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List your top three short, mid, and long-term requests for the game



  • alnakaralnakar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    alnakar wrote: »
    1: Power trays that stay the way that I set them.
    2: The ability to walk around on my ship, and have my ship continue to travel.
    3: A better way of keeping track of which foundry missions I've already played, so that it takes less work to find content that's new to me.

    1: Foundry wrapper replaced with an appropriate reward for that mission, even if it's still a significantly lower hourly dilithium income than you could earn in other ways.
    2: Replacing the sub-par exploration missions (by which I mean all of them) with a subset of Foundry missions set with a narrower completion time window. I'm thinking 5-15 minutes.
    3: A comprehensive "game manual" that doesn't require that I sift through the forums looking for an answer to my question.

    1: A decent crafting system.
    2: Gradually shift away from the idea of an aggro-radius, where I can walk into a room full of enemies, and kill a small group of them while the others stand around and watch. This is extremely immersion-breaking.
    3: Continue to find every excuse to make use of the Foundry for what it is: a nearly limitless source of quality content to keep the game alive and thriving.

    Sorry, one more. I know it's supposed to be 3, but whatever...

    4: My ship should have a useful cargo bay, which can be accessed from space. Ideally I'd like to see my inventory split into 3 tabs (Ground Items, Space Items, Cargo Bay). I feel like I should be able to store extra hypos, etc. in my cargo bay, so that I can re-stock my away-team when they return to the ship.
    - LTS since shortly before the F2P announcement, and very happy about it.
  • bublawekbublawek Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1. I would like a ground and space arena where I could challenge another player to one on one combat

    2. I would love to see a tab where I could see how many kills and how much damage I have done after running missions like "the big dig" or "Klingon Scout Force" for example.

    3. Change the cost of reassiaigning underperforming officers. It is way to high. You guys have made dilithium so valuable because of the reputation store that I don't want to use it for anything. Not even fleet projects. One dilithium to one fleet marks is also not a fair trade.

    Thanks, Career Officer Bublawek.
  • swimmingfrogswimmingfrog Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I started playing the game after season 6 came out. I like the game and decided to get the life time thing when it went on sale in October. Here are some of the changes that I would like to see made to the game.

    1.) The price of dilithium it take to reassign underperforming duty officers. Right now it is 500 dil to change 5 white duty officers to 1 Green Duty officers, 2,500 dil to change 5 green duty officers to 1 blue duty officer, and 5,000 dil to change 5 blue duty officers to 1 purple duty officer. That is a crazy amount of dilithium needed just to reassign the duty officer. WTF thought of this? Right now I really just want to punch them in the face for doing this. I believe this is a very feasible change considering all of the other dilithium changes being made.

    2.) I brought on a liberated borg Bridge officer after completing one of the STFs. So far, he?s adapting well to his new assignment, but we do have one small problem. He refuses were wear any clothes. The crew is concerned about this, and my HR department is going crazy. I?ve tried to get him to wear some pants, but I?m unable to make it happen. As a result, I?ve had to restricted him to the brig. I believe if I were able to get him to wear some clothes, then he would be adapter better to his new environment onboard my ship.

    3.) I?ve also adopted a Jem?Hadar Bridge officer. He does pretty good, but he is an addict. I have sent him to the counselor to get him on a 12 step process. The problem comes when we?re on an away mission with him. He only wears his uniforms, and therefore looks way different than the rest of the crew. This has caused fratricide on many occasions. Please allow him to change his uniforms so that he matches what the rest of the crew has.

    4.) I am able to change the uniforms that my bridge officers wear. (except for the borg and the jem?hadar) However, when I walk around my ship, all of the other crew members are wearing something different. I would like to see the option to change the uniforms that my crew wears so that they match what me and my bridge officers are wearing, thus making the crew uniform. I just think that it?s odd that I can get my bridge changed out, but I can?t get my crew to change uniforms.

    5.) The episodes section needs to have a new romulas added. The episodes was one of those things I liked. Each one was like a season of star trek, with each mission being a show that you got to play. If you can get one of these for season 7, then it might be more successful than just creating a mission hub on new romulus.

    So, these changes go with my play style. I like to make up my crew with the uniforms that I want. The duty officer assignments are fun to do. Completing the episodes are fun. Since I?ve completed the episodes, I?ve moved on to the different events that I can que in for. If the above changes can be done to the game, then I would be a very happy player.
  • espiritasespiritas Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Short term;

    Modify the dilithium costs of the available products to reflect the reduced earning potential of Dilithium. I fully understand the purpose behind the changes- mainly to reduce the use of multiple characters to farm up mass quantities and devaluing the purpose and process of the resource... but the changes that were made means that on a dilithium to time basis, it takes -considerably- longr for even an honest player to earn what he needs to purchase items from the dilithium store- let alone provde supplies for fleet (and now embassy) upgrades. When it takes a minimum of three hours to gain the daily allotment of 8k refinable dilithium, and costs are 20-30k dilithium for basic ship weapons and consoles- let alone the projects- the time involved seems to cross the line from being a bit of a grind to feeling like a second job. This cuts very deeply into the game's fun factor. I am all for having to earn your rewards, but there is a fine blance between when it is a thing earned, and when it is a thing not worth earning any more.

