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Can we get more Rooms for the Scimitar Class Ships

borg7of10borg7of10 Member Posts: 68 Arc User
0k i just got a Scimitar Class Dreadnaught and was Very Disappointed i mean don't
get me wrong it's a Great Ship but it definitely lacks a lot of luster as there is only 2
rooms and a few usable consoles,and considering for the price PWE is charging in
Zen for this ship i would have to say the amount is too overpriced i mean you guy's
put a lot of effort into all the Romulan ships which is great but the Scimitar was done
very poorly on the Interior and by the looks of it was done half TRIBBLE.

If you guy's are going to be charging such High prices for the new ships please be sure
to give the ships more rooms and levels like an engineering deck,captains ready room,
med bay ect :(
Post edited by borg7of10 on


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    topsettopset Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    No. I point you to some posts by Taco.

    He was talking about the Risan corvette, but his point still stands.

    tacofangs wrote: »

    Bridges/Interiors take far longer to make than ships. As such, if there is sufficient reason to make a full ship interior (such as the newish Romulan Ship interior, being used all over LoR) we'll make one. If there isn't, we won't. Making a custom bridge, let alone a full interior for the Corvette (while cool) would be a significant investment of time/resources. So, we could have skimped on Risa more, and built an interior, or done what was done, and skipped the interior which would have served little purpose anyway, and went with beefing up Risa.

    Building custom bridges takes longer than a couple of days. Something like the Suliban/Andorian/Tholian Bridges, were each 5 days of Environment work from me. Then it needs design time to hook up any interactables, doors, etc.

    Doing a full interior is significantly longer (i.e. 3 weeks to a month)

    There time is better spent elsewhere than on a bridge which a small portion of the playerbase will visit, when bridges are essentially useless.
    Kirk's Protege.
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    tekehdtekehd Member Posts: 2,032 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    borg7of10 wrote: »
    0k i just got a Scimitar Class Dreadnaught and was Very Disappointed i mean don't
    get me wrong it's a Great Ship but it definitely lacks a lot of luster as there is only 2
    rooms and a few usable consoles,and considering for the price PWE is charging in
    Zen for this ship i would have to say the amount is too overpriced i mean you guy's
    put a lot of effort into all the Romulan ships which is great but the Scimitar was done
    very poorly on the Interior and by the looks of it was done half TRIBBLE.

    If you guy's are going to be charging such High prices for the new ships please be sure
    to give the ships more rooms and levels like an engineering deck,captains ready room,
    med bay ect :(

    If you need more interior space you can switch to the standard romulan wb bridge (which is what I did). The interior is such a minor component, to be honest it doesn't make or break it for me. The ship is good for its price and I like it. It cost the same as the other 3-packs fed and kdf flagships.
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    havokreignhavokreign Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Some specific and useful doff assignments are bound to officers on your ship, which you can only visit while on your 'bridge/interior' map.

    Granted it's still a vanity thing since they're still functional if the environment is wrong, but there are reasons to visit the bridge besides of eRP. :rolleyes:
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    bryan912bryan912 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    the scimitar ships are some of the biggest in game, but It has a small bridge. couldn't they just patch in a turbolift and put in the standard romulan bridge for you to visit as well. doesn't seem like it would be to hard, and I would be content. im not asking for a completely redesigned bridge like the bridge packs for fed/Klingon ships just add in what is standard on all romulan ships plus the two rooms already there and a turbolift.
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    atalossataloss Member Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I just googled what ship you're talking about and that this is s flying city.
    One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
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    annahmaria1annahmaria1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    topset wrote: »
    No. I point you to some posts by Taco.

    He was talking about the Risan corvette, but his point still stands.


    There time is better spent elsewhere than on a bridge which a small portion of the playerbase will visit, when bridges are essentially useless.

    which basically translates to, "we run on a skeleton crew and we have to stick to the same dry boring mission setups as fight in space, fight in a dwelling, fight in space, and depart system.

    Because no one would want to actually have missions inside of their ships and have more ship interior interplay. So we need to take what little of our development team we have left and concentrate on the old way.

    If someone is going to spend 20 bucks on a pixel ship then I would think developers would put another person with Taco to get other parts of the ship made other than just the bridge.
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    duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    the bridges we get are fine, although i would care for a C-Store Romulan bridge package. or two.

    a lot..
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    doomiciledoomicile Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    While I agree custom interiors do take a lot of time and resources, would it have really been that much of a pain to simply add an interact function to the turbolift doors on the bridge to instance to a standard warbird crew deck?
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    standupguy86standupguy86 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    topset wrote: »
    No. I point you to some posts by Taco.

