Wouldn't editing the EV suit thrusters to be able to fly manually be essentially like having EV suit-ified Floaters? I'm not entirely sure I see the benefit here, except on the Vlugta Dil Mine... I doubt the thrusters would do much for you in an atmosphere.
The personal inventory is your cargo hold. An armory, on the other hand, sounds interesting although I'm confused by its purpose. Is it supposed to hold BOff gear or your char's gear? Either way, that should be equipped, and not taking up personal inventory in the first place. To take this in a slightly different…
I remember one of the devs saying that "STO's maps aren't designed for ground vehicles" (in the same sense that STO's maps aren't designed for floaters). While I hope we get to drive around vehicles someday, I'm not counting on it. I don't know how or why the maps aren't designed for ground vehicles, but, then again, I…
I've had it happen to me in Infected Space Elite a couple days ago. I'm engineer running an eng oddy. Believe me, I was at almost full health (mid- to upper-nineties), with nearly full shields (same as hull, almost completely full; I would be lying if I said it was completely full). The Tactical Cube was not draining my…
If the crew member icons are yellow (in default Fed colors), then they're injured (which means they can be healed)... If they're greyed out, then I believe that means they're dead. Where they replace dead crew members in the heat of battle, beats me. However, as someone else said, they could be holographic, as…
I feel inclined to agree with mewmaster101, why the Xbox One? I for one, however, am all for Gateway (but I've heard rumors that that's in the works of being improved). At best, you could expect an app (if Cryptic were to make anything for Xbox) that runs the Gateway (either Windows Store or Xbox's)
I personally prefer the proc that the Dominion Polaron gives (extra critical chance, shield punch, and energy drain). I'm sure you already know this. However, to answer your question, it's all about play style. If you play like a typical broadside beamboat (which your current layout seems to suggest), then I would stick…
I ran into my first AFK leacher (that I can remember) yesterday while playing an eSTF. With the near-constant stream of nanite spheres, the team was unable to destroy the nanite spheres before the spheres could heal the transformer. Within the first couple minutes, one of the teammates dropped out, to be replaced by…
I always thought that was done on purpose after the release of LoR... yeah sure it makes it annoying to have to make a few extra mouse moves, but it made space seem larger and it also got rid of the unsightly black background. So I'm indifferent to the situation. You can always go to the system list and choose where you…
So I'll throw in my two cents about the usefulness of Engineers, rather than comparing kits (which really seems irrelevant right now as kits are being redone anyway, AFAIK). The way I see comparing the three classes is by creating a graph, showing the healing & (de)buffing abilities and the general damage output. Tactical…
Quite frankly, having every ship launch at least a couple runabouts would make me happy. My beef with Cryptic is not being able to control such auxiliary craft (see Odyssey Chevron and Aquarius). So if Cryptic is willing to put a small wing of runabouts in every ship (KDF, FED, and ROM, mind you) and make any auxiliary…
Adding that kind of functionality would be difficult and not very profitable (in case anybody hasn't noticed, Cryptic follows the Rules of Acquisition). An easy workaround is to add costumes to your character, make one closed and the other open. You can change uniforms (just not modify) at anytime by right clicking your…
I can't speak for age03, but when I see most people (myself included) say they want to see a Federation ship, they mean a Starfleet ship. The Caitain Atrox doesn't come from Starfleet (rather the Caitian homeworld), the Atrox is commissioned by Starfleet, though. I would like to see a carrier built by Starfleet, in Utopia…
This. I would buy this. Although I might prefer a universal lieutenant BOFF slot instead of Lieutenant Eng, but that might be asking for too much. Not sure what your Lightning-class light escort would be...
Apparently Trekkies haven't heard of plumbing nor bathrooms :D (yes, I would agree that the plumbing is a bit excessive, but as you said backup cooling etc. If you look at the ISS, they have to recycle all waste, water, etc. (everything). That's a lot of plumbing for the 6+ people that are on the ISS. Now multiply that for…
I was watching an interview that J.J. had with Jon Stewart. He says he pulled the Star Trek marathon (watching every single episode). I see no reason why he would lie about that. Au contraire, J.J. is not as clueless as your average Joe. Also, I heard the "Arena" melody in the soundtrack.
Also, any time when anything is explained (Qo'noS), is when it's pertinent that all of the audience knows what it is they're talking about. Things like Tribbles, Mudd, and more are not relevant to the core of the plot (and. therefore, do not need to be explained)
I can only imagine J.J. reading this and going "WTF! I put more Trek lore to make them happy, now see what happens when I do!? They rant that there's too much lore, and makes it terrible!"
This. IMHO, Star Trek Into Darkness has more story than most other Hollywood movies nowadays. While it's certainly not as indepth as the other pre-reboot movies/series, it's certainly more prevalent than in other movies. I personally applaud J.J. for the reflection he's made on TWoK. Sure, it's all flipped, but isn't that…
I wouldn't call it a joke, but I laughed at it as well. In fact, I bet if you watch Trekkies watching the movie, half the time, we're just smiling idiots with all of the "homages." In your/Vulcan words, fascinating. I would've thought that Klingon's wouldn't be a-OK wearing masks, but I'm not a Klingon expert...
Enterprise happened. They had models of all the Enterprises (similar to what we have in the Fleet Starbases) at the Admiral's office, if I remember correctly. NX-01, the colony ship (XCV 330), were both on there. Although a U.S.S. Kelvin (one nacelle) ship was on the rack for some reason.
I'm not reading through all the posts, so sorry if somebody's already said this. I did not like the Klingons! They wore Klingon(-esque) uniforms, looked kinda Klingon, but didn't act Klingon. I cannot see Klingons wearing masks, I would think that Klingons would want their enemies to see their faces (see Klingon Honor). I…
+1, I'll be missing my final shard by a couple of hours (literally 2 - 3). These past few weeks for me have been terrible (as far as playing STO goes), with power outages, no internet in hotel... Normally, this kind of thing would be no problem for me, but I think Cryptic rigged this one for me not get the shards…
I think it would be great to have your bridge's viewscreen. I don't have the Galaxy bridge on my ship, and I don't think it should look that way. It doesn't sound too hard to integrate (I think), and it would AWESOME to see that. Really, really great stuff otherwise.
So, I think it was Al Rivera implied in a podcast that the launch being around the same time as Into Darkness coming out was not a coincidence. Any speculation?