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the pros and cons of neverwinter

gunbahahagunbahaha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 139
edited May 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
i have been playing the game in a high level for some months now and can say my opinion i think
i have also played many mmorpgs before this and began playing games on 1989!!!

this game is one of my favorites since:
1. it has one of the best combat systems for my profile as a person and a gamer
its an assisted target system far better than other target systems that look like fps games that i have seen and blends gear with skill in a nice way
2. it has pretty nice mature graphics and doesnt get too childish like other games , while it tries to keep a relation to d&d
3. it has trading - AH - dailies etc = all those things that a mmo must have these days to keep a players interest
4. it focuses NOW on pvp also which is essential for me and keeps me playing
5. it allows theorycrafting which is also pretty nice for us to deal with while getting our items and enchants

BUT this game also has some serious disadvantages that dirve ppl away and the competition is growing constantly so the company must really consider these matters asap
1. most serious problem is the only us server problem. this might cause me and other friends to drop eventually since we live in europe and the ping is 200-250 all the time. as you understand in pve this is troublesome enough but in pvp it makes the game unfair vs a player from us since he allways hits you first - dodges first etc . also many times its so huge that you move and you see your player move after 2-3 secs which is ridiculous for a serious game. the solution is simple: make a server for each region and then merge less instances to have enough activity in all of them
this must be done asap so that we can keep playing
2. the pvp imbalance is another problem which is pretty serious for some of us. i have all calsses and trust me some of them are more op than others and some builds too. imo the most op class in pvp 1v1 right now and allways is the perfect bilethorn tr with high GS. second is the new hr also with high gs. then its the GWF and then gf and cw
i compare classes with same gs and i wont take an argument as i am mainly a pvp player and have faced all of them 1v1 with all classes. the tr has allways been the favorite class of the company and you can realize that since its the only game in the world that the tr can hit from stealth and even TAKE DOTS at stealth and not lose stealth. this is crazy and must be changed asap to bring balance as for the hr they must fix the jumping issue (jumping causes you to dodge many attakcs while physically it should not) imo
3. the end game content. yes its better with every module bust still long way to go to reach other games in the market
bring us open pvp big areas not just small ones like now. bring us gvg - more pvp maps - 1v1 - 2v2 and maybe then PLEASE consider brining a map of one instance where we can all kill all or see them etc since trust me the old games with millions of players were based on this (instances were only the dungeons or not even those) if you think there will be lag then just upgrade since to make this game uber you need same instance maps where we can do things all together (the new areas should be same instance btw)
4. some things are way different than the official D&D rules but im not so sure that this is a disadvantage since those rules might cause problems in pvp ...still i would like to see some analysis on this matter and ways to come closer to official rules

these issues make some players searching for alternative games all the time that have these things solved but its a pitty cause neverwinter is better designed and i would like it to dominate the mmorpg area
i myself will stay here for ever if they solve these so i would really like an official answer or thoughts on these matters
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  • vitizaxvitizax Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I agree in most what you are saying, specially in more pvp maps and more pvp balance ( i play GF :S)... but ill add one more thing, Pve players can sell some items they get through dungeons, pvp players cant, we should have a way for making AD:

    Its a very good review
  • ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    1. Making regional servers may solve the ping issue, but what other problems would that create. They have made a Russian server and one would have see how that working before being able to say that more servers are the answer. I haven't heard anything about how that is working out for Cryptic.

    2. Whenever I hear about PvP balance it makes me cringe. Any changes made to the classes for PvP need to take into account the effects it would have on PvE. The last time they changed a class for PvP, the effect on PvE was quite detrimental. Since it seems the community is split rather evenly between PvPers and PvEers, the Developers need to walk a rather fine line. Take the Guardian Fighter for example, it is common knowledge that the class is basically worthless for PvE. How would you change it for PvP that would make the class useful in PvE? Trickster Rouges have suffered due to PvP changes, they used to dominate in PvE. After changes for PvP, they are now near the bottom of the PvE list. Great Weapons Fighters and Control Wizards are pretty much required for a successful dungeon run, because of their power and the way the dungeons are designed. How would you weaken them for PvP and not affect their usability for dungeons?