    Mid term;

    I would be in favor of mid term projects being suspended for a time in order to focus as much defelopment manpower as possible to the long term project. I am willing to sacrifice a few months of content if it means the effective implementation of a properly functioning major change.

    Which brings me to the long term;

    A complete and total revamp of the game's graphical and physics engine. From scratch. (or close to)

    I recognise this as an immensely time consuming and complicated process, but I beliefe that for the contimued life of this game it is long overdue. Don't get me wrong, the effects and blooms and partical effects are beautiful to behold. But the engine is for all intents and purposes a higher resolution vrsion of the engine used in city of heroes, and it has its flaws, and is beginning to show its age.

    But the major reason for the rebuild, is that the engine as it stands is not capable of properly running the game. There are many bugs and errors that centre around graphics failing to render, active object density being enough to chunk out even high end machines, the lack of x-axis flight, and GUI lag/errors. A rebuild would allow for the use of a more up to date engine, as well as opening up more efficient methods of rendering and modification of object render limits so that we can not only use our powers, but see them all in effect on the field- as well as clean up errors such as invisible (or instant hit) torpedoes from the stf enemies, more fluid and realistic handling of ships in space, opportunities to expand ground play even further... and the list goes on.

    While i recognise the design and implementation of such a project is very difficult, it has been proven to be possible, and an extremely viable method of extending the life of an MMO- enhancing the player enjoyment, upgrading the graphics and interface, and opening new avenues of later development through adding new tools and processes.

    We are many. We are legion. We are the proud, the bad, the infinitely expendable.
    We! Are RED SHIRTS!
    ...Tremble in thy footwear.
  • luxchristianluxchristian Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Short Term:
    1. Larger stacks for commodities and consumables. Please! I waste to much time clicking and buying large hypos, shields etc
    2. The ability to set a standard uniform for my crew to wear.
    3. Get the bug out of the storymissions. (2800er was awful). And the bug from the red alert in the Tau Dewa sector.

    Middle Term:
    1)More missions and patrols in the Tau Dewa sector. More missions and objectives on New Romoulus
    2) Reducing the Afk'lers in PvP and PVE!!!
    3) More incentive to do PvP. Rewards (marks, gear), modes, maps etc

    Long Term:
    1)More content for EVERYONE. Means more missions with a story that can be done by every fraction. Be it Kling, Fed or something new. We want to play with our friends.
    2)Better Q+A. Old resolved bugs like voldemort shouldn't be reappearing in the new patches. But I know it happens to other dev teams too.
    3) More content for the Klingon faction. Doesn't have to be much. But it sucks leveling a kling ony with doffs and doing the same grinding missions in the nebulas.

  • pontiac76pontiac76 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    **Short Term**
    I just picked up a Tuffli because I saw how useful it is. However, switching between the Tuffli and another ship quickly is extremely annoying.
    - Beam to shuttle
    - Pick the Tuffli
    - Leave the shuttle
    - Beam to bridge of Tuffli
    - Switch Ships
    - Leave Tuffli

    You've got the drop down to beam to the shuttle or ship, why not add an option to beam to the Tuffli if you have one? The above then becomes:
    - Beam to Tuffli
    - Pick ship
    - Leave Tuffli

    **Medium Term**
    Create a questionnaire designed to solicit APPROPRIATE feedback to compare past to present standings with the game. This would include the changes that have been applied not only to S7 in itself, but, with dilithium changes, STF changes, and any other changes that have may have upset or been praised by the forums. Not to mention I'd suggest things adding things about how the UI works, if people are happy with certain aspects, and why. If a low grade is given, a required text field of "Why?" would be required to be considered a valid answer. A simple "It sucks" would probably end up being excluded.

    In exchange for the player base on doing this, offer something back to the players, like, free Zen, free Dili, or a choice of one thing from a series of items that'd be useful to that players style, like a Tuffli, weaponry, consumables, etc.

    The questionnaire should be developed in a way so that you can see an overview of how players are responding in a range of say 1 to 10. I would also suggest, to avoid people gaming this system, that triggers are put in place so that if someone grades all questions as a 1, for example, and no valid comments (Or understandable comments at that) are ejected and removed from consideration and no reward be given. As I said above, an answer of "It sucks" can't be considered as valid, however, "Swapping ships via the Tuffli is a pain, but can be fixed by adding something to the dropdown arrow that'd let me beam directly to the Tuffli" would be given a gold star. ;)

    Answering the questions do NOT give an AUTOMATIC reward either. It'd take time to go through all/most of the responses manually by a pair of eyes to register what has been requested. Once the time for the questionnaire has expired, take a month or so to go through the answers given and flag those that have given appropriate responses their gift. If a particular metric is met based on the numbers, that response could be flagged as acceptable and put into an automatic queue for rewards.

    **Long Term**
    Set internal goals to accomplish what the players want. We, the players, are your bread and butter and what keeps your company going. When we're happy with the game plays, our wallets probably would end up opening up more easily.

