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Crashing after todays patch 10-03-13 [Resolved! Welcome home!]



  • kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Aye; it's not so much the problem itself that's frustrating... it's the lack of communication. Even just a "We're checking something out, thanks everyone for the information regarding your systems - it helps us narrow down the possible problems" would be nice...

    See that's all I'd like. I'm apart of FedSpace, a forum based ST-RPG, and we're usually well informed of any problems that occur on the site. Sure we're only a handful of a 100 members, but whenever the site goes down we're notified on our site's Facebook page that's something's up. We get timely updates on the problem, and even when the site is back up and operational. I just want something similar. I know there's thousands, if not a few million, that play STO but still you could have some communication from the head honchos so to speak.
  • gitto82gitto82 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I paid some money and than the site went down stitched up me thinks
  • nekomimimode2nekomimimode2 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Are all of you on wireless network connection?
    I have a desktop that works on wired LAN
    I have a laptop that does not work on wireless
  • raventomoeraventomoe Member Posts: 723 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Just to inform the tech support and everyone else.

    I play this game on a Toshiba NN550 and it runs alright when I disable the entire UI (Alt-F12). This is the first time STO has ever malfunctioned on my laptop.

    And yes, I am working on getting something far better to play the game on.
    "The Multiverse, the ultimate frontier..."
    Thus begins...Lyrical Trek
  • jimbobbubbajimbobbubba Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    tried eveything posted i n the article posted in brandons link nada.......going to try wired lan
  • nyx219nyx219 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I can't even get the launcher to open. I've clicked the launcher icon, and I get
    "Trying to update the launcher.
    Please be patient.
    X amount of MB remaining."

    It's tried to connect 23 times now. It's NOT my computer or connection, because it's the one I'm posting on. My computer & connection are fine, otherwise I wouldn't be logged in here right now.

    Edit: "Unable to establish connection to patch server."

    Extremely irritating, I just played on this machine last night.
  • nomad769nomad769 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    some one mentioned the graphics card. If its the graphics card then why am i still able to run Neverwinter and not STO?
  • nyx219nyx219 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    For what it's worth, the launcher finally managed to connect & update. Now I'm getting a patch? I thought I already did this Thursday? Either way, the patch is taking an eternity...
  • halfpint71kyhalfpint71ky Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Nope not working,

    I'm getting a wee bit pissed off here. If you guys can't solve the problem quickly, then just roll back the patch say "hmm, this patch is glitchy for a good portion of people" and try to figure it out on tribble. I buy monthly cards and I have yet to do that, because I have yet to play!
    gitto82 wrote: »
    me to just paid for zen and its been thursday since s.t.o.l has not worked please fix it
    taitie12 wrote: »
    its looking more and more likely that I will need a new computer just to play so guess ill just have to stop my subscription with that and my 2013/14 tax return next year I may just be able to start playing agian TRIBBLE :mad: :mad: :mad:

    It might be a difference per patch... the patch for one isn't the same as the other.... my graphics card was very weak... replacing it did help me but that said they need to fix what caused this many customers to be out of service. If not for my brother in law having several spares I couldn't get in either.... cryptic we still need a fix!
    Proud Member of the Order of persistence, Chief of Investigations"Persistent Officer"since 11/12/13...:P 600 strong and growing...all phages, vidians, other outcasts welcome, note: all new members BYOC (bring your own chair) please and thank you! Five time winner in 1st and 2nd annual last 500 tied for top 2000 @halfpint71ky
  • barondeltabarondelta Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Most of the chatter about graphics cards was probably caused by me wondering if this was only occurring among players with ATI cards. I wasn?t intending to indicate that those graphics cards should be unable to play the game, only that whatever this particular bug was may have had a tendency to occur among those cards, which could have been a useful fact in pinning down the cause of the problem.

    However, since players with both Intel and Nvidia chipsets have since commented, that theory seems debunked. (At best, it?s a pattern and not a rule.) I really don?t know what common factor causes some machines to be failing and others to work.

    I agree that the complete silence over the weekend has been very disappointing, and I feel the pain and understand the anger of those who have put significant money into this game. I?ve been able to borrow my brother?s computer for a while each day to get my crystal shards, but obviously that?s not an option for everyone.

