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250 to Omni-directional upgrade packs?

the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
edited February 2015 in Reputation System
With all of the hybrid weapons out there that are simply awesome especially for alternative builds as well as all of the weapons that come with reputations....

A craftable tech upgrade that converts a standard 180-250 degree beam weapon to an omni-directional weapon would be essential at this point.

I'd like to make a formal request for this to be placed into the game so that those of us who are both maxed in rep and crafting can reap the full benefits of the crafting system by making the weapons we already have omni-directional to keep the set bonuses and make builds like the Torp Heavy single beam builds that have become very popular with science ships.

I for one would love an omni-experimental plasma or an omni-directional bio-molecular beam for both my all plasma build and my all radiation build science ships.
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    freenos85freenos85 Member Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Your idea would make crafting the normal omni-beam arrays completely obsolete.
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    freenos85 wrote: »
    Your idea would make crafting the normal omni-beam arrays completely obsolete.

    Which would be an overall improvement considering the crazy insane prices those beams cost right now. So basically people could reach level 15 themselves upgrade the gear they already have to keep the set bonuses they worked hard to get in reputation systems.

    It's not really that bad of a design to help players keep the gear they already got because of the set bonuses they needed for that gear by making those weapons omni-directional.
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    focslainfocslain Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Only beam that qualifies by the OP for a rep bonus irrc is the romulan hyperbeam as the others are dual beams (90 arc).

    That and if someone wants to keep in the same energy type they can make/buy a omni of that type (working to build a AP one here).

    The cost of constructing one is just a little above the cost of getting the unlocks anyway in dil if you make it, buying is actually cheaper since it's ec.

    Also if they were to allow this type of upgrade it should replace the unqiue slot that the crafted takes. So far only an AP build can get 3 omnis cause of the ancient one from the dyson repeatable. And I'd love to have that set bonus for my Atrox, but it's ship locked.
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    focslain wrote: »
    Only beam that qualifies by the OP for a rep bonus irrc is the romulan hyperbeam as the others are dual beams (90 arc).

    That and if someone wants to keep in the same energy type they can make/buy a omni of that type (working to build a AP one here).

    The cost of constructing one is just a little above the cost of getting the unlocks anyway in dil if you make it, buying is actually cheaper since it's ec.

    Also if they were to allow this type of upgrade it should replace the unqiue slot that the crafted takes. So far only an AP build can get 3 omnis cause of the ancient one from the dyson repeatable. And I'd love to have that set bonus for my Atrox, but it's ship locked.

    Actually you understate the value of having a bonus to damage that using a set piece makes. For example, I'm running an all plasma build and it's essential not only to stack the 2 piece rom weapon/console with the plasma consoles to maximize damage output of the plasma weapons. When you take away this bonus without offering an alternative you are making it more difficult for people to participate in things like Advanced and Elites by eliminating certain builds which leads to a lack of build diversity in the game.

    Basically what they have done is make this game all about cookie cutter non-rep builds by eliminating the ability of players to build a solid alternative.

    AP build is not affected by this because they included an omni-directional beam in the first place in the game which is available from an actual mission. There are plenty of other examples out there that you cannot find a replacement for because there is no such thing as an omni for those builds for example, the Tholian set that boosts tetryon damage when you put on it's 2 piece. That weapon is even worse than most others because it's a dual beam forward so you are basically forced to put a second beam of some kind on the back of the ship.

    I'm saying if they make a change like adding omnis they need to make it available universally and the best way to do that is a level 15 required upgrade kit. It would still be cutoff from joe schmoe who hasn't gone through the trouble of leveling crafting and it will still be cutoff from the people who don't bother with the reputation builds because one of the component requirements would be the item to upgrade.
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    focslainfocslain Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    I think I'm lost in the fact that any set needs an Omni upgrade in the first place. Since the rep weapons are unique and the Omni crafted can be done in any energy type to take advantage of the tac console.

    Why would a rep weapon need the upgrade in the first place? You have the weapon slots to fit the rep weapon and an Omni unless there is a multi-rep build I'm missing here.
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    focslain wrote: »
    I think I'm lost in the fact that any set needs an Omni upgrade in the first place. Since the rep weapons are unique and the Omni crafted can be done in any energy type to take advantage of the tac console.

    Why would a rep weapon need the upgrade in the first place? You have the weapon slots to fit the rep weapon and an Omni unless there is a multi-rep build I'm missing here.

