Thanks for the advice. I'll try out Med Arrow. I hadnt even thought about specs so thanks for the reminder there, will definately go Commander. Any thoughts to what woulf replace Attsvk Toys if I were to drop it?
Thanks a binch for talong the time to review these, Bit confusing with these fragmentrf builds, they are easily 5+ years old. What you've gpy here looks solid, as always.
Interesting build. It seems a little scattered, but so was my request for help. I think I miscommunicated my intent. I was looking at two builds: a werewolf build, and a darkness build themed as a vampire (without the biting and mind control). I apologize for any confusion. A thrash build may indeed be the best for the…
@flowcyto - Thanks for the build idea. Its always good to see your input. @roughbearmattach - Using auras and such may be the easiest way to do it. Thanks. @pwestolemyname - Didn't say it would be a tank. I just like the idea of a "bulletproof" guy that might have some range.
Thanks for the advice. I always thought the ladies were too thin (now they just need to adjust that neck). I hadn't actually thought of just looking at a face and trying to mimic its shape. Seriously seems to be the simplest answer; thanks again for pointing that out.
Back from an absence, thought I should update. Full list to catch up, in order of hitting lvl40. Bughouse (@bughouse) with 25 level 40s (Surge) Surge Starcore Goliath Snapshot Stardust Strangefate Widget Sentinel Frostbite Firefly Isotope Revenant Hellhound Yellowjacket Platinum Rumble Nightowl Stormfront Fathom Recluse…
Thanks Ajanus. Hadn't even considered Infernal for water, and the plant ideas sound pretty intriguing. I appreciate the advice; sometimes the vision and the mechanics don't play well in my head, and having a soundboard helps a lot.
Thanks a ton for the help and the build! I'll give it a test drive and see how it runs. There is a lot in there I hadn't considered just due to being too locked into "earth guy" mentality. Thanks again; "builder's block" stinks, but this should be just the thing to overcome it.
Totally forgot I had posted this >.< I meant Fighting Claws the weapon, not the beast powers. Primarily just Viper's Fangs, Dragon Claws and maybe Rend and Tear (aaaaand maybe the EB). From Earth, there are a few different Knocks which made me think Enrage, and with only 1 Focus ability I hadn't even considered Rush. Its…
I can't believe I forgot Rune in my list o' examples! I once changed a character because he looked too much like Rune! Of course, if I listed EVERY character whose costume I like a lot, we'd be here forever. I r teh subtle! d-(^.^)z Seriously though, that is a whole heaping helping of good thinking. Thank you all for the…
Thanks for all the response, very much appreciated. I've done my own take on certain looks before, and I'm sure everyone has tried their hand at a "Totally-Not-Batman" or whatnot. Just every now and again I get an idea that I can't peg down but see one that I just adore that fits. @drgmstr: specifically, I had my eyes on a…
Just finished this mission today with a munitions character. No zombies after 10 boxes or so, but every box afterward had zombies in it. Only difference was that the full boxes were broken open with Lead Tempest instead of directly attacking them. Last time I did this mission, every box was full regardless of the attack or…
Thanks for all the information and suggestions. I'll play around in the Powerhouse and see what works for me. As always, y'all are great for coming to the advice rescue!:biggrin:
After reading the advice, I started (and finished thanks to anniversary xp) a Grimoire freeform. This is the build as it hit 40. PowerHouse (Link to this build) Name: Archetype: Freeform Super Stats: Level 6: Intelligence (Primary) Level 10: Ego (Secondary) Level 15: Presence (Secondary) Talents: Level 1: The Grimoire…
Pretty hot looking. Sleek and simple design with a great silhouette. The helm does work really well with the powers, especially with the fire form effects.