the player is elsewhere than where he is,…
  • Does anyone see the irony in the hacker's last name. This is complete B.S. btw that they get away with this. Should be a priority to investigate not only to make honest player's lives less stressful but to protect your own revenues.. imagine god mode t2 farming all night looooong.
  • I find it easier to generate AD, through buying/selling and playing Auction house in general. I then buy enchanted keys with my ad, and sell them for gold in zone chat.
  • that made me LOL so hard man xD