    At this point, though, I?d just like this issue to get resolved.
  • popeye56popeye56 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I have seen a lot of very upset people posting
    I can totally understand why everyone is upset
    1. Patch is preventing a lot of people from being able to play
    A. I want to play also - I have a Fleet to worry about and 6 characters I am trying to get shards for
    B. I also have been unable to get into game to play
    2. Yes it would be nice to hear that they are working hard to fix the issue and get us back on soon and not leave us in the dark on whats going on
    A. Cryptic is a large company and may have the same issue support as most tech support companies have: Most support agents are not tech's and rely on a script to do their job. If its not on their script they don't know what to do and rely on their script anyway or ignore the real issue.
    3. Yes I do know what I am talking about since I am a Tech and I do computer support and have done some programming in my time.
    And I deal with this on a daily thing. I am one of those poor tech's that have to clean up after these other support agents.
    My personal belief the issue is about the patch is the programmer or programmers of the patch either added something in the code or left something out that should not have been.
    Yes they may fix issue, yet I have a feeling its not going to happen until they get ready to push another patch out for something and at the same time fix their ooops.
    And like most big companies they wont even come out and say Sorry Before anyone says anything - as a Joke I tell my customer that I am new to Computers I have only been dealing with them since the Late 70's
  • apollogodsonapollogodson Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm also having the same problem, I have done everything they have told me with no luck, now it seems they have just stopped answering :confused:
  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well it is or rather was a weekend. Perhaps matter will be resolve Monday afternoon or Tuesday? Wishful thinking

  • turbomagnusturbomagnus Member Posts: 3,479 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    With our luck?

    Thursday. They're gonna wait until Thursday and just include the fix in the next patch.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
    ^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
  • royalsovereignroyalsovereign Member Posts: 1,344 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    deokkent wrote: »
    Here's the kicker... I can load champions online fine and I was able to warn the fleet of my absence. So I can load champions online and not sto and people still think it's my system's fault?

    Yeah, bad patch is a bad patch.

    Whatever they changed is conflicting with a driver on your system. And mine. And a few hundred others. Out of the .... hrm, anyone have a current estimate of the number of players? Doesn't matter - I'd take a stab at it and guess maybe 50 thousand? So 1 to 2 percent of the playerbase.

    You guys wanna just keep whining and being insulting, go ahead. Only thing it'll get is this thread locked. It won't make this get fixed any faster.
    "You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
    --Red Annorax
  • taitie12taitie12 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    hey ladies and gentlemen I just had a random idea call me crazy but does anyone know where exactly the missing file is supposed to be located in Program Files\Cryptic Studios and since the launcher cant find the file does anyone know of a place we could just download the missing file or maybe some one with a working game can upload or even email me said missing file cause it occurs to me if the game client cannot find the file we should just give it the file all i need is:

    A. exact path for the said missing file

    b. the file its self
  • holger591973holger591973 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    taitie12 wrote: »
    hey ladies and gentlemen I just had a random idea call me crazy but does anyone know where exactly the missing file is supposed to be located in Program Files\Cryptic Studios and since the launcher cant find the file does anyone know of a place we could just download the missing file or maybe some one with a working game can upload or even email me said missing file cause it occurs to me if the game client cannot find the file we should just give it the file all i need is:

    A. exact path for the said missing file

    b. the file its self

    So your tip is yes times ne good idea. But unfortunately, it is not because.

    The problem is now clear. Cryptic probably what changes do not come with this change to the graphics for Season 8, and the old graphics card clear.

    There are now two possibilities:

    1 Cryptic takes back the change, so that everyone can play again,

    2 Cryptic says to himself: we can stop the change and give some players.

    I hope that Cryptic takes back the change.
  • taitie12taitie12 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So your tip is yes times ne good idea. But unfortunately, it is not because.

    The problem is now clear. Cryptic probably what changes do not come with this change to the graphics for Season 8, and the old graphics card clear.

    There are now two possibilities:

    1 Cryptic takes back the change, so that everyone can play again,

    2 Cryptic says to himself: we can stop the change and give some players.

    I hope that Cryptic takes back the change.

    don't mean to be an a$$hole but i don't really get what your trying to say please clean up your grammar a bit and maybe a more in depth answer to why this would not work thanks
  • holger591973holger591973 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    taitie12 wrote: »
    don't mean to be an a$$hole but i don't really get what your trying to say please clean up your grammar a bit and maybe a more in depth answer to why this would not work thanks

    The problem is, I'm German and I translate with google translate. does not pay attention to grammar. Sorry.

    Cryptic is likely to change the image for season8. The older graphics cards can not handle that. so it looks currently.

    The question now is. cryptic undoes the change.
  • taitie12taitie12 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The problem is, I'm German and I translate with google translate. does not pay attention to grammar. Sorry.

    Cryptic is likely to change the image for season 8. The older graphics cards can not handle that. so it looks currently.

