The revamping of sector space is very nice and I look forward to its release, but I must point out that there are some oversights. The Klingon Empire and most of the United Federation of Planets is shown in the Beta Quadrant when in fact they're entirely in the Alpha Quadrant, with exception to the Klingon Homeworld of Qo'noS being located in the Beta Quadrant, with the Breen Confederacy and Cardassian Union. The Romulan Empire and Republic are the factions that are based in both the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The Star Trek Wiki site, Memory Alpha, even states this. Again, looking forward to this revamp.
If you click on the maps in the blog, you'll get some gifs that explain how things moved around. Gamma Orionis and Pelia filled up the upper right corner of the Beta Quadrant.
This is good. Glad to see this getting changed and fixed. I got that book you mentioned. Very good book and I use it often when I want to get an idea where the place is.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I'm going to miss those big 'roads' (the big coloured ribbon type things in astrometrics). I always pictured them as showing "trade routes" heading to and from big hubs where most civilian traffic and activity would be.
Perhaps they could have been retained as route markers, with a small speed buff for those who kept to them, but oh well.
My concern is the same one I had before; that these maps will have either huge issues with lag due to the thing being one massive map with few instances, or it will have a huge number of instances with a population so low that it feels like a ghost town rather than a civilization.
I am...cautiously optimistic.
The maps may be huge, but like space, they're mostly empty. I don't expect there to be much of a performance hit when these go up. Player cap is another matter, but I think that, too will be ok. Look for this to go to Tribble, where we can try it out.
I am curious whether other icons are going to appear, say for the Tholian Assembly, Talarian Republic and Tzenkethi Coalition?
Tholian space is farther south west of Cardassian space than our maps go. Talarian is kind of on the border, but we have not touched on that. Tzenketh (the system) will be represented in game now, but there is no Tzenkethi space markings.
By the way, a question. We're since getting Trill, Tellar and Betazed, are we gonna see Nausicaa, Gornar or Ter'jas Mor?
Not at the moment, no. New systems were primarily added to the sectors that needed filling. A few high profile systems were added to existing sectors as well, (Trill, Betazed, Orion, B'Moth).
However, Sector space is now in a much better state, and if/when we decided to add new systems to it, it's a much simpler process than it was previously.
I've been waiting for this for a long time! But let me ask a question: Will we be able to access Sol System from the Alpha Quadrant? I know we are in the border between the quadrants, so we should have an option, when inside the system, to warp either to Alpha or Beta, and to enter it from both, as well
After all, Voyager did set a course to the ALPHA Quadrant, not Beta
If you click on the maps in the blog, you'll get some gifs that explain how things moved around. Gamma Orionis and Pelia filled up the upper right corner of the Beta Quadrant.
The revamping of sector space is very nice and I look forward to its release, but I must point out that there are some oversights. The Klingon Empire and most of the United Federation of Planets is shown in the Beta Quadrant when in fact they're entirely in the Alpha Quadrant, with exception to the Klingon Homeworld of Qo'noS being located in the Beta Quadrant, with the Breen Confederacy and Cardassian Union. The Romulan Empire and Republic are the factions that are based in both the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The Star Trek Wiki site, Memory Alpha, even states this. Again, looking forward to this revamp.
There is a lot of canon that contradicts itself on this point. While most of the time the show referred to the Alpha Quadrant as home, that doesn't mean that the whole of the federation was located there. As stated in the blog, we're going by the Star Trek Star Charts map (which we pretty much were before as well, just not as strictly) The major territories have not moved. Their edges may have been adjusted slightly, but they are all in the same places they have been since this game launched.
I've got to tell you, this is the most excited I've been about STO ever since 'Legacy of Romulus'.
This was a very positive read and some really awesome stuff comming our way. Love everything I just read in that blog. Especially the scalling of the systems, awesome stuff. Don't take this the wrong way guys, but to me this is much much bigger than 'Delta Rising'. Really, thoroughly looking forward to this.
I hope this is a very positive sign of things to come.
Everyone go back to the block, and click on the images. That will explain a lot more.
The maps may be huge, but like space, they're mostly empty. I don't expect there to be much of a performance hit when these go up. Player cap is another matter, but I think that, too will be ok. Look for this to go to Tribble, where we can try it out.
Thanks for the response TF, but I don't mean the number of planets causing issues, or even the size of the new maps. Player cap is the issue that I'm concerned about. I'm worried that if the number of players on one of these huge new maps is too high it will cause problems with lag for a lot of people. Conversely, if the instance player caps are too low then it will quite literally be a ghost town where you won't see a soul.
I'd just like to know what the mitigation strategy is when it comes to this issue, as I'm sure a few others would
I've been waiting for this for a long time! But let me ask a question: Will we be able to access Sol System from the Alpha Quadrant? I know we are in the border between the quadrants, so we should have an option, when inside the system, to warp either to Alpha or Beta, and to enter it from both, as well
After all, Voyager did set a course to the ALPHA Quadrant, not Beta
Sol is still roughly where it has always been, on the Beta side. There was no elegant way to put it on both sides of the line, so we stuck with precedent.
