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Pos-S7 Problem: Coliseum episode

karmapointkarmapoint Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited December 2012 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
After the S7 patch, the whole Coliseum episode become really problematic to play.

The AI never act, refusing to react, even if is a npc or a enemy. The whole episode come with a heavy lag. You walk for 1 to 3 seconds and are throw to the begin of the episode, forcing you to walk all way back.

The enemies never die, because you have too much lag to hit someone, and after 5 seconds, every enemy hit drain all of your shields and life.

Because of the lag, you can "fall" inside of walls and rocks, being stuck and can't finish the episode, forcing you to leave and back to fight against the lag again.
Brasilis Elite Squad
PW/Crypt can't make more KDF Content?
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    zhrrdzhrrd Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So I turned off all graphic options, and set to half resolution... and that seems to make it barely playable .... ill reset my options after this horrible mission is done.

    ----NO... this doesn't help at all... still horrible lag :((

    finally fixed it.. by just powering through it... ignoring the yo-yo-ing, as soon as I got out of the arena area, game went back to normal.
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    alnakaralnakar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I got this too. I thought it was just a bout of heavy lag, until I read this. I was playing with another person online. We were both experiencing the same severe lag (although not quite as severe as what you were describing), and it disappeared as soon as we were out under the stars.
    - LTS since shortly before the F2P announcement, and very happy about it.
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    peter1z9peter1z9 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Same thing here...very heavy lag until my toon was out of the coliseum.
    "Our Bugs are working as intended" - Cryptic
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    sibekisibeki Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Same here, it is a living hell getting through it.
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    sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 900 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I played it twice today and the second time I was spending more time fighting against the lag. I was able to get thru the coliseum portion despite lag, glitches and screwed up graphics (the last console is barely detectable because it is buried other wall). This episode needs major QA review since others with less powerful systems are being overwhelmed by the "lag monster". :rolleyes:
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    therealgurutherealguru Member Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Devs just plan to make money. they don't care about us about our complain.
    this game is full of bugs problems, and get even worse each time they put something new in it.

    but people continue to buy zen and spend so why should they correct the core of the game and removes the lag, the disconnection, the loading time between maps. several minutes to laod a map in the cluster ??? are we back to prehistoric age ???

    this is too much. Cryptic listen to the complain and focused on the main thigs.

    We play to have fun not to enrage because the character get hit by a worm and we were not close to it. Oh but because of the lag the player is back in another area of the map near the worm, that's why he was hit !!! .............
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