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Crashing after todays patch 10-03-13 [Resolved! Welcome home!]



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    phreakbeephreakbee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Really cant imagine its at our end as we are not running all in the same computer, we all have different specs and processors, yes it seams that most of us are running older models but the game for me worked fine up to and hour before this patch.

    I patched the game and thats when i started having problems. This is the first time in almost the 4 years that I have been playing this game that I have had this serious problem. Im being patient as i know that they cant fix it over night but the longer i wait the more i loose this will be the 3rd day of not running the Crystalline Event for the Shards on all of my 5 Characters.

    Yeah! What he just said, in triplicate. I have all these pew/craptic appologists basically saying those of us having problems are neophyte idiots whom can't tell gigahertz from gigabytes, and running trash 80's ( or 386's for those too young to remember the trs/comodores) with 1200 baud phone modems. All of the problems have arisen from the last "patch" ( is it just me, or is the idea of so many "patches" somewhat disconcerting?) and it also seems to be a regional issue ( one appologist explained he was using an "older" system and yet was able to login and play well.... even though he was in the sillycone valley). It seems that the people on either coast have little trouble, and it also seems that it isn't an older system or newer system issue as both have people who can and can't login.
    The only real fact remains: nobody had problems before the patch on thursday am.
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    phreakbeephreakbee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    couldn't have put it better myself

    Again.... "Yeah! What he just said! In triplicate!"
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    phreakbeephreakbee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I refuse to buy anything new just to play the game... I spend enough to play as it is.... this is their issue... if they don't attempt to fix it or even acknowledge we need assistance bad as I hate to leave i will rather than keep paying for a service I'm not getting.

    I am in full agreement here!
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    phreakbeephreakbee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Really cant imagine its at our end as we are not running all in the same computer, we all have different specs and processors, yes it seams that most of us are running older models but the game for me worked fine up to and hour before this patch.

    I patched the game and thats when i started having problems. This is the first time in almost the 4 years that I have been playing this game that I have had this serious problem. Im being patient as i know that they cant fix it over night but the longer i wait the more i loose this will be the 3rd day of not running the Crystalline Event for the Shards on all of my 5 Characters.
    ok guys its the vid cards... thank God my brother in law has a garage full of old parts from his older game pcs.... he fixed me right up with a nvidia card... its not even to spec for the game and it works like a dream... so this is on loan until hopefully i can buy the one i need... at least this has worked for me... good luck!
    Unfortunately, 99% of the time problems like this tend to be on the users end, so that is always the first 'answer' until proven otherwise. Kinda like when you call the cable company and the first thing they make you do is reboot the cable modem and reset the converter box. And from their point of view, it *is* on our end. Otherwise, no one would be able to play. :/

    Anyway, folks just need to be calm and submit tickets so that they can figure out what is causing the problem and implement a fix or give us a way to get around it. They aren't going to roll back a patch just because a few hundred people can't play. Much as we all might wish otherwise.

    I tell ya what. YOU be calm and submit tickets that get ignored. I just spent $100.00 on this game wednesday. And it isn't >>OUR<< systems as it has affected every spectrum of player/systems. The only fact and/or commonality is that NO-ONE had ANY problems of this magnitude prior to the patch. I, for one am not going to remain idle nor calm after spending that kind of money and have apoologists for pew/craptic come out of the woodwork and insult my intelligence by trying to blame what they percieve (incorrectly) to be my fault or my systems fault.
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    royalsovereignroyalsovereign Member Posts: 1,344 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    phreakbee wrote: »
    I tell ya what. YOU be calm and submit tickets that get ignored. I just spent $100.00 on this game wednesday. And it isn't >>OUR<< systems as it has affected every spectrum of player/systems. The only fact and/or commonality is that NO-ONE had ANY problems of this magnitude prior to the patch. I, for one am not going to remain idle nor calm after spending that kind of money and have apoologists for pew/craptic come out of the woodwork and insult my intelligence by trying to blame what they percieve (incorrectly) to be my fault or my systems fault.

    Sorry you spent $100.

    It is our systems. Otherwise *everyone* would be affected. The *vast* majority of the playerbase is having no problems since the patch.

    Does this mean that it doesn't need to be fixed? No. But it is impossible to test software that has to run on everything from a brand new Alienware top of the line bleeding edge machine to a 10 year old Win 95 clunker with drivers that are 8 years old. Were you testing the patch on beta before it went live? No? Didn't think so.

    Expecting that a fix magically appears overnight simply isn't realistic. Expecting people to work overtime on the weekends to fix a problem with a *game* just so you aren't inconvenienced is ... considerably beyond unrealistic.

