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BUG: Devil's Choice, Cry Havoc

toivatoiva Member Posts: 3,276 Arc User
edited May 2015 in Tribble - Bug Reports
In the incubation rooms, when you are to save captives, the waypoints that should lead you to them are placed in the wrong directions.

It's actually quite difficult to find the 4 yet to be saved captives since even their enlightened interactible "incubation cells" are hard to tell apart from a distance.

See minimap for the waypoint areas being elsewhere than the captive right in front of my toon:

NOTE: Wanted to file an in game bug report, but got a ticket error: "couldn't connect".
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.

Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
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    smtjtsmtjt Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i second that bug i ran into it today on incubation room 2 for me
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    ifirebirdifirebird Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Incubation room 2 is bugged, as the guy above stated. Non-related, console is pushed into the wall at entrance of incubation room 2, across from entrance door.

    Submitted GM ticket ID #41,068 for help
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    xuneixunei Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Same here, Filled up bug ticket 41104.
    Saarak, Vulcan Tactical officer, Captain of the U.S.S. Eternal.
    Kaalina, Romulan Science officer, Captain of the U.S.S. Tesseract.
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    mananfermananfer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It had been discussed on other post, the bug is there but there's an option to finish the mission if you don't kill any incubator before being inside the green zone.
    Come and play Jade Dynasty with me!
    In Europe Shura-EN, my name is Hedonggang. My Inductor ID is 5681060X015806066008224Z3f2d22
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    xuneixunei Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    You mean if I don't kill any incubator in the room just before the green circle ?
    Saarak, Vulcan Tactical officer, Captain of the U.S.S. Eternal.
    Kaalina, Romulan Science officer, Captain of the U.S.S. Tesseract.
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    mananfermananfer Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yes, go inside the circle and then start the fight, if you do it before the mission will crash...
    Come and play Jade Dynasty with me!
    In Europe Shura-EN, my name is Hedonggang. My Inductor ID is 5681060X015806066008224Z3f2d22
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    xuneixunei Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thanks for the heads up :)
    Saarak, Vulcan Tactical officer, Captain of the U.S.S. Eternal.
    Kaalina, Romulan Science officer, Captain of the U.S.S. Tesseract.
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    kitsunemoonkitsunemoon Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    In the last incubation room, it's possible to get killed and respawn on the other side of the door leading further in the map. Doing so causes you to get stuck unable to progress through the rest of the mission, since the door for some reason won't open to let you go back and finish what you needed to do in the incubation room.
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    trek21trek21 Member Posts: 2,246 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Haven't quite experienced this bug, but a worse one...

    One of the last Elachi in the boos room, who we need to kill to drop the shields and complete our objectives, spawns INSIDE the boss's shield. He can fire at us, and we can't, no matter what. It makes the mission impossible to complete.

    Exiting out and resetting did nothing. Even dropping the mission and redoing the whole thing did nothing; it's really annoying.
    Was named Trek17.

    Been playing STO since Open Beta, and have never regarded anything as worse than 'meh', if only due to personal standards.
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If you find the door to the first incubation room before you touch the first pylon, the cutscene will play, and nothing will happen. However, from this point on, the mission is broken: Going back and touching the pylon will allow you to apparently proceed, until you reach the final end, where...you can't complete it. All objectives will check and the mission just never continues.
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    jahenradjahenrad Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I don't know if this bug has happened before:

    In the last act of Cry Havoc I have killed the station commander and started the cascade reaction. Nothing happened. No dialog whatsoever.

    I made a ticket of it: ID # 1,865,662.

    EDIT: Yup. Did exactly like doffingcomrade did. Geez! Now I have to start this over again.
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    fleetskipperfleetskipper Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This is still bugged. I did everything necessary in the right order, but in the final room with the commander I used the console before killing the commander and it bugged out. I have run through this mission three times and am now considering not playing the rest of the Romulan story line because I don't want to do this mission again. D-=
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    einheryar44einheryar44 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    This bug still exists, forgot to tag the first console before I hit the cutscene, finished all objectives but the mission wouldn't complete ...

    They really need to put more effort/resources into debugging/bugfixing
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think that issues which can be avoided with "Don't Do That" are probably lower priority than, say, more frivolous things nobody actually wanted.
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    zuehlzuehl Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I have experienced the glitch of reaching a new spawn point without completing objectives and not being able to go back into the room to finish them. To solve; I was just very careful not to 'trip' the new spawn point until I had cleared the room and begun freeing captives.

    However, now I am at the final stage with the Station Commander and defeat the first wave of Elachi quite easily, though with no time to heal a new group spawns in the same place the first group was standing. I was like okay and began to dispatch them. I thought okay thats it, buuuuuttt....another group spawns in. Now my crew is dead and soon I'm the only target making me dead.

    I respawn, enter the doorway to defeat the group that was there last; just to have another group spawn in behind them same as before.

    Is this normal? If so how many waves are there as the mission ticker says nothing of waves, just defeat Station Commander?

    Please help! All intelligent responses welcome.
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    kira30kira30 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Wow how annoying to spend all this time doing this mission and this damn bug STILL never got fixed and people reported this over a year go? :confused: Really? this is a very annoying bug wtf Cryptic! After 30mins of digging up info on how to proceed, I see that I had to necro this old thread just to findout this mission is still TRIBBLE players, someone needs to fix their TRIBBLE, seriously...restarting this whole mission is a pain in the TRIBBLE that should've been dealt with last year! :mad:
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    massamunemassamune Member Posts: 395 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    This mission is still broken. Attempted it last night, and while it was long and annoying, I had no issues getting through it. However, when it ended, it didn't complete and I'm just dumped to sector space with the prompt tauntingly asking me to start the same bloody mission I just did. I have no idea what I did "wrong", all objectives in the list were completed in order, damned thing just doesn't register as finished when you exit subspace.
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    feordilagorgefeordilagorge Member Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    Mission is STILL bugged and I might add, annoying as hell even if it weren't. You have to go through a maze filled with poison gas that stops you every 50 feet, then fight hundreds of enemies, die over and over again, respawn all the way back to start, rinse and repeat until you finally clear everything but the commander.

    Now, the commander is inside some yellow force field just waiting and it's impossible to kill him. There is nothing in the room to interact with and there's a green circle on the opposite side of a wall that is impossible to reach because the doors won't open.

    I wasted 2 hours on this B.S.

    What really gets me is why this hasn't been fixed. I've done a good deal of custom mapping for games and this is simply a misplaced object that would take about one minute to fix. All they have to do is load that section of the map and drag the console forward with a mouse.
    Star Citizen: Pay-2-Win?

    * With purchase of another Hong Kong of equal or greater value.
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    tinysapientinysapien Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Gotta love that this is still bugged. I've done the mission three times (and only on the third time did I forget the 1st pylon) and its just flat out stuck after the cascade. I don't think its actually the missing of the first pylon doing it - since I only did that the third time (forgot out of frustration). There seems to be either something new since the patch now bugging it or something else that was bugging it that must be so minor no one is realizing they're doing it.
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    ngryanshukelelengryanshukelele Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I have a bug where I finish the entire mission on the Elachi Station (cry Havoc) and then I'm supposed to go back to my ship, but the pop up window where your first officer gives you the option to "Return to ship" doesn't appear. I restarted the mission FIVE times and it still doesn't help. I can't use the normal return to ship button because that just makes me abort the mission. Please fix this I literally cannot continue the whole campaign
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