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No Dreadnought Warbird Shield Regeneration



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    doomiciledoomicile Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Has anyone else encountered rare situations where when charging the Thalaron Pulse, the Scimitar just blows up about halfway through?

    I'm not talking about taking fire while charging, I'm talking about full health and full shields, distracted enemy fire and then about halfway through the charge *BOOM*, my Scimi just blows up. It didn't put my Thalaron on CD but I wasn't taking fire, either.

    It's like there is a missing tooltip in the ability description:

    Thalaron Pulse: 12 second charge. Deals XXXX Damage. Deals XXXX Radiation Damage every 1 second for 12 seconds. 10% Chance to cause a cascading overload during pre-fire sequence resulting in player ship's destruction.
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    monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    valetheon wrote: »
    Can confirm this with a few others, no matter what shield is used (even the default) stats show "O Shield/-1 Sec" for shield regeneration. :(

    Strange. I just got the Adapted MACO Shield Array yesterday for my main fed character and I have that problem with what is displayed for shield regen in ship defense (0 Shield/-1 Sec). it shows this whether on the ground or in space. I know this is different and I don't have the Romulan Dreadnaughts, but maybe there is a connection somewhere.

    Edit: On another character with a regular Covariant Shield Array it's the same thing in ship defense stats for the regeneration rate.
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    dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Upon some further investigation, the shield regeneration issue appears to be a UI issue that happens with specific types of shields. It is not directly related to the Scimitar. A fix for this is being worked on.

    The reported issue with the Scimitar taking abnormally high damage to shields is still being investigated further. We are looking into the possibility that something could be wrong with how data is propagating to shuttles vs. ships, like some players have suggested. We are also aware that some players have reported that this could be related to using the Singularity Distribution Unit, and that possibility is being investigated as well.

    I will continue to monitor this thread, as well as other related threads, while we perform our own internal investigations of these issues. Thank you for your patience.

    From what I can tell, the Scimitar is in fact taking abnormally -low- damage to shields and/or hull. At least that's what this thread seems to repeatedly state.

    Edit: Unless "abnormally high" means that it's being damaged more than it's supposed to, not withstanding more than it's supposed to, in which case the above statement is to be disregarded.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
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    overlapooverlapo Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Current console setup is 5 diruptor coils, the three consoles from the scimitar set, plasmonic leech and valdore console.

    I am not seeing any of these problems myself, except for the UI shield regen glitch. What I am seeing is that sometimes either aux2sif1 or TT1 fail to work for a few seconds despite firing off correctly. Not sure if this is some sort of UI lag or the powers are actually failing to work and it is not happening to any other ships.
    Edit: Nevermind, it was the bug that changes your target. My powers were going to my pets.

    Also firing the Thalaron Pulse seems to be a really bad idea. I keep taking a lot of extra damage during that, even using the secondary shield and TT1 before firing, but it is probably related to the fact that you are a sitting duck with a negative defense and can't even balance the shields during the firing animation.
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    vanecellivanecelli Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Could we get an update from the Devs, please? My concern is MY experience is a downgrade from a previous ship that I bought a Tier V 5K Zen Bundle ship to replace it. Real money was spent to acquire a ship that should be able to tank longer than my Mirror attack escort with the same gear on my Scim. Period.
    I can appreciate any tweaks that make it last "a little longer", but a Tier V BUNDLE's survivability should blow away any lesser ship, let alone an escort.
    Please update us with anything you have learned, or any plans for the ship.
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    zix74itaelitezix74itaelite Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    wrong place............
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    harlequinpixieharlequinpixie Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Oddly I was doing the Romulan patrol and inside the Japori system, everything was dead and I was picking up a few drops. Long story short, with nothing on the map save the usual three warbirds, I was hit by some invisible something, which dropped my hull to 20% and took out one side of my shields. The only conclusion I got from this was, it could have been my fighters, but I am unclear on how it happened.

    Another time, in a ISE I was simply doing nothing and drawing no aggro by anything, then got smacked down to the same amount of hull, 20% then ended up burning to death from nothing. It could have been a torpedo, but I fail to see how such would happen with full shields/hull and no crit at all.