    Because it would be beneficial to increase the diversity of builds in PVE. For example, it would be more beneficial for me to have a healer sci ship with radiation damage that allowed me to put the appropriate Bio-molecular beam on the rear slot instead of the fore slot so that I could have a single 360 beam array the rest would be the various radiation damage torps available.

    I cannot do this as you can see because it requires that I put two beams on in order to cover the front of the ship and the rear which isn't necessary for this type of build and really doesn't help torp heavy builds. I need maximization of damage output for torps or even CC torps in the front to maximize the potential of being effective at healing while supporting with shield bypass damage output.

    Alternative methods of damage helps in healer builds and you'll agree that there is a shortage of good healer + Alt damage type builds out there for PVE and I'm sure that I'm not the only one who'd like to take advantage of being able to do these builds. Sadly we do need the set pieces to help with these builds in many cases to improve the damage output while simultaneously keeping the healing skills or even an all alternative damage output setup with CC and misdirection build, that too would benefit from a 360 beam array for example if one were to use all plasma for that build with all plasma style damage types, you'd either want to use a 360 romulan experimental beam array with the console because you'll want not only that extra plasma damage you'll want that plasma melting ability and the actual hyper torpedo.

    So really it's not going to harm anything for them to make it possible for us to spend a little bit more dilithium to upgrade the weapons we already bought with reputation to have more options for builds.

    Another example would be a Protonic Anomaly build in which all of the torpedos in front would be anom torps like grav, the vaadwaur cluster and anything else that would put out an anomaly of some kind even on a special attack with the added option to use the protonic beam array on the back weapon slot that has the option for both beam attacks and canon style attacks to help with shields. So it's really a matter of diversity.

    Surely I'm not the only one tired of being so limited on builds in mmo's in PVE.
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    freenos85freenos85 Member Posts: 443 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    Surely I'm not the only one tired of being so limited on builds in mmo's in PVE.

    No you're not. The fact that you want to devalue basically every single crafted omni beam to date to fill a 1 slot hole in your current build shows a lack of will to compromise.
    That is unsettling.
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    freenos85 wrote: »
    No you're not. The fact that you want to devalue basically every single crafted omni beam to date to fill a 1 slot hole in your current build shows a lack of will to compromise.
    That is unsettling.

    well first of all let's look at the value of these beams. they like most other things in the game's ever bloating EC market is getting way out of hand. It's not a request to devalue the system that's there it's a request to make the already paid for reputation weapons to be made more valuable again.

    There's no such thing as a proton omni-directional beam array in the Exchange nor is there an Experimental plasma beam array, same goes for the bio-molecular beams. So really your argument isn't valid because what I'm asking for doesn't have an Exchange or Craftable equivalent at this time so there wouldn't be a loss in the Exchange since those beams are not part of sets and they don't have those special skills or bonuses.

    Secondarily, the only way to make these upgrades would be to have max on the rep involved and the crafting tier involved, so it's not like it would be a free thing and it's certainly not likely that people would just get it instantly unless they put in the time and effort in achieving it on both fronts.
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    rodentmasterrodentmaster Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    So.... you want to totally destroy the 360 beam system because... you can't afford one?

    I'll tell you this much right here and now: For the COST required to CRAFT one to begin with? Most of those beams are being sold at a loss. That's a fact. Look at all the components required to craft just ONE beam. Then add accelerators (2 of them!) if you want ultra rare. Then factor in all the TRIBBLE mods that make an item practically unsellable. It costs MILLIONS just to craft these.

    There's a freaking reason they're expensive. Try making one yourself, and you'll see.
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    So.... you want to totally destroy the 360 beam system because... you can't afford one?

    I'll tell you this much right here and now: For the COST required to CRAFT one to begin with? Most of those beams are being sold at a loss. That's a fact. Look at all the components required to craft just ONE beam. Then add accelerators (2 of them!) if you want ultra rare. Then factor in all the TRIBBLE mods that make an item practically unsellable. It costs MILLIONS just to craft these.

    There's a freaking reason they're expensive. Try making one yourself, and you'll see.

    Thanks for missing what I wrote.

    Apparently people can't read the fact that there is no current 360 beams for these reputation sets so therefore there would be no destroying the 360 market, not to mention the requirement that people would need to be max rep and max crafting in order to use this system so people wouldn't be able to instantly buy these upgrades to make these rep set beams 360 without alot of work.