    The question now is. cryptic undoes the change.

    thank you i understand what your getting at but i wonder did you take in to account that the graphic problem is also affecting users who are using ATI cards that exceed the system requirement by a lot and i am also wondering if anyone has actually tried to do this if its actually possible because you know what they say:

    you don't know until you try
  • halfpint71kyhalfpint71ky Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Whatever they changed is conflicting with a driver on your system. And mine. And a few hundred others. Out of the .... hrm, anyone have a current estimate of the number of players? Doesn't matter - I'd take a stab at it and guess maybe 50 thousand? So 1 to 2 percent of the playerbase.

    You guys wanna just keep whining and being insulting, go ahead. Only thing it'll get is this thread locked. It won't make this get fixed any faster.

    This is suppose to be a support forum thread link... so far I haven't seen a whole lot of support from any tech team. So what else is there to do other than to show our discontent with the lack of service? No it won't get fixed faster and yet we have every right to speak our mind on the topic. I don't see where you see threats, and inults. The service on this has been lousy and that is fact... if it isn't resolved people say they will leave and that is also a fact not a threat. We have the freedom to speak these things here and we have to be able to voice our concerns that is purpose of a forum...discussion of various topics and issues, ie. discussion of bugs, problems etc is the category of this thread. that is what we are discussing in our way.

    We have not threatened to harm anyone physically we have not called anyone a filthy name! We have asked questions of various types and we have begged and pleaded and past our patience wondering why we have been forgotten but have we really done anything wrong absolutely not... lock the thread? i would think its pretty well abandoned by the powers that be myself, that is worse than locked now don't you think?
    Proud Member of the Order of persistence, Chief of Investigations"Persistent Officer"since 11/12/13...:P 600 strong and growing...all phages, vidians, other outcasts welcome, note: all new members BYOC (bring your own chair) please and thank you! Five time winner in 1st and 2nd annual last 500 tied for top 2000 @halfpint71ky
  • bullshornbullshorn Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    This is suppose to be a support forum thread link... so far I haven't seen a whole lot of support from any tech team. So what else is there to do other than to show our discontent with the lack of service? No it won't get fixed faster and yet we have every right to speak our mind on the topic. I don't see where you see threats, and inults. The service on this has been lousy and that is fact... if it isn't resolved people say they will leave and that is also a fact not a threat. We have the freedom to speak these things here and we have to be able to voice our concerns that is purpose of a forum...discussion of various topics and issues, ie. discussion of bugs, problems etc is the category of this thread. that is what we are discussing in our way.

    We have not threatened to harm anyone physically we have not called anyone a filthy name! We have asked questions of various types and we have begged and pleaded and past our patience wondering why we have been forgotten but have we really done anything wrong absolutely not... lock the thread? i would think its pretty well abandoned by the powers that be myself, that is worse than locked now don't you think?

    This is a self-help support forum.
    No supporters are currently on the job. They all got sick and went to the local tavern to get better. Not saying it's about two years ago they went..
  • deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    the question is, why wasnt the patch rolled back, if so many people are experiencing a variety of issues?
  • dargalanddargaland Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Because a lot of people won't bother with checking forums or sending tickets. They'll just wait till it improves or they'll move on to another game.
  • jimbobbubbajimbobbubba Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    taitie12 wrote: »
    don't mean to be an a$$hole but i don't really get what your trying to say please clean up your grammar a bit and maybe a more in depth answer to why this would not work thanks
    you dont read very well, He stated he is german and has to run every thing he posts through a online translator. you need to remember the internet covers the WHOLE world. many people on it only know their native language. so when some one tries to speak to you the only way they know how, through a online translator, please bre a bit more courtious.
  • grouchyotakugrouchyotaku Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    the question is, why wasnt the patch rolled back, if so many people are experiencing a variety of issues?

    Probably because the majority of STO players aren't having any problems... (Other then psychopathic holograms and suicidal singing klingons in the background sounds of ESD, I haven't had any serious problems...)

    Don't make the mistake of assuming that just because you have issues, that everyone else must have issues as well...
  • kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Probably because the majority of STO players aren't having any problems... (Other then psychopathic holograms and suicidal singing klingons in the background sounds of ESD, I haven't had any serious problems...)

    Don't make the mistake of assuming that just because you have issues, that everyone else must have issues as well...

    That shouldn't matter. It's poor customer service to ignore even 1% of said customer base.
  • miirikmiirik Member Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ok tried to get on this morning

    everything loads up fine

    i get loaded into leonis omega block

    IMMEDIATELY I get "server not responding" then Disconnected from the server
  • deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    well, now PWE is open, anything from them yet? Any response?
  • kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    well, now PWE is open, anything from them yet? Any response?

    Seeing as this is post #313, and their current customer service level probably not. What we need is an EMERGENCY patch, or a roll back. They choose not to do so, and munch on the money subscribers have payed, while we get nothing!
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