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Tour the Universe cooldown change -- 4 hour cooldown added *now in patch notes*



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    el1mel1m Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    askray wrote: »
    5 minutes would still continue the problem but just make it slightly less of an issue. The majority of players take around 20ish minutes to finish and as such that is why i agreed with the 20 minute CD.

    The only problem it was causing is it was cutting into Cryptics greed, they must already have a phenomenal profit margin and people making 3 million from the tour once a day was not competing with that. Total guess work but this change will probably amount to less than 1% change to their profit margin because contrary to their belief that people are now going to throw themselves at things like the conveniently timed Gold Subscription sale, how many other people noticed that; they are not. We are in a world recession for Christ sake. So that just shows to me at least that Cryptic care more about their bottom line than they do their customers and they claim that "they forgot to put this in the patch notes" they did not they showed their intent by the fact they have been trying to slip stealth nerfs in for weeks to test how astute people are and they failed miserably to be honest!

    They need to remember if they force the F2P element out of this game which, definatley seems to be their mandate atm, they are not going to convert as many as they think they are to paying customers. I spent ?10 on this game for one purpose only and that was to enter a contract with Cryptic so that I had rights protected in consumer law seeing how quickly they like to apply arbitrary bans, that was a one time payment that will never be repeated. They will just force the F2P element out of the game and then who will the subscribers have to lord it over. They will stop subscribing as it offers no advantage and then only Lifers will be left who have already paid their lot. Its a slippery road to be on!
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    stoutesstoutes Member Posts: 4,219 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    askray wrote: »
    Problem is they saw it as an exploit and as such, it won't go back to what it was most likely. So, I'm sure, if we come up with a good alternative they'd at least be willing to consider :)

    The damage has already been done, uncertainty about the future has been sown. Trust between player and STO has taken a hit.

    Even when it's reverted or some alternative (and what will the alternative break?) is thought of, it will not be the same.

    I wonder what the short- and longterm effect will turn out to be.
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    lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I used to run the event religiously, and as a KDF player I was horrified at the exploitability the Feds had in the event that KDF players couldn't match. The event can be comfortably run in 20 minutes WITHOUT any mission warping, no rp, di, or special engines. The cooldown effectively kills all those exploits BUT having a 20 minute cooldown on servers that hiccup all the time WILL limit everyone to 2 runs if the server gets tempermental. A cooldown of 16-18 minutes from mission acceptance will guarantee everyone can do only 3 runs every event, regardless of gear, powers, or cheats.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
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    el1mel1m Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Someone put the Picard Quote on here joking "The line must be drawn here ...." but it seriously applies. This is just the thin end of the wedge, if we let them get away with this without grief they won't think twice next time! We need to teach them a lesson they won't forget! Hot them where it hurts and they may just think twice next time! If we don't take action then those of you thinking you are sitting pretty because your method of grinding, EC, Dil or whatever then it will not be long before they get to yours! Another famous quote fits this situation well too:

    First they came for the communists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

    Then they came for the socialists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

    Then they came for the Catholics,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Catholic.

    Then they came for me,
    and there was no one left to speak for me!
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    url1kurl1k Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It's easy to get rid of the "exploit" avility. Have a 30 minute or longer cool down if you drop the mission but no cool down if you succesfully complete the quest.

    As others have said, with a 4 hour coold down Cryptic might as well just make it a daily quest and throw it out of the event rotation completely.
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    sneyepersneyeper Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    askray wrote: »
    5 minutes would still continue the problem but just make it slightly less of an issue. The majority of players take around 20ish minutes to finish and as such that is why i agreed with the 20 minute CD.

    Quite frankly you are wrong.

    Using every trick in the book including the exploit, the most ec that could be made in 5 minutes is 200k (Orellius, Eta Eridani, Gamma Orionis, and Pelia). In an hour you could make 12 runs then, which means that the absolute most ec that could be made in an hour using every possible trick with a 5 minute cd is 2.4 million ec.

    Running a complete tour is 350k ec. With the exact same build as used above, I can run a complete tour in about 8 minutes. That is a total of about 7 complete runs in an hour, which would net 2.45 million ec. I could milk just a little more out of that if needed.

    A 5 minute cd puts any conceived "exploit" run on par with complete runs - so no advantage over the route chosen.

    The only way that folks could make more ec in an hour, was to pick up up tour, run 4 or less sectors (but offset with more laps), drop tour, and pick it up in less time than 5 minutes. A 5 minute cd is all that is needed to fix the problem.

