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  • well i never played with roar since as they say its bugged so i never wanted to be considered a chicken -most gwfs do though which led to the nerf in the end the one who wins is clearly tr in pvp and in pve i dont know but they try to make the mage less of a god there we will see...
  • well they try to make each class more useful in pvp and pve so they decided for example to make the mage less pve god and boost a bit in pvp from what i hear (?) gwf the opposite (continuing the mod 3 change) gf im not really sure but from what i heard he remains useless - i hope not dc clearly a healer hr again lower him…
  • yep i agree with the above changes but what about tr stealth whas it supposed to be "im all the time in stealth at pvp and i can do pretty good dmg and noone sees me" ? especially now with roar down and hr regen down there is no other king left which is the only class in the world that can do this in any game in the world…
  • new pvp modes like arenas is for sure one thing even more pvw dungeons why not also guilds have to be more useful as for pvp balance i laughed when the op said that trs HAVE to go to stealth yes my friend that is what makes them op in pvp and i will never stop saying this its the only class in the world who can take you…
  • its obvious that you guys havent played 1v1 on top gear score well honestly roar is getting nerfed and i never used it anyway so just take a gwf , hr and tr of 18k gs and put them 1v1 then speak please i wont even mention gf and cw since they have no chance vs that tr the gwf was pretty good back in mod2 cause of deep gash…
  • indeed the real battle atm is hr vs tr im not sure who is the best in 1v1 but the fact is that hr is getting some nerf , tr? ofc tr must get +dmg out of stealth and an aoe skill which he lacks thats why noone wants him in pve as for pathfinder hr.... you know better if he is op or not compared to all but a tr who can out…
  • ok then maybe i was a bit harsh so far so i wont argue any more on the fact that we need an eu server seems that i strongly believe we need it and the mods (company?) believe its not such an issue or at least not worth it let me have a different opinion and bet on it too but anyway i want to ask directly someone from the…
  • you my friend didnt say something that was not true but you said many things irrelative to our subject here trying to mislead the players and why is that? because you are trying to focus us on our isp well trust me its not our isp i have done the same tracert that i did from my pc from my university with 100mbps connection…
  • +1 to this guy who also tell the truth
  • ok listen up because i cant stand the answers from mods i have been involved in the past in mmo games deving and i happen to know some stuff these guys here are mostly forum mods who are trying to justify the company which is not bad but... my ping today is 200-2000 and ofc at some points i cant move and they want us to…
  • none of the above... clearly the lag/ping problem will make me put money again and then more pvp modes for me also class balance (tr mostly stealth mode is op)
  • indeed i asked some ppl from uk and germany and they seem to have less issues i live in greece and seems that other countries suffer more than others BUT attitude like "hey we dont have problem you have" will cause this series of events= owners will see that not all have the problem - decide not to invest on upgrading the…
  • this area i speak of doesnt have to be icewind but another area like the small pvp area of icewind just for the pvp campaign IF someone likes pvp and wants to move deeper in that campaign for pve lovers there is no meaning to do the pvp campaign so they wont go to that pvp huge area (of same instance) OR they can do the…
  • tbh i consider this game one of the most decent games considering exping - getting items since you can do that pretty fast and i cant farm too much in my age (35 lol) indeed i focus on pvp and this game provides you with good pvp gear easilly so the actual thing to farm for are the enchants - exp for artifacts which is…
  • There is no such thing as a good DPS cleric build. You can do some damage, kill some handicapped trash geared players and/or bots and run around kill stealing, sure, but this is a set of behaviours available to anyone who has gear/some form of skill and has very little to do with the build itself.
  • so average neverwinter players then if the above sounds like you (minus the ninja looting thing) feel free to contact any rank 7 IG.
  • what? you can hit the cap on a cleric no problem
  • usually 3% of my overall healing which makes it pretty good for one feat point i mean yeah it could be better but you're still going to take it
  • isn't the answer 65% capping at a maximum of 80% DR? afaik pretty much everything in this game is additive
  • Lemonade Stand vs Crush It http://www.twitch.tv/johnrainbow/b/425893372?t=46m35s Lemonade Stand vs Crush It (Rematch) http://www.twitch.tv/johnrainbow/b/425893372?t=1h7m30s Will keep this post updated with more competitive matches.
  • no they are illegal
  • spending all day in our thread, watching our streams, making videos and threads about us I guess my english skills are lacking - what is the correct word for such behaviour?
  • so instead of saying you're the best gf, you just say every other GF is terrible good job on <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> talking people who have never said anything bad about you though i like how you leave out black knight in your list of excuses - afraid of him? it's obvious how pathetic you are when you make a…
  • Well, you're not wrong. The 'killme solution' is useless though because you can just do the run legitimately in almost the same time. It's not that hard to run from the start all the way to the campfire and die to mobs. At the end of the day people are going to pick the most efficient method of doing every dungeon and you…
  • The game is dying because quite frankly there isn't that much to do and there is basically no mechanism in place to stop people completing all of the content in one day. Contrast this to games like World of Warcraft where there are weekly resets on currency gains and raid lockouts, it's not really a surprise why they use…