    In *MY* opinion, and for *MY* play style, Season 7 is a heap of garbage as far as the new content is concerned, not to mention some of the things I did as my daily routine were pretty much pulled from the "Worth while doing" category. I have zero interest in New Romulus and what it has to offer, there are so many "points of interest" that the tricorder becomes less than useless when trying to find the "points of interest" you need to complete your missions. I'm NOT a ground player, but a space player. The new missions are of interest, and the rewards are somewhat decent, but in comparison to what was given for space missions versus the time invested in the ground... well.. Space features were shafted large. Mind you, this game is NOT written for ME specifically, so, I'd probably end up being on the outside of the metrics above to get an automatic reward.
  • cakeballscakeballs Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    rachelj88 wrote: »
    WANT! Cryptic can you throw me into the Delta Quadrant? atleast there I'd be free of Starfleet Dental and other things...


    You cannot escape your fate!

    Dear Cryptic,

    Please place your computers away from the windows so that the workers will be less distracted.
  • darimunddarimund Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    short term:

    #1 penalize players that are AFK in stf's
    #2 test patches before they are released to reduce the amount of bugs that are introduced
    #3 fix the one shot borg weapons


    #1 add more solo encounters that reward dilithium
    #2 make some of the more popular lock box ships obtainable by other means
    #3 add counters to the hud for carrier ships to indicate how many active pets per hangar are out and about


    sell STO and/or cryptic to another company that's not affiliated with PW, Co.
  • voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    So I had a list before and yeah big surprise it pretty much all got done, cheers for that. So yeah time to make a new one:

    Short Term:

    1)customizable kits. There is no reason why a Tac player for example can't have a grenade, a turret, a health generator and stealth for example. The current kits right now are so limiting.

    2) Advanced warp core engine mk x: a good amount added toward turn rate in system space, good speed in system space and ability to go past warp 10 in system space. right now we either have warp 10 or warp 14+ with certain engines, so how about a warp 12 engine that isn't a fleet based one.

    3) Customizable MSD consoles: The ability to change our bridges is great, and while I'm not an RP type of person it annoys me to have just put a bridge on my excelsior only to have it show the MSD for the prometheus. make all MSD consoles a set size and turn them into a trophy style item that can be customized by the player.

    4) Ship name length increase: I love Star Trek, and Andromeda, and Earth Final Conflict. I really had a hard time trying to decide what to name my new mobius ship, then boom I had the perfect idea. Destiny Ascendan_ FU$%ing POS, REALLY ! F%$^#$& letter short are you FU$^$# kidding me???!! Yup that was me today. 1 part Star Trek, 1 part Andromeda, 1 part mobius/wells kinda looks like Taelon Mothership, 1 part Stargate SGU Destiny = nope access denied by 1 letter. Seriously guys longer ship names please.

    Mid Term:

    1) Player designed bridges: I know this sounds like a long term project but let me explain my thinking on this. Once every 3 months have a player designed bridge contest where players can create the layout of the bridge in the foundry. Then the player base votes on them and the top 5 are made into bridges. The 1st place bridge is a free gift after completing a mid length super mission. Collect 100 fiber neural cables from Defera, 50 prototype tholian cyrstaline fragments, 50 Romulan singularity drive blueprint schematics (rom episodes and deep space encounters) and then we have to go to utopia plainitia shipyards to complete a bridge refit mission requiring us to go to engineering and align new bridge sensor controls, etc.

    2) Funtional ship interior holodecks: Three different lower deck variations for bridge views, all standard across all players. There is no reason why a holodeck couldn't be added with a selection of holonovels availible to start from the holodeck console. Maybe add in a favorite option to foundry missions and have those appear on the holodeck mission select screen?

    3) POKER, POKER, POKER, POKER, POKER, OH AND DID I SAY POKER?: Okay so you added Dabo, yay for you here's your cookie and your pat on the back. Dabo was on DS9...poker was on well, pretty much every series. You put the poker table in the lounge now make it functional. Bets are placed and rewarded in EC.

    4) Romluan warbird holo emitter (non flashing version): Look we already know people are itching for Romulans. We also know after all the whining and complaining the KDF fanatics do that it'll be a LONG TRIBBLE time before we see a playable Romulan faction. I've got my little self made Romulan character who works for Starfleet, so who better to infiltrate Sela's inter council, steal a warbird and bring it over enemy lines to be investigated. Starfleet could chose to have me command the ship as a means to gather intelligence, and boom there's the reason a fed or kdf is flying a warbird. No holo emitter flashing effect and it lasts for 6 months, 1 time reward.

    Long Term:

    1) Fully customizable ship interiors: I know I know waiting for tech from Neverwinter. Will all due respect that's a line of bull and we all know it. There are freeware programs a billion out there that can drag and drop premade parts and make a map. Really all it would take is a wedge, circular, box main placement grid. outer rooms for wedge and circular shaped layouts could be crew quarters, or med/eng labs that are prepositioned so there are no placement issues with none rectangular or square rooms.