    I commend folks who suggest 15-20 minutes. While wrong, it's far closer to a proper fix than the 4 hour brainchild of Cryptic.
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    johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Folks, are we speculating on what the actual exploit is? Are we absolutely sure it was the 3 Mil EC in an hour thing? I stalked Dev Tracker, and while Brandon does say it was done to close an exploit, there was no comment on WHAT the exploit was... so I find it hard to believe that it was done over 3 Million EC in an hour once a day. Not saying it wasn't but... seems small potatoes in my opinion.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
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    sneyepersneyeper Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    NO to a 20 minute cooldown, that limits everyone to a MAX of 3 runs provided the server loads immediately everytime we try to accept the event. It's too close of a time limit, look what happened to the vault event when they messed with the cooldown timer- it became a ghost town event.

    15-18 minute cooldown would be perfect.

    I can do a complete run in 8 minutes. A 5 min cd is all that is needed - don't limit me to the mediocrity of others.
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    sneyepersneyeper Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    askray wrote: »
    Problem is they saw it as an exploit and as such, it won't go back to what it was most likely. So, I'm sure, if we come up with a good alternative they'd at least be willing to consider :)

    I can count on 1 finger how many times Cryptic has "compromised" (figure it out..)
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    lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sneyeper wrote: »

    I commend folks who suggest 15-20 minutes. While wrong, it's far closer to a proper fix than the 4 hour brainchild of Cryptic.

    LOL, "while wrong..."

    So being 'right' is to tune the cooldown to allow every conceivable exploit to still be used, and continue limiting the number of runs by the under equipped ships ?

    I thought Cryptics plan was to 'close the exploits'.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
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    matrix0matrix0 Member Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You guys can cry as much as you want, but it aint change anything. The devs (imo PWE economist/analysts) made the change because there was too much ECs influx, resulting an inflation which was bad. For those who keep saying that the Tour is needed for the rep system, it's totally bs. Ecs are so easy to get in STO because of the loot you get in patrol missions/stf. T5 rep needs about 120k ec /day, so you need a total of 360k-400k ecs a day for the 3 rep system max. I have no trouble at all finding that amount of Ec daily, and I'm only a casual player. I'm pitying all the peeps who playing a game not for fun but farming. They're basically slaves to the game.

    Imo however, it's a little too late because of all the Ecs from the exploit. An F2P mmo requires a balance economy in order to survive. This change is made to combat the farmers/exploiters in every F2P.

    Overprice in the exchange wont go down either because the damage is already done. The price in the exchange probably scares the hell out of new comers. The devs attempt to rectify/control this by introducing rep/fleet/embassy items since there isn't a dil influx due to daily limit.
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    sneyepersneyeper Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    LOL, "while wrong..."

    So being 'right' is to tune the cooldown to allow every conceivable exploit to still be used, and continue limiting the number of runs by the under equipped ships ?

    I thought Cryptics plan was to 'close the exploits'.

    Read the entire post. I said exactly how to fix the exploit with a cd, while at the same time not nerfing legitimate tour runners. And if someone chose a different/incomplete route, they would still not gain an advantage over anyone else.
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    lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sneyeper wrote: »
    Read the entire post. I said exactly how to fix the exploit with a cd, while at the same time not nerfing legitimate tour runners. And if someone chose a different/incomplete route, they would still not gain an advantage over anyone else.

    I did, multiple times. 12 partial runs vs 7 complete runs all while using every exploit known is still cheating.

    Cryptic isn't limiting you to the mediocrity of others, your proposal is limiting everyone else to mediocrity if they don't know how to exploit the loopholes.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
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    greuceangreucean Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sneyeper wrote: »
    Read the entire post. I said exactly how to fix the exploit with a cd, while at the same time not nerfing legitimate tour runners. And if someone chose a different/incomplete route, they would still not gain an advantage over anyone else.

    And how many times do we have to go through this?
    There is no "exploit". There is no "legitimate" vs. "illegitimate".
    Read the mission text before you pick it up again. It DOES NOT SAY how many, in what order, or which sectors you should be doing. You do what u can, within 1 hour. THATS IT.
    And no more "KDF is poor" in this one. Nobody who played KDF for more than a day can claim that.

    You're trying to make the glove fit your hand.
    Either put it back the way it was, or leave it like it is now. Everyone does 1 tour, and that's it. No more. No less. No 'but I'm special", I can do better. Fine... but don't impose your standards over everyone else.
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    quasar0541quasar0541 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    askray wrote: »
    Problem is they saw it as an exploit and as such, it won't go back to what it was most likely. So, I'm sure, if we come up with a good alternative they'd at least be willing to consider :)

    Therefore we should know what this exploit was exaclty.
    I assume it is something with cancel the mission and restart it.
    If the exploit works like this, then it should be enough to do not allow to cancel the mission, or to allow canceling and add a coodown of 1h it is cancelled.

