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guili1 Arc User



  • I am interessted in testing. I own most ships on my several account from every faction, nearly all Lockbox ships, so I can use my experience to compare. Cheers Guiliman
  • Regardless which faction this carrier really s. I am wondering since the Carrier UI revamp, that this update looks to large for only two hangar carriers. I think it is not unrealistic that we probably get a super carrier. With a 3:2(?) Weapon Config and 4 Hangars or 2 Normal Hangars and Hangar reserved for support crafts.…
  • This mission is not broken. We finished this in less than 10 minutes with 5 Sci Chars with 5 Carriers. :D Your a re simply using the wrong strategy: What we usually do: Kill all Spheres first, otherwise your ship will be killed. Take out the Cubes only if there is no probe in Range, you don`t need to cheat with flying…
  • Yes PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE! I beg on one's knee, please make Lobi`s a account bind item! I have plenty of LobI?s over several chars, not much enough to buy something useful But as account bind item, I could buy something real good. I have no issue with removing the handful of free Lobi`s from the mission to avoid…
  • I want join also, I have much exp with nearly all existing ships (have all Lobi and Lockbox ships as well). Playing mostly carriers and cruisers.
  • 2 times now for me in the last 15 minutes
  • I need a Banner/logo for my upcoming German STO Project. I can`t share details in the public, but it will be an offer for the German community. But I am totally untalented with creating Graphics, so a Banner/Logo from you would be awesome. I have no idea currently how it should look like, but if there is some place for me…
  • :D Good to know, but probably my post was more harsh than it should be. I like Girls wearing Mini`s but STO has only this and this becomes really boring! What about 7/8 Trousers, Capri`s and all this stuff? Is the future so boring? Then I don`t want to live in a Star Trek Future :P Is just the Costume Designer out of…
  • I am not talking about skirts down to the feets. A skirt knee long is just fine! Like the Romulan stuff but not asymmetric. It looks like that the only female fashion style Cryptic know is something that is asymmetric :-D LOL
  • Yes to all, if it turns this dead social area into a living area! Also reduce Transwarp CDs to this to 50% when implemented!
  • The skant is simply to good and unique to miss it! :D
  • => Link repaired!
  • Before you follow some Canons are better then Beam posts... and go for DHC`s. You should check the DPS vs. Distance threads. Then you will see that DHC are easily outperformed over 6,5km from DBB`s. http://www.freemmoguides.com/star-trek-online/star-trek-online-ship-weapons-guide/#dps-comparison-over-range Now ask yourself…
  • With all the AI enhancements and UI enhancements I am missing one detail. The ability that my Pets can attack a specific target and not attacking my target.
  • > the impulse modifier will explain that, best in the game that ship is made for speed. lol, I understand the game mechanics and ship parameters well... It is only completely not logic and unreasonable. Because a Fighter lives only from Speed and maneuverability. Now the game want to explain me, that a ship with the mass…
  • >The Atrox does need a 5th BOFF seat, period. I prefer to have 2 LtCmdr Boffs, instead having one LtCmdr, 1 Lt and 1 Ensign ... Which other Carrier has 2 LtCmdr Boffs??
  • The Atrox is fine with 4 Boffs... Check out: you have 2 Lt Cmdr!! But a Caitian Frigate Pets would be very cool.
  • @ salamiinferno I love you! These News are great news regarding the CD reduction for the Carrier Community!* So no respawn wishes more to get shorter CDs! And the carrier UI updated is a really great enhancement now! Honestly I hoped for these news, but I was not really expecting that they are coming. I really appreciate…
  • I am disagreeing partly about Hive Space Elite. Yesterday we made a test. First: 3 two Hangar and 2 one Hangar Carriers, with all Char classes 2 Tac, 2 Eng, 1 Sci Result: Some deaths, but all optionals, not difficult! Second: 5 Two Hangar Carriers with 5 Science Captains Result, got all Optionals, only 3 deaths or was it 4…
  • Wow, nobody is seeing this Bug as well?
  • Quick Feedback. I own also the 3 Scimitar Pack. Because of this thread I also removed my Shuttle (deleted it). And it seems the crew loss especially in CE normal and Elite went down. There is still heavy crew loss to but at little less dramatically. However the 2nd shield console is useless. the 17k shield for all facings…
  • I just want to thow in my 2 cents. But before I start: I am playing since beta, I own nearly all Lobi and Lockbox ships and nearly all FEd and all Romie ships, so I know really what the ships can do and can`t do. I not directly noticed exactly all the issues here, but I noticed the ship feels weak compared to my Ody,…
  • NO, no Weapons with SLOTS! This will mess up everything and will open one more grind area for "ACC" Items. There are enough combination of existing weapons for any purpose, so I don`t see why we need this. Back to topic please!
  • I am supporting a 360 Beam Turret The BO issue is so simple to resolve that I am wondering that nobody has suggested this before. Make beam Overload stick only To Weapon Slot 1 (Left front) and if this weapon is out of Arc then try the others from left front slot to right front and then from left rear to right rear. So the…
  • I am really really really wondering... I run a fleet with less then 150 (~50players) chars and we have a lot of active players, at least 20-30 per day with more then one char. We never had any issue with fleetmarks, we waste fletmarks in stupid projects, just because we have so much. Everyone in the fleet is earning the…
  • @hereticknight085 What you are saying is fully true! The crew system is totally broken and absolutely not logical. How can a Defiant fly with ZERO Crew, not only flying also fighting and have a passiv hull repair? And on the other Hand, Cruiser need ages to regenerate, with much higher amounts of available Docs and Nurses.…
  • Ingame @handle: stephane naidir@guili Faction (You may indicate both if you have no preference. If you do this, then we will place you in a faction): FED Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Engineer with Recluse Carrier Languages (e.g., English, German, French, etc.) : English and German (German prefered) Interested…
  • 5km ... lol This is only an issue for Tac players, A well skilled and equipped SCI has no Problems with cloaking Ships. My Atrox-Sci Captain, was now able several times to stop Donatra from cloaking. Even players or myself was much nearer then 5km. Get the right Boffs or invite skilled SCI Cpatains*, then Donatra has no…
  • First of all, I agree totally with the mass of posts here! I am running a Small Fleet (Liga Freier Terraner) with 10 members, it is still growing but it is slow. What I really fear is the not the Fleet Marks issue, we can handle it, even it takes longer. It is the huge increase from level to level in DOFFS what causses…