    2) small fleet ability to trade fleetbase for smaller limited customization ground base. fleet bases are not designed for smaller fleets, plain simple fact. some small remote planatary system in zeta, storyline was designed to be civilian merchant outpost, never finished and taken over by starfleet to help Cardassian rebuilding process. Will better outline proposal in seperate thread.
  • sharxtremesharxtreme Member Posts: 850 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    I would like to see this implemented long or short term:

    1. Ability of ships to loop and roll in space gameplay
    Right now space combat is somewhat 2.5D, like ships are just hovering

    2. Progress to next rank above Vice admiral

    3. fixing of Event timer/clock in fleet tab

    4. different proc variations of fleet space weapons and introduction of Elite Space Weapons

    5. Inclusion of atleast 1 Fleet Space and Ground SET

    6. Fleet federation escorts- replacing 3rd Tac BOFF (ensign) with universal ensign

    7. seeing current skill levels with boosts from deflectors, consoles, weapons etc.
    Current accuracy, critical chance etc when you hover over weapons in space

    8. Transphasic torpedos are weak. In star trek series they were most powerfull torpedos.
    increase their damage against borg

    9. ship weapon slots. For example. Voyager weapons in series were :
    four front Beam arrays(2 on upper and 2 on lower saucer section with left, right upper down firing arcs) with 2 torpedo launchers front, 1 bottom beam array, 1 aft beam array and 2 aft torpedo launchers.
    ETC for other ships
    i know this is a major change. But separate Torpedo slots would make ships better
    - Inclusion of beam turrets(360 arc/same damage as cannon turets) so they can benefit from beam skills

    !0. PvP system leaderboard/statistic, option to remove inactive players from any game(leechers) by time spent inactive
    PvP system needs also some counter to constant Carrier pets spam. In one game against KDF i have counted atleast 70 pets at same time on one small portion of map. From power syphon drones, tholian pets, orion slavers, Felkri pets etc and whole arey was populated with aceton assimilators. That kind of gameplay is truly broken, so most players avoid PvP altogether.

    Hopefull we see at least some of this. Thank you for your efforts, game is great in most other aspects
  • wilbor2wilbor2 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    1 dilith from e.g stf elite to go back to 1440 its not fun to grind for 3-4 hours
    2 a kdf ship as good as my vesta set not more fleet ships added (vesta is a great ship well done :D)
    3 bigger stacks for e.g hypos and other stuff in rep system

    1 more kdf content
    2 rank to go up to lvl 60
    3 to be able to change ship interior and crew unforms

    1 playable Romulans
    2 more playble content e,g story missions i do like the new stuff but i like the story missions more. i wont to know the next bit of the story.
    3 more stuff added to crafting but not stuff that needs 20-100k of dilith to make like i bet your thinking about doing
  • fliporicanfliporican Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I like to recommend for consideration some sort of Starship Refit/Retrofit System like the Fleet System where we can spend Marks, ECs, Dilithium, Scanned Samples, Commodities, etc. to refit/retrofit lower tier starships in our personal inventory to the next tier.

    Like the Fleet Ship Modules sold in the C-Store, a Refit/Retrofit Ship Module can be sold. The system would allow us to choose to add weapon slots, console slots, device slots, bridge stations, hull damage %, power %, etc. to starhips Tier 1 through 3 at least. Well, this is just an idea so those of us who are Vice Admirals can use an old favorite ship. It could also increase Vice Admirals to purchase lower tier starships offered in the C-Store that they haven't purchased already.

    If you wanted to make this more exclusive we would have to use our Fleet Dry-docks, requiring one to actually be a member of a fleet. It can also only be a system exclusively available to Gold and Lifetime Members to increase the value for Free-2-Play players to subscribe.
  • delsabereduxdelsaberedux Member Posts: 244 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm not actually sure about the feasibility of some of my requests, so I'll just take my best guess. For all I know, some of the long-range stuff might be easier than I think and some of the things I think are simple could be farther out.


    Short Range

    1. New code that allows users to tie their own music into the game's existing cues. This would allow players to use stuff from the movies and series that Cryptic is currently unable to license due to cost or legal factors, or import soundtracks from other Star Trek games, without sacrificing immersion by playing all that music independent of those cues.

    Alternatively, gaining the rights to use that music and adding it into the existing playlist would be okay too. I'll just toss in my usual recommendation of the Star Trek Legacy soundtrack here. :D

    I vaguely remember Dan talking about this a long time ago, but I'm not sure if anything came of it.

    2. Widen the range of Dilithium rewards and add those rewards everywhere. I figure that if random DOFF assignments that take no effort at all can reward minor amounts of Dilithium, why not actual mission content, much of which takes a considerable time investment? To that end, add Dilithium rewards to as much content as possible, from normal episodes to dailies to PVP, scaled by the time and difficulty of the content.

    3. Eliminate asteroid spam in existing systems. Not only does it look terrible, but in my opinion, the new Tau Dewa systems - which are totally asteroid free for the most part - have proven that it's unnecessary for showing both speed and directionality of movement. Little dust clouds here and there, micro-nebulae, a moon or two... there are far better ways of achieving the same outcome and many are already in the game.

    Furthermore, other space games have already done this just fine. This is one area where EVE Online actually beats STO visually, as have plenty of the old space combat sims. Usually, all they had was "specks", for the lack of a better descriptor, and that worked just fine.