    It is not at all helpful for anyone to come in here gnashing your teeth. All it does is make people angrier than they already are, and clutter up a thread that *might* have some *useful* information. But by all means, go ahead and vent. Won't help anything, but maybe it'll make *you* feel a tiny bit better.
    "You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
    --Red Annorax
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    fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Sorry you spent $100.

    It is our systems. Otherwise *everyone* would be affected. The *vast* majority of the playerbase is having no problems since the patch.

    Does this mean that it doesn't need to be fixed? No. But it is impossible to test software that has to run on everything from a brand new Alienware top of the line bleeding edge machine to a 10 year old Win 95 clunker with drivers that are 8 years old. Were you testing the patch on beta before it went live? No? Didn't think so.

    Expecting that a fix magically appears overnight simply isn't realistic. Expecting people to work overtime on the weekends to fix a problem with a *game* just so you aren't inconvenienced is ... considerably beyond unrealistic.

    It is not at all helpful for anyone to come in here gnashing your teeth. All it does is make people angrier than they already are, and clutter up a thread that *might* have some *useful* information. But by all means, go ahead and vent. Won't help anything, but maybe it'll make *you* feel a tiny bit better.

    It is not our systems....
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    chewmagnachewmagna Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Expecting that a fix magically appears overnight simply isn't realistic. Expecting people to work overtime on the weekends to fix a problem with a *game* just so you aren't inconvenienced is ... considerably beyond unrealistic.

    It damn well isn't unrealistic. This *game* as you put it is a business, and people are paying this business expecting to receive a working product in return. When people throw money at something only to be given a broken product they have every right to get upset and say something about it. The people working to keep the game running have a responsibility to do just that, keep it running. It's their job and I guarantee it isn't overtime they'll be making either.

    It's kinda like you going to work and then just sitting on your TRIBBLE all day, having your boss come up to you and tell you to get to work only for you to say that it's "unrealistic."
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    dargalanddargaland Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I imagine this forum is only showing a very small percentage of people being affected by this problem.

    Laptop users can't easily replace video cards as mentioned.

    Many games have had similar issues....... resolution was simple.....roll back. Fix the snippet of code that causes the problem then re-issue the patch.
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    halfpint71kyhalfpint71ky Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    First yes its the patch. I tend to beleive it effected older video cards in particular older Radeon and Intel, swapping cards did fix mine. I agree we shouldn't have to fix it either and that anger won't get it fixed faster. Stil PWE and Cryptic are huge companies who provide a service to the public, we sponser them with subscriptions monthly, lifetime, or with our in game purchases. As players we are the reason they exist our contentment will reflect well on the games, we tell people about the game, more people will join. It has to come full circle. In a game that is this large I find it relavent to occasionally need to add new content repair certain bugs etc. I can live with these inconviences. Still on thursday early the 10/3/2013 patch was implemented that effected several of us negatively... Thursday morning... we got a few token be patients from Bran and I truly do appreciate all efforts he made on our behalf I know he did all he was able to help. So I submitted tickets crash reports etc. i did every thing they said drivers reinstall the gamebit and nothing what so ever worked.

    The lack of any other options or feedback was disappointing. Thru trial and error with many different users feed back we narrowed down what could be the problem. Still no feed back, still no game, and still everyone felt cheated. So yes as a paying customer i expect services to be rendered in a timely manner and if not an occasional update a token to say yes you matter and yes we are looking into this issue. We had very few attempts at that up to a point when the work day was done. Granted i know that people have to be off work at some time. But yet given the size of the company why is there no 24 hour services with technicians available to help at all times... (I truly thought they did until i was informed differently)... its not because it is free to play either. I played farmville and other such games as well as pogo games and msn zone years ago... all have 24 hour services. They also had options of talking directly with a technician if you needed that assistance. I want to know why cryptic doesn't as huge as the following for their games are. That not withstand they had nearly 2 whole days before the weekend to at least attempt to contact us via this forum yet nothing was done to assist those of us effected I feel yes we were ignored, and they knew that it was the patch that created the problem.

    So please pardon me if i sounded a bit ticked off pardon those of us who spent actual cash and we expected to get what we pay for... if the cable company has to reimburse me for the days they don't work why should i not expect the same from any one else. if i buy a happy meal and get no french fries do you think i'm not going back to ask Ronald what the heck is up? I wanted fries with that!
    Proud Member of the Order of persistence, Chief of Investigations"Persistent Officer"since 11/12/13...:P 600 strong and growing...all phages, vidians, other outcasts welcome, note: all new members BYOC (bring your own chair) please and thank you! Five time winner in 1st and 2nd annual last 500 tied for top 2000 @halfpint71ky
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    phreakbeephreakbee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Sorry you spent $100.