    3. Considering the game is just now approaching its first anniversary, the amount of end game content isn't bad. Module 3, Icewind Dale, was just released, and they have already announced Module 4, Tyranny of Dragons, to be released in August. That makes 4 major expansions in only 15 months. Don't forget that Cryptic can't just create something and then put it in the game, everything they do needs to be approved by both PWE and WotC. That takes some time as well.

    4. Some concessions do need to be made to the rules because it is an MMO translation of a Pen and Paper game. I do however agree with you that the rules need to be closer to the official rules.
  • mehguy138mehguy138 Member Posts: 1,803 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    1. Making regional servers may solve the ping issue, but what other problems would that create. They have made a Russian server and one would have see how that working before being able to say that more servers are the answer. I haven't heard anything about how that is working out for Cryptic.

    There are plenty of people out there. 600+ leaderboard pages. PvP queue takes 30 seconds to join a match. Beholders an Remorhazes are getting killed as soon as they appear. I think the European server might be a good option.
    M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
  • serowforsakenserowforsaken Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    In that case I want Asia servers too! I get around 300 ping to the Cryptic servers. If red appears beneath me, I *must* dodge out now or get hit. Because of the latency, there's no opportunity to "maybe I can squeeze out 1 more attack" or room for any split second decision. It's get out or get hit.

    And I'm sure the Aussies will want their own server too.
    60 Hunter Ranger
    The rest still up-and-coming!
  • lyaiselyaise Member Posts: 491 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    There are some good points here.
    Re servers: playing in the UK and will say the game runs very smoothly. Played ESO for the first month and had to give that up due to pretty awful delays from their UK server, which for some reason is located in the US.

    Not sure what I'm doing differently than people who are suffering lag here, but don't deny that others are obviously having issues.

    pvp/pve balance - the perennial can of worms. Taking pvp alone into account you have to try and accommodate single and different sizes of group play.

    pve balance doesn't attract the same level of attention for obvious reasons, but of course they need to avoid the "must have" dps, otherwise others get frozen out of groups.

    Although previous posts have focused somewhat on dps classes, the stand out issue for me is the DC. This class seems to be restricted purely by it's effect on group play. To me the class is skewed too much toward this, making individual play seem tortuous at times.
    Sure the class should perform well in groups - what else is it therefore if not this? But the current individual survivability and damage outputs need a serious overhaul in light of other class performances.

    However I see little hope of this, as the developers have for a long time been wholly focused on striker classes' damage outputs.
    ...............vote for your favourite expansion..........
    "Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
    ..............not this one then.............
  • ladymythosladymythos Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 637 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    As someone who couldn't care less about PVP, I think this game has a lot of potential. The problem is it had a lot of potential back at launch, and yet we have had absolutely no progress in many of the most important areas. A quick list of pro's and con's from a PvE-player:


    - Dungeons are still boring. Go there, kill that, repeat ad infinite. Surely we gotta be able to make dungeons more interesting in 2014?

    - Too much focus on grinding. It wasn't a big problem pre-lvl 60, but it says a lot that the first two new areas (Sharandar and Dread Ring) consist entirely of grinding. Worse, you need two boons from one of them to get to Icewind Dale, which takes at least two whole weeks of daily grinding pr character. How long do we have to grind to be allowed into module 4? A month pr character in Icewind Dale alone? Making boons account-wide would eliminate the problem, so they'll probably make boons even harder to get...

    - People are still morons best avoided. When I specifically ask to join a group without lvl60-players, why am I invited into a group with one lvl 60 and one lvl 58 player? The solution would be to simply fix the dungeon queues, but they haven't done anything since launch about it, so I won't exactly hold my breath.