    This is a fair solution to avoid using the exploit and allow normal users to fly the mission up to 4 times / event.
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    sneyepersneyeper Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    I did, multiple times. 12 partial runs vs 7 complete runs all while using every exploit known is still cheating.

    Cryptic isn't limiting you to the mediocrity of others, your proposal is limiting everyone else to mediocrity if they don't know how to exploit the loopholes.

    12 partial runs = 2.4 million ec
    7 complete runs = 2.45 million ec

    Run the tour however you like, but a 5 minute cd means there is no reward advantage over anyone else regardless of the route. Not sure how to explain it any clearer.
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    tarastheslayertarastheslayer Member Posts: 1,541 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2013
    Surely the obvious solution to this, is to make a full payout after completion that goes up the quicker you do the race in. That means people have a reason to make fast ships and it can't be considered an exploit, simple.
    Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
    I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
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    sneyepersneyeper Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    greucean wrote: »
    And how many times do we have to go through this?
    There is no "exploit". There is no "legitimate" vs. "illegitimate".
    Read the mission text before you pick it up again. It DOES NOT SAY how many, in what order, or which sectors you should be doing. You do what u can, within 1 hour. THATS IT.
    And no more "KDF is poor" in this one. Nobody who played KDF for more than a day can claim that.

    I agree with you. Cryptic decided to call it an exploit after it being in game as is for years. The best we can do is say that a 4 hour cd is ridiculous, and suggest alternatives that prevent exploits while not punishing legitimate tour runners. I do seriously doubt Cryptic will listen - hopes are meant to be dashed and Cryptic is an expert at such.
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    maximgorkiymaximgorkiy Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    "---> So you want constructive feedback: If I endows a new ship of my romulan Charakter for example, I do need a lot of CE, as many parts are unrealistically expensive in the exchange market. But I have not so much time to farm. Since I was very glad to have the tour the universe. So I could get with relatively little expenditure of time 3,000,000 CE. However, the short tour is quite challenging because you do here must be very focused, so that one does not make mistakes and thus lose time. Now if you only can make the complete tour per event once again, you get 350 000 CE, which is about 10%. That spoils the fun!"

    That was my post to this thread. But now i must read a discussion about an shorter cooldown about 20 minutes ore 5 minutes in the tour ????? What is up whith you, are you all stup. ?? We didn't need any cooldown. Why to the devil we need a cd? Do we earn to much EC ??? And whats up to the high prices in the exchange market? Do the prices go down ??? NO.

    But why do we have no cooldown on the hor'gahns hunt on risa summerevent? For one lolunat favor we earn 3500 CE !!! And howmany we can farm a day?

    I Can't understand, whats the problem !!! :eek: :mad:
    MB: MSI MPG X570 GP 2.0
    CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X
    Mem: Samsung DDR4 -2132 8GB (x2)
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    System: Micrsft. Windows 10 Pro v.21H2
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    cletusdeadmancletusdeadman Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sneyeper wrote: »
    I do seriously doubt Cryptic will listen - hopes are meant to be dashed and Cryptic is an expert at such.

    Funny you should bring that up.
    Even with two LTS in my household, STO is the only game played from Cryptic or PWE. These companies are so repressive in their game play and design I don't even bother.
    This heavy handed style is in everything just look.
    Lobi crystals
    Tour Nerf
    Go Down Fighting Nerf
    Account binding
    Fleet Store as one ship on one character
    Mark type selection for reputation system not on all events
    Reputation system grind discount for other toons
    Pretty much anything that make sense or seems logical won't be a Cryptic release note. But have an exploit to something that has been in game for years or dancing Borgz, and its dont walk, run with the Nerf Hammer.
    Just heavy handed repressive game design to prevent fun. If you don't fit their closed box, cubed in, play as I say design, you don't belong here.
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    saarek2505saarek2505 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    "---> So you want constructive feedback: If I endows a new ship of my romulan Charakter for example, I do need a lot of CE, as many parts are unrealistically expensive in the exchange market. But I have not so much time to farm. Since I was very glad to have the tour the universe. So I could get with relatively little expenditure of time 3,000,000 CE. However, the short tour is quite challenging because you do here must be very focused, so that one does not make mistakes and thus lose time. Now if you only can make the complete tour per event once again, you get 350 000 CE, which is about 10%. That spoils the fun!"

    That was my post to this thread. But now i must read a discussion about an shorter cooldown about 20 minutes ore 5 minutes in the tour ????? What is up whith you, are you all stup. ?? We didn't need any cooldown. Why to the devil we need a cd? Do we earn to much EC ??? And whats up to the high prices in the exchange market? Do the prices go down ??? NO.

