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Crashing after todays patch 10-03-13 [Resolved! Welcome home!]



  • dargalanddargaland Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Branflakes with blueberries and milk sounds tasty about right now!! nomnomnom :eek::D

    I've talked to a few people, ones that can play the game but are having other issues since the patch. (Graphics messing up, excessive slowness, lag, etc) So there may be more issues than the obvious ones. The gamers just choose to ignore the problems because they are addicted!!
  • kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Ever heard of a weekend, do you ever get days off? We are ALL in same boat. We have ALL missed out on events, dili, even our own fleet promotions and events. They are working on it.

    I rarely get a day of, two if I'm lucky. However, I can guarantee they have more than one single person working. If they are working on it, I want to see proof instead of the standard message we've been getting.
  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kyledewitt wrote: »
    I rarely get a day of, two if I'm lucky. However, I can guarantee they have more than one single person working. If they are working on it, I want to see proof instead of the standard message we've been getting.

    See Post #315, Pg. 32. Can't just wave a magic wand and make everything all better. Fix probably won't be out til Thursday at earliest.

  • empireofsteveempireofsteve Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kyledewitt wrote: »
    I rarely get a day of, two if I'm lucky. However, I can guarantee they have more than one single person working. If they are working on it, I want to see proof instead of the standard message we've been getting.

    I agree! We MUST see the live stream of them working on this as well as the lashing and whippings that people are getting because of this! There must be BLOOD spilt over this! They must pay and we MUST see this! Free flights to your office to watch and a weekend pass to Disneyland would also be nice.
  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    i Agree! We Must See The Live Stream Of Them Working On This As Well As The Lashing And Whippings That People Are Getting Because Of This! There Must Be Blood Spilt Over This! They Must Pay And We Must See This! Free Flights To Your Office To Watch And A Weekend Pass To Disneyland Would Also Be Nice.

    Lmfao Mawaaaaahaaaahaaaa

  • kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    See Post #315, Pg. 32. Can't just wave a magic wand and make everything all better. Fix probably won't be out til Thursday at earliest.

    Yes it could. Roll back the patch and figure out WTF in tribble. They choose not to do so, because we supposedly are the minority. That is the immediate fix.
  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kyledewitt wrote: »
    Yes it could. Roll back the patch and figure out WTF in tribble. They choose not to do so, because we supposedly are the minority. That is the immediate fix.

    And jack up 5 days of 1000s of other non effected players?? Not Logical. The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few or the one.

  • kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    And jack up 5 days of 1000s of other non effected players?? Not Logical. The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few or the one.

    Either that or compensation. As I have yet to see any fixes, or any new information, in 4 days. Roll back the patch and find out what ya'll screwed up. Plus, i have no proof on players getting through. So roll it back and fix this mess.
  • turbomagnusturbomagnus Member Posts: 3,479 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It is not a 'fix'. They do that, then everyone that could play over the weekend would now be the ones starting threads asking why they lost their shards, dilithium, fleet gear, etc.

    Cryptic is a business, they have to do what is best for the business. Like it or not, that means that sometimes people have to deal with situations until they can be resolved to the benefit of everyone, not just a 'minority'.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
    ^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kyledewitt wrote: »
    Either that or compensation. As I have yet to see any fixes, or any new information, in 4 days. Roll back the patch and find out what ya'll screwed up. Plus, i have no proof on players getting through. So roll it back and fix this mess.

    Q does not work for Cryptic, can't just fix problem with a wave of hand. Contacted other members of my fleet. Only a few unable to get on. Others complain of increase lag ONLY just after patch, became fine later in WEEKEND.

  • kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It is not a 'fix'. They do that, then everyone that could play over the weekend would now be the ones starting threads asking why they lost their shards, dilithium, fleet gear, etc.

    Cryptic is a business, they have to do what is best for the business. Like it or not, that means that sometimes people have to deal with situations until they can be resolved to the benefit of everyone, not just a 'minority'.

    Yet I am having my money stolen from me due to, I repeat again, their TRIBBLE up which they have no immediate plans on fixing. I'll I've seen on their end is the standard "TRIBBLE you" message. We tried their "tips" 4 days ago, and in that time they have wielded nothing new. All while they have time to introduce a new season/ships/etc. they can't fix their own TRIBBLE up, nor can that admit to said TRIBBLE up.
  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kyledewitt wrote: »
    Yet I am having my money stolen from me due to, I repeat again, their TRIBBLE up which they have no immediate plans on fixing. I'll I've seen on their end is the standard "TRIBBLE you" message. We tried their "tips" 4 days ago, and in that time they have wielded nothing new. All while they have time to introduce a new season/ships/etc. they can't fix their own TRIBBLE up, nor can that admit to said TRIBBLE up.

    Again see post #315, pg. 32. That's the most recent info. Set Phasers to CHILLAX.

  • gedged2gedged2 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    We will not be rolling back that patch, as that would most likely mean we would be rolling back everyone's progress from the weekend. As others have pointed out, only a very small percent of players are affected; However, we are treating the issue as our top priority as if everyone was affected -- it's all hands on deck for our Engineers. I am on the email thread about the issue between the Engineers and they are investigating and working to triage.


    Brandon =/\=

    Why can't only the program code be rolled back and not the user data?
    Isn't the user data like count of EC and dilithium for each user kept in separate files from the executable program code?
    If it's not separate then it should be!
  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    gedged2 wrote: »
    Why can't only the program code be rolled back and not the user data?
    Isn't the user data like count of EC and dilithium for each user kept in separate files from the executable program code?
    If it's not separate then it should be!

