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v1ctor1st Arc User



  • So what about the players who come into the game thinking its actual "Star Trek" and within 2 hours (or less) they realise it isnt? Might not be worth it in your opinion, but from the standpoint of marketing, letting new players know that this isnt the "canon" trek they know means that the player who is entering the game…
  • There is a plausible way to reconcile this in one single episode mission, and i have a feeling the upcoming episode on May 9th is setting the ground work for it. Have Daniels, or someone from those temporal guys from Enterprise appear in a meeting after they observe events from Butterfly and other time travel incidents in…
  • So while some people are arguing over semantics, i tried to get two more friends back into playing STO. They both quit the same day. Just like the last 4 i tried to get in. Both of them had decent Fleet T5 ships that were "Top of the line" 4 years ago. Both were more than capable of running ADV Conduit, Khitomer etc. We…
  • Well, I managed to talk another couple of old friends in to play STO again. One had an older Fleet Excelsior, one had one of the Oddy's. Both were playing regularly about 3 to 4 years ago, both were what people would class as "Whales" for the time, both had spent hundreds of £'s in the game. Both lasted about 9 hours and…
  • Nailed it. Any other game dev company with code base thats over a decade old would have re-hired or made new hires of coders and dev's who would have went through the old code and re-learned what the former staff had coded. The only time this would not happen? When a game is in "maintenance mode" or partial "maintenance…
  • So the gear check thing, and infact anything to do with the serverside reading stats is out. The only other alternative then is to stop the high DPS folks getting into normal and advanced, but thats met with the same critics saying no. It was one of the major STO YouTubers who reckons there's about 2000 regular players…
  • Sorry! double posted a quote by accident.
  • I'm starting to get the feeling that certain people are trashing all ideas just so the gap between high end DPS and the bulk of the casual player base remains intact.
  • When it comes down to it, it's about letting the player know two things... 1: Are they ready for Advanced/Elite 2: How can they improve As long as those two questions remain unanswered or theres a big Adobe Gaussian blur ontop of it, this problem will continue. From a standpoint of making it as "easy" as possible for the…
  • Yup @ OP, i've came across this time and time again since coming back after a 5 year break. When i left, the "meta" (as it's called now) was Anti Proton, Borg Set (possibly with fleet shield/engine) and BO3. Infected: The Conduit on Advanced was not "easy" but it wasnt REALLY difficult and you still had to plan and in…
  • True, as a choice, there's nothing wrong with it, but PvP is fundamentally broken due to the power creep. Again, yes, because open PvP is...fundamentally broken. This is where your argument starts to fall apart. Take two players. Both of them having been playing this game for the past half decade, both of them…
  • Problem is the campers are getting more for camping because the zones are flipping quicker. People doing the event do all the work, the bots/campers get the T-Rex. If i was a dev, i would switch the T-Rex zone to open PvP, then automatically switch it to PvE 10 seconds before the T-Rex appears. It wont get rid of them…
    in Invictus Comment by v1ctor1st March 2023
  • One of the borg STF's. By the time my ship has got to the cubes two ships the size of a shuttle has already reached them, wiped all of them out and have went on to the side and has already taken down half of the conduits. By the time ive managed to get a shot off, literally ONE...SHOT...OFF these little Attack Pattern…
  • The Red Alerts are a classic example of the power creep open for all to see. I remember a time when the Borg Red Alert was at least partially difficult. Today i seen something the size of a shuttle take out the lower left hand group of a borg cube and three spheres. The entire Red Alert lasted just over 1 minute. The…
  • Well, everyone has valid arguments as to why the suggestions i came up with would only partially work or not work at all. Good points. Let me tell you what has happened over the past two weeks of me coming back. Two weeks ago i said to some old alliance friends that i was coming back to STO, four of them decided to also…
  • The metric would be taken from point 4, the built in DPS meter. If you aint doing enough sustained damage over a period of time you are automatically warped out of the map
  • From a game designer stand point (i used to work in the game industry a long time ago), the quick solution to keep the DPS folks happy, and the casual players happy would be to do the following...at least in my eyes. 1: The Omega Reputation or "The Borg One". It's one of if not the first reputation that people work…
  • Happened to me today in Hive Onslaught, the cut scenes lasted longer than the battles...i got 2 shots off just intime. The team was full of ships the size of shuttles laying waste to all the borg infront of them.
  • Gotta feed those hamsters...
  • This started happening to me today as well
  • Yeah, i witnessed power creep in the Iconian sphere TFO. I have a FAW Lexington, there was a player with a ship the size of a shuttlecraft wiping out entire groups of Iconian herald in one go, the other players were all cannon scatter volley ships also zipping around in what look like close to full impulse. I just came…
  • I've been away from the game for about 4 years. When i was last in the game spending a little time in PVP i'll tell you what killed it for me. The min-maxers who come in and one shot kill cruisers. When i came back to the game last week, i wasnt surprised at all to see PVP basically dead. PVP in this game was a joke back 4…
  • rofl...figured this would happen. The casual PVP'ers like me gave up PVP when DR came out, now the rest of ya are at each others throats because there is no little fishes like me in the kerrat pool to blast away continuously. PVP is dead in this game...and long may it REMAIN DEAD.
  • Ok, so your all about the PVP? Also according to you a high DPS ship should take out a lower DPS ship? One of my fleet mates is a 30K+ DPS Scimitar, he's a tac. I'm in my 15k DPS Fleet Excelsior... He should kill me according to you. Yet he doesn't. I'm still in my 15k fleet excelsior. I'm now up against TWO Scimitar's…
  • 10 points for the classic Roy Orbison song at the end of the video... :D
  • Think about this logically for a minute... Lets say they cap the DPS to something like 20k Lets say my fleet excelsior has hit the 20k dps mark, and i still have not upgraded all my ship stuff. I will think to myself "well.. no point spending more dil to upgrade all that, i can save money now!" Yeah... there will never be…
  • So you tell us there is going to be changes... ...and then don't tell us what the changes are... Yeah, great job at "managing" the community...
  • ...and its because of knuckle draggers like you that STO PVP is now the dead horse that people like you are constantly beating... More than likely by the end of this year there wont be anyone left in PVP, apart from the one shot cloaking disabling PVP'ers, hiding from each other in kerrat. The rest of us, those people in…
  • "learn how to play" Moron of the week goes to this guy... apparently the all knowing, all seeing most elite player who can see exactly what the OP is doing when he plays and knows what he is doing wrong...
  • Ohhhhhhhhh.... i think there is a very good chance of that happening when the central CBS licenses go up for renewal at the end of 2015. I think PWE and Cryptic are trying for a cash grab incase CBS slams the door in their face. There is a very slim chance it will happen...but history has a habit of repeating itself in the…