Vengeance class (Intel Dreadnought Cruiser) Khitomer Alliance Battlecruiser Fleet arbiter Fleet mogh t6 - Unless I'm gonna get 6 or more. I planned for 4 at least.
If you leave aside the Vaadwaur Juggernaut's burst damage potential, the ship is just like any other ships. It's hard to pilot, it's expensive and it's far from pretty. Even with 7 tactical consoles, the increase will be marginal. The sweet spot is at 5 tactical consoles mostly. Everyone just thinks in terms of supposed…
Your T6 Tac Oddy with a A2B build should suffice, even do really well in the current meta. Even applying its experimental free upgrade is still a win. Imagine a Tac Oddy with 5 tactical consoles. It's a space beam savage. And... Welcome back!
Does this apply for Lobi ships too? Let's say you apply an Experimental Token to a lobi ships which you've unpacked on two distinct toons... You'd get it on both toons, as long as they use that ship? Or is it locked to C-store classes only?
You bring an interesting topic. I'd like to give some light over to the devs and designers. Making things interesting, they could make each type of console as unique/restricted. For example, you could use only a Vulnerability Locator, a Vulnerability Exploiter, a Protomatter Console and whatever tac consoles they see fit…
To be honest, I'm afraid that something went wrong. I sincerely hope they didn't fire him. The changelog is usually an easy list. If it's a gag, it's a gag and that's that. Let's just hope that's just a misalignment in communication.
Reaching level 450 of the endeavors: A promo ship of your choice - account bound. To make easy math: A promo ship is EC Reaching level 450 in endeavors is an effort of at least 725 days. (up to 1000 days). Let's take the 1000 days needed to complete as the scenario. That means 1.250.000 EC per day…
My top ceiling for a ship purchase: Zen sale bonus + Ship discount = 20 Euros/20 Bucks for a ship. But the legendary ships are simply superior to any other ships in the C-store by most means.
I see. But the guy is using the tribble on his captain as well. I was asking if actually you can use a Gambling device and have your boffs using those tribbles and getting the benefit for themselves. (+10% crth on all of the boffs makes a difference).
Additional finding: I've seen boffs benefitting by the buff bar Rainbow Tribble status for 3 stacks, but the critical hit of the boffs doesn't seem to be modified by more than 2.5% which is the innate (basic bonus)
It's a good place to start from. The issue could be a mechanical one (game crashes and they're not at fault). If you want a punishing system: -everyone leaving before being in combat gets an inability to refine dil for 24h. -everyone leaving in the first 5 minutes from the combat initiation gets a character ban to queues…
We gotta face the facts. KDF and FED will always have some quirks. FED will always be about diversity and political intrigues. KDF will always be about honor and tradition. I'm still waiting for the LGBT KDF feelts and for the Conservative FED fleets to appear. Until I see those, we need to accept the differences and not…
Yeah, guess legacy code won't agree with your common sense. But you're right, that cutscene can lead to sudden death from delayed warp core breaches and it's frustrating. Best solution is to make the last kill at a distance from the borg cohorts.
The floating numbers are synchronized with the animation times. And when they're not, it's server side delay. The damage was pre-calculated each time. I could settle a sheet to explain why this is valid, but it might ruin your trek experience. I would advise you trusting this and picking based on: - What you can get more…
Time to ruin the visual magic. Both covert and regular phaser have the same travel time in terms of damage or mechanic. What you see as an energy missile/suite of energy missiles or beam ray have the same travel distance. It's a long wire between your firing point (hardpoint) and the landing point (hitting your target).…
Crucial fixes and improvements. Perhaps its time to have someone paid in zen to write up articles and patch notes. I feel like production and design are working well, but development and fixing are dropping the ball hard.
Photon and Quantum are competent torpedoes. Transphasic needs a 3 second cooldown from 10 to be worth even slotting. Unless that happens, the transphasic in their current setting are just for some niche pvp builds, where you're hitting a target which is so moist that any torp would break anyway. Sole solution: - Reduce…
I've encountered a wide variety. Perhaps the Random system takes you into a TFO that has already multiple people queued for. Let's say three guys queue for Azure Nebula, then me and you fire off the RTFO, we are all matched to the Azure Nebula.
I'm really curious about the summer ship and if it's worth doing the dailies for it. And maybe fun is different for different people. Late summer event ftw!