    It is our systems. Otherwise *everyone* would be affected. The *vast* majority of the playerbase is having no problems since the patch.

    Does this mean that it doesn't need to be fixed? No. But it is impossible to test software that has to run on everything from a brand new Alienware top of the line bleeding edge machine to a 10 year old Win 95 clunker with drivers that are 8 years old. Were you testing the patch on beta before it went live? No? Didn't think so.

    Expecting that a fix magically appears overnight simply isn't realistic. Expecting people to work overtime on the weekends to fix a problem with a *game* just so you aren't inconvenienced is ... considerably beyond unrealistic.

    It is not at all helpful for anyone to come in here gnashing your teeth. All it does is make people angrier than they already are, and clutter up a thread that *might* have some *useful* information. But by all means, go ahead and vent. Won't help anything, but maybe it'll make *you* feel a tiny bit better.

    Again, you go ahead and do that. There are HUNDREDS being affected if you look up giantbomb , steam and other non pew/craptic forums. AND....And this isn't a sudden or surprising foxtrot uniform, either. The complaints about pew/craptic servers and some idiot telling people it's not pew/craptic servers, but their own systems, has been going on since at least 2010 on some of the steam forums. And you're sorry I spent money? Not as sorry as I am.
    Now get your glasses and a cuppa to jolt your mind, so you can follow along:

    A: my system meets or exceeds the requirements listed on the dowload page.
    B: my isp is one of the best in this country
    C: I have had no problems with any other service or game site.
    D: I have invested almost $300.00 in the last 2.5 months, on this game.

    Now...Since I have met or exceeded the initial requirements for this game, and I have no problems with other games ( even the pew/craptic ones like neverwinter), or probs with my ISP.... And these issues have come up AFTER the now infamous "patch" ( what other games or services require so much patching that you have to RE-PATCH each and everytime you login?), and....There are countless forums complaining about pew/craptic servers ( Take note the plurality, just because the server you use in lower ugadugu works, doesn't nescessarily translate that the server many of us in the north east or midwest U.S. works the same), and I have PAID currency for a product claiming to function with the aforementioned systems, and the product malfunctions, then I, and countless others experiencing the same defective product have legitimate cause.

    Oh, and by the way, they dinnae hae nae prams in the U.S.
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    phreakbeephreakbee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    "Does this mean that it doesn't need to be fixed? No. But it is impossible to test software that has to run on everything from a brand new Alienware top of the line bleeding edge machine to a 10 year old Win 95 clunker with drivers that are 8 years old. Were you testing the patch on beta before it went live? No? Didn't think so."

    I've (personally) beta tested everything from the original HARPOON (now called "classic") to the most recent charles foxtrot microsoft xbox. The first operating system I used was DOS 1.8 and the first "pc" I had was a crash 128, and the first time I took a class on pc's was in '86, so pardon me if I reccomend you stow your "patched beta testing patch" in your fourth point of contact.
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    phreakbeephreakbee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    chewmagna wrote: »
    It damn well isn't unrealistic. This *game* as you put it is a business, and people are paying this business expecting to receive a working product in return. When people throw money at something only to be given a broken product they have every right to get upset and say something about it. The people working to keep the game running have a responsibility to do just that, keep it running. It's their job and I guarantee it isn't overtime they'll be making either.

    It's kinda like you going to work and then just sitting on your TRIBBLE all day, having your boss come up to you and tell you to get to work only for you to say that it's "unrealistic."

    LOL!..... EXACTLY what he just said goes for me as well.
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    dartdukiidartdukii Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    taitie12 wrote: »
    im running the x300 same deal working perfect before also running 1.86 ghz intel processor 2 gb ram and xp sp3

    Dell Inspiron 6000? I ask cuz i have the 6000 model with 2 gigs of ram, x300, and Win 7 Ultimate.
    For a 5 years old laptop Win7 works like a charm. Unlike STO at the moment...
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    richardevegarichardevega Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    k well i might give in on monday and go to best buys and have a look at the cheapest graphics compatible card lol and hope for the best but really not liking this. Was told that since i have an integrated Intel one it should be no problem adding a new card in hope its true. And just had a look at the games system req and i do meet them so not sure why this is happening altho at the start of this year they implemented a change to the integrated Intel Graphics card/

    System Requirements:
    If the system doesn't meet the requirements of the game, the game will either not run at all or give a less than desirable performance. To ensure a smooth gaming experience, we recommend that you meet the following

