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Hive Onslaught Lance Powers Are Broke (Screenshot)

lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
edited August 2013 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
I was in Hive Onslaught and the Unimatrix Vessels are broken. They kept lancing us with insane damage, one-shotting me (a tank) while at full health/shield, INCLUDING while we were OUT OF RANGE. I caught a screen shot where I got one-shot while I was 30k* away by a Lance that did 199,613 (246,232) damage. Pop. Broken. Screenshot:


Submitted ticket ID #1,933,584.

(*Ok, I realize the 30k away ship was actually Vessel 2, and I was hit by V1, which was "only" 17.2k away.)



ETA you'll note I wasn't even in Red Alert. My whole team had died and had respawned/were regrouping at what we thought was a safe range. Little did we know... They started bailing after that.

You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
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    monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    A couple weeks ago I had some space STFs on cooldown so I decided to do Hive (space) normal mode to get omega marks.

    I feel your pain. It was impossible.

    #1 Both Unimatrixes kept spitting out probes and the probes piled up around the queen. I'm talking about 20 or so probes which includes a few regeneration probes. Someone on the team said to stay near the queen. Yeah...........

    #2 It seemed like every 5 seconds both Unimatrixes would spit out a plasma energy bolt from both ends. So on top of all the probes we had 4 energy bolts coming for us that we have to get rid of. Those are always a one shot instant kill if you get hit by it. No matter what you do you won't survive. At least I've never found a way.

    #3 After I died the second time I was at full impulse to get back into battle when suddenly my ship exploded. The Unimatrix on the left was at 12.1 Km and the probes at the end were also out of my weapon range. No idea what happened. Didn't see any kind of animation and due to my team mates fighting, the combat log was scrolling mighty fast so I couldn't see what it was.

    It was impossible to complete with all the regerneration probes constantly keeping the Unimatrexes alive and having to stop attacking them to take out the plasma energy bolts every 5 seconds so we didn't get one shot killed over and over.

    After I mysteriously died the second time, I noticed 1 team member already left. So I left too. Since we had completed the first part of the mission, I did not get a leaver penalty thankfully.

    Players have been complaining about this mission being broken for a while now, as well as the massive damage normal plasma torpedoes in STFs from borg spheres and the large gate in ISE (this was fixed once before but sometime got broken again).
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    irwin109irwin109 Member Posts: 518 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I too was under the understanding that this wonderful STF was broken, however Hive Onslaught Elite is completable.

    We completed it yesterday and today using the following tactics:

    Stage 1 take the enemies from top down, cubes cannot travel upward
    Stage 2 hug the queen like she was your best friend the lances cannot get you, the torp' spreads will but the lances ill not. Note that if you do die and respawn there is a high chance you will get lanced on the way back unfortunately, but should you make it back to the queen/not be target you will be fine.
    Stage 3 as it always has been stay away from the Queen's aceton, keep sub nuc' for her feedback pulse.

    While I cannot say this mission is working as intended it is completable.

    "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
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    lordhavelocklordhavelock Member Posts: 2,248 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It is completable. We'd done it the day before.

    It just seems the lances are broken (excessive range, and some might argue, damage).

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Playing STO since Feb 2010.
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    vnexusvnexus Member Posts: 164 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    HA! Heck yeah it zap'd you wwwaayyyy out of rang. I like the mission, just dont do it often as its a death-trap... though I think that was before this game-exploiting bug.

    The optional has a death limit and thats fairly tough if it kan kill a team the moment they respawn.. on a bad day. If it jumps target/hate in the right order

    Yup, who ever coded that ship did a fook'd up job. Missed the animation (which has been bug'd on many borg ships) ...the damage out-put is a bit kooky & the rang in the code, seemingly, is missing even though the rest of the weaponary code is around 9.99 KM

    I just "SMDH" @ that mistake, along with 'Atmosphere Assault' and the TRIBBLE up 'Nukara Hard' missions.

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    bozzy88bozzy88 Member Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I was in Hive Onslaught and the Unimatrix Vessels are broken. They kept lancing us with insane damage, one-shotting me (a tank) while at full health/shield, INCLUDING while we were OUT OF RANGE. I caught a screen shot where I got one-shot while I was 30k* away by a Lance that did 199,613 (246,232) damage. Pop. Broken. Screenshot:


    Submitted ticket ID #1,933,584.

    (*Ok, I realize the 30k away ship was actually Vessel 2, and I was hit by V1, which was "only" 17.2k away.)