    - Which brings me to the biggest problem: Cryptic. They don't seem to care about us players. Bugs have been reported since launch, and they are still here. People have complained about things since launch, yet nothing has happened. What we do get are yet another stupid "event" where we can grind the same, old, boring content for a new dye. Yay... This game does have a lot of potential, but as long a Cryptic don't give a <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> about us, the potential will remain just that. Potential.

    - Pets are still pointless for the most part, and absolutely useless if they are white or green. Seriously, 300k ADs to upgrade a white companion to green? Then 750k ADs (if my memory is correct) to upgrade the green to blue? And then even more to get it to purple? It's ridicuolous. Almost like they don't want us to upgrade at all.


    - Combat is fun for the most part.

    - We can sort of wear costumes. Sort of. Alright, only two piece-costumes plus the hat, but at least it's something. We still can't wear cosmetic armor, though. You can transmute it for a few billion ADs, but that's about it.

    - Some voice acting is good. Not all, but some.
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    No please do not try to balance PVP. So far every attempt has made PVE even more unballanced.
  • mrspidey2mrspidey2 Member Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    -the D&D - Forgotten Realms Setting;
    -the combat system
    -Beautiful environments

    - The Grind. Boy, is this game grindy! Getting anything in this game requires 10 times the grind that it does in Cryptics other MMO Star Trek Online. Why the hell does something like Transmog even cost AD?? Why do I have to pay AD for campaign progression, when in STO I get Dilithium(i.e. AD) from doing reputation projects (i.e. campaign progress)?
    - The Queue. Takes way to long or does not work at all. Without a guild, you're screwed.
    - Class balance / Class roles. Making TR's excel at single target dps is kinda pointless if all you ever do on boss encounters is throw in as many adds as possible, don't you think?
    It's especially pointless if you make the boss immune to damage after you just filled the entire screen with nothing but adds.
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    1. Cryptic has always had a single shard (which is actually a collection of servers) for its games. The reason there is a Russian server is that there is a Russian company that sub-licenses PWE/Cryptic games. NA/EU players cannot make accounts for the Russian server.

    2. I don't really PVP much, so I can't offer any expert statement on that matter, but...I don't think I've ever seen a game where PVP is truly "balanced".

    3. As stated above, it's an awfully young game to really start complaining about "endgame" content. But then again, I'm also of the school of thought that the concept of "endgame" in a game that does not have a defined "end" is...a bit illogical. I prefer the term "high level content", tbh.

    Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?

    PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
  • imaginaerum1imaginaerum1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Your pros/cons seem to be pretty much exclusively focused on pvp.
    The problem is, pvp as a concept doesn't really fit in well with D&D. None of the modules were about running around attacking the other players, they were about a party of characters working together to overcome whatever the GM threw their way. That's pretty much the definition of pve when you translate it to game terms.

    From my point of view:

    Pros: Foundry system that allows creation of content by the players for the players.
    Pros: Based on D&D. (Related Cons: Based on 4th Edition)
    Pros: Good graphics, good gameplay.

    Cons: Cryptic has seriously ignored, underutilized, and marginalized the Foundry system. What should be the crowning jewel of the game is rarely used by most players because the rewards are not sufficient.
    Cons: Leveling is so fast that there's no real sense of achievement.
    Cons: Provided content is extremely linear. No real choice in early and mid-game about where to go to quest. There's usually one area your level, and that's it, unless you like running foundries or doing pvp.
    Cons: Endgame is very grindy. While it would still basically be grindy, adding new dailies and a variety of weeklies (choose the weekly you want would be very cool) to the rotation for all three end-game zones would help.
  • gunbahahagunbahaha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 139
    edited May 2014
    tbh i consider this game one of the most decent games considering exping - getting items since you can do that pretty fast and i cant farm too much in my age (35 lol)
    indeed i focus on pvp and this game provides you with good pvp gear easilly so the actual thing to farm for are the enchants - exp for artifacts which is pretty cool and the boons ofc
    but yes i will admit the pve balance is not so good either since the cw is the only actual needed class for most dungeons and 5 cws can solo any dungeon which is not logical
    the hr and gwf are not too bad either but not essential imo
    the opposite class exactly is the tr - useless for dungeons and owning in pvp
    as for the foundries i have to admit that its a superb idea but as you say the company has kept it low cause of low rewards and honestly i dont run foundries anymore at all - pitty
    the question is if this company will invest some more time and maybe money to make the game one of the best or will settle for a mediocre game with huge potential that was wasted

