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  • I am one of the people who still play everyday and who tries to adapt to the current state of the game, not complain about what used to be and how it's all doom and gloom. You can certainly have a few streams of AD, it just takes a little work and some grounding on what is realistic. Too many players are so focused on the…
  • Try to spread your salvage over other characters so your rough pool does not get as high on just one. Keeping a few hundred thousand is nice for the days you may not run dungeons or log in for long.
  • This is the main reason I rarely run elol. Rarely run anything with a healer, so I actually teleport out of the red things on the ground and avoid danger. With elol the fireballs appear like a quick pulse, you see them for a second and then they are gone. Once you are dead and above you can see them spinning just fine.…
  • When invisable, look up at the sky. The dragon will reappear in a few seconds.
  • Before the patch, that noise was the preface to you dashboarding. Now you freeze, but remain in game.
  • That pulls up a player with 350 gamer score and zero friends and no activity feed. It's understandable you dont want to post your real gamertag and guild. If it is really you, then blocked to be sure.
  • Do me a favor and post your GT and guild so I can be certain to ignore you on live and in game. Players who are completely selfish and not willing to offer help to others I prefer to just avoid. Mine is @oox Snap xoo
  • Why? So you can scream science b again? There is no dispute that low gear score go to the brand new content the game is offering. They have a right to be there by the game design. How many of these players that you inspect have you tried to help? Offer to help them gear up? As questions about build? Or do you get all…
  • Nothing you posted is science as a matter of fact, but the added punctuation does make you sound less scientific. I can make up percentages too, 86% of people who read forums think they know what 100% of the player base does. There is a breaking point with gear score where even if they have not done the best build, they…
  • Are you at the cap? I know that drake seals cap at 500 and would assume others do as well.
  • Here is logic, we make PW more money than PC and have potentially larger player base. Because the two platforms have different input devices, the games are not identical, so some programming happens to port it here. If there is a growing player base on xbox and a declining on PC due to massive choices for MMOs, and the…
  • We already have a game that has not followed the same path as PC, and are playing on a different platform. Not everything will be the same 100% on the two. With very little choice of MMO on xbox and a huge amount on PC, it is a safe guess that we may be where PW is getting it's bread buttered and might have a little more…
  • There is no hate on you, he made a valid point that you are set in your opinion and I tend to agree a bit. Fwiw, myself and a few of the others are certainly ones who carry low gear score, so please refrain from taking it to that level. I love playing the game, have time to grind, and a little money to spend on it. There…
  • I think you are again putting what you would do as what all would do, and they may. I like to believe that having the ban would push just a few more people into either fighting like there is a time commitment and it means something, as well as make a few more just not join because they feel camping would just be a waste of…
  • Answered your question in another thread.
  • They are most likely in an xbox live party. The game chat does not work well as soon as you have a third person in the group. To mute players you need to view xbox profile and mute or unmute from there. If you had not previously muted them on live, your issue is party not game chat.
  • The idea with penalties for me is that it could mitigate much of the defeatist attitude many players have. You may be correct in the possibility for a win with your own personal level of game skill, however it does not mean other players are close to your skill level or hold the same fail metrics. Essentially we are at a…
  • I would imagine they did not expect the game to do as well as it is on console and are not staffed accordingly. Add in the possibilty that being on the console maybe they cannot have in game GMs who could regulate. It is dumb that you got banned in game for typing the website name. On a constructive note for you, in the…
  • That is not in any way surprising, it is a very sad attempt at fixing the chat spam for sure. Having a live player as a GM who could just ban accounts for a few hours a day would mostly fix the issue. Too bad you had to create a forum account to talk about banning that will get you banned.
  • JC would be the most important to personalize rings. You can also do jewel kits for action points, regen, and stamina. Leadership is great for extra AD and some of the chests that give additional resources. Alchemy is great for a quick unlock of the 100% slot. I have yet to level it to 20, but think you can also make dyes…
  • The rare task is for the gemmed ring, and requires four purple items for the 60% chance to be gemmed. These can be sold and traded. Once you want to make it double gemmed it binds, the task is level 20 and not rare. You can get JC to 20, purchase the gemmed ring, and then personalize it to double, which binds it to that…
  • You can make the resources used for crafting with alchemy (iirc fundamental fire) . The knowledge piece happens after doing experimentations. Not every experimentation nets the result, so you do it a few times until it gives that in order to level.
  • The free to play model has been around for quite some time now and the pricing structure here does not surprise me at all. What does is how they have made it to where people can truly play for free and with some work save and get whatever they want. Yes, it takes grind and a bit of luck, but can be done. Pricing may seem…
    in Cost Comment by bluedood August 2015
  • For quicker leveling I suggest doing the level 14 gather tasks. If you will be online do the shorter 15 minute task and refresh it as soon as it is done. Once you know you will log for a while, set them for the 8 hour level 14 task.
  • I am not sure they have ever posted the loot tables for any of the dungeons, but marks drop on all of them. Ones you can run faster like eLoL seemingly drop more because of the frequency you are running them. Potentially, the "harder" t2s could have a better loot table(spell/spider/elol) for the more difficult bosses. Also…
  • Maybe $200 on lockboxes. After playing a subscription MMO for 8 years I don't mind supporting the game.
  • You get 2x on like artifact items. It is well worth refining up and consuming in. Tested it this morning to double check. Stand by my post and am currently refining up a second off hand and belt.
  • Iirc you get 80% of the refining you put in. Using my approximate points value of 302k to get to purple(without actually burning the reagents to convert it), you would get 241,600 points feeding it into another artifact or 483,200 feeding into a like artifact at 2x. Well worth the 181,200 gain. Any critical success or…
  • I have leveled a few artifacts to purple using spellplauge farm running 5% dragon hoard. My results have been 60k refining points per hour. Going from green to purple is right around 302k points, so with a solid grind should take you about 5 hours. Getting to legendary from green is about 3.3 million points, so just say 3…
  • You have made a well thought out post, thank you. There is a very large group who have poisoned the well and made other new player do the same to perpetuate the problem. Hopefully you play long enough to run into the large group who are the exact opposite and help you learn and enjoy the game, and maybe that side of the…