    Mid Range

    1. Tie spotlighted Foundry missions into the main "world". Rather than relying on the mission journal, add the elite few Foundry missions that meet Cryptic's highest standards to become part of STO's "official" universe of mission content via NPCs or a new contact. Give them unique rewards, maybe a daily of their own, tag them somehow for credit purposes...

    Sometimes, it can be easy to forget that the Foundry even exists or is worth exploring, so nothing would eliminate those perception issues faster than by giving the best and brightest "uplifted" status of some kind, beyond the spotlights that already exist.

    2. As many more Adventure Zones as are possible! New Romulus has been a fantastic addition to the game and it's exactly the kind of zone that I want to see more of. I can think of a few canonical locations off the top of my head, many in the game already in a bare-bones fashion, which would make for great Adventure Zone content.

    First up: how about Risa? Redo it as an "off-duty" Adventure Zone full of minigames and missions in the spirit of Star Trek's many comedic or offbeat episodes. This would be a great place to introduce the swimsuit costumes folks have requested since day one, or even vehicle missions with dune buggies, or beach sports like volleyball.

    In a game full of intrigue and combat and drama, having a place like this to truly unwind in a purely social setting would be tons of fun.

    3. As many more random factors as possible! This is something else that Season 7 introduced that I would like to see all over the place. Touring the Tau Dewa block and running into the Enterprise, Iconian ships, or Tal-Shiar, introduces an element of surprise that the game never really had before. Putting as much of that as possible into older content would really help spur interest in redoing missions thought to be stale.

    Don't forget to do this on the ground, too!

    Long Range

    1. Total revamp of the exploration system. And by "revamp" what I actually mean is "nuke the whole thing and start over" because the existing system is pretty dull and poorly representative of both STO at its best and Star Trek as a whole.

    The only way I can really think of to do this would be to eliminate the existing exploration clusters and simply make everything beyond the existing sector borders "unexplored space", with an infinite outer boundary - or as close to infinite as you can get with this engine.

    However, introduce an "expedition" mechanic of some kind that requires supplies, provisions, and morale upkeep for all ships travelling in unexplored space. The longer you're out there, or the farther out you get, the more you need, so eventually even the most prepared solo player or fleet would run out of luck with unexplored systems and need to transwarp back to a starbase. The DOFF system might also have to be limited while exploring - naturally, you're nowhere even remotely close to a "cultural symposium" of any kind, though tons of shipboard stuff might have to be done to keep your crew happy.

    Reward players for doing this based on how long they were in unexplored space (minus idle time), how far they got into the unknown, and how many unexplored systems they charted while out there. However, the randomized cluster missions should be improved or added onto as much as possible in concert with the exploration overhaul, otherwise we'll just be "destroying 5 Borg devices" like we always have. This should go hand-in-hand with...

    2. Break down the sector walls once and for all. This has always been part of the plan, but it never seems to completely come into focus. Basically, make all the current and future sector blocks one massive zone. It sounds simple, and takes a minimum of words to describe, but we all know it it's no simple feat. A huge part of this game is built around or on top of the sector block structure.

    It would really help immersion, though, right? Instead of walls, just have a floating text from your conn officer tell you when you're entering a new sector. "We are now entering the Vulcan sector, captain." As with the exploration stuff above, "we are now entering unexplored space, captain". Keep some visual cue on the astronomics and the map, of course.

    In addition to that...

    3. Turn Eta Eridani into one huge persistent PVP zone. There is supposed to be a war on, after all. Keep it optional - say, a "PVP on/off" button right where the Astronomics toggle is - so that anyone who is flagged as PVP-On can be engaged freely by the opposing faction. Ideally, this should affect the player wherever they are, or perhaps be influenced by how far they get into enemy space. A Klingon ship shouldn't be travelling through Sirius unopposed, right?

    With that in mind, Klingons were always able to fly under cloak, in warp or not... same deal with Federation ships that used cloaks. So apply that to sector space, along with anti-cloak detection methods...

    If two or more PVP-enabled players face-off in open space, have their battle's instance represented in sector space for all to see, so that more players can join in. Perhaps introduce a distress call/jamming mechanic, so that the sector space indicator will only get up if one player's distress call gets through before getting jammed.

    Keep Kerrat, but add as many more open warzones as possible, with a moving border on the sector map, to indicate which side is controlling the most zones at any one time. Pump as many incentives into this as possible to ensure that as many players are taking part as possible.


    Phew! I might actually have enough for an blog entry here. I hope someone up there reads this.
  • avertyoureyessavertyoureyess Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    1.) A "Starbase Dashboard" for fleet leaders. We can see who withdraws and deposits from the fleet bank, but we cant see who has purchased gear, items, starships and weaponry from fleet stores. It helps to see if someone is buying all the gear. How bout a screen for fleet leaders to monitor some key things like this.

    2.) Battle Targs! We can upgrade and modify Epohhs on New Romulas...how bout Targ breeding on Qo'noS, give the KDF some fun and put the Targ Pits to use. You can buy a pup from the Z-store, (or earn it some way) and maybe you can breed the thing up to a battle pet.