    Ever try and change a car tire while it DRIVING down freeway. same thing

  • kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Again see post #315, pg. 32. That's the most recent info. Set Phasers to CHILLAX.

    That's essentially what we were told before the weekend. There is nothing new there. I will "chill" either when A) I have been compensated for their TRIBBLE up B) They roll back

    They have not given me any proof that it's being worked on, heck they can't even admit they screwed up. All I have been told is that it's a problem with my machine. Funny how it all worked until the patch on the 3rd and they haven't done anything to fix their TRIBBLE up.
  • kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Ever try and change a car tire while it DRIVING down freeway. same thing

    That is complete BS. When a patch is released there is no change in all your personal stuff. Essentially all they have to do is re-release the last patch and fix this one.
  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kyledewitt wrote: »
    That's essentially what we were told before the weekend. There is nothing new there. I will "chill" either when A) I have been compensated for their TRIBBLE up B) They roll back

    They have not given me any proof that it's being worked on, heck they can't even admit they screwed up. All I have been told is that it's a problem with my machine. Funny how it all worked until the patch on the 3rd and they haven't done anything to fix their TRIBBLE up.

    I think I ruptured my spleen laughing so hard if you think they will roll back patch or "comp" you anything.

  • kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Of course the ones who aren't affected by this TRIBBLE up look down on the ones that are affected.
  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kyledewitt wrote: »
    That is complete BS. When a patch is released there is no change in all your personal stuff. Essentially all they have to do is re-release the last patch and fix this one.

    Patch'll RESET system to previous sets. anything aquired in game for players that were uneffected will be lost/ unusable/ or jack up the game etc

  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kyledewitt wrote: »
    Of course the ones who aren't affected by this TRIBBLE up look down on the ones that are affected.

    I'm in the same boat as you. Do you really think I would be wasting my TIME on the forum if I could be playing the game????

  • empireofsteveempireofsteve Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kyledewitt wrote: »
    That's essentially what we were told before the weekend. There is nothing new there. I will "chill" either when A) I have been compensated for their TRIBBLE up B) They roll back

    They have not given me any proof that it's being worked on, heck they can't even admit they screwed up. All I have been told is that it's a problem with my machine. Funny how it all worked until the patch on the 3rd and they haven't done anything to fix their TRIBBLE up.

    What kind of proof would make you happy? What do you need to see to know they are working on it?
  • kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Your proof?
  • deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    a video of a huge troll whipping the workers as they fix the game?
  • turbomagnusturbomagnus Member Posts: 3,479 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What kind of 'proof' do you want? Signed affidavits from the Development Team's spouses saying that they haven't been home all weekend because they've been working on fixing Star Trek Online, perhaps?
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
    ^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Signed affidavits from the Development Team's spouses saying that they haven't been home all weekend because they've been working on fixing Star Trek Online, perhaps?

    Housecalls like nerd herd

  • kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What kind of proof would make you happy? What do you need to see to know they are working on it?

    Continually updated information. All they have given us is a cut and paste message that hasn't done anything. If it had worked 4 days ago, like they said it would it wouldn't be a problem. Instead they keep giving us that bull reply. If you're paying for a servoce and it's down, and you have no info on what is being done/or an ETA on it being back up.

    I have gotten neither, essentially leading to my money being stolen.
  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kyledewitt wrote: »
    Continually updated information. All they have given us is a cut and paste message that hasn't done anything. If it had worked 4 days ago, like they said it would it wouldn't be a problem. Instead they keep giving us that bull reply. If you're paying for a surface and it's down, and you have no info on what is being done/or an ETA on it being back up.

    I have gotten neither, essentially leading to my money being stolen.

    Don't know what "surface" you're paying for, I usually pay for "service" not "servoce"

  • kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    If you pay for something and it doesn't work for you, while it supposedly works for other are you just going to be okay with that? Hmmmm?
  • empireofsteveempireofsteve Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kyledewitt wrote: »
    Continually updated information. All they have given us is a cut and paste message that hasn't done anything. If it had worked 4 days ago, like they said it would it wouldn't be a problem. Instead they keep giving us that bull reply. If you're paying for a surface and it's down, and you have no info on what is being done/or an ETA on it being back up.

    I have gotten neither, essentially leading to my money being stolen.

    Well as of right now, if you are a sub you are at $2 of 'stolen' money. Time for a story.

    4 years ago I worked for the redbox call centre. I worked there for two weeks before I quit. I had more than one person call in and actually scream at me over an extra $1 charge. I understand getting upset and wanting it corrected but screaming? That's excessive. I never take these types of calls serious so I just went along with them until one day the guy asked for my name and address and said he was filing a lawsuit against red box and me for a $3 charge on his account. He put him on hold and started laying my back end off. The next day O quit because of how serious people got over such little things.

    My point? Relax and go outside. Life is worth living
  • wanderernotlostwanderernotlost Member Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    kyledewitt wrote: »
    If you pay for something and it doesn't work for you, while it supposedly works for other are you just going to be okay with that? Hmmmm?

    No, however when I go to the doctor and tell him " I'm sick." He May have to diagnosis what's wrong either by asking for more information or running tests. These things take time. Don't want to go in for a broken leg and get treated for an ear infection. still will have bad leg.

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