    imagine for example an area like the new icewind with all ppl in same instance and the whole area open pvp (ofc to do this you must begin from the dedicated servers that i mention etc) or even with clan halls and sieges
    well im still romantic and like to dream
  • balorinbalorin Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Pros :
    Dungeons and dragons.
    Combat system.
    Regular content.
    Good graphics design.
    Pet system.

    Strikers class are moore tanky than a defender class wich is a joke and a total nonsense for balance.
    No difference between magical damage source and physical damage source wich is an non sense when you try to have a better balance.
    No dungeon raids.
    No guild love.
    No arena.
    Event nerfed.
    Craft nearly useless.
  • shurato2099shurato2099 Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    gunbahaha wrote: »
    imagine for example an area like the new icewind with all ppl in same instance and the whole area open pvp (ofc to do this you must begin from the dedicated servers that i mention etc) or even with clan halls and sieges
    well im still romantic and like to dream

    Not being a PvPer I wouldn't touch IWD if the entire zone where Open PvP. I want to go in, do my thing, have a little fun and not worry about getting jumped by a full party out of nowhere or worry about people camping the entrances or any of a number of annoyances which turned me off to PvP in the first place.
  • bucklittlebucklittle Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    As more and more modules roll out, this game isn't going to be newb friendly eventually. Which is one of the parts that make it a great game. It only takes a few days to a week if someone is casual to level a character to 60. They used to be able to jump right into T1 and then T2(endgame) content.

    It's at the point where a player has to level to 60, spend a week and a half doing Dread Ring dailies, get to Icewind Dale, grind their until kessils retreat(2-3 weeks?) and then your playing endgame, which involves a single skirmish.

    Neverwinter has gone from taking a week to start enjoying endgame content to now taking over a month, most of it doing the same boring dailies over and over without a chance at getting an expensive item that can be sold.

    I just hope module 4 adds content that fresh 60's could at the very least, miserably attempt.
  • gunbahahagunbahaha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 139
    edited May 2014
    Not being a PvPer I wouldn't touch IWD if the entire zone where Open PvP. I want to go in, do my thing, have a little fun and not worry about getting jumped by a full party out of nowhere or worry about people camping the entrances or any of a number of annoyances which turned me off to PvP in the first place.

    this area i speak of doesnt have to be icewind but another area like the small pvp area of icewind just for the pvp campaign IF someone likes pvp and wants to move deeper in that campaign
    for pve lovers there is no meaning to do the pvp campaign so they wont go to that pvp huge area (of same instance)
    OR they can do the flag - pk - pvp style of other mmo like lineage which is closer to real life actually = if i want i can pk you by force but with a big penalty so ppl will have to join a guild for party action etc
    again i speak for pvp lovers -areas only
  • strykewolf67strykewolf67 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Not bad.

    As a, primarily, PVE player; you've touched on most of it.

    The Good: Great graphics, engaging stories/quests, player added content, auction, trades that don't require two hours to figure out...pick what you want to do and tell the professional to do it, good combat system (not overly complicated yet still requires some skill), companions that actually make some sense.

    The Bad: Random lag during group runs, getting stuck on stairs/ramps/ledges/items that are a foot away, random sound drops for no particular reason, chests that should open but don't, chests that open and give nothing even though they did, yesterday, etc. Mostly minor stuff that should settle down. Young game.

    As for content. It's growing. Not nearly as old (as in time applied to expansions, content, etc) as some games so, I give it a pass on that.