    3.) How bout that Klingon Knife they are so famous for...it was good enough to kill Kirk's son it should be good enough to be in the game.

    4.) New Romulas...Epohh Fields...There is a pink alien reasearcher with a tail (look for him)....how bout the ability to giving the players that ability?
  • admiraltirad235admiraltirad235 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Short: flamethrowers :3, getting the season 7 test award
    mid: new ships
    long: cardassian adventure zone maybe
  • ajniemandajniemand Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    It'd be very smart to let Steam have the latest version to install every time instead of using the damn Launcher every time the game gets redownloaded.

    It's a damn waste of time on my CAP. And I so do want to play this game.
  • trellabortrellabor Member Posts: 209 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    1. Fix the holes in the games programming. Get a grip on your Bugs, develop a real plan to resolve them, and then put it into action. It's just code FFS.

    2. Stop adding more currencies to the game than is necessary. Also, fix your ZEN denominations so they make sense, why do things cost 125 and 475 when you sell it in values of 500, 1,000, etc? Stop being facetious. Make it easier and more streamlined and people will gladly buy more. Sick of looking at 100 ZEN i'll never use because of this.

    3. No more Reputation Systems, period. It's 100% Fail.

    4. You need instances with drops, the incredibly rare kind, only obtainable therein. Make sets for them or not, either way you need more random chance for the good stuff and less setting timers for anything to get done/get endgame gear. Nyerk your nyerking timers and cooldowns.

    5. Get rid of Lobi Crystals system, give decent amount of DIL instead and add those items to the DIL store. Again, too much TRIBBLE everywhere.
    The o3 - Killed you good
  • nbs2vipernbs2viper Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    O know the devs are busy with "ALL" the othe complaints and stuff about season 7 so i'll make mine quick.
    With the introduction of the new sector of space and a relief effort going on in said system. would it be all togeter possible to get some trade freighter for feds and klinks just roaming around in the sector? Or maybe even introduce a Romulan freighter or even a Ferengi or two.

    Another idea would be another neutral starbase in the are so not everyone would find it necessary to go to new romulus to buy comodities or consumables. maybe a base where you dont even dock. just hail? example would be the trade depot in defera sector.
    The idea comes to mind of a possile abandoned asteroid base from the first fed/rom war. let the ferengi run the thing. You could also put a patrol mission on the same system as part of the tau dewa daily.. just a thought.
  • captinjacksparowcaptinjacksparow Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Short term

    1. Fix bugs/glitches

    Mid term

    1. Iconian mission series
    2. Tholian mission series
    3. More KDF content/missions
    4. Make it possible to use Federation officers/ships as enemies in the foundry on the Federation side

    Long term

    1. More sector blocks (especially in the Alpha Quadrant)
    2. Delta & Gamma Quadrants
    3. More canon races
  • cainnech1cainnech1 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Just a though for the game, what if you were able to design your own ship from ship parts eg bird of prey wings on a Bortasqu body. then you can (using a sliding scale) customize the turn rate, size and crew etc. the sliding scale would work in that as the bigger you made the ship the turn rate scale would reduce, therefore scarifying one for the other. this can also be done for weapon slots and console slots giving an even spread on the build without people maxing on every thing.

    you can also have the ship parts being collected via either missions and/or duty office assignments.

    One of the reasons I have suggested this is that the next upgrade to my heavy bird of prey would be the Bortasqu, but I don't like the look of the ship nor do I like the bridge office stations choice, but if I could have it were it looks like a bigger version of the heavy bird of prey and more universal stations then I would go straight for it.

    just a thought, let me know if it is even plausible.

    Mine is a World to conquer
  • ragestroke008ragestroke008 Member Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Short Term

    Change the random mission map generator; Sometimes the Bridge Officers get stuck in terrain, as do enemies and sometimes even the Nodes.

    Change the Romulan D'deridex's Heavy Plasma Torpedo attack. Reduced damage or less heavy torpedoes fired. At Commander level, the encounters are unforgiving.

    Mid Term

    KDF Costume options. The few pieces of Klingon gear don't compare to the variety the Federation have access to.

    KDF ships, more hull/saucer/nacell options per ship.

    Rework the Bajorian wormhole. The animation of the ships entering/exiting doesn't look anything like they did in the T.V series.

    Long Term

    More puzzle orientated missions (optional in case there are those with neither the skill or patience).
    Time is a funny thing; There is always too much of it. Except when you need it the most, then there is never enough.
  • espiritasespiritas Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Short Term

    Long Term

    More puzzle orientated missions (optional in case there are those with neither the skill or patience).


    This continuing idea that improving the challenge of a mission means increasing the auto-kills the computer gets is... i want to say cheap but i think lazy is a better term. And also bad- as it is linear, and suffers from the same problems of having every new ship being just slightly better than the previous new ship. Eventually things get too far out of hand where the original ships become totally obsolete and ineffective- devaluing them completely.