    He was talking about the Risan corvette, but his point still stands.


    There time is better spent elsewhere than on a bridge which a small portion of the playerbase will visit, when bridges are essentially useless.

    And Ill say NO! to you too.

    Taco obviously tips his hat at the idea that Romulans may very well want interiors and Cryptic is inclined to give it to them.

    Comparing Romulan Starships to the Risan Corvette is a weak argument.

    1.) The Risan Corvette is a reward for taking part in the Summer Event. And it doesnt cost real life money to purchase...So you get what you get.
    2.) The Romulan Starships....particularly those paid for. Are paid for in RL money and should be treated the same way FED and Klingon ships with interiors should
    3.) The Romulan Faction requires you to fly a Romulan Ship. So its not like they can just jump in a FED ship if they want interiors for their ships...Nor should they have too.

    Im in full support of the interiors on Romulan vessels..
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    pherraspherras Member Posts: 81 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I rarely use my interior but since its there it needs to be done right. Like someone mentioned it should have a turbolift that just leads into the regular Rom Warbird interior. Dont have enough resouces? Hire more people then its that simple. They made plenty of money off LoR they need to start dumping money back into the game .

    These bugs for example while by there selves they are not game breaking (mostly) they are piling up on each other and its starting to affect the game.
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    kira30kira30 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Well, here's the one year anniversary and nothing improved or changed about the issues people have with the Rom dreadnoughts I too laughed when I entered the interior of the huge Scimitar that Picard flew a fighter through the halls of the ship during it's debut in Star Trek:Nemesis, only to find two tiny rooms for access, not to mention it's sheer size and suppose to support 3000 crew...you may fit in 30 people and that's pushing it...insulting to the ship's design and luster imo. It's bad enough they charge $50 for all 3 just to get all the abilities up to the Theron Pulse (useless or not) they make a joke of the ship's size for such a tiny interior, the OP mentioned "half-assed" design, I thought that was putting it nicely compared to my thoughts on it. The other ships have huge interiors for such tiny size compared to the Scimitars,etc. Not everyone plays a game just to pew pew mindless and grind madly for hours on end just for the best numbers in pve stats or top pvp dps, some of us like to enjoy all aspects of the MMO. :P Most people don't care about pointless need of these little touches added in so it will never see change most likely but hey, at least they made Romuluan REP grinding easier now that most no longer even need it...
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    chiyoumikuchiyoumiku Member Posts: 1,028 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    And even then, to do a specialized interior, i.e. bridge packs and the like, I think they're at the point where unless they know it would sell (Yeah I know voyager/TNG fans want those packs, hell I loved the galaxy interiors perpetual came up with myself), it's highly unlikely they'll do anything in depth. But yeah just switch to the standard romulan bridge. I rather like it, imo. Works good for my Scimi.
    Defending The Galaxy By Breaking One Starfleet Regulation After The Next.
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    solidneutroniumsolidneutronium Member Posts: 510 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Bah, low level necro. Not enough skill for a powerful undead summon.
    Professional Slider Since 2409

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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,846 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    duaths1 wrote: »
    the bridges we get are fine, although i would care for a C-Store Romulan bridge package. or two.

    a lot..

    I'd love a bridge pack for Romulans, problem is back when they originally sold bridge packs odds are you probably payed RL money for it, but now since bridge packs aren't that expensive and you can grind dilithium for zen...they probably wont make a whole lot of money.

    Least if the bridge is a big deal they allow you to use the standard Romulan bridge instead of the Scimitar one (Which I do).

    Maybe they can do some big and fancy pack for Romulans like they did with the Defiant bridge pack...
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    revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    It's sad enough that they gave up on interiors (good old cryptic crirlce :rolleyes: )

    But with the scimitar it's particularly easy. Turbolift to the regular interior. Finished. That doesn't take resources. That's in line with the other 2 flagships that have unique bridges with faction interior...
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    edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Interiors suxks. Thats all, i dont think people use em. If i want to use an interior, i just go and run an episode mission , thats all lol. They are even more realistic that any ship interior.
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    aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    kira30 wrote: »
    Well, here's the one year anniversary

    One year anniversary of what, this thread dying? :rolleyes:

    Bloody necromancers...
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    adorenkoadorenko Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I would agree there were plenty of movie interior shots made during Nemesis to do this. However I would rather see dev time put toward fixing really bad bug issues.
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    bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014

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