    Sarah Knightly - Co-leader; Frontier Explorers - U.S.S. Witchblade
    Rias Gremory - Leader; Frontier Marauders - I.K.S. B'ullwinkle
  • awnialightawnialight Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Very nice community
    Really good combat system.
    Some voices are actually very good, or at least very funny. :D
    It's fun to play.
    Character customization is very good. (At least it was before mod 3, I didn't hear anything good about the new faces. lol)
    CW battle stance. It just so hilariously dumb, that it's just amazing!
    Zen-AD exchange so you don't have to spend a dime to actually get anything from the zen store.
    Gear score system. Gives you a really nice overview how is your gear do.
    Races actually do something, not just visual.

    Every PvP "balance" made PvE unbalanced, until a certain point where some classes are not even wanted in groups for epic dungeons. (TR, GF anyone?)
    Roar ('nuff said)
    A big chunk of the player base became profit or reward oriented, which is obviously understandable.. But still, dem pixels mate.
    Billions of AD per transmutes.
    Too much nerf caused by the cry rivers.
    1% armor and weapon enchantment chance
    Very little chance for coal ward each week.
    AD refine limit is a bit low I think.
    I mean, 24k.. Come on.
    Gold is kinda useless, unless potions, injury kits, and skill kits. Oh and some traders for gold.
    GS is too overrated.
  • jintortlejintortle Member Posts: 655 Arc User
    edited May 2014

    I have now officially given up on the luck dip that is anything off Zen Market that is not definate. This includes Keys for Lockboxes and other boxes like the new Black Ice PAcks.

    Opened up 30 Lock Boxes of the new variety and no purple or blue anythings and the boxes inside them for example Companion and Enchantment boxes also got me nothing blue or purple.

    I saved up and sold some lv 8 Black Ice Enchantments for the Black Ice 1500 Zen box and got only greens and a pittance of Black Ice. I did buy for the gauntlets but they were green and 2 crafters were green and the asset was green and almost useless.

    Reality is 5250 Zen spend (some was hard cold cash) Approx: 2,625,000 Ad (at the 500 exchange rate) - resale at AH for everything I got because all trash is about 400k + Gauntlets 500k around 900, 000 AD. (Oops of course I could get I think 2 Coalescent wards and made up some Enchantments - so add on another 500k)

    I give up = I do not mind the odd flutter with the Lock Boxes but that 1500 Zen Box was just worthless. This part of the game just downright sucks!!!
    Genus Draco Fad and the Muster@Jintortle
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    Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
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  • taercennxtaercennx Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    As a new player, this game can be very awkward.

    1: The fact that I have to use a PS3 or Xbox 360 controller to play is bad. Locking the camera/turn controls into the mouse, without other options, hurts the game a lot. Scrolling out and in seems to be non-existent.

    2: The graphics feel somewhat outdated, but look decent enough to not have a bad effect on game play.

    3: Learning curve could be much improved with a couple extra zones for low level questing. Currently feels forced, as there are no other quest hubs to switch things up a little. Monotony can get bad, and run off people.

    4: Too many stats to follow for characters. Just looking at my character, the list of possible statistical monitoring needed, is ridiculous. Another fast track to overwhelming players into not wanting to play the game.
  • xnordicxxnordicx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Pros: 1. Very good visual art

    Con: 2. Outdated game engine that not fully support new hardware
    Con: 3. Game engine that has problem with just a few ppl in the same instance
    Con: 4. Game engine / server provider very unstable ping times (not my side)
    Con: 5. Main town filled with gold seller bots
    Con: 6. Very basic Pet/Monster Ai
    Con: 7. Devs that dont seams to listen on what we the player think could improve the game.
    Con: 8. Very borring and not very random daily quests (use your maps more instead of put us all in a small zone doing the same quests)
    Con: 9. Very expensive enhancement system.
    Con: 10. Broken dungeon queues that keep put you in a empty party or a halffilled one.
  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    taercennx wrote: »
    As a new player, this game can be very awkward.