    In the case of difficulty it reaches a peak where victory becomes purely a factor of luck rather than skill. or outright impossible- leading to the necessity of stronger gear being made available- continuing the upward spiral and expanding it into the previously mentioned problem. And frankly that only works for no win scenario- as it is an endurance based mission. 'see how far you can get' with no expectation of actual completion. the concept itself is very niche however, and while it would be fun to see one or two more scenarios like this (Maybe a ground version?) One must be careful of overuse.

    In short, challenge should be a function of strategy and skill in a team, not only a factor of dps and healing. That is why I enjoy the original stf's. You have to depend on your team to cooperate and split their attention between multiple goals. Where cooperation and teamwork are rewarded with an easier time completing the mission.

    heck, onslaught could be just as long, and much more fun, with only two tac cubes at the beginning just by having something special happen- like giving them an expanded range of powers, or having one adapt to your ships weapons and abilities when the other is destroyed- forcing the team to survive while they try to get around the new defenses- maybe making the team destroy a set of smaller defenses around one of the borg structures that decorate the map and then upload a virus. And in the end still having it only partially return weapon functionality, but maybe return full function to other boff powers (like tykens and well, photonic shockwave, aceton beam, weapon mod, etc).

    We are many. We are legion. We are the proud, the bad, the infinitely expendable.
    We! Are RED SHIRTS!
    ...Tremble in thy footwear.
  • fedman70fedman70 Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Short-term requests

    My biggest peeves are with relatively simple things in the exchange. If I could choose ONLY these three, they are the three I would choose

    1. fix it so you can change an items price on it WITHOUT taking it down first

    2. fix it so you can compare an item you have for sale to the exact same item by highest/lowest price first, with a simple right click on the item and click compare. Imagine how much time it would save people if they didn't have to type out the whole EXACT name of the thing they are looking for every single darn time you want to see what other people are selling it for

    3. fix it so you can have both the fab/craft window AND the exchange window open at the same time, so you do a search for something and make the same thing if it looks like it'll sell well.

    Mid-term requests

    More exchange tweaks (yes, I don't think so highly of it, really)

    1. Make duty officers searchable both by their traits, faction, and profession, not by having to search for each individually one-at-a-time the way it is now by profession, but by a screen with checkboxes for each profession, and each trait (don't forget a clear all/check all checkbox too) The same for weapons (and anything else with multiple attributes) and the attributes they can have, including rarity and price

    2. More filters for things on the exchange: prices, and more than 400 items displayed at a time

    Those things would make a world (more like a universe) of difference for the better on the exchange.

    3. More Skills: I'd like it if my officers could have more than one of the same rank, or they themselves could equip kits, and more than one. There's just a lack of things I can use at a time

    4. Exchange officer organization: sometimes after I fill my assignments I have duty officers which have no special traits or aren't suited to the missions I have- that I want to sell. But, I forget their names, and profession. But, this may not be necessary, isn't there a notepad in game somewhere?

    Long term requests:

    1. Space- the final frontier, but it really doesn't look that big does it, at least not in STO with what 15 Sector blocks of 3 sectors each? I want it to be much much bigger, imagine a map 5 or 10 times as many sector blocks, lots of missions and places to go. Add sector blocks to the gamma and delta quadrants and beta and even Alpha Quadrants

    2. Solar systems to explore, rather than just a planet or in sector space

    3. Basically just a lot more content.
  • cainnech1cainnech1 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    a possible med term request would be that each ship that you own would have its own bridge officers instead of having the same ones all the time, this would mean that you would use different ship for certain missions as they would have the officers that you want for the ground missions
    Mine is a World to conquer
  • bsliskbslisk Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    raise the level cap to say 60 and add the ranks of admiral and fleet admiral for fed and general and dahar master for KDF also make the master keys general drops and add a full set of Star trek 2 to 6 uniforms with full set of rank from ensign to fleet admiral
  • cruzistcruzist Member Posts: 163 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'd really just like to get a door. A cargo bay door. Even a hatch would do. I feel silly carrying around all sorts of space gear on away missions. ("Is that a quantum torpedo launcher in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?") If I had a cargo bay door I could leave some stuff behind in my space ship's spacious cargo bay.

    And maybe a quick way to relieve a bridge officer.
  • dwadsdwaddwadsdwad Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My answer will probably be KDF biased so I apologise in advance!

    My short term would be more end-game gear, customisable options and whatever fluff you can throw at the game. Id like Klingons to lose the ability of using Tribbles and gain the ability to use the new bloodwine toasts in its place. Id also like a bloodwine fountain to be purchasable for ship interior mess halls (so we can get said buff), and of course sell-able bloodwine types...

    'I like my bloodwine very young and very sweet'

    Mid term would be more season episodes (been too long since the last!), and more missions in general. A potential new set of STF's would also be quite nice with a potential new enemy. Perhaps we can explore more into the undine attacks?

    Also all new missions added should be told from 2 perspectives. There are always two sides to an argument and currently we only see 1, the feds. Tell the same story from a KDF perspective with KDF unique goals and reasons for and you will appease a LOT of the KDF community. Plus you also create a reason for Feds to roll over to KDF. Same content, different variety.

