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alnakar Arc User



  • I'm finding voice-overs more and more appealing, in general. I'd definitely love to have as much of the game voiced as we can get.
  • Personally, I prefer the snowmen being stationary for the rest of the year. Having snowmen running around for the rest of the year wouldn't really fit very well into the Star Trek universe. It's a lot of fun for the month, but I think they made the right call on this one.
  • Wow, you're right. I'm not sure how I could have possibly missed it. Grinding for five whole minutes a day, in order to get a free ship, is just way too much work. They're totally missing the point of this holiday. They should give you everything, all at once, for no effort on your part at all. That would make it the best,…
  • I'm pretty pleased with what they've done with it this year. I really appreciate the little wooden queue for the race official (it's subtle, but it helps). The ability to get a free ship out of the deal is really fantastic. I don't see anything to complain about here. I do agree that they need to kill the shortcut on the…
  • If it makes you feel any better, they're still using the handsome phaser guy as the icon in Steam.
  • Sorry, one more. I know it's supposed to be 3, but whatever... Short: 4: My ship should have a useful cargo bay, which can be accessed from space. Ideally I'd like to see my inventory split into 3 tabs (Ground Items, Space Items, Cargo Bay). I feel like I should be able to store extra hypos, etc. in my cargo bay, so that I…
  • Short: 1: Power trays that stay the way that I set them. 2: The ability to walk around on my ship, and have my ship continue to travel. 3: A better way of keeping track of which foundry missions I've already played, so that it takes less work to find content that's new to me. Mid: 1: Foundry wrapper replaced with an…
  • Well, I dislike the SNW, personally, on account of the fact that they suck. I'm not sure if that was your question or not. I'd love to see them overhauled. I wouldn't say that I'm 'against' them necessarily, since as short as they sometimes are, they're still a long-shot from being "one-click". I think you may have missed…
  • First off: wow, internet... just... wow... it's good to see that there's still a refuge for for petty name-calling and fear-mongering... I'm amazed Cryptic gives any feedback to fans at all, given how people react to simple questions / idea. Now aside from that, I think a lot of the people misunderstood the purpose of my…
  • Good point... What about separate limits? You could have a 2k character limit, plus a 6k account limit (for example, not necessarily those numbers exactly). If you refine 8k with one character, then you can only do 2k with each additional character. This way you can still get some extra dilithium out of your alts, but it…
  • I'm absolutely against reducing the time limit to 10 minutes. If you're looking for a way of farming dilithium when you log on, I think it's entirely fair to say that Foundry missions should not be a great way of doing that. For me, when I log on my goal is to enjoy my time spent gaming, not to make my character rich. If…
  • I've had the same problem, in STFs as well as in PvP. It seems like what it's doing is setting me to 'follow' my current target. A couple of times I've actually ended up butted up against my target as a result of this. I'm not sure if that's the same thing that it's going for others, or not. I actually found it somewhat…
  • I got this too. I thought it was just a bout of heavy lag, until I read this. I was playing with another person online. We were both experiencing the same severe lag (although not quite as severe as what you were describing), and it disappeared as soon as we were out under the stars.
  • I found this while my brother an I were doing The Vault yesterday, as well. Both he and I were able to use a majority of our Bridge Officers' abilities, while in our shuttles. I was flying a Captain's Yacht, and he was flying a Danube Class Runabout.
  • Not for a second. I don't understand why we have to go through this every time something changes. I know that being unable to play because of technical issues must legitimately suck for you, as well as for anybody else who's having similar issues. I hope that Cryptic is making it a high priority to get your problem…
  • Yeah, I am. Did I miss something in the patch notes? I couldn't find anything about LTSs getting the veteran rewards early. Not that I'm complaining... I'll happily take the perks if they were intentional.
  • I just logged in for the first time since the patch, and got all of the veteran accolades. I'm supposed to be coming up on my 500 day, but I just got 500 through 1000 day accolades. I've only tested two of my characters so far, but I'm assuming it's across the board. Am I the only one?