    All this nonsense about destroying the economy is not a valid argument I'm sorry but you guys are going to have to come up with a better argument against having this system, one that isn't strawman.
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    the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    westmetals wrote: »
    The 2-pc bonus (the one that gives the +10% AP Damage) is not ship locked - you can get it by using the Obelisk warp core, which comes from the same mission. Only the console is ship-locked (which prevents the 3-pc bonus).

    To partially support the OP's point - I do wish the crafted omni beams were available in the oddball energy types, such as the rep ones. I for one have one character that runs an all-retro-phaser build that I would like to have a matching omni for, but right now I would be forced to use a standard phaser instead. That said, I don't think their method is the way to go about it; I would much rather just have the extra energy types made available at the time the omni is originally crafted. Simple and wouldn't affect the economy much at all. They wouldn't technically be part of the "rep set" but they would visually match the rep store/repbox weapons.

    This would be good too because we'd have the ability to make the hybrid beams omni directional but it wouldn't help the reputation beams 2 piece bonuses. It also wouldn't help weapons one gets from the lobi store. So really the solution you're talking about would only fix half the problem.

    The only other thing they could do to completely fix this issue is make all reputation beam weapons 360 automatically going forward that way people could put together these builds with the extra set bonuses and keep the 360 capability which wouldn't affect the market either considering. I think the only thing it might affect would be the plasma beam array but even that would be negligable and wouldn't be a good enough reason not to make these beams a 360 beam.
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    focslainfocslain Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    westmetals wrote: »
    That's why I said I partially support your point. What you're talking about is a huge change, and one that would probably be retroactive to thousands of players' existing sets out there, which would have huge ripples all over the game. I don't think anyone really expects that to happen or realistically wants it to happen. Partially because omni beams have a natively lower DPS to account for the wider arc.

    However, making the special energy types available - not as "part of a set" where it would activate bonuses, but simply expanding the already existing options via the crafting system so that omni beams that match the "part of set" weapons would be possible... is not a very big deal and is something that I don't see any harm in. It would really only be changing the artwork and (in some cases) procs from the existing crafted omni beams.

    That way, you could get a retro-phaser or a plasma-disruptor or WHATEVER omni beam... it wouldn't be part of a set, but neither are the "repbox"/rep-store weapons. It would have the same art and procs, though, as those do.

    Now this I understand and agree with. An easy fix with more options.

    The bonus I was referring to is the extra EPTx that the pets do, for that you need the advanced obelisk.

    And I can get behind adding the hybrid energies to the crafting of the beam or for all energy weapons. Like to have my disruptor/plasma back or in cannon form.
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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited November 2014
    all this aside, cannons and projectiles need to be addressed before messing with beams. The state of beams is fine. The state of cannons is in need of a buff .. badly, and projectiles could use some attention as well.
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    staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited December 2014
    So; OP would like a major change to the availability of omni-directional beams so that they can fit appropriate sub-types onto a specialist build.

    This is all a bit nitpicky IMO... you can get an omni beam of the appropriate "flavour" via the crafting system, just without the specialist mods. My KDF Dyson Destroyer uses this - a disruptor OB for subsystem targetting / overwhelming force while the rest of the build is polarized disruptors. That's 1 of 6 possible weapons without the proc.

    The same goes for all the rep sets (less Dyson, but Proton was already a massive outlier).

    Dyson / Delta: Polaron OBA (assuming that if your're maxing Proton damage, you will want protonic polaron weapons).

    Nukara: Tetryon OBA

    Counter-Command: Phaser or Disruptor OBA to taste.

    And same for the Lockbox sets...

    Voth / Undine = Antiproton OBA
    Hirogen/Tholian = Tetryon OBA
    Temporal / Romulan = Disruptor OBA
    Xindi = Phaser OBA.

    Really there is no issue except for cost. And while Cryptic have certainly whacked-down high value items in the past, OBAs have only been a common feature for the last few months. It's too early for a devaluing.
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    umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'd be okay with the option to have part of the reputation process also assist in opening the crafting of certain unique items. Such as Romulan Plasma. That's just adding more options and cattering to the preferences of more people. Whether Romulan Plasma is actually better to regular plasma would be up for individual preference.

    I do agree, however, that the possibility to upgrade beam arrays to omni-directionals appear disingenuous both to the market and the intended game design of said items and the caveats of adopting certain builds over others. This seems the same deal to me as players prefering their cruisers with all beam arrays, while others prefer more canon builds including torpedoes.
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