    1: The fact that I have to use a PS3 or Xbox 360 controller to play is bad. Locking the camera/turn controls into the mouse, without other options, hurts the game a lot. Scrolling out and in seems to be non-existent.

    2: The graphics feel somewhat outdated, but look decent enough to not have a bad effect on game play.

    3: Learning curve could be much improved with a couple extra zones for low level questing. Currently feels forced, as there are no other quest hubs to switch things up a little. Monotony can get bad, and run off people.

    1. What? I use a mouse and keyboard w/ no issues. Yes, having mouse look always on takes a little getting used to, but once you get over needing to press alt to get back to "normal" mouse control, things feel normal again.

    2. I suppose a lot depends on how you view things. MMOs tend to have a simpler look to them than single player games, so you need to compare apples to apples. Most other MMOs I've players are on par or worse in their appearance than NW, (again, strictly a taste/opinion thing).

    3. I you haven't at least gotten the grasp of the basic gameplay by the time you get to Blacklake, (around level 7-10), then perhaps you need someone to give you more of a hands-on explanation of things. TBH, the only thing that confused me on my first play through was that I thought *all* of the class abilities (the yellow/gold powers) would be active at all times, until I noticed the 2 little yellow boxes for them next to the other powers. While a lot of the exact numbers for powers aren't always shown, you get enough info from the tooltips to get the gist of what each stat does. That being said, there are plenty of pre-60 areas that if you made it through all of them, and still haven't picked up how to play, then someone else was either carrying you, or you know a lot more than you think you do...

    As an aside, I'd be all for some alternate paths to 60, (though you could also achieve that via the Foundry).
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
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  • serowforsakenserowforsaken Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I actually like using mouse look more than hold-RMB now...
    60 Hunter Ranger
    The rest still up-and-coming!
  • riqitariqita Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 297 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    bucklittle wrote: »
    As more and more modules roll out, this game isn't going to be newb friendly eventually. Which is one of the parts that make it a great game. It only takes a few days to a week if someone is casual to level a character to 60. They used to be able to jump right into T1 and then T2(endgame) content.
    Hmmn. That's the game's greatest detraction, in my view.
    It's at the point where a player has to level to 60, spend a week and a half doing Dread Ring dailies, get to Icewind Dale, grind their until kessils retreat(2-3 weeks?) and then your playing endgame, which involves a single skirmish.
    The major problem of MMOs is being stuck in an endgame for months or years at time.
    Who in their right mind wants to grind dailies?? ??
    Who wants to grind anything?
    Neverwinter has gone from taking a week to start enjoying endgame content to now taking over a month, most of it doing the same boring dailies over and over without a chance at getting an expensive item that can be sold.
    Enjoying endgame is an oxymoron.
    I don't understand how anyone can find an endgame enjoyable.
    I just hope module 4 adds content that fresh 60's could at the very least, miserably attempt.
    Tyranny of Dragons is supposed to be a brand new D&D experience.
    I wish that meant overhauling NWO for a 5E game and allowing 1st level characters to play through ToD adventures.
    Alas, it looks like I'll still be waiting for a true expansion that isn't just another tedious module.
  • taercennxtaercennx Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    bioshrike wrote: »
    1. What? I use a mouse and keyboard w/ no issues. Yes, having mouse look always on takes a little getting used to, but once you get over needing to press alt to get back to "normal" mouse control, things feel normal again.

    2. I suppose a lot depends on how you view things. MMOs tend to have a simpler look to them than single player games, so you need to compare apples to apples. Most other MMOs I've players are on par or worse in their appearance than NW, (again, strictly a taste/opinion thing).

    3. I you haven't at least gotten the grasp of the basic gameplay by the time you get to Blacklake, (around level 7-10), then perhaps you need someone to give you more of a hands-on explanation of things. TBH, the only thing that confused me on my first play through was that I thought *all* of the class abilities (the yellow/gold powers) would be active at all times, until I noticed the 2 little yellow boxes for them next to the other powers. While a lot of the exact numbers for powers aren't always shown, you get enough info from the tooltips to get the gist of what each stat does. That being said, there are plenty of pre-60 areas that if you made it through all of them, and still haven't picked up how to play, then someone else was either carrying you, or you know a lot more than you think you do...