    Long term would be to add a third and final faction with fully implemented 3-way pvp scenarios and contested battlegrounds (neutral sector for example). Fight for resources to enable purchase and participation in grander rewards/activities. Romulans would be a nice third faction to focus on (and its also very popular) with mechanics that focus on their style of combat. Skullduggery, espionage and downright back stabbery.

    Re-done exploration missions including a lot of non-combat options. Federation diplomatic missions, KDF raid missions and so on.

    Level cap raised.
  • fedman70fedman70 Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    cruzist wrote: »
    I'd really just like to get a door. A cargo bay door. Even a hatch would do. I feel silly carrying around all sorts of space gear on away missions. ("Is that a quantum torpedo launcher in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?") If I had a cargo bay door I could leave some stuff behind in my space ship's spacious cargo bay.

    And maybe a quick way to relieve a bridge officer.

    Not sure why you'd care. I would like a cargo bay for STORAGE, but I don't care about carrying it around, and I don't think really anyone else cares about your photon torpedo launcher in your pocket (It's not like they can see your inventory) where's the embarrassment exactly?
  • fireshot00fireshot00 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    First off if the devs are reading this thanks for finally making stfs a challenge but it is at par, if u increase the npc damage any higher no matter what ship is out there it will pop in a single hit.

    To list My first suggestion (short term improvement i would like to see in the game)

    fix the graphic gliches in stfs, aka 'the invisible heavy torpedo spread' and the invisible plasma beams on the gates, the weapons are fine but it has to be visible, at least. how can it be dealt with if 95% of the time u cant even see it period.

    Mid term improvement is actually a few ship request/suggestion:

    1. a cruiser for the fed side only, with the following stats:
    a- can not load cannons
    b- 3 tac consoles, 3 eng consoles, 3 sci consoles
    c- 1 Commander slot (universal), 3 Lt.Commander slots (Universal), 1 Lt. slot (universal)
    d- 4 weapon slot fore and 4 weapon slots aft
    e- a ship-bound device with mode switching with 3 modes, +15 weapon power, +15 shield power, +10 Aux power +5 engine power.
    f- 45000 hull strength
    g- 1.2 shield modifier
    h- base turn rate 8

    make it a zen store item, this ship would easily be worth while to get for anyone on the fed side that likes cruisers but is sick and tired of the fact that there are so few good option (either the oddy, lock box ships or fleet ships)

    2. a heavy carrier fed side only, with the following stats
    a- can load cannons
    b- 2 tac consoles, 4 eng consoles, 4 sci consoles
    c- 4 weapon slot fore and 4 weapon slots aft
    d- 2 hanger bays
    e- 1 Commander Eng slot, 1 Lt.Commander Eng slot, 1 Lt.Commander Sci slot, 1 Lt. Tac slot, 1 Ensign slot (universal)
    f- 1 ship-bound console Quantum Lance Weapon.that runs from Aux and particle generators and does 1000 base kinetic damage, and has a 4 minute non sharing cooldown.
    g-base turn rate 4
    h- hull strength 42500
    i- shield modifier 1.2
    j- +5 to all sub systems

    this could again be a zen store lvl 50 item, finally adding a third fed side carrier to the game. and an engineering support vessel to boot.

    3. a Heavy Raptor KDF only, with the following stats
    a- can load cannons
    b- 4 tac consoles, 2 eng consoles, 4 sci consoles
    c- 1 Commander Tac slot, 1 Lt.Commander Tac slot, 1 Lt. command sci slot, 2 Lt. slots (universal)
    d- base hull 30000
    e- shield modifier 1
    f- 4 for weapons, 3 aft weapons
    g- +15 to weapons
    h-base turn rate 14
    i- can cloak

    This can also be a zen store item as there are no lvl 50 raptors on the KDF which is the side that orignally developed the concept.

    Long term improvement would be a proper story campaign addition to the game regarding an Iconian invasion into Tau Dewa and Iota Pavonis sectors.
  • ischaffeischaffe Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    My hangar suggestion. From what I know about every ship i the ST universe, they all have the ability to carry shuttles, and you would be hard pressed to find one that did not. So my suggestion is that every ship be given the ability the carry shuttles, while only the current carrier ships can have fighters. Now to not devalue all of the current carrier ships, give them an extra hangar bay to make up for the fact. To balance out everyone sending fighters and shuttles into combat, make it so when you lose a fighter and or shuttle, you get an injured crew member in return that goes to sick bay. Another suggestion is to allow the hangar launch to be automated if chosen so every 25 seconds fighters or shuttles are automatically launched for you.

    My last idea is to allow people to customize the fighters and shuttles they have in their hangar, so when you equip them, under your crew tab the shuttle or fighter shows up and you can change what weapons and such it has. For example have the standard Peregrine fighter only have 2 weapon slots but the advanced has 3 that you can customize.

    PS. can you make it so fighters fly away from a ship after it is destroyed so the warp core breach does not kill them.

    So to sum it up.

    Short term
    -every ship gets a hangar, or an additional hangar
    -only current carriers can mount fighters
    -crew loss for losing a fighter in combat

    Mid term
    -make fighters and shuttles a little smarter so they avoid warp core breaches and such
    -hangar auto launch system

    Long term
    -hanger ship customizations
This discussion has been closed.