    Now I have a fleet Dhelan, same equipment other than a beam array and the Dhelan was never an issue. Of course it moves faster ect. But I was able to tank tac cubes with the same skill set up, where as the Scimitar folds like a paper napkin on a windy day. I'm unsure how to explain how a ship with more hull/shields lasts less time, and takes abnormal damage from invisible threats.
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    johankreigjohankreig Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I did some fiddling with my shuttle and gear and now it seems to be fine, my crew still die at the first sign of the enemy but I can live with that as my shields are no longer made of paper (and they regen) and my hull is no longer made of cheese, I suspect most of these issues are linked to equipment/console combos and the shuttles.
    Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
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    stongbadsstongbads Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Such a lame bug. I wish they fix this soon. For now I have to keep an eye on the shields when I'm not firing. When the shield regen gets stuck, I have to kickstart it with a Boff shield power.
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    stongbadsstongbads Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ferdzso0 wrote: »
    it is balance. you have 5 slots for cannons. its an offensive ship, if you wanna shield tank ,get a sci ship, if you wanna tank, get a cruiser

    How does your reply even address the shield regen bug or do you like posting off-topic replies?
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    ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    stongbads wrote: »
    How does your reply even address the shield regen bug or do you like posting off-topic replies?

    its not off topic, as it is not a bug, but balance.

    you get an F for effort

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
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    vanecellivanecelli Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ferdzso0 wrote: »
    its not off topic, as it is not a bug, but balance.

    you get an F for effort

    If you would like to label it something else, fine, this Tier V ship is unbalanced.
    In reality, the survivability is not matching its stats.
    Any piece of code not behaving as expected is considered a bug.
    If you would like some proof (as stated so many times before in this thread), my Mirror Ha'Feh lasts twice as long as the Scimitar, with no difference in gear or skills.
    Again, not worth the $50 for the Zen to acquire the bundle, which is the only way to use the Thalaron Pulse, which is underpowered.
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    crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yep, the ship is just plain broken atm. Shields don't regenerate unless you use Boff powers; and I'd swear the Hull just evaporates (but that's an anecdotal observation.) It's not 'balance' it's 'busted' - and needs a good looking at (and hopefully a fix or two.)
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
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    monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I bought the Scimitar by itself yesterday for my Reman. My crew gets killed off completely pretty quick and the shield regen does seem to not be working.

    But I think the shield regen might be a problem with all ships. On my main character using the Edit - Breen Chel Grett Warship - equipped with the Adapted Maco covariant shield array, the regen seems to not work either. It also has the display issue in ship defense as '0 Shield/-1 Sec'.

    For my Reman, the Mirror Ha'Feh Assault Warbird with a regular Covariant Shield Array it's the same thing. Regen don't seem to work and it shows up in ship stats like that in the character status window.

    And all other characters while in space, the shield regen in ship defense has the same thing displayed on all of them.
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    guili1guili1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Quick Feedback.

    I own also the 3 Scimitar Pack.
    Because of this thread I also removed my Shuttle (deleted it).
    And it seems the crew loss especially in CE normal and Elite went down.
    There is still heavy crew loss to but at little less dramatically.
    However the 2nd shield console is useless. the 17k shield for all facings is so crazy fast
    removed by enemies rendering it totally useless Sometimes i activate it and 1 second later it is down but my normal shield buffer the incoming damage much longer without removed completely. It looks like that the shield power level has no effect on the 2nd shield, no effect on Shield Strength, no Shield healing and no Shield resistances. And it is also to weak to protect a little bit during the 12 second charge (joke-dps)-Thalaron Weapon.*
    * I run the thalaron weapon with 125 Aux Power and Particle Generatior skill with consoles of ~150. The Particle gen Skill has no big impact on this weapon.
    Using the Thalaron weapon is to difficult for most players. I have no problems, however sometimes the enemy moved out (even in PVE), Borg Spheres are a nightmare since EPTE.
    Or I was killed 1 second before I an fire the Thalaron weapon, even with a couple of shield skills, Brace for impact, 2nd Shielding activated before activating the Thalaron weapon.
    And then i usually see damages from 25-50k, sounds good but it`s not, because even small pve enemy ships are mostly not killed and even normal cubes lose not much more then 10-20%. Mostly the average output against one enemy is between 4-5k DPS, not enough for the risk of using this weapon (see above). You need at least 4-6 enemies otherwise this ability is wasted and with 4+ enemies you have a hared time to stay alive or hit at least one... It requires much timing and forecasting what the enemy is doing within the next 12 seconds with a high risk and for this risks this it not enough dps.
    Solution, increase the DPS slightly in PVP, give it a 50% increase in PVE, increase the DOT by 25% and or make the Thalaron skill more gaining DPS from Particle Generator skill.
    I would also like to see for PVP and option to Resist some damage thru Console which increasing Crew Resistances (like Jem SHield, Tac readiness, etc...)