    As an aside, I'd be all for some alternate paths to 60, (though you could also achieve that via the Foundry).

    1: The fact that I have to alt to get normal mouse use is not optimal. The option is not a giant workaround patch, but a simple code rewrite. Forced gameplay style is not a great thing. I like the camera for looking around, but turning should not be locked into the mouse without options.

    2: MMO games have made huge advancements, for the most of them, in the visual graphics department. I play others like DCUO, WoW etc, that did not cause me to have to shut off shadows to get better visuals. Shadows do not transfer smoothly, at the best settings they are choppy/blocky. Transition rendering seems to plague the zones.

    3: Basic game play aside, it is more of a confusion thing, with all the stats to look at on a character sheet.

    Never been carried in any game. It just seems that this is not a game that new players can get into very easily. But, mainly, I just want the option to keybind my turning into the keyboard, and tab targeting would be nice.
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    People actually prefer controller to mouse? This is a real thing? Mind. Blown.
  • taercennxtaercennx Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    query523 wrote: »
    People actually prefer controller to mouse? This is a real thing? Mind. Blown.
    I prefer to alternate controls based on the situation
  • lolssi83lolssi83 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2014
    +Visuals and presentation

    -F2P = horrible community and asking money from little things.
    -Cryptic = not fixing bugs and bad servers.
    -Wasting potential of D&D
  • taercennxtaercennx Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Also: Why do we have to spend real world money to buy things that should be readily available to the avg player, in game at a NPC.

    Plus: Great idea having all these different types of currencies. Now I have options. A) Buy in-game stuff with gold, receive junk. B) Or I can buy currency with real money, instead of getting that sense of accomplishment when you do earn something.

    I get this feeling that quality of game is determined by how much you can spend in real life.
  • taercennxtaercennx Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    lolssi83 wrote: »
    +Visuals and presentation

    -F2P = horrible community and asking money from little things.
    -Cryptic = not fixing bugs and bad servers.
    -Wasting potential of D&D

    Visuals and presentation: Bleh, seen many better
    Combat: Repetitive and too linear in the quests

    Grinding is ok, as long as it dopes not feel repetitive.
    F2P is the likely reason for such a outdated system. I have yet to learn how to trade, much less wasting my time asking for gold
    Cryptic seems to hope to make as much as possible, while spending as little as possible.
    D&D was one of my all-time favorites. This game is touted as a D&D game, but feels nothing like one

    Made it 10 levels. 1/6th of the game has been enough to tell me that I have no interest in committing my time to something that feels like a beta test, rather than a polished product.
    Maybe in a the future
  • lolssi83lolssi83 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 51
    edited May 2014
    taercennx wrote: »
    Visuals and presentation: Bleh, seen many better
    Combat: Repetitive and too linear in the quests

    Grinding is ok, as long as it dopes not feel repetitive.
    F2P is the likely reason for such a outdated system. I have yet to learn how to trade, much less wasting my time asking for gold
    Cryptic seems to hope to make as much as possible, while spending as little as possible.
    D&D was one of my all-time favorites. This game is touted as a D&D game, but feels nothing like one

    Made it 10 levels. 1/6th of the game has been enough to tell me that I have no interest in committing my time to something that feels like a beta test, rather than a polished product.
    Maybe in a the future
    Oh I've seen better also, but mmo standards all the armor details are really great and conversations have some effort if not SWtOR quality.
    Also I'd give it a 10 more levels then the Cryptic's campaign starts to repeat itself, but Tower district is still good. Also you should check some Foundry missions, real gems in there.
    Also tough to comment grinding in this when it truly begins when you hit start your first campaign. Dailies yagh!
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