When we bring up the Map in Sector Space, will we at any point be able to type in a full or partial system name to search for it and auto route (with transwarp option should it be cross quadrant) to it?
The system list at present is ok, but having something a bit friendlier would be nice.
Tholian space is farther south west of Cardassian space than our maps go. Talarian is kind of on the border, but we have not touched on that. Tzenketh (the system) will be represented in game now, but there is no Tzenkethi space markings.
Slightly off topic, but I feel obliged to ask. With Tholian space south-west of current Cardassian space, is there room maybe for an expansion at some point? After the Tholian implementation with the LoR story, they sort of became lost and didn't go anywhere. It would be great (both from a creative, and player perspective) to get back to them at some point.
Edit: When I say expansion, I don't mean to the levels of LoR/DR, but more to do with Tholian-themed story content; finding out what is motivating them, what their link (if any) is with the Iconian, and what their deal is with the Temporal Accords.
Thanks for the response TF, but I don't mean the number of planets causing issues, or even the size of the new maps. Player cap is the issue that I'm concerned about. I'm worried that if the number of players on one of these huge new maps is too high it will cause problems with lag for a lot of people. Conversely, if the instance player caps are too low then it will quite literally be a ghost town where you won't see a soul.
I'd just like to know what the mitigation strategy is when it comes to this issue, as I'm sure a few others would
Luckily, that number is pretty easy to adjust. And most of the cost comes from drawing other player's costumes. So if people are mostly spread out, it should be ok.
We did a playtest with the whole Dev Team (About 50 of us) and felt like it worked well. You'd see people clustered around hubs (as you should) but would see fewer people when you're out in the aft-end of the galaxy. (as you should). Let's at least wait for tribble to see how it goes.
This looks amazing! I love the new scale for the solar systems whilst in sector space, that is something I've hoped to see for a long time and I'm glad you've been able to do it now you've got a bit more room to play with. When going back home to Earth, it'll now feel a bit more like I'm actually approaching Earth instead of just bumping into the sun.
I'm very glad you guys had the foresight to think of things such and Doffing changes and Tour the Galaxy, etc.
Though of course, I'm now going to have no clue where the hell I'm going haha! Can't wait to test this out on Tribble, hopefully it'll be up soon!! I'm actually looking forward to this change, which is unusual given recent events.
Join date is wrong, I've actually been around since STO Beta.
True alters don't have a "main". Account wide unlocks for all unique event rewards!!
Thanks for all the great responses on the revamp! It was no small task, and I hope you will all be very pleased with what was done. We're looking forward to everyone's feedback once you're able to get in and fly around sector space on Tribble!
Thank you dev's for doing this. It makes space travel a little more immersive.
One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
Slightly off topic, but I feel obliged to ask. With Tholian space south-west of current Cardassian space, is there room maybe for an expansion at some point? After the Tholian implementation with the LoR story, they sort of became lost and didn't go anywhere. It would be great (both from a creative, and player perspective) to get back to them at some point.
Edit: When I say expansion, I don't mean to the levels of LoR/DR, but more to do with Tholian-themed story content; finding out what is motivating them, what their link (if any) is with the Iconian, and what their deal is with the Temporal Accords.
Yes, there is room to expand, at least a sector or two in each direction of the Alpha/Beta Quadrant maps (except into each other)
Everyone go back to the blog, and click on the images. That will explain a lot more.
Huh ? Isn't Gamma Orionis (=/= Omega Leonis btw ?) completely on the wrong end ... according to official ST Maps the Mutara Nebula etc is "SW" of the Alpha Quadrant ("next" to Tholian Space) ... but Sector Space Revamp puts it "NE" of the Beta Quadrant ... am I missing something here ? ...
Other than that, Great Work !!!
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
Luckily, that number is pretty easy to adjust. And most of the cost comes from drawing other player's costumes. So if people are mostly spread out, it should be ok.
We did a playtest with the whole Dev Team (About 50 of us) and felt like it worked well. You'd see people clustered around hubs (as you should) but would see fewer people when you're out in the aft-end of the galaxy. (as you should).
50 seems a bit low for the whole map given the size of it, but we'll see when it goes on tribble and people worldwide start pounding down the server doors(doors?). Out of interest, how high could that player cap number be set, theoretically?
Let's at least wait for tribble to see how it goes.
Indeed. Optimism! Cautious, but optimism!
I'm glad to see the system scaling was looked at. It wasn't a huge problem in my eyes, as I just explained it away as a holographic projection of the system you're looking at. Looks good, thanks
However, I wonder if you can elaborate on what you mean by "Weve updated the Foundry to have all doors in Alpha, Beta, and Delta quadrants."
Do you really mean we'll have ALL systems and other points of interest available as Foundry doors for both Federation and KDF Foundry missions? Including the ones that are not available now (of which there are many)?
nice work, but i have to ask a question, not sure if its already been asked within this thread as i dont have the time to read everything, but with the sector walls coming down, will this affect the deep space encounters that currently exists within each sector block, only reason i ask and im sure many want to know, will we see an end to the defend the sector block accolades as a result of this ????