    But why do we have no cooldown on the hor'gahns hunt on risa summerevent? For one lolunat favor we earn 3500 CE !!! And howmany we can farm a day?

    I Can't understand, whats the problem !!! :eek: :mad:

    maxim i agree with you
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    greuceangreucean Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    sneyeper wrote: »
    I do seriously doubt Cryptic will listen - hopes are meant to be dashed and Cryptic is an expert at such.

    You're right. This is futile and I give up.
    If I was a decision factor working for them.... after reading all the arguments in this thread, some of which are devastatingly correct, I would have at least said something, out of shame if not to actually explain/excuse "why" we did what we did.

    Perhaps this was an order from "way up" and they can't really do anything either.
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    newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited July 2013
    They are just bring the tour reward in line with what you can get from doing the foundry - that seems to be the logical answer.

    which is $350k or so
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    lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    They are just bring the tour reward in line with what you can get from doing the foundry - that seems to be the logical answer.

    which is $350k or so

    Ya can't get 350K in 8 minutes from the foundry anymore. 'Some' didn't like the story missions getting ignored so foundry rewards were clobbered. Now it's another waste of time.

    ...Are you saying this Tour nerf is collateral damage from the foundry war ?
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
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    newromulan1newromulan1 Member Posts: 2,229
    edited July 2013
    lordmalak1 wrote: »
    Ya can't get 350K in 8 minutes from the foundry anymore. 'Some' didn't like the story missions getting ignored so foundry rewards were clobbered. Now it's another waste of time.

    did they remove the 15 min shot 10 waves of ships things? And if not then they are still making the tour better at 8-10 min for $350k
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    mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    greucean wrote: »
    You're right. This is futile and I give up.
    If I was a decision factor working for them.... after reading all the arguments in this thread, some of which are devastatingly correct, I would have at least said something, out of shame if not to actually explain/excuse "why" we did what we did.

    Perhaps this was an order from "way up" and they can't really do anything either.

    or they just don't care. they are probably laughing at this thread right now.:(
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    lordmalak1lordmalak1 Member Posts: 4,681 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    did they remove the 15 min shot 10 waves of ships things? And if not then they are still making the tour better at 8-10 min for $350k

    Last I heard they made foundry awards not apply to anything under 15 minutes or so, what the award was I dunno- I quit even looking at those mission a few weeks earlier.
    KBF Lord MalaK
    Awoken Dead

    Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
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    johnny111971johnny111971 Member Posts: 1,300 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    did they remove the 15 min shot 10 waves of ships things? And if not then they are still making the tour better at 8-10 min for $350k

    I dont think he said exactly the same, just inline with. And, his argument makes sense. If there is a particular way that rewards FAR more <insert currency here> to time invested than any other mission, chances are something is broke.

    If there is no other mission that can produce that amount of EC in that period of time, then yeah it was broke... This is similar to when Nukara first came out, and you could farm insane amounts of fleet marks... or removing the double dip dilithium wrapper from Btran Exploration.

    Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
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    rathelmrathelm Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    greucean wrote: »
    No it does not.

    The Tour was hard work, an "exploit" makes things easier. This... running around in circles for a whole hour WAS NOT DAMN EASY.
    Stop trying to make us racers look like scheming little cheaters that were getting away with it the easy way....

    Please. Flying in circles is hard work? Its not like the game is asking you to physically run around the block to get paid. Tour was the easiest way to get a ton of EC. You act like if you didn't finish it half a dozen times in the 4 sector loop that you didn't get paid at all. If you lazily flew around you still made a ton of EC.
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    druhindruhin Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Hi Captains,

    An update -- the change was unfortunately missing from Tribble and Holodeck patch notes. I've added it to yesterday's Holodeck patch notes now. We apologize that it was missing.

    Please keep feedback constructive in this thread so that I may pass it along for consideration.

    EDIT: It was changed to close an exploit, but we will still consider your constructive feedback.


    Brandon =/\=

    How long has Tour the Galaxy been around? If it was an exploit, should it not have been dealt with a lot sooner?

    Going ahead with these underhanded nerfs to the game without notifying the community, is what causes people to lose faith and trust in your developers.

    As for Constructive feedback:

    - Remove the cooldown on the Tour the Galaxy mission.
    - Remove the Energy Credit reward "per sector block"
    - Add Energy Credit reward (cumulative total) upon completing Tour the Galaxy


    Result: People run the full tour (as intended), gain the same amount of Energy Credits that they should've gotten, and have the chance to run the tour more than once per hour.
This discussion has been closed.