    ETA you'll note I wasn't even in Red Alert. My whole team had died and had respawned/were regrouping at what we thought was a safe range. Little did we know... They started bailing after that.

    This one just seems to be impossibly hard or average to beat. I was playing this one yesterday while I was waiting for the other 3 Borg Space STF's where cooling down (the cure found is my fave to play) and we beat vessel one in like 5 mins (i was flying vesta with all there consoles) as i was just disabling its shields and systems with all my sci buffs and rifts/wells... but vessel two... was at for a good 30 mins and I think the lowest we got it was about 70% hull... before we all were destroyed and by the time we got back it was 100% again. I had to leave in the end as it was really really grinding my gears...

    where as other times both vessels are beaten in about 10 mins...

    this is why I hardly play it... as you can play it an hour and not get any closer to beating them!
    We've just received word from the fleet, they've engaged the Borg!
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    romeowhiskey4romeowhiskey4 Member Posts: 266 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Three STF's are easy as pie. One stf is darned right difficult. I think its not broken, we have just been spoilt by weak Borg. Of course their lances are going to shoot you from over 10km away... you seen the SIZE of those things?? They aint gonna roll over and die... you expect a name like 'Hive Onslaught' to be easily beaten... my advice... dont pug, keep firing, stock up on repair consumables.... If you enter it knowing your ship is weak and you end up being obliterated with systems failing everywhere so that your engineer has to hold the warp core together with popsicle sticks and gaffer tape... well... it is the Borg... tough luck... you were warned...
    Although I would have thought the fact the game opens on an armada of tac cubes would be a big frickin hint!!!
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    When will devs of any game learn that instakills do NOT make for better or more fun gameplay, it's not a challenge it's a farse to make encounters like this. It's bad enough we're encountering invisible torpedoes in the other STFs and in the RAs.
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    irwin109irwin109 Member Posts: 518 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Three STF's are easy as pie. One stf is darned right difficult. I think its not broken, we have just been spoilt by weak Borg. Of course their lances are going to shoot you from over 10km away... you seen the SIZE of those things?? They aint gonna roll over and die... you expect a name like 'Hive Onslaught' to be easily beaten... my advice... dont pug, keep firing, stock up on repair consumables.... If you enter it knowing your ship is weak and you end up being obliterated with systems failing everywhere so that your engineer has to hold the warp core together with popsicle sticks and gaffer tape... well... it is the Borg... tough luck... you were warned...
    Although I would have thought the fact the game opens on an armada of tac cubes would be a big frickin hint!!!

    This would be acceptable if we had not already experienced a far different version of this STF before legacy that while still challenging was not as absurd as this has become. Being killed where you spawn simply because of " the SIZE of those things" is not justified, if it were we wouldn't be able to go anywhere when a sector wide Red Alert pops up because the army of Borg within would blow us up from there.

    "If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan
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    guili1guili1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    This mission is not broken.
    We finished this in less than 10 minutes with 5 Sci Chars with 5 Carriers. :D

    Your a re simply using the wrong strategy:

    What we usually do:

    Kill all Spheres first, otherwise your ship will be killed.
    Take out the Cubes only if there is no probe in Range, you don`t need to cheat with flying above the Cubes...:rolleyes:
    Then kill the Uni`s, simply shoot on them, switch only to Bolt`s which are fired and kill them.
    The Uni`s die fast, don`t kill the spawned probe stuff...
    Yes you will die sometimes from the lances. You should consider the size of them
    and how much Energy they have. A Lance hit from a "this size Ship" should be a one
    Kill hit.
    in WorldWar 2 Terms, Some light Cruisers and Destroyers (you and your Team) fighting are Yamato Class Battleship, which can vaporize all your platings, which suits against same size ships, with her "I deal with Battleship canon".
    Simply consider that your ships are outclassed by at least 2 sizes.
    From my point of View they die to easily... and don`t have the teeth and power to withstand for more then one minute...:mad:
    You don`t have to move near the queen, just all go to one side and then to the other siade.
    near the queen, you have to deal with the damage output from 2 Uni`s.
    And if then Bord Queen activates and you are nearer then 5km, she activate her
    "I win and you are Dust" Button, she can do this every minute...
    So kep away from here, shoot on the Engine subsysystem, Leech her Energy, use
    everything which can disable subsystems, then the Borg Queen, becomes relatively easy
    to kill..
    This is no magic...
    Our fleet do this often and this is mostly easier then Khitomer accord.
    We also got all Objectives at least every 2nd time...

    I really want a Bonebreaker STF, where killing the Boss and subbosses, is really hard work with good loot at the end.
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