    Operating System
    Windows XP SP2 / Windows Vista / Windows 7 (32 or 64-bit) Meet Req
    Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 Ghz or AMD Athlon X2 3800+
    Memory: 1GB RAM Meet Req
    Hard Disk
    10GB Free Disk Space Meet Req
    Graphic Display
    NVIDIA GeForce 7950 / ATI Radeon X1800 / Intel HD Graphics
    Sound Drivers
    DirectX 9.0c Compatible Soundcard Meet Req
    Version 9.0c or Higher Meet Req
    Internet Broadband Connection Required Def Meet Req
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    taitie12taitie12 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    dartdukii wrote: »
    Dell Inspiron 6000? I ask cuz i have the 6000 model with 2 gigs of ram, x300, and Win 7 Ultimate.
    For a 5 years old laptop Win7 works like a charm. Unlike STO at the moment...

    im using an IBM think pad T41 2005 I think with XP service pack 3
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    deaftravis05deaftravis05 Member Posts: 4,885 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    whhoo... lots of pissed off people... poor Bran when he gets back tomorrow...
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    richardevegarichardevega Member Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    whhoo... lots of pissed off people... poor Bran when he gets back tomorrow...

    This has nothing NOTHING to do with Brandon hes not even incharge of overseeing patches, he just relays info to the right people. Leave Branflakes Alone hehehehehe really should have uploaded that clip
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    darthmalendarthmalen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I am also having the same problem STILL!
    I have no problems logging onto my NeverWinter account....what the deal manz?
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    holger591973holger591973 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Hi @ All

    I do not know how you see the thing now, but I actually find it almost insolent of Cryptic. For well over three days at least approximately 1000 people can not come into play and it was determined well written 550000 tickets. And what makes Cryptic: weekend. Something does not work.

    I hope CRYPTIC can think of ne good excuse and I hope that they give out something as compensation.

    Surely it can not really be that hard to make the patch from Thursday to reverse. So you need but only NEN backup from the day before or so and import finished.

    CRYPTIC ALSO WHERE IS THE PROBLEM ......................

    sorry german Translate with Google Translator

    The German Text:

    Hi @ All

    Ich wei? ja nicht wie ihr die sache Mittlerweile sieht, aber ich finde es eigentlich schon fast unversch?mt von Cryptic. Seit gut drei Tagen k?nnen mindestens cirka 1000 Leute nicht ins Spiel und es wurden bestimmt gut 550000 Tickets geschrieben. Und was macht Cryptic: Wochenende. Sowas geht gar nicht.

    Ich hoffe CRYPTIC l??t sich ne gute Entschuldigung einfallen und hoffe das sie mal was als Entsch?digung rausgeben.

    Es kann doch eigentlich nicht so schwer sein, den Patch von Donnerstag wieder r?ckg?ngig zu machen. Da braucht man doch nur nen Backup vom Vortag oder so einspielen und fertig.

    ALSO CRYPTIC WO IST DAS PROBLEM......................
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    demonofrazgriz96demonofrazgriz96 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Well folks what I'm reading I think our problem is not directly related to video cards the only thing we all have in common is the lack of file patchxfer.log and components we use somewhat advanced age, although we could run the game usually before the last patch.

    Probably the problem can involve any question about the firmware of our equipment which came into conflict with the new patch data or for some other reason our patch is coming corrupted, or is corrupted in our machines. But in other words brings us to a software problem and not hardware itself.

    Well, of course some are my ideas and I MAY BE WRONG, I am not an authority on the subject. We can only hope the team's cryptic fix the problem that we are already missing the crystaline event and dhilitium each day.
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    kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I do say it would be nice to have someone from Cryptic give us some kind of info on this screwed up patch, instead of ignoring it's subscribers.
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    nekomimimode2nekomimimode2 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    First Oct 3 patch attempt today at 7:30am
    Intel i7 920 2.67GHz
    Asus HD7770 graphics
    6GB memory

    Does Not work
    First Oct 3 patch attempt Oct 3
    Dell Inspiron 9200 laptop
    intel pentium m 1.6GHz
    2GB memory
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    kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    First Oct 3 patch attempt today at 7:30am
    Intel i7 920 2.67GHz
    Asus HD7770 graphics
    6GB memory

    Does Not work
    First Oct 3 patch attempt Oct 3
    Dell Inspiron 9200 laptop
    intel pentium m 1.6GHz
    2GB memory

    So they're prejudice against us laptop users?:mad:
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    bombadier2bombadier2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm using a desktop and it's still fked up
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    kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It's sad with 27 pages they are ignoring us and stealing our money.
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    kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Paying players are not a top priority, that's even worse.
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    kyledewittkyledewitt Member Posts: 124 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I don't appreciate paying money, apply their patch, and be told it's my computer. Plus, now I risk missing out on the special event due to their screwup, which is also unacceptable.
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