5 new people have had +250k Fleet Credits within days, one 1M within 2 week ( really don't know how he did that, but... ) Most people that can't earn Fleet credits are those that aren't online often, and who only want to give FMs and expertise. So the chances are okay, and the system works good enough (but yeah, could be…
Just got the complete Omega mk12 Set and got the accolade and the option to buy the tailor unlock 2+3 But still not the Maco accolade or tailor unlock 3
Hello, having the same Problem. Got the Maco mk12 Set before the Reputation system. Was able to buy the adapted set+costume unlock Got the last optional a few minutes ago, received the Team Commander Accolade, but did not receive the Elite Commander Accolade or the costume unlock.
1. In-Game @handle: @benglow 2 Career and Ship: Tac/Bug 3. Language: English 4. Session you will Participate In: CST 5. Do you have any impairments we need to be aware of: No 6. Do you need to make up the first session? No
Ingame @handle: @benglow Faction : Federation Career and Ship : Tactical / Bug or Fleet Defiant Languages : English Interested mainly in space or ground? Space primarily Session You will Participate In : CET Do you have any impairments we need to be aware of : No On a scale of 1-10, rate your level of PvP experience : 3
Hello Borticus, we have had the Project "Station Andorian Personnel Officer on Starbase" open for about a week. submitted a couple of tickets and bugreports. Our Problem is, that we cannot donate the Andorian white Boffs ( nor of any other rarity, and we have tried other races, etc. ) Thank you
The Mobile Emitter for example.. also why doesn't the Federation do anything against loosing the ships? They have the registry numbers and maybe information on the computer core.