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kira30 Arc User



  • Well to fix my issue I just re-installed Arc and now it logs in fine.
  • Not their logic I was joking about their lack of fun emotions on the decision to disable the ramps, no big deal just making a comment lol, it would have been "fun" for some of us if we could've used the ramps for surfing 24-7 whenever we wished, I never mentioned anything about their logic :P:cool:
  • Rommy ship interiors were done "half-assed" did y'all really expect to get our own board like the Feds and Klings? hmmm...speaking of missing stuff to buy I noticed besides the power board issues is the Risan native swim suit, like the one the tailor is wearing...you can't even buy it. it's very nice and to me the…
  • lol yea whoever setup the race's finish line mess must have a night job as a "stand-up comedian" because it's a joke and annoying when you come in first or second only to miss the damn flag in the split second to grab it before someone else does...but I love the hover surfing! The power boards are fun to use if ya got some…
  • LOL I know right? :P
  • Hey at least we can rely on the captains of the Risan Armada to battle the Voth,Borg and Undine if the trio ever joined forces. :P
  • Bring some to Risa, I heard their working on the replicators atm, I'll bring the Romulan ale. :D
  • My thoughts exactly lol, thank you. :) They should change the server name from Holodeck to "Hollow Deck" in regards to the ship interiors. Don't worry I'm sure we'll get some new lock boxes again soon...
  • Seems to me your whining about people expressing their opinions on the way ship bridges are in the game, so enjoy your cheese, there's a good lad.:D
  • Yup I see the "business" point of view of spending more time and resources on Risa's resort, but um, I'd rather have a nice new Risan Cruiser with a resort style interior and decks then a beach on a planet that few will even worry about because their too busy grinding pearls to care and also only accessible a couple weeks?…
  • I couldn't help but laugh when a lot of players actually thought there was gonna be a custom bridge...really? After the epic fail design of the interior...wait I mean the two rooms...inside the Scimitar Warbirds, people actually think they will work on more interiors? /facepalm Don't get ya hopes up because it seems those…
  • Well I went to do this mission finally for the first time last night and when I entered the Sphere to begin it auto completed it as if I skipped it without any confirm lol and I never even used "skip"so yea, same here I can't replay this mission either, the "Replay" button is grayed out... I did the mission before this one…
  • Yea it's definitely an issue with the game server, my fleet buddy and I were doing missions last night and we got d/c all at once several times and it wasn't our net because we never got disconnected from Ventrilo, also right after we got d/c we could login again instantly so yea...we are on East time zone U.S. but…
  • Finally found what works for me and it's fine now for past few days, every time I change anything on my ship, (even if it's a device like consumable turrets) I click "Save As" and then confirm over-write of the old loadout with the same name. Since then I've not had this issue. I know this doesn't work for everyone but…
  • Well I went to do this mission finally for the first time last night and when I entered the Sphere to begin it auto completed it as if I skipped it without any confirm lol and I never even used "skip"so yea, same here I can't replay this mission either, the "Replay" button is grayed out... I did the mission before this one…
  • That's why I dropped my sub lastnight, been trying to help support the game with a few dollars here and there, but enough is enough when nothing ever gets fixed :P I didn't even use the loadout feature and I've had this issue for over a week and using the same skills and reporting it is pointless since it's been a prob for…
  • This.....I think whoever designed the Scimitar was given time and resources to create a very nice ship model a lot of Roms love, and then after that he passed it on to the flunky who TRIBBLE poorly attempted to create a bridge for the Scimitars :P...two small rooms that don't even accommodate full functions like the other…
  • Well, here's the one year anniversary and nothing improved or changed about the issues people have with the Rom dreadnoughts I too laughed when I entered the interior of the huge Scimitar that Picard flew a fighter through the halls of the ship during it's debut in Star Trek:Nemesis, only to find two tiny rooms for access,…
  • Good one Captain Obvious, I agree I should of read more into the info that could've been highlighted better and at the top, but if you can take your lips off Cryptics TRIBBLE for a sec consider this, the fact you have to buy all 3 ships for a mere set of abilities is pure greed and not worth $50....but yea I never said it…
  • well since they like to make it where you can't even buy a ship from the store even if you had a billion Zen, until you reach that rank I only hit 50 a few days after their ship sale and so missed it...because of that, which is stupid imo, I get not allowing lowbies of any rank use a ship without proper access but if you…
  • Wow how annoying to spend all this time doing this mission and this damn bug STILL never got fixed and people reported this over a year go? :confused: Really? this is a very annoying bug wtf Cryptic! After 30mins of digging up info on how to proceed, I see that I had to necro this old thread just to findout this mission is…