Top right of the Beta Quadrant.
Your father was captain of a starship for twelve minutes. He saved 800 lives, including your mother's, and yours.
I dare you to do better.
when does it get implemented?
Yeah, noticed that myself.
Any chance of a high res picture of the new sector map?
When will we be able to check it out by the way?
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
The maps may be huge, but like space, they're mostly empty. I don't expect there to be much of a performance hit when these go up. Player cap is another matter, but I think that, too will be ok. Look for this to go to Tribble, where we can try it out.
With Season 10, but as I mentioned above, it'll be going to Tribble soonish.
Tholian space is farther south west of Cardassian space than our maps go. Talarian is kind of on the border, but we have not touched on that. Tzenketh (the system) will be represented in game now, but there is no Tzenkethi space markings.
Not at the moment, no. New systems were primarily added to the sectors that needed filling. A few high profile systems were added to existing sectors as well, (Trill, Betazed, Orion, B'Moth).
However, Sector space is now in a much better state, and if/when we decided to add new systems to it, it's a much simpler process than it was previously.
After all, Voyager did set a course to the ALPHA Quadrant, not Beta
Ah ok, my bad, I didn't realise the maps were clickable
There is a lot of canon that contradicts itself on this point. While most of the time the show referred to the Alpha Quadrant as home, that doesn't mean that the whole of the federation was located there. As stated in the blog, we're going by the Star Trek Star Charts map (which we pretty much were before as well, just not as strictly) The major territories have not moved. Their edges may have been adjusted slightly, but they are all in the same places they have been since this game launched.
I've got to tell you, this is the most excited I've been about STO ever since 'Legacy of Romulus'.
This was a very positive read and some really awesome stuff comming our way. Love everything I just read in that blog. Especially the scalling of the systems, awesome stuff. Don't take this the wrong way guys, but to me this is much much bigger than 'Delta Rising'. Really, thoroughly looking forward to this.
I hope this is a very positive sign of things to come.
Thanks for the response TF, but I don't mean the number of planets causing issues, or even the size of the new maps. Player cap is the issue that I'm concerned about. I'm worried that if the number of players on one of these huge new maps is too high it will cause problems with lag for a lot of people. Conversely, if the instance player caps are too low then it will quite literally be a ghost town where you won't see a soul.
I'd just like to know what the mitigation strategy is when it comes to this issue, as I'm sure a few others would
Sol is still roughly where it has always been, on the Beta side. There was no elegant way to put it on both sides of the line, so we stuck with precedent.
The system list at present is ok, but having something a bit friendlier would be nice.
Great Work by the way! Looks smashing
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Edit: When I say expansion, I don't mean to the levels of LoR/DR, but more to do with Tholian-themed story content; finding out what is motivating them, what their link (if any) is with the Iconian, and what their deal is with the Temporal Accords.
Luckily, that number is pretty easy to adjust. And most of the cost comes from drawing other player's costumes. So if people are mostly spread out, it should be ok.
We did a playtest with the whole Dev Team (About 50 of us) and felt like it worked well. You'd see people clustered around hubs (as you should) but would see fewer people when you're out in the aft-end of the galaxy. (as you should). Let's at least wait for tribble to see how it goes.
I'm very glad you guys had the foresight to think of things such and Doffing changes and Tour the Galaxy, etc.
Though of course, I'm now going to have no clue where the hell I'm going haha! Can't wait to test this out on Tribble, hopefully it'll be up soon!! I'm actually looking forward to this change, which is unusual given recent events.
Thanks for all the great responses on the revamp! It was no small task, and I hope you will all be very pleased with what was done. We're looking forward to everyone's feedback once you're able to get in and fly around sector space on Tribble!
Yes, there is room to expand, at least a sector or two in each direction of the Alpha/Beta Quadrant maps (except into each other)
Huh ? Isn't Gamma Orionis (=/= Omega Leonis btw ?) completely on the wrong end ... according to official ST Maps the Mutara Nebula etc is "SW" of the Alpha Quadrant ("next" to Tholian Space) ... but Sector Space Revamp puts it "NE" of the Beta Quadrant ... am I missing something here ? ...
Other than that, Great Work !!!
50 seems a bit low for the whole map given the size of it, but we'll see when it goes on tribble and people worldwide start pounding down the server doors(doors?). Out of interest, how high could that player cap number be set, theoretically?
Indeed. Optimism! Cautious, but optimism!
I'm glad to see the system scaling was looked at. It wasn't a huge problem in my eyes, as I just explained it away as a holographic projection of the system you're looking at. Looks good, thanks
However, I wonder if you can elaborate on what you mean by "Weve updated the Foundry to have all doors in Alpha, Beta, and Delta quadrants."
Do you really mean we'll have ALL systems and other points of interest available as Foundry doors for both Federation and KDF Foundry missions? Including the ones that are not available now (of which there are many)?
Can't wait for this to hit live.