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focslain Arc User



  • Well if it's not BoE then I have one, got it for my freighter toon long ago. I'll swap it over and use it when I do ground missions for R&D mats.
  • Ok, understood most of that and have them, one of my BOFFs has the shattering harmonics set. Not getting the gambling device bit though, hows that help in ground combat?
  • Just upgrade the ferengi missiles, at least they can get close to in line. And double on the shrapnel missles. However as a quick sub, try using the ferengi missiles, the missile console from this set and the torpedeo defense turret. Think that with torp spread will be enough missile for you, at least on the fed side. The…
  • Kind of like this idea, also there is the Call Tuffli channel as well.
  • Ah thank you all for this thread. Had issues finding it myself. Now will have to reply the mission and collect that artifact.
  • Looking through this thread and my own collection of ships I have to say I'm not completely unsatisfied in my purchases. But not fully happy either. Mostly due to the fact I got the ships for one character and rarely do any fit any of my others (well the t5 defiant being the exception). With the power creep of the new T6's…
  • No too keen on this, but maybe a update/adding of a dueling system would be better. At least a few more arena options.
  • As been said on here before, I just use RSP plus TT or just distubute. For the tractor I use Polarize hull. Just have to time the skill uses correctly and you'll be ok.
  • Honestly I think the fastest I got through a patrol (argali) was under 5 minutes and I'm not too high on the gear, maybe 3 beams at XIII? I did team up with someone that had decent gear, not all gold plated, but decent
  • Love to test this, I have a toon built for fighter combat. Need mission name.
  • I actually started what the OP has done, though I was delayed by another game getting more of my attention at the time. Getting T1 then maxing the dilthium mine is the best way to go. There are several non-dilthium projects in the T0 level, hardest to get will be the doffs and shield batteries for the science. Had no…
  • Now this I understand and agree with. An easy fix with more options. The bonus I was referring to is the extra EPTx that the pets do, for that you need the advanced obelisk. And I can get behind adding the hybrid energies to the crafting of the beam or for all energy weapons. Like to have my disruptor/plasma back or in…
  • I think I'm lost in the fact that any set needs an Omni upgrade in the first place. Since the rep weapons are unique and the Omni crafted can be done in any energy type to take advantage of the tac console. Why would a rep weapon need the upgrade in the first place? You have the weapon slots to fit the rep weapon and an…
  • Only beam that qualifies by the OP for a rep bonus irrc is the romulan hyperbeam as the others are dual beams (90 arc). That and if someone wants to keep in the same energy type they can make/buy a omni of that type (working to build a AP one here). The cost of constructing one is just a little above the cost of getting…
  • Understood, but once crafted at least I know if I got a decent one or a good one. So looking for ACC and DMG. Figured this but wanted to verify. Also since the fleet weapons have 4 mods go for a 2/2 or 3/1 with ACC primary?
  • Thanks for the tip, was looking at the Eclipse as the upgrade for my current AC.
  • Doing the same in a sense, except my is the normal AC, once I finish the story content then I'll upgrade to the Eclipse as a reward.
  • Personally I'm not logging back in until thrusday and even then it will be just to cycle my R&D projects. I'm not going to attempt to play the content until next week after the main rush is hopefully done. til then its off to the high seas of Archeage for me. And to catch up on a few animes I found via AMV Hell 7.
  • I tried this myself a while ago. For equipment the shield/engine/core/deflector doesn't matter, though I suggest the MACO just for gameplay purpose. I use four fleet phaser banks, a torp in the front and tricobalt in the back. For abilities having all three teams (tac, Sci, Eng) is a good idea as well as FAW and HY maybe?…
  • Thank you, was debating on buying an Omni from the exchange (crafted) but now will not as I will just upgrade the story one.
  • Actually you can have the cutting beam and the Omni-ap from the sphere mission, I use them both on my AC. What I was wondering is if you could also include the crafted one as well with the sphere version. Plus now I here there is another story based one in DR. So are we looking at 4? or still only 3?
  • This brought a smile to my face and I almost did a spit take as I heard "Fox, do a barrel roll!" in my head. Will be getting this for a few captains, my caitian R'azor for one and this will make shuttle mission all the more awesome.
  • Well for those that paid for the set upgrade (I am in that boat) I can see why they don't scale the set bonus. It comes from the fact that different marks still give the bonus. So either they have it that all part of the set have to be of the same mark (like the old borg ground stuff before the rep system) or they don't…
  • I just want the option to dress my boffs as I see fit (this includes off-duty types I paid to use). I'm fine with each boff only having one uniform slot. I know that saves on the server space.
  • I will have to try this, I have a turret and the ferengi missile launcher with a ts1. Luckily the RF transphasics aren't too hard to get.
  • Well I fly a fleet Tor'Kath that I'm loving, might upgrade it but going to wait a bit cause they might drop a few different versions of the intel ship as time goes on and if I can get a sleeker nose I'll buy it. I'm doing well in the ESFTs right now with my old MKXII borg weapons and some of the rep gear. So I'll fly into…
  • Well crude, understood that the first one can be an exploit, but just wanted to have a little fun in gathering. Found the 'Exploration' mission describe, might hit those up.
  • I was thinking of doing a piracy mission for KDF. Bit of a longer version of the freighter disable mission in Pi Canis where you have to board the ship. But was wondering if the following was possible: 1) Adding resource nodes for R&D material and loot boxes for commodities in foundry missions. 2) A way to randomize the…
  • Like the Rom pack this one is a up in the air. Is it a deal? Yes. you get more then the value if you got the items separately and a few exclusives. So as a collector this pack is worth it in general. Will I buy it? No. Other then the cost personally I really only want less then half the pack. The Boffs will be able to get…
  • General I don't guard if I don't have to, but I do ask. If I don't hear some one answer my question by the time I drop my turret by the kang, I'm on guard duty. I can heal decently, but my DPS is medicore, I know this and plan accordingly. Taking up guarding, even in a good group is needed. I've had pugs fail horribly and…