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  • It does offer more healing overall. I play my healing as much as any other buildout so the -1% damage doesn't seem that big of deal for +6% healing... especially with the limited avenues to buff healing with equipment. lol I'm obviously not optimal though, I took the set without knowing if it even works with us... only…
  • Only question I have on the fey set, is the healing done by a SW considered "healing" in the mechanics/programming? Seems like everything else that buffs healing "spells", ignores healing done via the temp capstone. Granted the fey set bonus doesn't add the "spell" descriptor (and I took fey regardless ) anyone confirm it…
  • Pretty sure I've not only fired off At - wills at the beginning of DT but also other encounter powers such as KF and WB. Seems a very minor thing but I'm sure it'll be fixed over more legitimate things that might do the class an ounce of good. My undergeared/less powerful CW handles pretty much anything with much more…
  • Yeah, the tool tip for the river district healing set doesn't specify "healing spells"... only "healing" but I'd bet money it wouldn't work on healing done by a SW... It probably should. ...
  • Really depends on what you consider fun. Have only two geared characters, a CW & SW. Played cw from launch until SW came out as my main. Lots of fun, good damage. While I would say SW is a far more difficult class to play well & be effective, I still find it more fun. Its really all in the build, went out of my way to make…
  • This competition should rightly be named "The Losers Bracket" hehe
  • Agreed! Pretty much getting the same feeling as you, that we under performed in an area we should likely be the tops. Been pret ty much sitting the game out as my playtime only really allow me one character and he's not really enjoyable anymore. completely agree with the LS suggestion, give something, anything sheesh.…
  • This. It seems with the difficulty level paired with the grouping mechanic is the biggest failure point here. Absolutely fine with a raid type encounter taking coordination but at least let us coordinate then. Another poorly thought out aspect of the game.
  • This feels pretty much like I'm experiencing also. Thankfully I had a big old stack of free greater health stones lying around from pre Mod6 days to make daily stuff fail painless but that's a pretty big crutch for what I used to call solo play. We should have specialized SW only LS mechanic, doesn't even have to be…
  • Looked like he only said "his tone is only hurtful to exploiters". Bit of a jump in logic. :D
  • This is what I've seen/felt too. As a SW dmg build, I can still slowly solo the daily/boon stuff but I do need greater health stones to do so. Far too often plain Jane mobs crack me for 3/4s of my 85k hit points, from there it's an uphill battle unless I pop a greater stone. This isn't a huge deal yet as I had 400 or so…
  • When it's 10x I'll get excited. In the grand scheme of things 2x means little to nothing still....
  • Anyone know how much more powerful the new stuff is over the current BiS? Take a what 60 percent hit on something that only one incremental notch better. That would sting a bit. Kinda makes me feel better about being behind all the time, not a single orange yet.... boo! becomes yay!
  • Ive kinda stopped playing my GF since the release of the SW. Finally getting SW up to speed(at least boon wise) and would like to get back to my GF bit. My build was/is very similar to th OP though I did use the guide for some tweeking. I still like the build, maybe more so the "tank" concept behind her. Heavy defense,…
  • This for sure. I wouldnt mind running that stuff again if they made the epic gear worth some nonlaughably pitiful amount of RPs. Crunching these items down for 5-600 RPs feels anything but "epic", thinking 5-6k would be more acceptable. They need to also consider playstyles other than 24/7 grinders. They will never slow…
  • Think its just the visual thing. Also heard and was looking for confimation that the thistle boon also didnt take into account armor penetration, wouldnt this alone make it next to or pretty much completely useless if true any way? Anyone confirm? Still took it as part of the "concept"
  • Thats the one thing that kinda bugged me about this one, mobs seemingly immune to my CC. Same thing that makes PVP seem kinda lame to me.
  • Did 15-20 runs last night. Seemed a little shorter than the other cta's, might have simply been my perception due to it being a little more action packed. Enjoyable though, I like raw combat. A good deal of the time I found myself teleporting to small islands of safe area in a sea of red, get a spell or two off and off to…
  • Hi, read through the first few pages in this thread and this is pretty much what I envisioned my GF as. A quick question on game mechanics though, do all of the "teflective" type of attacks do direct damage? As in do they bypass damage reduction and what not? If not do they use our AP? Are the different types of…
  • Hehe Slam! While i have dished out a couple bucks im fine with that. I have been hoping for a bit more depth in the game but with my playstyle/time i havn't even tried out all the different builds yet any way. By then i hope there is a bit more though. Go outside take a breather, it won't cost you a cent. People can decide…
  • Bought a hero of the north pack mostly because I thought the spider art looked awesome. I was under the impression it would go away/be unavailable after launch along with the panther. For some reason I assumed the drow, being a race, would eventually be available to all. Kind of annoyed t hy is not the case, im a sucker…
  • Use the gateway on my android and think the interface is pretty good. Simple, to the point. Took a little practice using the touch screen(to not accidentally select something on the screen after what I was trying to select)but have had nothing but smooth sailing after that. I do disconnect if I hit the "back" command on my…
  • Use mm on my crit/power CW. Try to use storm pillar at start of combat then mm pretty much thereafter... When I remember to use storm pillar that is. She is a force/lightning though, no cold spells. Also made a "controller" CW, soumds redundant:), that packs all cold spells. He uses both the ray and the snowball one.…
  • Fun factor it prolly tops the list imo. It took a little practice using it at first but I think its great now. I'm not a damage calc guy but I can say that, as a power/crit spec'ed CW I have had a pretty smooth ride packing all AOE powers, even with green gear. I think I actually like that it isn't simply a point and click…
  • Sounds like this is likely the crux of your problem really. You made a team based build to solo with. Did I read earlier that yoy also didn't bother getting steal time? That is one of the best control spell for soloing imho. You would likely call me a striker also but am more of a solo control build. Did very little…
  • I really like the gateway system. Being able to "play" the game a bit while not at home is a great little distraction. Like another poster mentioned, its simple and fun, right up my alley.:) Sitting in front of some virtual machine clicking away like in ddo was a total turnoff for me. This is the first game i've played…
  • Does the bonus from the cat increase as it gets higher levels. In one of the beta weekends I grabbed it but never leveled it up far due to time shortage. I think it was +15/+15 when I had it, hopefully scales with level, anyone confirm?
  • Would be nice if they let you set up multiple templates for your encounter powers for easy changeout for bosses. Switch from control to damage/debuff in those situations. Was a thread after one of the beta weekends suggesting this. Was a very good idea, especially since they really take away our bread n butter in those…
  • Didnt notice for the first couple levels as a CW most things never got in range. At level 18 now and it has been pretty glaring for a while now that the panthers first pounce attack is just slow to the point of useless. Picked up the dog and have beena little happier with him. Have tried quite a few of the companions, the…
  • Started in a heavily houseruled advanced d&d campaign, played a couple years of that followed by about a decade of 3.5. Not currently in a pnp campaign.