Yeah I looked at my actual shuttle and I had 2-piece Breen, with a MACO shield. I agree that Jem'Hadar would be a good complement (good regen) for this build from missions. The U.S.S. Tupelov, or The Torpedo Bomber Shuttle. Key points: 1. 2x Rapid Reload Transphasics 2. Breen Set 3. Warp Core with really anything other than [W->X], [AMP] would be best 4. Consoles boosting torpedo damage and maneuverability, I put the tachyo and borg, but…
I imagine my character sounds like Jim Gaffigan's "Audiences' subconscious" voice... (around :37 mark is an example)
Yeah, when will we have the Galaxy-class Or the Intrepid class? But they REALLY need to add the Ent-E, or the Sovereign class? ....oh wait. I'm being coy, but maybe I don't understand your question. You say there is the USS Intrepid, but want the USS Voyager... they are the same class.
The PWO Doff's do this "20% chance to reduce the cooldown of torpedo attacks by 2 seconds" or something to that effect. 3 isn't 60%, its "three chances of 20%". Basically, with how slow the hyper-plasma's come out of the launcher, it can look like a constant stream of green fiery death if they proc a lot. They don't reduce…
First off, I edited it after you quoted, but I changed the weapons to 7 too, maths iz hard. I understand what you mean about Azure nebula and dealing with "aoe spam" type stuff, and yeah, the wide firing arcs help a lot there, no doubt. But, you either have to dedicate yourself to 100% broadsiding, so that means either…
My problem with builds like this is you are wasting *some* of your weapons 100% of the time. Front arc? Rear weapons do zero DPS. Dead starboard/port? only rear arrays are doing any damage, DBB's and torp's can't reach unless you wiggle around to get them in the arc, losing time on target and therefor DPS. Enemy in Rear?…
I see your Grand Theft Auto and raise you the fact that The Sims is the highest selling video game franchise of all time, and it not only doesn't glorify, but punishes, violence. It has outsold the GTA franchise by nearly 3:1. Heck, even Gran Turismo has outsold GTA on the PS2. Not to mention the golden days of adventure…
On a related note, the Nanite Disruptor weapons DO scale to your level when you open them, but at 50, it seems there is a chance for it to be either XI or XII
6500 DPS is low. His point is that you can get in the 10k+ club with cannons. "Your Best DPS" isn't the same as "Best DPS possible". A person walking backwards can have a "best marathon time" but he won't be close to the people that win marathons.
Two things: First, this has nothing to do with what is being discussed. There are other threads about connection and launcher issues. I know you probably can't start your own, but you also can't just hijack the first thread you find. Second, see if it is something on YOUR side, since the vast majority of players are able…
"setup and test Mumble" Google results: (For Eve, but works exactly the same in STO) (full tutorial)
Yeah the MACO Mk XII is a great (the best?) all-around deflector. AP:O vs. Polarize Hull = total choice. As long as you have at least 1 tractor-breaking ability, you're golden. Plus AP:O has a good damage buff, compared with the better survivability from PH. I personally think TS (even low ranks) can get some insane amount…
the 4th being the assimilated console that you *used* to get for doing a single mission, but now you have to be tier 2(?) in the Task Force Omega reputation.
This may not be the most optimal setup, but it gives me a lot of diversity. I have a fleet Defiant and HEC with 3 ensign tac slots, but also a fleet patrol escort that I use most of the time, as well as a Tac oddy I use to mix it up sometimes, and I also don't want to be retraining every time I want to switch ships, but…
I think I've experienced this bug in a different form- I keybind TT, even out shield facings, fire all weapons (the weapon command, not B:FAW) to the same key. If I am in a carier-capable ship, or using the Rommy torps, if I spam my spacebar while holding RMB down, sometimes I will lose focus on my current target and…
Furthermore, beyond just simple numbers, TT1 gives a build more flexibility than TT2 or TT3; since some escorts have up to 3 ensign tac slots, whereas others have at most 2 Lt Cmdr tac slots, if even that. Some escorts, like the Defiant or HEC, have issues filling out the "third useless tac slot" so two tac teams,…
ROFL, that brings up a ironically accurate point about the OP: I'm talking about American Football, what would better be described as "Handegg", not "soccer" which the rest of the world calls football. Related to the "RML" "RRMMLL" RRMLABCDEF" strategies people have discussed here, there is no single correct method for CSE.
Unless this was introduced in the last 5 months, this isn't true. Greed vs. Need has no effect on BoE vs. BoP, in WoW. In STO, I "Need" everything that drops, even though there is a near-zero chance its an actual upgrade. A couple of points: Nothing that drops in an STF should be an upgrade, with the very rare exception of…
If I fail one more football game because somebody doesn't know what they're doing, I'm gonna lose it. Seriously. People, it isn't that hard, so listen up before I decide to side with the Borg and crack a shiny new hull with my Phaser cannons: STEP ONE: THROW BALL STEP TWO: CATCH BALL STEP THREE: SCORE POINTS THE END Notice…
Jus to confirm, I may be reading it wrong, but you get to keep the Mk XI versions, right? Similar to the "Adapted" gear? And would it be 200 for the whole Mk XII set, or 200 lobi for each piece of gear?
Sulu (Asian), Checkov (Russian), Picard (age) and Sisko (single father) also fall under the "breaking stereotypes" category, but you conveniently left them out, as if feminism is the only issue Star Trek has tackled. "Rose-colored blinders" indeed.
In this thread: People ignoring the outright revolutionary, socially progressive, stereotype breaking foundation of Star Trek, focusing on how "sexist" it is that people that are visiting a tropical pleasure planet are dressed for pleasure and tropical weather. Seriously. If a digital bikini *honestly* upsets you, then you…
Voyager also has Miral Paris and Naomi Whiteman, they are characters in STO, not major, but they are used in a few missions at least. Transwarp as well. Some things, like Risa, Andorians, and the Borg have features added from a couple of the shows. Risa was in more episodes of TNG (and even DS9), but we only saw a coast in…
So, people that oppose extending the deadline are not only all politically libertarian; but then you call them elitist (libertarian elitist is an oxymoron), but then tell them they can't post in *your* thread? Who's got a sense of superiority now? ((Also, doesn't every browser have spell check built in?))