    I know this went a little off topic, but I agree with the Poster before me.
    This ships is not well balanced.... : one example is it turns very fast compared to the size, but the huge mass makes this ship drifting for ages, even with engine reverse.
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    megacharge07megacharge07 Member Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I own the 3 pack as well...

    It's not just the shield issue, there is also the issue of resistances. The hull damages much too easily as well, it reminds me of the hull bug the Jem Dread and Mobius destroyer had when they first released which have since been fixed.

    Hoping for a quick fix to the Scimitar shield and hull bugs.

    Secondary shields need to be looked at as well, they are useless, and drop in like 2 shots...

    A suggestion: Inertia should be adjusted as well and set to 30. Having it at 20 on a ship of this stature makes no sense. The ship is more trouble to fly than it's worth, 20 inertia ruins the whole "Scimitar" experience. Don't let it go like that.
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    ajlagaranajlagaran Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I don't have any of the Romulan Dreadnought ships.

    I have that 0 shield/-1 sec issue as well. Doesn't matter which shield I use, or MACO space set. I also have several ships that I switch back and forth such as the Odyssey Tactical cruiser, Assault Cruiser Refit, Heavy Cruiser Dakota, MU Star Cruiser. The same issue.
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    hawkinsworthhawkinsworth Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ferdzso0 wrote: »
    its not off topic, as it is not a bug, but balance.

    you get an F for effort

    It is off-topic. I have an assault cruiser, patrol escort, and Andorian cruiser that I bounce between with my Fed. None of their shields are regenerating in anything that I do. They will heal up if another support ship heals my hull or shield. And my hull regeneration is fine.
    However, all of my ships read the 0/-1 second.
    Now, while I am not an uber-cool-pvp-hero, there are instances in stf's where I would like my shields to recharge on their own in lulls rather than them just sitting at wherever they are until I use abilities to get them to full. Things I like to reserve for the actual combat part hence I am now waiting on cooldowns. It IS a bug as it is clearly happening to many folks across several ships and classes. And even if you are totally and completely unbalanced and your shield regen is 10/6 seconds... it's still supposed to regenerate. It is not.
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    monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    And all other characters while in space, the shield regen in ship defense has the same thing displayed on all of them.

    Oops. To clarify, it's only Covariant type shield arrays that have this problem. On an engineer with a cruiser and regenerative shield array, the regen rate shows up in ship stats. But for my tactical with the Adapted MACO Covariant shield array, as well as other tacticals with regular purple quality covariants, it seems to have the '0 Shield/-1 sec' problem.

    Out of curiosity for my engineer with the regenerative shield array, I unequipped it and the regen in the ship defense stats showed up as '0 Shield/-1 sec', which leaves me to believe that the system doesn't seem to recognize the regeneration rate of covariant shield arrays at all.

    Covariant shield arrays have had a problem with the regeneration rate showing up properly in the ship defense stats. Before LoR the regen was just blank, an empty space between the stat above and below. It seems they just can't seem to find the problem and actually fix it.

    Here are a couple screenshots showing it with 2 different ships from 2 characters and 2 different covariant shield arrays:

    To prove it:
    Regenerative Shield array equipped shows shield regen rate properly bxq7.jpg

    Shield regeneration rate in ship defense stats with NO shield equipped wpxz.jpg Same stats as a covariant while it is equipped.
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    monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Great news. The display issue at least is fixed in Tribble test server. Now my covariant shield array is showing the regeneration rate in the ship defense stats on the test server. :D
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